Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So improvise. You were just looking for a place to chill for a night, you saw this mad, raving party that was so awesome it was pouring out into the street, and you just couldn't resist. :)
[member="Tal Kyramud"]
Tamara said:
[member="Morna Imura"]

I don’t hate you at all. In fact, I was about to congratulate you on advancing the cause of same-sex marriage!
Then I remembered you were male.

Still, good luck with the party!
Always be bringing up the female part of me.

[member="Lexa Kimene"], contrary to popular belief, guys can go long periods without "fun" so watch it Hun.
Oh, you're gonna go there? Well, I guess I'll have to go ahead and buy some PJs for our wedding night. Because, you know, I don't wear any......
[member="Morna Imura"]

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