Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Ravelin (Revelry and Pain) [NIO/Enclave]

Qom Jha, Former Military Tank Gunner and Thief
Lawq had to admit, the shrimpy, black-clad Officer she had found was at least mildly competent, even if his troopers, for whatever reason, were seemingly nowhere in sight around this rooftop revelry.

The man was patient as he and a seemingly-confused Stormtrooper had made their way alongside the demure alien that led him past the trembling, cross-legged Sullustan, with the crooked Imperial the Qom Jha had attacked cradling his own temple in much the same way as Lawq occasionally massaged her own, resting on his fat backside. The Qom Jha, ear twitching in annoyance as she winced from her own pain, gingerly stroked the bruise that had formed along her temple beneath her fur. The black-clad, scrawny Officer - one Kyen Larmek - bearing an odd, vertical scar across an otherwise youthful, blue-eyed face, turned to face the little alien who had accompanied him, his olive-skinned face revealing a distinct look of surprise.

"I'll be damned, just like in your recording..." His light blue eyes narrowed, and Lawq swayed her long, pointed tail to and fro, a swell of satisfaction bursting forth in her as one hand politely held aloft the indented silver disk of the holo-recorder in her long fingers, dropping it into the waiting palm of Larmek. While slow, the less-then-stellar Stormtrooper raised his rifle towards the groaning, scratched, black-eyed, balding and bruised fat man on the lavatory floor. Behind the four of them, a stall closed and the sound of rushing water sounded, along with a sigh of relief from the poor Sullustan... Lawq snickered into her palm as she looked at Larmek.

Larmek rolled his eyes, even despite a tug at the corners of his mouth, even as he turned a disgusted glower down at the Fat Man.

"Serrol Ano (some of you are probably laughing right now...), the Bastion Security Force hereby places you under arrest for dereliction of duty, substance abuse, murder and attempted murder..."

The Trooper at Larmek's side pressed the barrel of the blaster against Ano's back even as he helped the half-blind (and with his one good eye nearly swollen shut) fat man to his feet, keeping one armored hand wrapped around the groggy killer's collar and his weapon trained against the wounded man's spine.

With a brief nod of satisfaction, Lawq decided to leave the two officers to their duties, both because it was best to leave for her own good, as well as for a feeling of respect for the more honest among law enforcement officials, as Lawq Vasrell was one of the odder thieves who played both sides of the law.

Rubbing her good eye wearily, a stray lock of her fiery hair falling over her blind eye, the demure little chiropteran huffed through her now-clotted nostrils, her large-eared, fox-like head tilting as she clasped her hands and membraned arms around her skinny frame, "I'll be around here the rest of the day unless the party moves elsewhere, then I move with it.... for now, though, I need a drink - I'm stressed." The tomboy sighed, her one eye weary-looking and even sad, despite her victory, "I'll have my comlink on for the rest of the day and I'll be on-planet all day tomorrow, if you need to reach me for any reason, Officer Larmek. Be safe..."

Though with some reluctance, the Qom Jha decided to make her leave, perhaps a bit abruptly. The concept of alcohol and emotional relief over this encounter was too strong to pass up or delay any longer... That drink was going to be worth every credit.

It never hurt that a murderer was paying the bill, either.
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Thane Thane

Thankfully, her partner didn't appear to be as uptight as some others she had worked, including her past self, and despite their limited interactions, she felt at ease with him - though the drinks certainly helped soothe the mind too. She had clearly decided early on that their attendance was a waste of time for their professional lives, though benefits to their social lives remained to be seen.

"Of course." She affirmed. "We're not paid to create problems where there aren't any." She replied, her gaze idly wandering over the festivities of the swathes of people in attendance before settling back on her companion with an expression of curiosity or perhaps interest.

"Only if it's relevant to my job. They can feel so false at times and I know if anyone can't complain about falsities, it's me but even I have my limit." She admitted. "I admit they have their benefits and some can be enjoyable but this-" She casually gestured to the other attendees with her glass "-is neither beneficial nor enjoyable."

Her nails drummed against the side of her glass, thoughtfully, as she contemplated his previous comment.

We hardly have to be here at all.

"So, why stay?" Her gaze was elsewhere at first, while she was in thought, before it flicked back to her companion. "If there's nothing for us here, we can do anything or be anywhere else." She told spoke fanciful words, before admitting "Well... within reason." She downed the remainder of the drink in her hand and reached out for a server to take it. It was a seemingly rebellious statement at its front but with no real cost or hindrance to the Empire, she saw little reason to concern herself.

She took a few steps back, waiting to see if he would mobilise to join her, as though challenging him. "That is, unless you wanted to stay and make meaningless small-talk to strangers. Though I can't promise I'm much better."






In that change of mindset, there was a potent clarity to each movement made by her blade. He didn't punish any mistake overtly as he simply drifted into the dance of sabers and their clash, his cybernetic hand tightly clutching the ornate hilt of his argent saber as he methodically blocked and dervished the Knight's saber through each cut and slash of the blade before eventually, he snuffed his blade out and held out his left hand to clutch her movement in stillness as she brought her own blade toward his face, unfettered by anything but the ethereal grip of the force.

"Good. It feels better to be in control, does it? All the strife, all the ills done unto you are not unique, you are no more tortured than anyone else in the Galaxy and thus, lingering on those emotions drawn from that pain is useless. You enter a spiral of self-pity, self-destructiveness and you will be the only victim of it. Retain your sense...retain your control and nothing can stop you." Rurik iterated before he released his ethereal grasp of her weapon.

Stepping away and taking up his cloak he shifted his attention in the direction of the Knight-Errant teaching her previously.

"Continue. I will return when the day is done." The Emperor said to which the Knight responded with a low brow and he took his leave.


Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres


Those crimson eyes drifted back to scan over the other party-goers with errant apathy in each glance over them as he stood leaned back with crossed arms over the fieldgrey of his service uniform, looking back in the direction of the fiery aired counterpart as she spoke up once more, a brow arching to her words.

Those same eyes of interest matched with hers through the crimson haze of his own.

"Only if it's relevant to my job. They can feel so false at times and I know if anyone can't complain about falsities, it's me but even I have my limit."

"I admit they have their benefits and some can be enjoyable but this-"

"-is neither beneficial nor enjoyable."

"Believe me I was once a wide-eyed patriot looking to save the Empire all the same. But a good deal of the government is simply trying to look busy as opposed to solving any meaningful problems. Us being assigned to watch over a bunch of drunks was someone ticking a box and trying to brown nose that they'd 'taken initiative' and 'gone above and beyond the call', we're not solving anything today." He remarked, all in all a vocal justification to not take this assignment more seriously. Was he alone, he might've truly gone about reading the ticks and body language of those present, gone out of his way to try and draw answers of those who might've drawn suspicion. After all, actually focusing on a task managed to pass the time faster than idly nursing away at as many cups of liquor he could manage before his senses dulled beyond use.

This wasn't the work expected of his ability and it certainly wasn't anything that drew his passion. Luckily for him, he was assigned a partner or rather, a 'date' for the mission that kept the same attitude about it all as him.

"So, why stay?"

"If there's nothing for us here, we can do anything or be anywhere else."

"Well... within reason."

"That is, unless you wanted to stay and make meaningless small-talk to strangers. Though I can't promise I'm much better."

"Well a man can't be seen without his date can he?" He said, pulling himself from the ornate pillar he leaned back on before joining her side and walking along to her to where ever they were due to lead the pair.

"Believe me I'm hardly any more interesting. Such is life when you're a cog in the Imperial machine. But some- hardly have to say anything at all to keep my interest." Thane remarked, his gaze locking with hers in that moment as he spoke, implying she certainly fit the bill.





He spared only a glance at the beer drowned Mandalorian. That had caught him by surprise. A surprise his comrade clad in the most goth outfit Jon had ever seen was not taken lightly given the daggers in her eyes headed his way.

The pilot laughed before jerking his head at the bartender, "Open a tab on my name for the Mandos, toots. Lieutenant Jon Kovacs of the famed 181st Fighter Wing. Just Jon for you though, babe. Here's my number - call me when your shift's over, yeah? Good." his credit card would end up declining most likely. His social credits were at an all-time low. As always.

And with that, he bounced back down from the barstand. After all the Imperial Dream was his priority tonight.

"Hey Kovacs! I don't think the Bureau heard you!" she then hollered at Jon while Hughes, Bolts and Zander all erupted into laughter next to her. " 'Sides, I think you missed some people with that beer!" she added with half a smile.

"You're right, Jones." he pursed his lips, nodding and glancing around faking helplessness before pouring the little that remained from his two beer cans over her, "You, for starters."

Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Delilah Jones


Thane Thane

"Believe me I was once a wide-eyed patriot looking to save the Empire all the same. But a good deal of the government is simply trying to look busy as opposed to solving any meaningful problems. Us being assigned to watch over a bunch of drunks was someone ticking a box and trying to brown nose that they'd 'taken initiative' and 'gone above and beyond the call', we're not solving anything today."

It could have been seen as quite a dividing opinion but his candour had earned him some respect for the woman. Serving the Empire, yet acknowledging its shortcomings was certainly commendable in her eyes. It didn't need to be perfect to be the best chance at galactic stability. Tonight was a waste of time and resources but only a drop in the ocean. The Empire was formidable. It could spare two agents for a night.

"Well a man can't be seen without his date can he?"

"Then come here." She gestured, continuing to hold her hand out to take his arm once he was close enough.

"But some- hardly have to say anything at all to keep my interest."

It was the first time she smiled all evening, a mischievous smile. She supposed she couldn't pretend to be surprised that he was charming as charm builds trust and trust brings with it a sense of security, whether misplaced or not - all components of which were essential in their line of work. However, it did create the side effect of distrusting nature in some individuals, including herself.

Knowing of her own façades only made her all too aware of the front others put up, though coupled with the highly-trained nature of the people who often employed these tactics and her inability to differentiate between genuine and false interactions as a result, it left her with an inherent distrust of others which was only heightened by the knowledge of betrayals the ISB were frequently called upon to weed out.

However, it was simply the price to pay for working in the shadows, a natural consequence of the role of which she too played a part in. She knew how to act to get what she wanted as much as the next agent and so perpetuated the continuum of mistrust - though, it had its perks.

An apt opportunity to display such deception soon presented itself when an unfamiliar woman stepped out in front of the pair who were on their way out.

"I thought I saw you."
She said. Any hopes that the woman was talking to Thane were quickly gone once it became clear that her gaze was fixated on Zoraya who in response elicited a friendly smile, concealing the surprise of being caught off-guard. "How nice to see you. Are you well?" She feigned interest in the stranger who allegedly knew her.

"Yes, yes. I'm very well, thank you. How about yourself? I heard you were engaged. Is this him?" She directed her eyes to the Chiss for the first time.

How else could she explain why she was with another man?

She replied quickly to take control of the conversation, hoping to avoid Thane's involvement as much as possible by giving him little room to respond. "Yeah but we're actually on our way to a dinner reservation to celebrate our anniversary so-"

"Well don't let me keep you. Nice to see you again and congratulations to you both."

"Thank you. Hope to see you again soon." She offered a final friendly smile before the woman walked past them to allow them to continue on their way. Immediately, Zoraya dropped her false smile and made no attempt to mask the irritation in her tone.

"I have never met that person before in my life."
She spoke in a hushed voice until they reached the elevator and once there was the hissing of the door shutting behind them, she let out a deep sigh and slumped back against a wall.

"I'm not... actually engaged by the way." She explained, sheepishly, once they were alone. "I mean I was but... not anymore. I just haven't told my family yet and I'm not about to deal with it tonight." She told him truthfully, though omitting the part where she hadn't told her fiancé either.

"Don't worry about it. You probably won't see her again and if you do, she won't recognise you." She told him, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I'm sorry about that. I only came because I knew there wouldn't be anyone I knew here. I didn't take into account anyone who might know me." She apologised awkwardly.




TAG: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku



Well that's a first.

Since when do men agree with women? It was odd. Yet, Raina listened as Lucien spoke as she sipped on the fizzy drink all the way from Cloud City.

The man sounded like he had vision, she had to give him that. She was definitely not the rest of her family - Enzo Demici Enzo Demici for one had an immense dislike for the Dooku family when they were kids for some reason - but she was no groupie of the Dookus and their politics either. Yet, the man in front of her sounded like he had vision. Stalwart, even.

"And you were right on another point, Raina. I'm not my grandfather, as I've never been one to back down in the face of injustice, even when faced against overwhelming odds-- or even my own brother."

Maybe too stalwart...

"Careful, Lucien. That almost sounds treasonous." she said with a smirk before taking another sip. "You're not going to help anyone if you're locked up or executed." she the added. Yet, a frown creased her brow for a second as she looked out over the city. Duty and loyalty to her Emperor and the Empire warred with her duty to and love for her family. She let out a slow breath before she looked at him again.

"Why would you have to challenge your brother to begin with?"

Things had gotten much more tense within the Empire - that much was certain. She had a bad feeling that one of these days, she would have to decide where she stands morally. The simple days of clearing out Sith remnants within the borders, were long gone. New questions and orders would soon be posed.

Qom Jha, Former Military Tank Gunner and Thief
The lanky chiropteran's short form was almost comical atop the human-sized stool next to the bar, her gray vest and faded urban camouflage pants shifting over her scrawny legs as her clawed feet kicked slightly outwards, to and fro, in a rather childlike motion. Indeed, embarrassing though it might have been, Officer Larmek had helped to lift the Qom Jha up onto the stool proper, and she was grateful enough to offer him payment (he had politely refused), even if his hand had slipped once against the seat of her pants. More appropriately, the polite, by-the-book Officer had given Lawq's red hair an almost affectionate ruffle with his fingers, before accompanying his junior officer away with their groggy, Nerf Lard Tub of a prisoner. While she wasn't quite sure exactly, it had seemed that Serrol Ano's partially-swollen eye had been glowering in her direction, there was little the man could do now. Surely there was nothing left to worry about...


Lawq had merely sighed, leaning her shoulders back against the bar itself, her nostrils, one lightly caked with dried blood, inhaling the wondrous bouquet of what promised relief and the dulling of the beginnings of the intense emotional pain that was beginning to well up in heart and mind at the entire circumstance that had brought her into this place to begin with. She wished Fajyk were with her... She could have used the hug.

Fighting back the growing lump in her throat and swaying her pointed tail absentmindedly over the back of the barstool behind her, the Qom Jha only barely managed to hold back a sharp choke as she began to distract her mind from the memories of her time with her husband, the exact opposite of the man she had assaulted. Laantor would have been just as disgusted as she had been, though doubtlessly only half as vengeful... I miss you, Laan...

Every. Single. Day.

Motioning to one of the bartender's droid assistants, Lawq swiveled around on her stool, her membraned arms coming to rest on the bartop as her one good eye met the droid's photoreceptors, her triangular ears folding backwards in an odd manner as her eyes narrowed, her sky-blue, pointed tongue emerging to moisten her lips in a violent swipe.

"I don't care how weird it sounds, get me five shots of Aquala Cuttlewine, if you'd be so kind... I need it now..."
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Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres


He offered that smile in return as he allowed the agent to take his own arm, rolling his shoulders as he picked himself from the stiff military posture and etiquette to be a bit more at ease. It was good to peel off the mask, that visage of intense professionalism and loyalty to obligation in favor of...simply enjoying the moment and more than anything, enjoying her company. A good break from the mean of the typical operations he'd embarked upon.

All was well, all things considering. He managed to skip what would've otherwise been a useless, taxpayer money-draining mission in favor of a night away from it all with a woman who was more than easy on the eyes and had a bit of charm to match. They were soon away from the prying eye when- well, they had an interesting encounter.

His crimson eyes widened for a moment as they looked toward the woman who stopped them in their tracks. He caught wind of Zoraya's game immediately and played none the wiser, equipping a toothsome smile to match the energy expected of a one year anniversary on the town.

Otherwise, he was more than content to leave his mouth shut and let her take the reins of the conversation before soon enough they were left alone again.

"Well- seems you've gotten yourself in the thick of it then. Or are you really engaged but not really engaged? How many ruses are you playing, Zoraya?" He said, offering a faint grin with his obviously teasing tone. It wasn't his care or obligation to pry.

"Regardless- I've come to learn when not to ask questions and keep my mouth shut. I don't much care for the rest of the story if that's comforting. Now, is all that rebellious confidence gone or are we still leaving?" He asked, arching a brow in her direction with a playful smile as they continued to make their way out.

"But if we aren't here...we'll need somewhere to be. I suppose since we've been engaged for a year it wouldn't be too improper to take you home, would it?"
He asked as they eventually left the venue, making it to an empty lift. With the doors sliding closed behind them his gaze drifted to the dusk skyline of Ravelin through the glasteel viewports before looking back to Zoraya.

"So- are you long for Ravelin or are you leaving the oh-so wondrous 'crown of the Empire' soon as well?"
He asked to fill the void of silence in the lift ride down.


2nd post


COMPNOR/Spec-Ops: Nuruodo'kal'brast Nuruodo'kal'brast

SIA/Rebels: Rebel Yell Rebel Yell Traden Avarice Traden Avarice Keiran Varn Keiran Varn



Western Slums, Outer Resident-District 8,
Ravelin, Bastion (Summer of 870 ABY)

Even without the glitz of Imperial credits invested here, there's still a certain charm to the place.

The Outer Resident-Districts, finally.... But still, Jordi knew that he was wise to pull the hood of his jacket overhead before entering deeper into the slums, not that he would need to travel very far into the multitude of dirty, desolate tower-blocks, as the Kandaran had plans to divert his path almost two miles farther in so he could properly look for his contact in the Market Sector of Outer Resident-District 8. Not that he minded, as Massad was quite happy wandering a little farther in - plenty sights and sounds to take in along the way.

The weather had been particularly warm that day, leaving behind a nice breeze and a picturesque sunset for the COMPNOR agent to enjoy with his relief in escaping the degeneracy of the Strip, feeling already that he'd seen too much just passing it by as best as he could; but at the boundaries of the first tower-blocks, breathing-room to think properly had been obtained - merely by heading south-west to reach the route the Kandaran had mapped out for himself just a few hours before. By the time Jordi made contact with the streets that ran to the shanties, the morally-destitute would become nought but an afterthought, taken over the by the sights, sounds and scents of those who had cast strong roots in what most would have agreed was an inhospitable environment of sorts. Massad was different though, being born and raised in a neighbourhood not too dissimilar to the one he was approaching in particular.


The heart and soul of any place like this never sleeps, not even late at night. Looking forward to that anyway.

All the light the poor had to emit that night would be on full-display for Massad to see, casting a contrasting view of light and shadow on a backdrop of ramshackle shacks, illegal construction and shanties of almost every fairy-light and drum-fire variety of mild, non-invasive illumination. It was Jordi's kind of charming, seeing the beauty of the moment as the very feel of Ravelin began to change in his psyche, somehow feeling a small piece of home in an unexpectedly quaint part of the city, a welcome change in the Kandaran's attempt to divert his path away from areas he knew would be much worse than the ones he was happily strolling through. Despite his little enjoyments along the way, Jordi knew his presence was needed for other things that night, other means of distraction and wonder if he found at least some success in whatever setting he was expected to wander into.

Ah, yes.... The Chiss fellow in the market-sector, don't think I'll take much longer now in any case.

Time to work, time to do what the Kandaran did best.

<"Scimitar to HQ! Pushing southwards from the shanties now. If you can, please have our go-between notify them of impending arrival. Smoother the linkup, quicker the location can be reached. I want no sundown to sunrise nonsense this time, we can work quicker than that surely, right?">

<"HQ to Scimitar! Copy that, patching through to our contact now. Good luck tonight, sir. HQ out!">

'Eeh! Should be easy-'

'-I'm sorry, did you say something?', a beautiful local asked, both curious and hoping she wasn't walking into a psychopath encounter at the same time, a dangerous combination of traits to find in anyone, let alone in a woman so unexpectedly alluring as she was. Walking closer to see the face of the man who muttered to himself, the local noted his features and the kindly expression of respectful, superficial dispassion, simply a wordless gesture that did much and more to put her mind and heartrate at ease, simply a man with a lot on his mind. Woes or wonders, it mattered not, for the thoughtful furrowing of his brows could have meant anything at all regardless, for much and more could make a man like this mutter light encouragements to himself in public. As the commoner watched the Imperial turn towards her, she calmly joked,'Not exactly normal to talk to yourself in public, y'know? Not even here of all places.', to which further relief could be seen when Massad chuckled with a cheeky, though endearing smile in response.

'Very true, force of habit though.... Working habit - working tonight too, sadly. Another life perhaps?'

Understanding of his predicament, then seeing the wedding-ring with a sly glance downwards to hands that were otherwise making the most discrete of placatory gestures, the beauty smiled back at him with a chuckle of her own, happy to be disappointed at first sight than later on. 'Better to meet the honest one with no designs on flocking the nest, is it? Well - I'm glad you wouldn't make me a home-wrecker, still a shame though.', the local concluded, walking off silently with one last smiling glance sent his way for good measure. If the Kandaran had been blighted by the misfortune of remaining unmarried at his age, in this other life of his imagining, perhaps this woman may have caught his eye under the same circumstances, derailing a delicate operation in a parallel universe - but the waking realm of realists would always keep Massad on his true devoted path in life.

A multitude of blessings in the one disguise.

Perks of the job? They certainly don't feel like perks anyway.


Western Slums, Outer Resident-District 8,
Ravelin, Bastion (Summer of 870 ABY)

The Market Sector, dubbed,"The Bazaar Sector", in kindly jest, and in appreciation for the way each stand and stall had been arrayed, for only on Kandara had Jordi seen markets made easier for the flow of walking traffic from one side to the next, though other planets in some form had lesser, disappointing examples that wouldn't pass as the sort of markets that Massad remembered seeing on his homeworld as a youth and in his early adulthood alike. This one, however, felt very much like a throwback to simpler times, like Jordi was somehow walking through time itself to see the Bazaars his mind was trying to replace with new memories, and even newer marketplaces in their stead. The wares on sale everywhere also looked to be from a different time and place in the Galaxy's history, further adding to the strange nostalgic feeling that was fuelling Massad's distracted curiosity as his eyes darted back and forth, straying from one trinket to the next until he finally saw the Chiss contact nearby.

Though the contact was looking in another direction, there was absolutely no doubt the blue-skinned fellow in the distance was in fact the one the Kandaran was supposed to meet, and to the operative's credit, they were blending in well.

Good, already proving to have a good knack for this stuff.

Immersing into one of the alcove vendors' stalls as they discussed the items on display together, the Chiss was certainly doing well in trying not to stand out, not fully knowing that keeping in good stead with the locals often paid untold dividends in the short and long run, something the Kandaran could easily attest to. After all, if it had not been for his good manners with the Muntar, there was a very high likelihood Massad would've been dead or in the custody of the Galactic Alliance within hours of the alleyway shooting, a Half-Atrisian lifeline that would have otherwise been unavailable to impatient, haphazard operatives like Jordi could have been. Such courtesy even granted Jordi a means to complete his task in his first of two expected outings on Kuat, and perhaps (if Pulsar played their cards right) grant the Chiss and himself a means of succeeding on Bastion also.

Kept in deep consideration of his chances with the new face he knew he'd need to get to know, Massad couldn't help but ponder again, but not until he whispered,'Pulsar, I presume?', from the next alcove-stall, keeping his eyes on the local vendor's wares as his eyes turned to see Dokal was still very much facing to his front at the time. Leaning back once more to be heard clearly, the Kandaran muttered,'Lead the way, I'm guessing you've probably sat through a better briefing than I have on the matter.', and in the process, going on to buy a little gold-painted wooden frame for a recently-found snapshot of his son. With a simple flick of the wrist, extra would be paid to have it sent to Scimitar's quarters by a simplistic, untraceable wrist-transfer of AVcoin from one account to another, followed by another - but for cigarettes he knew would be needed after the mission he was expected to complete.

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen was at the end of the bar listening in silence to the Fett's and Quartermaster's conversation like the ghost he was these parties when he saw out of the corner of his eye a very drunk pilot pouring two full cans of beer over poor Vulcan of all people. How did he always get wrapped up in these causal messes? Guess Shai is rubbing off on him too much... Well, atleast Looks like it was time to go back to pushing people into the pool duty.

The Clone causally got up with still half his jogan fruit smoothie remaining in the glass, all of which was splashed in Jon's face as he himself gave what must have been his squadron mate's hair. "Time for you to sober up... For everyone's sakes." The soldier then picked Jon up and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of Vormfruit before eventually dumping the drunk into the cold dark depths of the pool.

He would immediately turn back to the bar to get Jones a towel to dry her hair with, offering it to her as an apology for throwing her partner into the depths. "Here. I apologize if I stepped over any bounds but like you said I don't think the Bureau needs to come back to you with a damages list." He took off his helmet and gave the gusty woman a signature Jango smile. "I could babysit him if you want. You and the rest of your crew need to let your hair down. Besides, not like I'm going to do anything else here."

Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Jon Kovacs | Delilah Jones
TAGS: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji | Lachlan Sinclair Lachlan Sinclair | Delilah Chamberlin Delilah Chamberlin | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Delilah Jones | Jon Kovacs


Upon Xyoz's confused question, she simply turned and flashed him a wink before continuing on. A part of her wanted to stick with him, drag him along and have him meet other people for once in his life... but another part of her wanted to watch him interact on his own. At least Kranak was there, that was a good enough show to watch after Tatooine. Kranak was likely going to ask her back home how he was out so quickly. She wasn't going to get off easy with that conversation about pulling strings to bust out her boyfriend.

Luckily that was a problem for hangover Shai later down the line, not for her now.

Listening to the Galidraani in front of her, she scoffed at his excuse with a sceptical look. "Yeah, not exactly that." She confirmed with his comment. She was a bit lost on his following question, though it soon became quite clear as he introduced himself. Anyone serving in the New Imperial Order likely heard or knew about the story of a wacky wolf beast tearing enemies of the Empire apart on missions.

She was getting slightly jealous. A man with such a reputation... he wasn't exactly what she expected. "I gotta be honest, I was expecting the Galidraani version of Rurik Fel after hearing the stories. At least you're close enough. It's an honour though, one mutt to another." She joked as she extended her hand for him to shake. "Shai Krayt, uh... ironclad wardog... or whatever it is people call me." She introduced herself. Hopefully she had a reputation as good as his. Accepting that her reputation was not as good was not something she was good at.

She finished her drink and waved the bartender over. "Refill on the Tevraki... and whatever this mad lad wa-." Her gaze shifted to the flyboy getting onto the counter and emptying his beers over Vulcan's head. A snicker escaped her as she watched the exchange between the Wings for a moment while Gwyn rushed over to Vulc.

"Open a tab on my name for the Mandos, toots. Lieutenant Jon Kovacs of the famed 181st Fighter Wing. Just Jon for you though, babe. Here's my number - call me when your shift's over, yeah? Good."

"HELL YEAH!" Shai called out before turning to face Lachlan. "Well you heard him, order up!" She slid her glass over to the bartender and waited for her second round. "And get these others some shots goin'. If they're any dryer they'll be tried for treason before the night's over." She joked.

While the others were already setting the scene for one hell of a night, Shai looked to her present company. "So what's up. You look like you're five minutes away from blowin' your brains out." She gave him a casual nudge as her cybernetic eyes looked to Omen and his antics. "Yo, Vulc!" She called out, taking a large sip of her drink. "If you push Omen into the water, you can skip your Verd'goten!"



Revelry On The Rooftops


Location: Bastion, Ravelin, South Imperial Quarter, Antares Hotel
Primary Objective: Wind down.
Secondary Objective: N/A
Equipment: Clothing. Holdout Pistol (Concealed), Vibro-knife and a small IFAK.
Tags: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji | Lachlan Sinclair Lachlan Sinclair | Delilah Chamberlin Delilah Chamberlin | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Delilah Jones | Jon Kovacs | Lawq Vasrell Lawq Vasrell


The giant smiled at the Shistavanen’s reaction to his Mandalorian greeting, but he was not expecting such a hearty return from him in kind. Perhaps hiding his displeasure, expertly, Xyoz laughed loudly, with a smile wider than the giant’s.

”Rancorbait! Good to see it didn’t eat you.”

The giant cackled with a warm smile at the moniker bestowed upon him in kind. He didn’t think the regeneration perks of a vampire Shai had mentioned not too long ago was that effective, until he saw it with his own eyes. He had seen it for himself on Tatooine in that Rancor pit; the karker had regenerated fully after getting torn into two separate pieces by a Rancor, for Manda’s sake! He had seen a lot of bizarre occurances in his life up until that point, but he hadn’t witnessed anything quite like what he saw that day. Any being that lacked such a perk would have surely died. What intrigued him the most was the fact that upon regenerating from the lower half of his body, the Shistavanen retained his memories and motor skills to their fullest. Ever since then, he had begun wondering what sort of witchcraft was in play that had restored his memories and motor skills after regeneration, whenever his thoughts dwelled on that operation in Tatooine.

”You two better behave yourselves or else I’ll kick both your asses.” She eyed the two of them for a second or two before plucking Kranak’s cigarra case from his pocket.

Paying absolutely no mind to what would have been considered to be a rude gesture for some aruetii[1] otherwise, the giant candidly smiled at the Wardog as he spoke.Weeell, that depends entirely on our criminal friend here, ori’vod,” The giant quipped in response to the Wardog’s statement as she eyed them both, reinforcing the fact she had meant what she said. She wouldn’t have to say it twice to the giant. Although the Alor’ad[2] would catch that Shistavanen and have him face justice one day, one way or the other, this was not going to be that day. Not to mention that would be difficult in and of itself. He knew Xyoz meant a lot to her, as much as the giant meant a lot to the Wardog, as well. The giant would hang out with him some, try and learn a thing or two about him on top of what he already knew of his old friend’s lover; although he knew that would work both ways, as the Scoundrel could also learn a thing or two about the giant in return.Fiiine, fine. I’ll play nice with him!” The giant assured her with a chuckle after taking a drag from his cigarra.

”Can smell this stuff a mile away. She smirked up at the man as she slipped a smoke between her lips and held one out to Xyoz as well.

You know it! The smoke from another pull poured out of his nostrils as he spoke. “High quality tabac. None of that low quality chit!” Just as he raised his lit cigarra to his lips to take another hefty drag, the giant would hear a familiar voice coming from behind him.

<”Shai, hey glad you are here. This place has just gotten more interesting. You too, Kranak.”>

”My boy!” She wrapped an arm around Vulcan in a tight hug before letting go with a slap on the Ubese’s helmet. ”Glad you could make it, kiddo. You check the bar out yet?” She asked with a broad grin.

“Nice of you to show up, lad!” Avuncularly, the giant put a hand on Gwyn’s younger brother’s shoulder and squeezed gently. The giant was about to join the Wardog and the others at her beckoning to get drinks and start the party, when something or someone tugged at his leg. Raising an eyebrow, the giant turned around to see who it was, as his vode[3] began making their way towards the outdoor bar.

Turning around, the giant would look down with a quizzical expression at the Qom Jha holding a bloodstained napkin as she massaged the bruise starting to swell by her right temple with her idle hand. Somewhat intrigued by the unexpected sight before him, the giant hearkened to her in silence as she spoke to him.

”...So sorry to interrupt, but… Hello there… I attacked a man in the men’s refresher for murdering his sibling and trying to kill his wife while under the influence of illegal spices, and I have the holovid to prove it.” The Qom Jha held up the Imperial’s rank insignia.

“He’s still unconscious - I hope - and I can’t find any guards… You look like a more capable watchman than the poor sap I left there with him.” The Qom Jha huffed, a small bead of fresh blood beginning to form along the edge of her injured nostril. “... Help, please, while I go get the idiots in the Security Team, wherever they are?”

Hearing Xyoz’ quip thrown at him before he could respond to her, the giant looked up from the Qom Jha and at the Shistavanen standing beside him.

”Look at that, still gotta play the bouncer even when you’re just here to party. You just got that uh, suit look about ya.” he cackled another laugh, patting the man on the shoulder before wandering off to follow after @Shai Krayt.

“Kark off, Xyoz.” Chuckling, the giant quipped back in kind as he nudged the Shistavanen in his midriff a little sternly with his elbow before shifting his attention at the Qom Ja again. “I’m sure you can handle yourself,” he said as he reached for a single-use bacta auto-injector and a small blister strip of painkillers from his IFAK[4], in one of the inside pockets of his coat. The giant leaned down slightly and extended his hand to pass down the items to her for her use. “But here’s something for that bruise and headache.” He wasn’t going to do some aruetii’s job for them. He was here to wind down and have some fun. He wasn’t keen on spending a few hours in the precinct to give his statement, and he certainly didn’t give a womp rat’s shebs[5] about the imperial that killed his wife for whatever reason. All of that was something the Imperial MP[6]’s should be worrying about, not him.

“Have a good one,” the giant would turn around to join the others at the outdoor bar, after whether she accepted or refused the medicine he offered to Qom Jha for her injuries. Catching up with the group with a brisk pace, he would be met with an intriguing question from his old friend.

”Yo, Kran, did you give Aubin a bath before coming?” She asked as she took a few sniffs at him.

“No,” He was surprised by the question as she sniffed at him, and then at Xyoz. “Why’d you ask?” Shrugging, the giant inquired in return as they entered the outdoor bar. His inquiry unanswered, he simply chalked it up to the Wardog smelling a rather peculiar odor from somebody. Entering the outdoor bar once again, he sat down beside Xyoz at the stools in front of the bar counter as the Wardog continued to sniff around for the fragrance bothering her.

”I’ll have a Tevraki double on the rocks.” She ordered as the bartender came over to them.

“And I’ll have me some kri’gee. he ordered after taking a quick drag from his cigarra. Seeing it was almost spent, the giant stubbed it out on an ashtray beside him. Just as he reached for one of his pockets where his cigarra case would be, he remembered the Wardog taking it earlier. “Shai,” he called out to her as the bartender brought his drink. He grasped the ale mug and drew it to his lips, taking a big swig before he shifted his gaze towards her and continued. “Pass me a-” His sentence remained half finished as he watched an Imperial pilot step up onto the counter, slamming the two beer cans with a roar.



The exploding beer cans that showered the Ubese Foundling with beer, and Vulcan’s subsequent reaction cracked up the giant. “Oh chit!” He cackled as alcohol dribbled down from the kid’s armor from head to toe while Gwyn darted over to the Ubese foundling, asking if he was alright. The death glare she shot at the pilot in silent response to his antics as she checked up on Vulcan did not elude the vigilant giant.

She looked back towards him with a genuine, worried expression, “Need a towel?”

Relaaax, adi’ka[7],” he said with a chuckle, after taking a sip from his beer. ”Not like he’s shot or something.” Alright, as much as it was hilarious to watch, getting soaked wet with beer would have been annoying for sure, but there was no need to overreact to that, for Manda’s sake. He raised the ale mug to his lips for another big swig as the Wardog hollered at her foundling.

”Yo, Vulc! If you push Omen into the water, you can skip your Verd’goten!”

With a muffled chuckle, the giant almost spat out his kri’gee as he took a quaff from his drink. He wasn’t aware of the Jango clone’s and the Wardog’s encounters with one another prior to Mala, but that mission revealed their relations clearly. The two certainly did not get along well with each other.

Wondering what Vulcan would do now, faced with such an offer from his clan Alor[8] -even though he was sure the old girl was just joking around with actually skipping his Verd’goten[9] if he actually managed to pull that off- the giant swung around on the bar stool to see if the young lad would actually try and push the Jango clone into the pool, although he had a hunch the foundling would not succeed.

Whatever the result of that would be, he began anticipating a fight erupting between the Jango clone and the Wardog. He was going to be surprised and sorely disappointed if this party ended without a bar fight to begin with.


[1] Aruetii = Outsider, foreigner.
[2] Alor’ad = Captain.
[3] Vode = Brothers/Sisters. Plural of “vod”
[4] IFAK= Individual First Aid Kit.
[5] Shebs = Rear, backside, ass.
[6] MP = Military Police.
[7] Adi’ka = Little one, son/daughter, of any age. Also used informally to adults much like “lads” or “guys”.
[8] Alor = Leader, chief.
[9] Verd’goten = Mandalorian rite of passage.

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“High quality tabac. None of that low quality chit!”

Xyoz snorted. The dismissive, yeah right, kind of snort you'd give to someone trying to act big. Well, Kranak was big. That wasn't the point. With Shai Maji Shai Maji off talking to what smelled like a mutt he decided to linger around the man who'd just headbutted him. A younger, more naïve, stupider Xyoz would've just threw a punch right after. But he was more mature now. Smarter. Had to be a Mando thing, right?

Probably was. And the broken nose had already healed.

"Tabac is for kids y'know. Should have some giggledust. Shits the bomb." Either unaware or uncaring of just how silly of a statement that was, the Shistavanen pulled out a small bag of the specialized spice, casually tossing it towards Kranak.

"Hey, Shai? How tough would ya say ya boi here is?" He didn't wait for an answer. As Kranak either went to catch the bag or just let it drop, he pulled back. And swung a heavy haymaker for the man's chin. Xyoz was smarter now. Sucker punches were the way of a criminal after all.
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Thane Thane

"Or are you really engaged but not really engaged? How many ruses are you playing, Zoraya?"

"Find out." She replied with a smirk, matching his teasing. Despite the initial awkwardness of the situation, at least for her, she was thankful for the indifference her companion displayed. It was to be expected. She had learned quickly to dull any of her curiosities given the secretive nature of her work and colleagues. It was clear from the start that you needed to keep yourself to yourself, lest it come back to haunt you.

"I suppose since we've been engaged for a year it wouldn't be too improper to take you home, would it?"

"Please do. I could use another drink after that." She half-joked, hooking her arm around casually, as if their fictional relationship was true. Spend enough time living a lie and acting accordingly came naturally. Though it came at a cost. Separating fiction from reality was not as simple.

Regardless, she was enjoying his company thus far and that was all that mattered at present.

"So- are you long for Ravelin or are you leaving the oh-so wondrous 'crown of the Empire' soon as well?"

"Yeah, I leave in a couple of days. Going to some backwater world, I think. It's not quite the same as brushing noses with politicians. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my job but sometimes it can get... lonely." She told him. No doubt he was aware of the isolation that could accompany a role with a secretive nature and the struggles that came with it. "I'm guessing you're not fond then." She acknowledged with a raised eyebrow.

Upon reaching the ground floor, she allowed him to take the lead. Despite being a controlling, oftentimes overbearing person, she was content with being passive for now. After all, it served in her interests.



Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres


Just as she was as reluctant to reveal the deeper matters of the circumstances that she lingered within, Thane was indifferent to digging. Didn't pertain to him in the slightest, was her own problem- he thought. If he asked questions about any little curiosity that went on in the Bureau or the Committee, he would've been facing down with two shots in the back of his head in the back of a rented speeder.

Suicide, of course.

And of course, to take his thoughts off of fabricated consequence, Zoraya piped up again with an arm loosely held around his own, drawing his full attention once more.

"Please do. I could use another drink after that."

"Oh I'm very glad you agree." Thane said before he moved an arm to wrap around her all the same, his hand resting on her opposite hip before the lift doors pried open and he led the pair toward the landing pad out front of the building's lobby, hailing down a taxi speeder before he opened the door on her behalf and sat down next to her, speaking up to the driver.

"Waylon Court, if you would." He requested his way, the man nodding once before a partition lowered to separate the driver from the passengers, leaving them a degree of privacy once more as the city lights streamed past the windows of the closed speeder.

"Backwater you said? Likely I'll end up much the way of the same. Perhaps this isn't the final time we're working together...something I think I could certainly be getting used to." Thane remarks with a playful grin as he looks her way.

"I do enjoy the work, when it matters. I keep myself busy enough to where the loneliness doesn't bother me so much but-" He leaned closer to her.

"I am but a mortal man." He said before moving for a brief kiss.


Thane Thane

"Backwater you said? Likely I'll end up much the way of the same. Perhaps this isn't the final time we're working together...something I think I could certainly be getting used to."

"Oh, definitely. This isn't the last you'll see of me, even if it is under a new name."
She replied, meeting his gaze.

She meant what she said about their line of work being lonely, not only from the seclusion of covert operations but even the isolation from other Imperial ranks, many of whom were were less than fond of the ISB. It was not the most glamourous job in the world but as she looked at the chiss beside her, she figured it wasn't so bad.

"I am but a mortal man."

Leaning in to meet him partway for the kiss, she pulled back but remained inches from him. "Aren't we all?" She replied, closing the distance between them for a second time and tenderly placing a hand against his cheek.

Trailing her hand downwards, it settled on his chest. "Were you really in the Starfighter corps or is this just for show?" She asked, her gaze shifting to his outfit briefly before returning to meet his gaze. "Looks good on you."

Before too long, the hum of the speeder drew to a slow halt and after the driver had been paid, she allowed him to lead.

Once the door had shut and they were alone again, she looped her arms casually around the back of his neck and pulled herself closer.
"I guess something good did come out of that assignment after all."

Objective: Just one little push.....?
Equipment: Sword, M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol
Wearing: This
Tags: Delilah Jones | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji | Lawq Vasrell Lawq Vasrell | Jon Kovacs | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen


<"No! Well, yes, thank you, Gwyn."> He snipped, but then relented with a degree of sheepishness in his tone.

Grabbing a towel from Gwyn, Vulcan removed the booze, so it won't be sticky as it dried, the fabric will have to be hosed down at a later date. He got over the initial surprise, he should ask if this was a common practice in parties. Just so he can get a shot in beforehand with his drink. This is certainly a learning curve.

Judging by the smell and colour, it was the higher brand, which is wasteful. But he will be trying some, in a glass or from the can and not being rained over his head.

The offending individual was soon picked up and deposited in the pool by Omen, he's been around a bit, he felt bad vibes from the Clone and his Alor while they were rescuing Gwyn. Not exactly welcomed at least while his sister was in danger. He didn't know exactly why things were tense between them, nor was he going to pry, it was none of his business.

He gave the towel back once he was done. Then Shai called out to him, and he concentrated on the suggestion of giving Omen a push into the pool. Granted, he should weigh up the consequences up first, should he try, will he get hit? The more impulsive side to him wanted to forget caution, and stride over and push, one shove, just one.

His impulses won out in the end and he made a quick beeline towards Omen with the intent to get him in the pool. Once in range, Vulcan aimed a sharp push at the Clone's back. He was hoping to get the guy in there without being noticed or dragged in too.


Protected Document: █ █ X-2292701 █ █
█ █ ad_astra █


AX - 919
✚ P A N A C E A ✚

Appointment w. // DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran \\
The Great Imperial Library, Outer Fort District
[[ Ravelin, Bastion (Summer of 874 ABY) ]]



Little was to be expected by way of sound. It had been mostly quiet, not even the chatter from inside the doors could be heard from where he sat. Messages had all but been pushed to the way side, his eyes occupied on the small actuation of his fingers. To live in a frame for as long as he had, sometimes even the smallest of movements still fascinated him. The mind, just like space was still uncharted despite years of extensive exploration.

"Doctor Qar, the Lord General will see you now."

Slowly he would rise, pushing down the front of his suit and adjusting the draping of his cloak. He turned to the private, moving towards him with near calculated steps. He would nod, awaiting to be escorted by the detail as a group of faces walked in front of him he couldn't fully make out. Julian tilted his head to the side trying to zero in on one particular individual, were those…handcuffs? Shaking his head, he disregarded that fleeting thought, turning his focus back towards the door and the few feet of walkway that felt like it had stretched out for miles.

He'd not once stepped foot into the great library before, it wasn't from any other reason besides the fact that he didn't have too. The pages all around them were etched we retellings of war, what little that did for him besides the obvious recollection of injuries he'd meet on the field. Sighing, he'd wash away exhaustion from his lenses with mismatched finger pads, the private beside him had spoken but it seemed only reflexes had answered.

"Thank you."

What did he say?

Turning the corner, he caught a first glimpse of the legendary Lance One. Had this been years ago, he would have extended a much friendlier greeting, hands outstretched to welcome the man into a familiar hug, but not today, not now. This meeting was not of leisure, not a casual gathering of friends. They were in suits, detail covering their proximity despite the setting. Yet, he that would never keep him from extending a bit of warmth towards his long time friend.

"Looks like ya seen better days, old man."

He offered the woad a small smile, hand extended towards him, offering up his pack of smokes. He'd been cued in as he walked through those doors. The aroma of tobacco wafting into his nostrils, a sure sign that if they'd started up again neither would be in the wrong. It would be telling how his vice somehow satiated his nerves then, for now it was merely an extension of his person.

"No one told me why I needed ta be here." He spoke slowly, Erskine probably noticed then, the stillness of his emotions. Once a fire burned within him, now but a glowing coal, thumping away its final moments in the belly of his chest. It was all cyclical somehow, he wasn't the only one that had noticed…nor would he be the last. Quietly, the doctor found a space to sit in front of the Lord General, studying his features for a moment, perhaps the wrinkling of his brow was his tell but in all honesty it was the way his metallic fingers flickers as he drew tainted air into his lungs.

"I have my guesses as to why I'm here." He drew a blacken breath, turning his head to the side upon exhalation. "M'ready ta begin, Lord General."

Our nights have grown so long
Now we beg for sound advice
"Let the brokenness be felt
'Til you reach the other side"

█ █ █



ft. Delilah Chamberlin Delilah Chamberlin Shai Maji Shai Maji


"I gotta be honest, I was expecting the Galidraani version of Rurik Fel after hearing the stories. At least you're close enough. It's an honour though, one mutt to another." She joked as she extended her hand for him to shake. "Shai Krayt, uh... ironclad wardog... or whatever it is people call me."

The man managed a chuckle, as light as it was, to her remark and tilted his head with her introduction, soon grasping her grip in his own. "Heh, weel, with a bit o' luck, ma nasty side willny come te say hello 'is eve." Lachlan withdrew his hand after a comfortable few seconds, "'s a pleasure, Miss Krayt." Her urge and the acknowledgment that followed saw the Galidraani throw his first drink back with comfortable ease before he pushed himself upright and leaned, waving a hand to catch Delilah Chamberlin Delilah Chamberlin 's attention, beckoning her over to join them at the bar with a much brighter smile- the sort she alone often saw. The glass he had retrieved for her sat close to him, almost comically; he was guarding it.

"Ye were at, ack, fuck's sake, fit's th'name o' 'at place? Was real icy and cold." His brow furrowed, drawing a crease across his forehead as he struggled to remember, his patchwork recollection showing its gnarly span in full given his state for the majority of the operation. He remembered walking from the transport into the mouth of the tunnels, crawling through the tight spaces with Michael Barran Michael Barran behind him and then... it got a little hazy after that. "Anyway, 'at's where yer name rings familiar from, fer me. 's nice te meet ye in th'flesh."

"So what's up. You look like you're five minutes away from blowin' your brains out."

A nudge against his arm encouraged another tight-lipped smirk and a shrug of his shoulders, the typically anti-social man far out of his element here, though he was navigating the waters well enough- at least by his reckoning. "Am no' th'partyin' sort," he confessed candidly, "An' 'is place is a far cry from th'one I call home. Am sure ye understand th'sensory overload as best as anybody else cuid. Lots o' noise, smells, gives me a wee headache." He nodded his thanks to the bartender and drew his glass to his lips for a sip, savoring the bite of liquor against his tongue. "But, I s'pose it beats bein' at home tonigh', my sweetheart was itchin' te come see th'big city." Lachlan swayed backward again, tipping his chin up to call to her over the clamor surrounding him, "Am talkin' aboot ye doll, best get o'er here!"


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