Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Discourse vs Communal Disruption

I disagree with a LOT of past admin decisions. I even disagree with other Staff members on occasion. I even dislike fellow Staff members.

But we don't lose our #&@% on each other in public.
Enigma said: my eyes deceive me? Is the word "poodoo" finally censored cartoon-style instead of replaced with the word poodoo?

Never mind then.
I manually censor myself, the swear filter doesn't censor me.

I curse a lot in the Staff forum.
Darth Vornskr said:
*Starts a whole debacle about elite castes and Chaos Illuminati about how Tef doesn't get censored.*

this reminds me of our discussion about vagueness. I guess it does make some sense there, interpretation can go either way if you don't word what you say carefully.

That said. Honestly, 9 out of 10 times it's just someone using another member as an example or making passive-aggressive remark. Needless information. Much like this statement.
Yvette Dusong said:
You are quite possibly the weirdest person I have ever met in my entire time spent on the internet.
It's more about setting a positive example but I try to be weird too so people don't think a regular guy just one day said "I'mma start a star wars roleplay forum."


Active Member
Darth Venefica said:
I'm all for conflicting opinions and respectful debates, makes for good conversational threads if everyone maintains a decency of understanding that opinions are that of the individual, and there is no right or wrong opinion. But disrupting the positive atmosphere is distasteful and childish.

I've seen some writers trying to rebel against the Admins and for what purpose? To be noticed? To feel like they are making a difference? To be the centre of attention? Again...childish.

Rebellions usually end bad for those people. I would know, I'm Irish and look where that's gotten us.However, :), nobody does Rebellion quite as well as the Irish. :)
As an Australian, I would like to say no one does segregation quite as well as the British.

On topic, sort of weird that this seems to only occur now and not previously, unless this was a friendly reminder. Either way, good work and I look forward to a elongated time within this community.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
People are known for trying to shake up the equilibrium, some more so than others. An unintentional slip up here and there is fine, but when you actively go out of your way to cause disruption it makes for an uncomfortable atmosphere within the community.

Nobody comes online and wants to sit through strife; arguments are not fun, unless you get a kick out of it... But even then, everybody else has to deal with the consequences when it's a public show.

If you have issues with someone or something, a calm and productive PM is always better than airing your dirty laundry on a public forum. No one's gonna take you seriously if you kick up a fuss.
Pretty much why I avoid most chats and discussions, people like the drama lama to much for me. Plus I can be a total Ass and I don't enjoy being an ass

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