Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project Warden

  • Intent: Codify the reformist faction of Mandalorians that Selle has found herself a part of.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Inspiration from Mandalorian Protectors,
  • Organization Name: Mando Sirsahyav ("Mandalorian Rangers")
  • Classification: Mandalorian Sect, Private Military Organization
  • Affiliation: As all Mandalorian factions they are sworn to serve the Mand'alor should a rightful claimant (one who can demonstrate their combat and tactical prowess, can command the respect of a majority of the clans from various different sects, and at the very least follows the principles of the old Supercommando Codex) ever rise to the occasion, However they otherwise operate independently under their own leadership structure
  • Organization Symbol: Their insignia consists of the Mythosaur sigil framed by a shield, itself imposed over a crossed pair of spears.
  • Description: An organization formed from several Mandalorian organizations and Clans, the Sirsahyav exists partially to serve as a mercenary/private military outfit, giving the skilled soldiers that make up its members a stable means of living as well as an outlet for the warrior-path of the Mandalorians. It also, however, serves as an ideological organization for those Mandalorians who, like many before them, are disturbed by the more savage and dishonorable impulses that many of the more crusade-driven organizations have in the past.
  • Headquarters: Bakura
  • Domain: They don't particularly hold any dominions over cities planets or the like (other than maintaining a series of bases across Bakura), but can be found throughout the galaxy, helping those who need or pay for it.
  • Notable Assets: Not many, other than a handful of safehouses along the Galaxy's busiest trade routes - other than their home on Bakura, they primarily prefer to stay mobile, traveling the galaxy looking to bring other Mandalorians to their cause.
  • Hierarchy: Unlike many other Mandalorian organizations - which often form units ad hoc and appoint leadership based solely on seniority or battle prowess, the Mandalorian Rangers have a rigid rank system and command hierarchy akin to a proper military, with NCOs and officers appointed based on their tactical ability, leadership skills, and discipline. While exact numbers of men commanded vary base on the particular role, mission, and situational context of a given unit, these ranks generally command similar to what they would in any other military organization - a Fireteam to a corporal, Squad to Sergeant, Battalion to commander and so forth.). The General is the commander of the entire organization (in the absence of a Mand'alor).
    • Verd'ika | Private
    • Alor'uus | Corporal
    • Ruus'alor | Sergeant
    • Ver'Alor | Lieutenant
    • Alor'ad | Captain
    • Al'verde | Commander
    • Ia'arate | General
  • Membership: The Rangers accept any mandalorians to their ranks, so long as they are willing to prove their discipline and devotion to the greater good of all Mando'ade throughout their training - in which they will be evaluated, sorted based on their skills, and then assigned to the role best suited for them. (OOC: Shoot me a message here on on Discord)
  • Climate: The climate is extremely disciplined - though they still serve more as a sect and mercenary outfit currently, they are organized and expected to act as a military organization, and follow guidelines and internal culture to that end, as well as a strict code of conduct. To this end, accountability is also extremely important within this organization - accountability to those above, those below, and those parallel in rank, experience, and standing in the Rangers. Comradery is also of paramount importance, and everyone is expected to treat their fellow rangers as brothers and sisters, the ethos behind the organization's motto Vode An, or Brothers All.
    • Vode An, the name being taken from an old Mandalorian Hymn,
  • Reputation: Being a relatively small organization in a somewhat remote part of the Galaxy, they haven't quite made a large name of themselves galaxy-wide, however:
    • in parts of more "Civilized Space," where they have earned a reputation, they are generally viewed more favorably than many other Mandalorian factions, both contemporaries and of the past, if not fully trustworthy.
    • In the less civilized parts of the galaxy where they have operated the reputation wildy varies, from boogeymen and shadowy death-bringers among slavers and pirate gangs to out-and-out saviors.
    • On Bakura itself they're viewed as a positive influence - always stepping up to protect their adopted homeworld from outside threats, when necessary - and as a productive members of public.
    • In some circles they will always be viewed with suspicion - as if they are merely a stunt to rehabilitate Mandalorians' image, and even some among those who believe they're good will always fear the ancient savagery of the Crusaders hiding beneath the surface
    • Among the Mando'ade, their reputation can run all the way up and down the spectrum, from those who look up to them, and see them as a positive vision for what the warrior culture can represent and what the children of Mandalore can be, to those who think them soft, weak, and traitors to the old ways of Mandalore, to those who merely seem the indifferently, and treat them like the myriad of other splinter factions and sects.
  • Curios: The Rangers' Beskar'gam is generally painted a gray color, with their pauldrons colored according to their clan or house, one pauldron adorned with their clan sigil and the other with the symbol of the Rangers.
  • Rules: Like most Mandalorian sects that wish to maintain even the faintest slimmer of legitimacy, the Mandalorians follow the Resol'nare, with an understanding that "tribe" encompasses Mando'ade as a whole, and not just one's clan. They also follow a expanded version of the Supercommando codex, which establishes not only that Mandalorians wishing to fight should operate as honorable mercenaries and soldiers, but also sets forth a code of honorable conduct in warfare with an emphasis on discipline and restraint.
  • Goals: The highest goal of the Rangers is to reunify the Mando'ade and build a society worthy of their pride. Within that goal, they seek to reform Mandalorian Society in a way similar to the Protectors of the past - replacing the more tribal and savage ways of the past with honor and duty, and replacing the more individualistic streaks within the culture with a focus on the good of all Mando'ade.
[ Mention any notable PCs or NPCs that are part of this organization and their role/title/position within it - alternatively link to a blog post with this information if you would like to keep an active player roster. You may also request a sub mod to add/remove members. Link any relevant characters or NPC submissions. ]


The Mandalorian Rangers were founded at the beginning of the last decade by Goren Gench, the Alor of a small but respected clan known for traveling the less-explored parts of space. Himself a veteran of several wars and proud devotee of the Supercommando Codex, he had come to be disillusioned with the tribal ways that many Mandalorians seemed to express their culture - often putting their individual sects, houses, and clans above the Mando'ade as a whole - and absolutely disgusted with the more savage and criminal expressions of their culture that often appeared in the underworld and among more warmongering bands that engage in raiding and senseless violence.

Drawing together several other Clan Alors and other Mandalorians disaffected and disillusioned by the state of the Mandalorian people after their expulsion from Manda'yaim, He founded the Sirsahyav, or Rangers, both as a paramilitary organization with which they could hire themselves out to honorable causes and support their children and clans as well as an organization through which they would be able to advocate for their ideals and provide a example of a better way for their fellow Mando'ade.
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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon holocron? If yes, link to the original holocron wiki here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Holocron Name: [ What the artifact is called or referred to. ]
  • Alignment: [ Is this an artifact of the dark or the lightside, is it neutral, or something more nuanced? ]
  • Origin: [ Who created it? Was it made by the Sith? The Jedi? Maybe some other sort of force discipline like the Matukai or the Wardens of the Sky? Link to any relevant characters, faction pages, canon wikia or codex submission if applicable. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who currently owns the holocron. Link any relevant characters, faction pages or groups. ]
  • Gatekeeper: [ Describe the gatekeeper guarding this artifact. From their species to appearance, to their personality. Is the gatekeeper a portly Dark Lord of the Sith with insidious designs to steal the holder's body? A wise Neti carefully guiding a young spirit on the path of the Light? Anything goes here. ]
  • Description: [ Give a brief, general description and its purpose. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Are there special rituals necessary to access the secrets of this artifact? A blood sacrifice? Some archaic phrase from the past? Or does it simply open to the touch of a force sensitive being? ]
  • Security: [ Does it have any abilities to defend itself or assault its user? Perhaps poison around its casing, force insanity raging through the holder's brain if the gatekeeper considers them unworthy. ]

[ Describe the knowledge this artifact contains. From force powers to ancient history no longer accessible to the common masses.The more powerful the artifact is, the more in-depth the Historical Information below should be. ]

[ Include a description of the holocron's history here. Describe who created it, how and why it was created, inspiration for its contents, any events tied into its creation and existence, how it came into the possession of the current owner, etc. If the current owner is diametrically different from its creator (ex. a Sith owning a Jedi holocron), feel free to include if and how that affects access or interactions. ]
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  • Intent: Codify the Elite Unit that Selle commands as Ruus'Alor
  • Image Credit: Midjourney
  • Role: Selle's unit of Sirsahyav and a premier unit of
  • Permissions: Roble Stuff
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Kad Beviin
  • Affiliation: Mando Sirsahyav, Selle Skern Selle Skern
  • Classification: Cavalry, Special Forces, Lancers
  • Description: Kad Beviin are elite Mandalorian lancers known for their discipline. Trained for extreme conditions, they exploit environments to strike unexpectedly and vanish swiftly. Their unwavering commitment and fearless reputation inspire allies and intimidate foes.
  • A Lancer and his Mount: The bond between the Lancers and their combat droids ensures impeccable coordination in combat. Together, they execute swift charges and agile maneuvers, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.
  • A Knight's Discipline: The Lancers, under their idealistic leader, adhere to a rigorous code of honor and discipline in battle. Their strict training and indoctrination to this code ensures every battle is engaged in with precision and finesse
  • Iron Presence: The towering stature of their droids and the imposing design of their lances provide an intimidating image when they arrive on the battlefield. They can prove a terrifying force on the battlefield.
  • Irreplaceable: Their intricate training in the art of Bes'uliik warfare, as well as the rarity of their war droids and lances, means that they cannot be easily replenished or replaced. The level of skill and experience required to even be chosen for that training makes each member even more irreplaceable.
  • Forlorn Hope: given their use both as shock troops and special forces, they are often separated from the main battle force of whatever army they are supporting. This can leave them vulnerable to ambushes or encirclement tactics from a tactically sound enemy
  • Burden of Renown: Their reputation, and their instantly recognizable equipment, often puts them under immense pressure. The enemy, aware of their capabilities, prioritizes them, making them a primary target in the battlefield.

With the constantly violent turbulent state of the Galaxy, Selle Skern Selle Skern recognized a need for an evolution in the Rangers' tactics, as well as a need for an instantly recognizable, public-facing unit that could strike fear in the hearts of those the Sirsahyav opposed and bring hope to those that they decided to support. With that, she conceived the doctrine of Basilisk Lances - troops of lancers riding Basilisks into battle with specialized lances. Selle, of course, was the one to build the first of these - Saber Lance. For this purpose she picked out some of the most seasoned of the Sirsahyav's soldiers and drilled into them the values, honor, and discipline she expects of her men. Though they've yet to be tested in a full-scale battle, the Kad Beviin have made a name for themselves in a myriad of raids, rescue missions, and skirmishes against pirates, slavers, and other enemies of the Sirsahyav across the galaxy. As the unit continues to hone its tactics and skills, their hunger to fight in a major battle grows.
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