Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Q: Where would you like to see more structure on Chaos?


Disney's Princess
Dear Chaos,

I'm Jay and I'm all about dat freedom. Freedom, freedom, freedom. Up with teachers, leaders, exemplars, and paragons. Down with bouncers, grammar nazis, and typewriter tyrants. And today, Chaos has more freedom than ever before. From Ranks, to companies, to starship ownership, The Factory, PvP, bios, guides and tutorials, faction staffing, and beyond. You can pretty much do, or be, whatever you want on Chaos. For awesome and for worse.

So today I'm going to ask a question that I haven't pondered in probably 10 years. Q: Where would you like to see more structure on Chaos? What, in your opinion as a writer, would be another fun experiment to try and why? Or, perhaps. Maybe you feel some freedoms we enjoy right now are too often abused or just aren't useful to the community at all?

Anyway. Thanks for reading and whatever you get up to, I hope you have an awesome day! :D :p
Factory Judge
Updated Articles of Canon Star Wars items, powers, locations, and whatever else.

There are so many people that do not look through the Star wars Canon because the wiki is flooded with adds and some people can't even load a single page due to how crappy their internet is/Age of computer/power required to run the site. This site is very easy to run and is nowhere near labor intensive. So simple addition to the Lore creation where people can add in lists of powers/Canon items from companies and the like.

I know this section may never become a reality, but with so many people who play so many different types of characters, Force traditions on Chaos that have been greatly expanded upon could be added to the lore as well. I know that people have tried over and over again with the Je'daii, the Jenessari, Matukai, Army of Light, Sith Brotherhood and other such. WIth them come powers and skills or abilities that say one thing, but people on the site use it in a completely different matter. So maybe a way to organize how a person uses it. I know this could be done on a blog, but those can easily be lost.

An example would be Shapers of Kro Var. People think of them as simply uses of the force to alter the elements. While others use it like Avatar the Airbender series does, and even some that use Naruto as a reference due to their "incants" and Jutuzu styles. So cataloging this all down from different people that could easily be found by searching the key words of "Shapers of Kro Var" could solve so much time.

However, I am completely against using it for the purpose of creating new powers.
The historiography of Chaos' IC history, in terms of political developments, factions, and so on. Making a new character with a place in this world and a backstory is a chore these days and completely overwhelming for new members. There are bits and pieces hidden in the codex, but i) new members don't know that and ii) it's still quite hard to get a grip on it.

Of course, compiling anything about that is also a huge chore...
Shaun Castanic said:
Updated Articles of Canon Star Wars items, powers, locations, and whatever else.

There are so many people that do not look through the Star wars Canon because the wiki is flooded with adds and some people can't even load a single page due to how crappy their internet is/Age of computer/power required to run the site. This site is very easy to run and is nowhere near labor intensive. So simple addition to the Lore creation where people can add in lists of powers/Canon items from companies and the like.

if your internet is this bad, go outside lol.
Factory Judge
Elani Zambrano said:
if your internet is this bad, go outside lol.
I don't have bad internet. However, I do know many people who resort to using McDonalds Wifi Internet which is being used by everyone there in order to make posts, or they rely on their phone with whatever connection they can get. Secondary too this, Not everyone on this site is from a first, or even a second world country.

Seeing as how I had to do this for almost an entire year of my time here on this site, I know that struggle.

The premise is to make it easier to find stuff. Not get better internet.

Ostdern Mastogar

Competetive competitions where your characters can compete and win exlusive titles and what not. I've been on here for four years and haven't seen much around here that gets the entire community involved save for the faction v faction threads. I may be wrong but that's what I've noticed.


Disney's Princess
Shaun Castanic said:
There are so many people that do not look through the Star wars Canon because the wiki is flooded with adds
Wookieepedia is Wookieepedia. Nothing I can do. Sorry mate. Love it or hate it, we're stuck with it. Probs forever. :p

Amilthi Camlenn said:
Making a new character with a place in this world and a backstory is a chore these days and completely overwhelming for new members
Agreed. Alas, the best advice I have ever been given in this regard is simply to ignore Chaos' history altogether when making a new character. Sadly, this goes in the same bucket these days as: people killed in a naval battle, resources used to create an armada, money spent by players, and how do lightsabers work.

That said. I have seen many a faction keep track of their own history and sub some pretty great stuffs to the Codex. So there is always hope from a few of our particularly dedicated historians/propagandists. :p

Elani Zambrano said:
if your internet is this bad, go outside lol.
Good troll. Solid 4/10. Needs more gif though. :p

Cynthia Solus said:
as weird as it sounds i'd like some kind of economy system
As someone who's seen a few of these elsewhere. The nope is strong with this one. :p

Ostdern Mastogar said:
Competetive competitions where your characters can compete and win exlusive titles and what not.
Nothing is stopping you from doing this immediately. Pls do dis now. ;D

Allyson Locke said:
I dunno, I just want everyone to be nice to each other.
Ally. Meet internet. Internet. Meet Ally.

Jesus. :D :p
Bunker-level Normal
Random penalties for playing the map game that must be resolved IC. So many major factions are dedicated to outward expansion without much thought into the kind of internal build-up necessary for a large empire to exist. Have the board throw them a crisis every so often to face and resolve to keep major factions from just being territory munchers.


Disney's Princess
Captain Jordan said:
Have the board throw them a crisis every so often to face
Interesting. Not sure who would do the giving here though? Maybe the whole community takes a poll on disasters and then assigns their first dom or something. Ha! Of course. I remember when we used to call these short periods of disaster "getting Invaded". Lulz. Cool thought. :p

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Honestly? Time.

So much effort seemed to have been put into creating a timeline, and continuing time line, for the board and I would like to see that continue. I think the last time this was brought up the go against was "not enough has happened to warrant it" but its been months since then, the Galactic Alliance (one of the largest factions in board history) has fallen. The Dark Side is left un-checked, this would also be a great way to explain how every company is doing so well at the same time with a "companies profited from the war so the galaxy is in a golden economic age" thing, both the Sith and Mandalorians have had pretty substantial Civil Wars (thought the Sith are onlyjust starting theirs) Incursion has long been over, 3/4 "new" factions from the Incursion update have fallen to bits and disbanded.

It would just be nice to know how much longer I'm gonna have to pretend I'm in 851/852. I feel like the time element is one of the most unique things about the site and anchors events.


Disney's Princess
Gilamar Skirata said:
I feel like the time element is one of the most unique things about the site and anchors events.
Agreed. Though, I'm pretty sure Staff don't give two karks about furthering the timeline anymore as a wholly Administrative effort. However, that said. I do believe all of them would be happy to look at any write up the community gives them for suggestions to add to the timeline. So I suppose the burden to furthering the timeline rests solely upon the shoulders of a large community effort now. Which, is fine. Just, good luck agreeing on what is spectacular enough to go on it.

*points at Kaine's denied Sith propaganda article about the Great Galactic War*

^ Opinions are hard to canonize, after all. Lulz. :p

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Jsc said:
Though, I'm pretty sure Staff don't give two karks about furthering the timeline anymore as a wholly Administrative effort.
Honestly at this point I wouldn't even care if they didn't update with a summary. Just give us some years ahead. I think switching the timeline format from a big scroll of IC happenings to a super simple timeline with years on it that foregoes galactic events would make me just as happy.

Playing in the same quagmire of a stretch of a super ambiguous 1-3 year stretch is awkward.


Disney's Princess
Gilamar Skirata said:
Playing in the same quagmire of a stretch of a super ambiguous 1-3 year stretch is awkward.
Well. Look at it this way. You can pretty much do whatever you want at this point. So? I say, kill it and do whatev'z. Ignore the year entirely. Lulz. :D :p

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

I would like to see the rules for inter-faction threads to be fully codified. An example is the second chance system for invasions- I have been unable to find any rules about it, but it is quite a prominent thing. This may leave room for subjectivity in the decision, which can lead to unnecessary salt. By laying down objective criteria to a successful appeal, as well as a requirement to provide clear grounds for a second chance, this could make the system run much smoother and will give the involved parties a clear understanding when and when not they are justified in second chancing.

I'm just a law student who cares way too much about clear rules though, maybe I'm overthinking it.

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