Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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REBEL ALLIANCE Interest Check!!!

Rebellions don't ever last long here, everyone is correct about that. And while it may look like a flop, I'd define it as more of a "inability to accomplish their goal within the Factions time limit." Because that's what a Rebellion is - a group with a goal. Don't pretend like you're freeing people from oppression - it may be true, but it's hardly motivating. You'll need a stronger goal to attract writers.

And if you actually want the Faction to last, make serious attempts to accomplish this goal. America rebelled - No taxation without representation. Baratheon rebelled - Mad King and his ilk went too far. Then there's the Star Wars Rebellion, which we all know and love.

And it's been such a big thing it's made us forget rationale and just jump for the title of "Rebel" rather than care for the reasons of how you became one.

Rebellions can be fun. I hope this one's different from the last few we had.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
It's also worth noting, Genevieve, that when Tef talks about a faction's time limit, it's not just a matter of how long you can stay active, it's a matter of how long you can stay relevant. The big picture changes fast and hard sometimes. Most of the time, you can adapt, but only most of the time.
Well, yes. But I'm saying that too many people think rebelling will work because of Star Wars canon and the movies. It won't work. People don't care enough and the OT is too tried and true to really shock and awe. And that's what catches people's attention. Shock and awe.

I'm trying to hint that instead of being rebellious, you should shoot for being revolutionary.

The aim is to stick around and be a force that lends a hand in rebellions or invasions in which we believe one side is a lesser evil. This will make us constantly relevant as we can affect the tide of battles. We will never run out of targets, no matter if the Republic exists or not. If some of our members dispatch to start a rebellio faction and are lucky enough to make it major, our constant minor faction status will allow them to retain ties with us--until they become more imperialist targets. :D
So I'd like to just make one last point before I leave this to whatever comes of it.

If you think about the original trilogy, the Alliance's mission is never actually stated. We really don't know exactly what they are without further sources. Are they anarchists? Are they the French Resistance? Are they trying to establish new government?

We don't know. All we know is that they're fighting off an oppressive, tyrannical empire that sends plastic soldiers wherever they please and blow up entire worlds. We never see them take territory. Not once.

So this Rebel Alliance I've proposed is not as foreign as some of you have made it out to be.

Thank you all for your well wishes. I hope to see some of you join me. :)
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
However in ROTS the mission is stated emphatically and clearly - to return democracy and justice to the Republic, and to bring back a Republic instead of an Empire.
It's all there, on film.

Were we only to take the OT, sure, but the films are very narrowly focused and end immediately after the Emperor's death. Doubtless Episode VII will shed more light on this.

However, it's pretty clear that it was intended that since their leaders are Senators and Aristos that this isn't some proletariat uprising.

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