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Private Rebuilding of Bakura

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Time had a curious habit of being quick to leave while simultaneously slow to pass.

A few wars, a galactic menace or two, and a handful of knives in the back. A lot had happened within the past six years, most of the events already sorted, filed, and left to collect dust in Cara's mind. But there remained one memory that couldn't be relegated to the past, one which led Cara straight to
Wulfngard. Four years ago Bakura burned. It was the work of the very entity whose halls she then tread, the enigmatic Eternal Empire.

Once allies, it was they who held one of the knives found in the Sith Empire's back, betraying her government in a bid to remove its own rebels and an imperial rival. Now the knife was removed, the wound healing, and an ally restored with the former empress regent Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir assuming command of the Eternals. Yet still Cara carried a distinct bitterness toward them for their actions. Oh she did not mind the new empress, the woman a familiar presence on the battlefield and within Sith-imperial politics. However there was that which Cara cherished above most in life, her homeworld and its people, their culture, and their unified identity as Bakurans. It was a love that eclipsed even the loyalty to her empire, an empire who had opened the door for her to be at Wulfngard that day.

At last she was at a position that enabled her words to carry a measure of weight, something which she never thought herself to ever be glad of. She held the oncoming meeting with Empress L'lerim-Vandiir to be the most vital use of her influence up to that point, a chance to restore what was so swiftly destroyed. If it wasn't so artificial Cara's heart would be pounding as excitement and anxiety played with her mind in equal measure. Her hand fell from the collar pins of her uniform as the double doors of the meeting room opened and she adjusted the twice-inspected datapad under her arm. She felt the hands of Bakura's people resting on her shoulders, and for the first time in decades she caught herself issuing a prayer.

Her voice and posture were untouched by the varied cast of emotions as she entered the room. "Your Highness," she bowed at the waist, "I thank you for entertaining my request to meet."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Fortress of Solitude, Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Visit of another Sith Imperial leader; They have been to this many times since the death of AMCO AMCO than before. It was as if they wanted to keep an eye on her whether or not they would remain their ally. It was probably not true, she was just exhausted. Ingrid didn’t really know that the last time she slept, she “ate” enough life-force to make it unnecessary. When she slept, dreamed of him and it was painful. Preferred to flee to work, where she did not even feel the passage of time. But that wasn't good because she forgot the death of her beloved husband. But it didn't hurt for at least a few minutes.

Although weeks passed, but maybe months her condition did not get better, the wounds caused by the termination of the Force-bond did not heal anything. It hurt just like when she held Adrian's body in her arms crying in the cave. She could have screamed in pain even now. But had to stay strong, for Tubrok, for the “unborn” children, for the Empire, and for her family. Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano and Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps have already assured that they want to be the godparents of both children. Ingrid wasn't alone, yet she felt this. She found no comfort or shelter even in Tubrok's embrace and arms. She was afraid to think about what would happen if she even lost him too, she couldn't stand it.

But returning to the meeting, Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn arrived that day because of Bakura. Years have passed since what Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe did there, it was time to really rebuild the planet to erase all traces of what had happened there years earlier. She was not the Emperor, she did not have to follow his footsteps. She promised him, to Adrian; and Ingrid always kept what she promised. This is also the legacy of her valkyri’s blood.

She was in Wulfngard because of the meeting, although she was here for the STRATCOM meeting anyway, but now she was also using the actual Imperial Palace, even though she didn't usually be here much just if she really had to. It had to be now. Fortress of Solitude; the name of this place was fit to her mood. Maybe after the children were “born,” they really should move here, it was the safest point in the Empire. And the library is exceptional, even Adrian found some books here that he didn’t own.

Greeted Lady Dorniarn in the huge dining room. As always, she wore a military uniform without any rank insignia. Sat in one of the side chairs of the long table, not even at the head of the table. She was still not interested in her imperial title. When the woman entered, she stood up and greeted the older woman with a nod.

"Lady Dorniarn, welcome to the palace of the late Darth Tacitus. Please come inside and take a seat. You want to talk to me about Bakura, don't you?" asked in her usual cold, military voice.



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