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Codex Denied Project RUUSAN; PHASE I RESULTS//The Ravenous

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Codename: Ravenous
"Sir, if we manage to crack the secrets of these organisms, we can weaponize them. Provide the New Imperial army a weapon to end the tyranny of Jedi and Sith."
~Major General Rupert Kessler
Head of the Sector Six Research Bureau

  • Intent: To provide Project RUUSAN it’s first weaponised variant of the Badishahal’curazi.
  • Image Credit: None.
  • Canon: None.
  • Permissions: None.
  • Links:
    • Badishahal’curazi [x]
    • Naraka III Overseer Worksuit [x]
  • Name: Project RUUSAN; PHASE I: Codenamed Ravenous
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Fortress Dosuun, Prefsbelt IV [x]
  • Average Lifespan: No life span. It hibernates rather than dies.
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Microscopic parasite would be the term to describe the . To the naked eye, they are but invisible, but when under a microscope they are a very real presence, latching onto midichlorians in an observable manner, and colonising them. Feeding off of the midichlorians and other microbes found nominally within the body.
  • Breathes: None required.
  • Average Height of Adults: 0.01 micrometers
  • Average Length of Adults: 0.25 Micrometers.
  • Skin color: N/A
  • Hair color: None.
  • Distinctions: The Ravenous are identified by the fact they are found feasting on midichlorians, and can be easily identified by their bulbous nature upon them.
  • Races: None.
  • Force Sensitivity: None.
  • Quick Breeders: The Ravenous are able to asexually reproduce, and often do so very quickly, managing to manifest themselves in observably 99.999 recurring percent of all midichlorians found in sentient and non-sentient fauna with force sensitivity.
  • Aggressive: The Ravenous are a hyper aggressive microbe who attack midichlorians and will not stop until a body is rid of them.
  • Superspreader: The Ravenous can live outside, hibernating or dormant outside of a body in the right conditions.
  • Force Sensitivity: With force sensitives carrying more midichlorians than other animals are more vulnerable to the ravenous. Experiment results with high density midichlorians have displayed that in animals with higher counts show increased reproductive rates as the Ravenous rapidly try to eat every cell.
  • Horrifying Subjects: Several research aides on top of dozens of subjects who were exposed to the Ravenous were killed due to exposure during the research phase. The Ravenous hold no allegiance but to their hunger.
  • Reliant On Host: Unlike other parasites, the Ravenous do not move on when their master die. Tests show that once a host dies, the Ravenous die with it.
  • Dirty Conditions: The Ravenous can only really exist in dirty or organic conditions. So in the bloodstream or water. Sterile conditions kill it.
  • Diet: Carnivorous, as they feast on midichlorians.
  • Communication: The Ravenous do not communicate, except for when they are introduced to a body. Once there, the microbes will join forces, and seem to in sync attack the midichlorians within the body. Eating them until the entire body is rid of them.
  • Technology level: None.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None.
  • General behaviour: The Ravenous have two observable behaviours. Breeding and feeding. They feed on the microorganisms found in the body as well as midichlorians, whom they subsist off. But have been known to halt their feeding on their host midichlorian, in order to allow regeneration.
Project RUUSAN would not receive a breakthrough in its development and deconstruction of the Badishah’curazi as quickly as anticipated. The microbe was too resilient to conventional forms of mutation and evolution forced under laboratory conditons. And although having access to unrestrained researchers with no limitations, it nonetheless failed to manifest any breakthroughs. Until one Lieutenant La’ula Pash’adi , a Pa’Deshi research aide on the Naraka III Overseer Worksuit Project discovered something during the midichlorian breeder.

Contamination. But not of the usual sort. What was considered at one point to be an error in the midichlorian breeder, as there were no new midichlorians developed, were shown to have been immediately devoured by an aggressive strain of Badishah’curazi. It seemed to have mutated due to low level radiation in the artificial bloodstream of the Naraka III’s midichlorian breeder. The design was modified to its current form, but the new strain was exported to fresh tanks of purrgill blood where they thrived.

This development saw it move from the Naraka III team, to Sector Six of Project RUUSAN, who began breeding and studying the new strain. The radiation exposure seemed to have made this strain hungrier. It was unshackled from the inhibitions of the base strain and would devour relentlessly. It was exceedingly potent, with one lab accident dooming three lab assistants to have their bloodstreams gnawed on by the Ravenous. Ergo, the name Ravenous was given to it. The Prefsbelt teams continued to research believing the Ravenous could be weaponised for mass destruction.
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