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Rakghoul Hunt: Interest Check


Disney's Princess
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"] - No probs.


@Mention Everyone!

If you're not actually engaging with my character? You don't need to @mention me. Lol. I have subscribed to the thread and get my happy red +1 notifications anyway.

Indeed. If you don't want to @mention 15 people every time you post? Just @mention the people you are talking to. I promise I will read your post even if you don't @mention me. Lol.



Disney's Princess
*fires off a few rounds into the quiet darkness around the party*

Ooops? Do you think the zombie army heard that? Oh dear. :p


Disney's Princess
Matsu Ike said:
protect me with your amazon physique and oversized chest.
Apologies if I overlooked anything important to the plot, or any interactions with Máni. I'll admit that I am tired and even more so as I wrote the latest post for him; it's late.

Just let me know if I missed anything, and I'll fix it when I wake up tomorrow.
[Member=Zephyr Carrick], [Member=Josiah Saedrin], and [Member=Elara Wahia]

Abygail Ericson

Just so everyone knows, I'm not actually going to be DM'ing the rakghouls with Eldaah. She will pop up in hologram form and cause some minor problems, but she's mostly observing the strike team and how they will react to two outbreaks.

Saying this just in case people might have been waiting to post on me :)
So, the idea that Máni would come into this battle unarmed and under prepared was a bad one. I suppose I'll just have to get creative for this one.

Question though:

Are the items in the armory open to all SSC members within reason? Mainly just a weapon for the next faction thread that I participate in.

I have plans to submit my own armor and ship through the factory when I am able.
If you want, Valae can give him her blaster to help out in this thread :)

She carries one back from the days before she could use a saber. We can play it out in the next couple posts, if you'd like, or I can just edit my last post a bit.
[member="Máni"] Heck, we can't limit enjoyment to the practical things if you just need a blaster - just say you took one from the Rangers or something. Don't limit yourself for things like that.

If you want a warship however....maybe ask. ;)
[member="Valae Kitra"]

I appreciate the offer greatly, but it would be in opposition to Máni and his current views on outsider technology. He doesn't deny the merits of a blaster or saber, but he doesn't trust them either.

We can certainly play it out ICly though, as she wouldn't know it until he told her so. :)

[member="Connor Harrison"]

I was actually thinking more along the lines of genuine swords; perhaps he could imbue one with the help of a master alchemist/a master at imbueing objects with greater durability.

No warships for this guy. He does good to be on a shuttle at the moment. Haha


Disney's Princess
[member="Máni"] - 2cents.

  • Basic or Canon tech of any kind can be procured at any time, for any reason, and be used at-will. As, the Factory is always considered an 'Optional' experience until an item or utility gets reported for abuse. This goes for Alchemy as well. It's free.
  • Damage taken during a battle is always calculated as: Attacker's expectation / Defender's expectation - Plot armor. Gear is pretty meh, at that point.
  • Excessive use of powerful items or abilities, within or without the Factory, will hurt your reputation. Not your character. But good luck finding RP partners with a reputation for twinking. Lulz.
[member="Karen Roberts"]

That last bullet is the exact reason why I would like to have a 'paper trail' for everything that Máni can do, or will learn to do. It just makes things easier for my sake and for anyone wondering how he can do certain things. I suppose it's a quirk, but I like to try and keep as realistic as possible in terms of abilities.

I'm not going to have my padawan throwing around Electric Judgment because freedom. If he does not know the ability, he will not use it until he learns it. I try to be fair when thinking in terms of RP with other people. I don't find it fun when my padawan already knows everything there is to know about the Force, and it's mother too.

I want to gradually learn and fail, but to keep going at it. I'm not naïve as to believe I won't mess up and go away from my intended path (training before understanding/using any ability.), but I would hope that someone would call me out for it as soon as it happens.

As for the Factory/Codex:

I enjoy it. I know that it is optional, but like I stated above, I would like evidence that he has what he has, and why or how he has it. For my sake.


I do sincerely thank you for your opinion on this and other matters that I have brought up in the recent past. It helps quite a bit, and actually challenges me to think about what I want for Máni. :)

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