Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Elan Crowe

    LFG  Looking for FU Interaction (Jedi, Warden, or Other)

    So, Elan is a Force-Sensitive who has no idea he is Force-sensitive (despite having met a Jedi lol). I'm looking to have him interact with Jedi or other FUs (Light Side preferred, someway for him to learn he's FS and put him on his path to becoming his own kind of Jedi (I'm looking to make him...
  2. Marselia Urstalis

    Character  Marselia Urstalis

    MARSELIA URSTALIS Theme key to the highway Full Name Marselia Arron Urstalis Alias(es) Mars Marsie Lia Class(es) Astrogator Warden of the Sky Origin Morellia Age Young Adult Rank(s) Adept Faction(s) Levantine Sanctum Species Morellian Language(s) Galactic Basic +...
  3. S

    Project Warden

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the reformist faction of Mandalorians that Selle has found herself a part of. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Inspiration from Mandalorian Protectors, GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Mando Sirsahyav ("Mandalorian...
  4. Chris Walker

    Approved Tech  Warden Elite Carapace

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An armor for Nothmirite player characters for when they need to engage in personal combat Image Source: (x) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Arms Dynamics Affiliation: Arms Dynamics and The Nothmiro...
  5. Aeshi Tillian

    Codex Denied  The First Warden

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Because Jerek Zenduu pointed out this art looks like Tilda Swinton Image Credit: Character Concept by Jens Claessens Permissions: N/A Links: Wardens of the Sky, "Dawson's Christian" Bando Gora Reavers, The Scourge GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: The...
  6. Barefu Shysa

    Character  Barefu Shysa - Scale Warden

    Barefu Shysa - Scale Warden Name: Barefu Shysa Species: Sacrellish (I swear I'll sub this eventually) Age: 101 Force Sensitive: Yes Gender: Female Height: 7'4 Weight: 301 lbs Homeworld: Sacrelli Faction: GA / Shysa Emperium Rank: Ruler / Prophetess / Dark-Aligned Force Master / Queen...
  7. Bright7

    Approved Tech  Lilanna's Warden Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Custom Warden Armor for Lilanna Kelmavor Image Source:Cosplay By Alea Workshop Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilanna Kelmavor Affiliation: Lilanna Kelmavor . Model: N/A Closed-Market (Any...
  8. Darth Strosius

    Private  Asking Questions on Anzat

    Anzat. A small part of Alisteri felt that he would be lost in this wretched spaceport forever at this rate. He had never had the...pleasure of being to Anzat before, and even now he had yet to set foot on the planet itself. Rather, he had spent nearly two hours now wandering around the...
  9. H3xle

    Kade Sunward

    //Codex Obsidian// //Knights Personnel Files// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Kade Sunward FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems/Knights Obsidian RANK: Warden/Knight SPECIES...
  10. H3xle

    Morgana Prior

    NAME: Morgana Prior FACTION: N/A RANK: Knight SPECIES: Echani AGE: Prime SEX: Female HEIGHT: 167 cm Build: Lithely Muscled, Gymnast EYES: Amber HAIR: White SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  11. Hansen

    Approved Tech  Lila - The Warden's Lightsabre

    Source (x) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating and submitting a custom lightsaber for the "Warden" Assumed identity belonging to Anarielle Mero and constructed to avoid identification if she were to use her own weapon. Image Source: Source Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber...
  12. Hansen

    Approved Tech  X-Series Model 000 VENATOR Semi-Powered Infiltration Armour

    Source (x) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a new and personalised suit of Semi-Powered Armour for Anarielle to provide plausible deniability and anonymity when necessary such as aiding the Jedi Praxeum against the forces of Darkness. Providing protection not just for her but the...
  13. Stanton Delamar

    Stanton Delamar

    Name: Stanton Delamar (Pseudo-name) Faction: None (operates within First Order territory) Rank: Civilian (Warden of the Sky) - First Order Species: Human Age: 41 Sex: Male Height: 6'0" Weight: 190 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown/gray Skin: Caucasian Force Sensitive: Yes Strengths: Power of the...
  14. Sorel Crieff

    Makeb - as good a place as any

    It was a mid-rim planet, somewhere in the edges of Hutt Space. Formally it was neutral but everyone knew the crime lords ran everything from the government to the refuse collection. Anywhere money was to be made, a Hutt would invariably have a part of it. Located in the Aida sector, it had a...
  15. Darth Metus

    Josiah Denko

    Basic Information Name: Josiah Denko Force Alignment: Light Force Rank: Master Species: Near-Human Races: Human, Kraljica Age: 40 Height: 6'1" Weight: ~182 lbs Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Skin Pigmentation: Tan Force Sensitive: Yes Affiliates The Confederacy: Knights Obsidian Master(s)...
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