Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pleasure and Pain - Expedition to Pax Insul

In Umbris Potestas Est

"Taken her away." He remained resolute. "Stored her where she would have been untouched by the rest of the galaxy, out on a distant world. More seals, more arcane rituals performed to ensure that none would be able to unlock what lay within. And if it had come to such, I would sacrifice myself in order to ensure that none unleashed what was within."

He turned to the shade, giving a soft sigh. "I once had the power she did." He turned his head towards the open oubliette. "I terrorized a world long forgotten in the galaxy's history. I was stopped by a woman like you - I was encased inside of an oubliette in order to ensure I never threatened anyone ever again. In time, I conquered the darkness within me to ensure that it never arose. I could only hope that one day, she would be reformed by my hand."

He then listened to her response. "She is strong in the Force - the Dark Side - but she is no goddess. I only hope she understands such, though I have no knowledge as to what happened... but regardless, I cannot enter the chamber and acquire even the oubliette without your guidance."
Lord Sebastian smiled, he could not help, but notice the irony here. He stood in a temple, an old one at that and not he was faced with single handedly needing to take down two ancients known as Terentateks. This was exactly like the legend of Darth Revan taking two down alone. His knowledge retold him these beasts would not rest until they ether devoured the dark side here in this room or they themselves were dead. He also know they were immune to direct Force attacks which made this all the more dangerous for the Sorcerer, but fear was not one of the emotions he was currently feeling.

He slowly picked his cane up, no longer leaning on it. Both beasts growled, but still they waited like a patient predictor who had waited all day for its prey. He did not attack yet, he formulated, he had to be swift and prescience with his actions. Currently the beast on his right was 10meters away and the left was 12 meters making them 22 meters away from each other. He had one advantage on his side which was they had been sleeping for an unbelievably long time.

Now he took in the scenery. He was in a room made of stone, but time had not been kind. There was one entrance and one exit which was a feverish door. All over the place was cracked and in one spot the crack was so deep it was creating a small pond from the excess of a near by river. He thought a moment and noticed the beasts mimicked even his slightest movements, they were ready to strike. He looked at his cane and smiled, he had a plan that should work, but it was risky and all bridged on these beasts resistance being in their skin.

He slammed his cane down and the beasts attacked, but he also went for the right one. Upon his cane hitting the ground a wall of rock came up in front of the left one. It would bust through, but it bought him a few extra precious seconds. He dashed at the right one using his famous speed and slid under and incoming claw unseating the lightsaber in his simple cane. His cane would soon, be a lot better than it was now, but currently was a mere lightsaber cane.

He ignited the crimson blade and while sliding between the legs he spun in 360 degrees slashing the legs. He was then struck by a back hand of the right beast and sent crashing into a wall. The left beast was not to be forgotten. He was soon after Sebastian and attacking with its tusks. With the Force he rose and jumped over the incoming tusks and sliced his back a little and then used Force jump to separate them and go to the other side of the room.

The beasts now faced Sebastian and they were livid about their minor wounds and all Sebastian said was, "Checkmate." The beasts charged again and then the left one stopped upon hearing a loud crash. The right one had slammed face first by was appeared by tripping and slammed into the ground. Upon closer inspection one would notice that the Brady's legs were much blacker than normal. The Shadow shaping that Sebastian was developing was wrapping around the beasts legs and entering the wounds. Shaping was manipulation of elements and in this case, shadows so it was the Force without the direct contact. The beast roared as it clawed against the ground as it was dragged and slammed into a Dark corner chained up by shadows.

The second one was stopped long enough that Sebastian had used a Lignan ore and summoned a Darkshear sending it at the left one and imposing him into the right one making a shkabob. The beasts were not dead yet and he had to act fast if he was to kill them. He used shaping to harness the water and sent it at then to envelop them and then used his famous fire shipping to beat the water to boiling temperatures to cook the water and in turn them which could not get through their skin, but did open their wounds enough that the heated water could get through and cook them from the inside causing heated blood to come out of their openings and pores.

Lord Sebastian walked to the dead beasts and bowed, they were magnificent creatures and deserved better than this. Sebastian leaned against his cane looking at the bloody mess and resting. He used what little healing he knew to heal his brushes and more from getting hit, an unneeded injury and he needed all the strength he had for what lay beyond the door.

Tears, one rolled down Corvus' cheek much to Braith's confusion. The Alua'an had a basic grasp of emotions, of feelings like love and hate, but to begin to cry after such a confusing response didn't make much sense to the logic-prone woman - not that what she said was entirely certain to her, either. Was she being accepting of her, or was it a gentle let down? For once in a great many years it appeared she hadn't the slightest control on how life was moving, and though it seemed that what Corvus was saying was a confirmation of her own hopes, she was never one to assume what one was thinking without confirmation. Yet she did not speak. A blue and violet eye analyzed the Jedi's face, her brow furrowed subconsciously to show her confusion. "Why do you cry?" She asked, uncertain as to whether that was what she was doing or not, and propped herself up further with a push of her arms. She was still sitting in the oubliette, still having difficulty making out all the finer details of what lie within her vision, and although there was nothing she wanted more than to get out of the god-forsaken crypt and leave this place behind, for now she would put her savoir ahead of herself. For a brief moment she wondered if it had came across that she hadn't been listening - she had, intently - but with the shake of her head she sighed, and not of disappointment. "I do not care what you do, Corvus, if I had been uncertain of whether I could accept you for who you are I would not have tried to lead you here." A pause, a sweeping gaze across that perfect face. "I won't demand you leave behind what you know, that you betray what you have been - what you are - or that you stop being a Jedi. All I want, Corvus," Braith explained, closing her eyes for a moment, her expression becoming lax, as she wondered whether what she was about to say was too abrupt, if it would scare the woman away.

"All I want, Corvus, is you."

She followed the statement with an anxious, sharp, intake of breath, eyes opening a bit to look up with uncertainty at the Jedi that stood close by. She had always been rather forward, but never had she been this forward. But Braith recognized this moment as perhaps the only chance she had, that if she waited things would happen that might drift them apart further, and though she was easily ten thousand years old by Corvus' reckoning, she lived as though every moment was her last. She did what she needed, creating an aura of the dark side where it was necessitated, dissipating it when it was not, and did not recognize a dark or a light side of this 'force' - she did not recognize the force the same way Jedi and Sith did at all, instead believing it to be the neutral power from which all life originated, even supposed deities such as herself. And power? She was uncertain where the notion of a physical corruption came from, but in her time, in an era before the wars between Jedi and Sith, there had only been power, and those that used it - how they used it. Dark and Light were both as guilty as crimes as the other, her imprisonment for 'the greater good' was hint enough at that, and they'd dared to blame an entire planet's apocalypse on her - the woman that had brought rains to their crops, had destroyed pestilence that had sought to kill the people, and eliminated famine. So she had accepted live sacrifice? It had been more than her nature, it was a religious tradition that even the traitor, so-called beholder of peace, Bathia had accepted without an ounce of regret. For they were gods, men were ants; did men think ill of themselves for the insects crushed beneath their heels? But this woman, Corvus, she held her as more than such a simple being, more complex than the most beautiful of flowers picked in her youth, she was a light that could illuminate her solitary darkness. "Do you want me?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Corvus stared down at Braith’s face. A furrowed brow made her stomach lurch. Were her words misunderstood? Or worse, not reciprocated?

The tear had escaped her eye by now and dropped onto the woman below. It felt strangely intimate. All actions and reactions seemed amplified right now. Love was a strange emotion and years of reliving those moments on Prakith, of Silara’s words on Ord Mirit – and her own feelings, unleashed like some caged animal to roam as they pleased were overwhelming her.

"Why do you cry?"

“Because I’m happy and sad at the same time. Happy to have found you, sad because I might lose you. These emotions I have are so powerful yet you don’t know me. What if I don’t measure up? You’ve waited so long, you deserve something special. Someone special.”

Braith’s words were all Corvus wanted to hear. She had no concept of love beyond sisterly emotions and what she’d read of in books, or witnessed in others. But love was like swimming. You couldn’t experience it from the edge of the pool. You had to dive in and either drowned or floated. And nobody had taught her how to swim.

She blushed. Her lack of knowledge was uncomfortable to her. All she wanted was to be with this woman. For years she’d replayed Prakith, wondering if she had overanalysed the situation, clung to a hope that was forlorn.

Others might wonder how her affection for Silara blossomed so quickly. They did not know the full story. How could they? Seven years is not the blink of an eye. But now she was here, with [member="Braith"] - and Silara was essentially forgotten. Because it felt right. Corvus could express her feelings no other way. She knew instinctively that the presence on Prakith that entrapped her was Braith. Not that she was taken unwillingly.

Had she not faced Silara on Ord Mirit, she’d not be here now. But deep down she knew that Braith would have found a way. Just as she worked tirelessly to find out about this place.

The conformation that Corvus was wanted was all she needed to hear. Braith loved her for who she was, not what she could become. For Corvus, the ambiguity of Braith’s use of the Force was going to be a challenge. But then she’d been conflicted her whole life for one reason or another. Was the use of the Force inherently good or evil? Some Jedi philosophers said not. It was its application that mattered – and nothing else. Killing innocents by using the Light-side? Saving defenceless lives by using the Dark-side? Who was to say which was right, the scholars argued.

But academic debates were far from Corvus’ mind now.

And she needed a response to Braith’s question that could not be considered ambiguous. So she offered the best answer she could find.

"Do you want me?"

“Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt. Yes.”

With a groan T'zanith leaned up, supporting his half lying back with one hand while the other rubbed his head. Did he just pass out? He thought before he looked around himself and suddenly felt a deep sense of relief and dread at the same time. He had landed on a narrow, naturally formed stone bridge 20 meters bellow his point of falling but he couldn't see the bottom bellow. Swallowing a little as he got up and looked down, glad he hadn't slid to the side as he landed on the bridge. He suspected he'd still be falling by now.
Seeing his make shift satchel hang precariously on a single rock that jagged out of the bridge he moved to pick it up and placed it around his upper body. Looking inside he could see that it was still filled with the nine crystals he had found so far but now he had no clue on how to get out of the cave he currently was in. His first act though was to get to one of the more stable sides of the bridge as he didn't like just standing on it for more than he'd have to. Once on the other side he looked around and noticed that he was smack dab in the middle of an ancient temple centuries if not millennium old and the bridge he had landed on was simply so weathered by time that it looked like a naturally formed stalagmite bridge. "Now were am I?" He half whispered to himself, it echoed a little around him, as he expanded his senses and searched through the temple with his senses.
It took him a while before he felt a small whisk of wind caress his skin and as he followed it's trail and direction he knew it didn't come from the opening above him but instead from one of the four corridors on his end of the bridge. He couldn't help but not the many depictions of ravens around the temple as he chose a passage to go through and headed into it.
He walked for a few minutes before he entered another chamber this one however was a little different from the one he had been inside just minutes before. This one seemed more like an entry hall than anything else but the entrance was buried under rocks and earth, much to the acolyte's frustration.
For the next hour or so he spent it trying to dig his way out of the chamber but to no avail as the earth and rocks seemed to go on forever. He had already dug himself through four meters of it all but still he wasn't through it so he moved to the a pedestal in the middle of the chamber he suspected had been used as a hand bath for visitors but he simply used it to keep his robes and satchel there for safe keeping. He had made note of a pair of crystals in the room, nestled in the eye sockets of a raven head nestled above the archway leading to the corridor from which he had come.
Taking a small canteen of water out of his belt he took a swig and then he realized it, the current of fresh air wasn't coming from the entrance but from above him. A small crack in the ceiling had a small ray of light shining through it, oh how T'zanith cursed himself for seeing through the force at that moment, for he would have seen that straight away if his pitch black eyes were actually just not for decoration. Gathering the force after he had put all his things on himself again he shot a powerful force push at the crack and... nothing much happened besides the crack getting a little bigger. "What?!"
T'zanith grew frustrated as he reached out and pulled out a few rocks from the entry way and threw them at the crack, which only marginally widened. For the next ten minutes T'zanith hurled rocks and force pushes at the crack which only grew to a size that would accommodate T'zanith half way through. With frustration and anger building up he screamed at the crack in a fierce primal roar, a force scream, which sent a shock wave at the crack powerful enough to break it wide open as part of the jungle floor came crashing down to form a steep hill out of the temple. Had he just figured out a new force ability? or had it been a one time thing?
That he pondered as he left the temple and in hailed some fresher air than had been bellow, his satchel now full with a total of eleven crystals and could not hold anymore. As he made his way towards were he suspected the ship to be he stopped as he heard a growl behind him and looking back he saw it was a panther mistaking the acolyte for an easy meal.
T'zanith tried putting the force into his vocal cords as he growled right back, he felt his voice was more powerful and the grow was closer to that of the panther than a human beings vocal cord range. He tried a little more force into his voice as he saw that the panther had taken his little growl as an intimidating challenge and was about to pounce. "LEAVE!" He force screamed at the panther sending it hurtling back and landing on a tree trunk hard enough to be clearly heard.
The panther limped away as T'zanith had drawn his Lightsaber, as useful as the ability was his throat was killing him after only three uses, but he wouldn't take any chances if it got second wind, he'd have to use the ability sparingly at the very least.
As he finally made it back to the shuttle he placed the satchel on board and took out his canteen again as he resigned to training his force senses while he awaited his masters return, and hopefully they'd leave the karking planet then. However as he reflected a little on what had happened he realized something, he was beginning to talk to himself when he was left alone could he be loosing his mind or was he simply so used to being by himself that it felt natural to talk to himself? neither possibility sounded good to T'zanith. Not at all.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Braith"] [member="Lord Sebastian"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
[member="Lord Sebastian"] [member="Braith"]

Jaster and his Driods finally reached the enterence to the temple. As it were though, the door was now opened and his men were no where to be found, not even bodies to confirm they were killed. Jaster thought this was weird, and even more so that the door with no handles was opened.

He radioed his men, "Charlie 1-3, where are you guys?"

Nothing but static, he then radioed command to continue to hail them, also to tell Alpha 1-1 to proceed to the temple for reinforcements, he would probably need the help of they were ambushed by something. He approved the walls to see what he could read, he couldn't believe it, the legends were true. He couldn't depict much from the writing as he had only a few days to try and decrypt it all, along with Driods working day and night. There was only mention of death and some sort of goddess within the tomb, or was it a temple. He grunted at his inability to accurately read what was written on the walls, but none the less he had to enter, his old master spoke of this planet, and he wished to learn more.

He took his Driods with him, their memory was easy to erase, and Jaster didn't want anyone to find out he was breaking Primeval Protocol because he was too curious for his own good. He proceeded to take pictures, working his way to the back of the temple, where there seemed to be a tunnel leading downward. He had his Driods lead first, they also left the explosives by the entrance for his men, exsplosives and old temples didn't really mix.

As they decended deeper, he looked back to his master, a priest he met in his exile from his homeworld. He thought Jaster of an ancient cult, at the time, he was lost nearly suisidal in his choice of jobs. With the cult speaking of a merciful goddess with warrior like skills with the blade, Jaster fell in aww. Unfortunalty his master was killed, religion was a sticky game, and if another cult found your teaching against theirs, their was only one left standing. Jaster was the reminats of this faith, he knew of no others who believed in the myths, so he kept it to himself.

As they reached level ground, Jaster continued till he needed a break, he truely wondered what was on this planet, that so many Primevals would come to such a dreadful place. Then again, he was here on a work visa.
The spirit of the woman merely listened to what [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] had to say, in regards to his thoughts on Braith's imprisonment. His words were curious - she wondered more specifically why he seemed like he'd became far less powerful, as it wasn't necessarily difficult to simply break through her defenses with brute force at Braith's degree of power - although she didn't press him for an explanation, the fact that he wasn't threatening to destroy everything by letting the woman go told her enough. Of course, she came from a world, and a time, where there was no dark or light side to a human, or alien species really, that there was power, knowledge, and how one used it. It had been because she had accepted human sacrifice that her spirit had even survived the draining of her life force when she was impaled by the Maw of Midnight, which had instantly sapped her stamina the moment it had pierced her chest. "I had expected this world, devoid of sentient life, to have never attracted another to her - much less such a troupe of explorers seeking power as those lying just beyond the tomb. Whoever has freed her, however, is not one of them - though I can not sense either presence, which could mean that she is dead as well, I am not certain." Bathia replied, speaking as though the world had lost its population at the point of Braith's confinement - something that had, in reality, happened five thousand years later, although she made no comment on why she had expected that to be the case so far in advance. "Feel free to walk beyond the path, there is no longer a reason for me to remain here - if she is free, or dead, or simply gone, it no longer matters if I am to keep others out or not. The beasts above have been slain as well." She added, her signature within the force slowly fading with the barrier that kept Vitor from continuing while [member="Lord Sebastian"] recovered from what wounds he had received. There was no longer anything to stop others from entering the crypt, though what they might find within - or might not - would reveal whether or not they had wasted their time.

Braith's worry of ambiguity was resolved with a single word out of the handful that had been said. Perhaps Corvus wasn't aware of the sort of influence she held over Braith, especially now - while she was grateful for being literally saved, as well as absolutely infatuated with the Jedi - but despite her attachment to the night and everything that came with it, even the dark side that was so easy to crawl back into when she needed comfort for all her self-loathing, all of that could be given up. If this woman had asked her to, even without being aware of what such a request would imply, Braith would walk into the sunlight for her - although she supposed being burned for several moments wasn't the worst that could have happened to her. Simply one word, just the word 'yes', had resolved any and all conflict within herself and drew her to the woman that she could now call her beacon - a woman she knew could be trusted with her own weakness. She knew without even looking - though she did turn her head to double-check - that the idiots that had trapped her here had been simple-minded enough to put her things, and evidently Bathia's, in the same place as she was being kept, likely too arrogant to believe she might one day break free from the oubliette. "It might be a little early, but.." She began, sliding her legs up and over the casket she'd been sitting in until now, and steadied herself against the alter that had kept her oubliette hidden for so long. Lifting her left hand, shakily, she reached out with the force and pulled a large wooden staff to her hand, instantly wincing at the use of her muscles so soon after such a long time of being perfectly still. The aura of the light side didn't burn her, not even in the slightest, nor did the minor imbued force light, which spoke volumes to just how much ten thousand years of being stuck with just her and her thoughts had changed her.

"I doubt people of this era use things like these, but this was created specifically to keep me in check, it amplified the shining aura of the light, which should strip me of my stamina if I were ever to devolve into what I had been once." Braith explained, swallowing hard as she looked at the plain wooden staff that seemed to give off a faint shine. "Symbolically, it is my vulnerability, and it is for you. Whether you make use of it or not, it doesn't matter." She added, holding the staff out to Corvus. She glanced around the relatively bare room and then back to the Jedi with mild curiosity. "What now?" Braith asked with relative uncertainty - she'd never once left the planet, not physically anyways, and this world had been all that she had known. To leave, if the Jedi master would take her, would mean a massive change, perhaps even bigger and more pivotal in her life than the lifting of the lid on her tomb. Beyond the room were others, searching perhaps for her still, but Braith really didn't care. If they sought knowledge, power, they would need to pry it from her cold, dead, hands if they expected to receive it from her - not that she was paying any attention to them. Whatever it was that [member="Corvus Raaf"] decided to do, now, would be what she would go along with - whether it be to return with her to wherever she came from, or to drift off in space to some other destination, although part of her worried that being a Jedi meant that any public relationship with Braith would need to be limited, or even non-existent.
She could lift four Muntuur stones and could move – if not pick up – a fifth. But the weight that lifted off her shoulders was far greater than that. Her smile, in many ways her trademark – even the Tusken’s called her the smiling one – was now radiant. Not a reflex or a courtesy, but a reflection of her mood.

A pragmatist would be worried now. Such access to emotions would allow them all free scope to shape her mood. But she was in love. And those that were in her current state never considered the consequences – or a day when they would not be in love.

It was no overnight infatuation – years had passed since her first inkling, one she’d hidden away and dared not dream of. It was immature love now – she loved Braith because she needed her but it was already blossoming into something more grown-up. She was starting to need the goddess because she loved her.

People would scoff. People would judge. People would tell them they were wrong to be together. As if anyone in love ever listened to other’s advice. And countless stories were told of love overcoming obstacles – of defying them.

Despite her reputation, Corvus did not judge. She held people to account for promises and oaths, but that was not the same thing. In her mind she was doing nothing wrong. She searched her feelings. There was truth between her heart and the Force. This for her was the litmus test. And if it wasn’t in accord? In truth she didn’t know and right now didn’t care.

In her own, short existence, she’d waited a lifetime for this moment.

And her hands shot out, instinctively as [member="Braith"] stood shakily. She had no desire to patronise her…her what? Her reason for being? Perhaps…but not a name that tripped off the tongue. Regardless, she allowed Braith to make her way unaided to a large wooden staff. The goddess pulled it to her, using the Force. Call it curiosity, call it an occupational reflex, she sensed the use of the Force. Not Light, nor Dark. Just the Force.

Light-side and Dark-side were just moral compasses. She remembered words about the Potentium view of the Force. It was disapproved of by the Order. But it purported there was just the Force – no sides. As long as the intention of the user was for good, any Ability could be used.

But that was a debate for another day. But an intriguing one. How would you judge someone that pre-dated the Jedi and the Sith by today’s standards? How could you? Why should you?

The staff gave a faint Light-sided aura and Braith handled it without any ill-effects. Corvus took it willingly, almost reverently, staring at the millennia old wood and marvelling at its beauty. It was a wonderful gift.

“If this represents your vulnerability, I shall keep it safe. For I shall always protect you from those that would harm you.” A naïve statement? Perhaps, but it was forgiveable under the circumstances.

"What now?"

Corvus looked slightly perplexed. Her plan hadn’t gone beyond finding Braith. “I don’t know,” she laughed, realising the absurdity of the situation. She’d travelled half-way around the galaxy and hadn’t even considered the consequences.

Corvus sighed and stood close to Braith. So close their noses almost touched. “All I wanted to do was find you. To know those words were real. I could die happy now. But I’m still alive and you’re here and there is a whole galaxy out there. Planets you no doubt have never heard of. I grant you some aren’t worth visiting…” she smiled, “But it is my intention to go wherever you want me to. I have responsibilities and I have no need or want to shirk them. But then I’ve never had a day off in over twenty years, so I think I’m owed some lieu days.”

In truth she’d taken the last five off, simply searching the archives for Braith. “So…what do you want to do? I can give you the moon on a stick if you want it.” It was a flippant remark, one her father used to say whenever she asked for something. Except he used it as a phrase of scorn, suggesting she asked too much. But Braith? In Corvus’ eyes she could never ask for enough.

“Whatever happens, we’ll never fall. We’ll never fade. No matter what, until the bitter end, we’re going to be the last ones standing.”
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Braith"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

With the guardian gone, Vitor had no reason to continue to stand there. Running a hand through his hair, he pondered for a moment before choosing to rather succinctly step forward. Walking across what was once a set of trapdoor tiles that activated the forcefield, he entered the room, eyes glancing for but a brief moment on the two women before stepping to the Oubliette. Carefully tugging on it, he ran his hands over the structure, looking for something, anything that could successfully help him move the man-sized stasis casket. He would not say anything to the others unless they inquired of him.

Considering how heavily blonded and tanned the crystal had made him, it was somewhat likely.
Enraptured, that was what Braith found herself feeling in that moment. If there was ever a moment where she felt her heart throb, not in anger or frustration but with a warmth that flooded every fiber of her being. There was a word to it, something that gave it meaning to those who relied on words to describe feelings - but it was also a word she wasn't exactly so comfortable simply throwing about, not because she didn't believe it to be true, rather she felt it was too strong of a word to simply use, to save for moments where memories were ironed in. True, this was a memorable moment, and she felt that feeling like a burning flame within her chest, but the day was early and there was still time for something even more spectacular to happen. But even though she held such reservations to describing her want for the woman that clearly wanted her, there was no denying it was true. One four letter word, oddly enough, was taboo for her to simply use in everyday conversation or include in her common vocabulary - much like it could be considered an exaggeration to describe something mildly unsafe as grossly dangerous, it simply held a definition that went far beyond the moments that it could be used in. But that offer - one which she knew wasn't literal - simply spelled doom for that restraint. What was this warmth, this heat, that spread from the small of her back to the front of her chest? Was it affection or something more.. something akin to love at first sight?

"I'll follow you wherever you go." She replied with a smile, amused with the almost humorous approach the Jedi master took when in such pivotal moments. They stood so close together, and even though the two had professed their desire for the other she still felt a world apart - though at a distance that was personal, between the two of them, that could be addressed with time so that they could bridge that gap. She held her breathe for a moment when she realized just how close the two were actually standing, almost touching their noses and the tops of their heads, and that bemused smile was replaced with a smart grin. "If the end is with you, I think even a bitter end could be at least partially sweet." Braith mused audibly, words just above a whisper. An urge overcame her, one which almost drove her forwards, but just as she had allowed that feeling to surge forth, and from the back of the room walked in a strange man that either remained completely oblivious to the two women - the White Current having, unknowingly to Braith, kept the two relatively alone - or simply ignored them - which to Braith, currently, seemed to be the case. The surprise of realizing they were not alone immediately caused the woman to step back and turn to face the man who seemed intent on studying its surface or contents in some manner. He looked slightly familiar from a picture, a drawing, she'd seen during her youth, but at the moment she couldn't quite put a finger on it.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Lord Sebastian"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

Lord Sebastian had been doing a standing meditation up until he felt the Force sooth his pain, it was now time to meet whatever was beyond that door. He was not sure his own intentions, unlike most Sith he had a standard. He much rather request or learn power than forcefully taking it, power being freely offered was always more meaningful.

Though this was under the impression that beyond that door was only the power source he had detected, not the Grandmaster he despised. It was irrational sure, but she had been the most cruel to him when he wanted to be a Jedi. He had no connection to Sith at that time or desire.

In all reality, he only joined the Sith to destroy them, but found them the family he never had. After learning the truth about his parent's death by the Jedi he fully fell to the dark side. His father, the wrath of the Sith and mother a Jedi master who betrayed the Jedi for love, dead.

Sebastian moved slowly to the door. The beasts fell to the ground as the spear disappeared, seemed he was getting stronger with it. He pushed open a door that led to a dark hallway that went down at a slope. He slowly moved down it, his cane causing an echo every time it hit the ground. He continued his movements until he came to the burial room with no coffin

This only added to the confusion told the temple. There was a young Jedi looking around, but Sebastian stood ended by the shadows and the art of the small. Maybe there was an illusion on the room, something to hide the buried from wanderers. He thought for a bit on how to break the illusion on the room, little did he know it was White Current, one not easily broken.

Lucky for Sebastian she had been using white Current for a long time so it could be revealed, but how was the question. He placed his cane on the ground to support him and closed his eyes as he thought on illusions and his studies. Really the object or person was still present, but not to the sight as the Force would ether hide the user or through off the perception of the mind. He decided sight, as he opened his eyes they ever-growing orange as he used his enhanced senses to look thorough the Force.

After some time of looking around he saw something, a wooden cane lifted from a table and then disappear. There was indeed something going on, but he had no idea what. His eyes returned to normal as he remained hidden in the shadows. Something powerful was here and hidden very well, but not for long, he had an idea.

He could force what ever was hiding into sight or so he thiught, but that would be rude. He merely dropped his bidding and revealed his presence. The young Jedi was of no concern, but he walked unknowingly behind [member="Corvus Raaf"] and spoke to [member="Braith"], "there is no need to hide, I am, but a humble servant looking to learn about the one hidden here. According to the walls she was a goddess and I search to know about her time and have a civil discussion. I come in peace."

An odd thing to say from a Sith, but sometimes humility could go a long way. With humility even the deepest of enemies could be civil. His hope was whatever was bidding would willing reveal themselves and be willing to talk, but if whatever was in there was not able to think he'd have to force the illusion to break which took a lot of effort.

"I'll follow you wherever you go."

What is it — that sensation you get that makes you believe you're unique, like the only person in the galaxy to feel this way? Regardless of how many times you hear of others falling for someone — there is something individual when it affects you.

In Corvus’ defence, she was not worldly wise when it came to these matters, so she could be forgiven for believing her feelings were unlike anyone had ever felt before. But she believed with all her heart that nobody could feel about anyone the way she felt about Braith — and that, going forward, her life could never be complete without her.

She felt Braith’s breath on her skin and it sent shivers down her spine — the intimacy of their closeness intoxicating. The potentials and possibilities both exhilarating and filling her with trepidation in equal measures — the Jedi’s innocence both a boon and a weakness in her own eyes. And the short space between them reduced as Braith whispered words that raised the hairs on Corvus’ neck.

But before she could respond, Corvus was aware another had entered the room. They were still within the White Current and therefore invisible and inaudible, but the Jedi realised she’d not explained this to [member="Braith"]. Suddenly practicality had to come to the fore and tender moments had to be put on hold.

Corvus was just about to speak when another entered the room. He spoke of knowing someone was there — but Corvus suspected it was a hunch rather than knowledge. If she were visible, the intruder would not talk of hiding. So she spoke to Braith. “We are hidden from their eyes and ears. I have protected us. But the longer we remain — the more likely we will be discovered. We can leave the way I came in,” Corvus pointed up, the hatch above her head available with just a simple Force Jump, even if Corvus had to hold Braith in her likely weakened state. “Unless you wish to speak to these interlopers.”

“One I recognise. He was once a…well a lot of different things, but suffice to say he was once adamant he was a force for good. The last I knew of him, he was trying to murder my sister. But I came for you and won’t leave without you. Never. And you wish to speak to either of these people, rest assured I respect your wishes.” She brandished the staff. “And protect you with my life.”

Corvus’ other hand went to the hilt of her sword.

[member="Lord Sebastian"] | [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Apparently no one seemed to care as he rummaged through his pack. He soon found several repulsor-pads which he hastily mounted to the outside of the casket, turning each one on. With a slow motion to ensure the device wasn't being powered by external cabling, he began to pull it away from the outside, slowly maneuvering it backwards, remaining deliberately and intentionally ignorant of everything else as he began to maneuver it outside the room. Cautiously he followed the path back out, but this time moved to follow the spiral up, more sturdily constructed.

Eventually, he came to a solidly constructed, albeit partially rotted door, one which he kicked against several times to open. This led to the upper region of the island - from here he could find exactly where he needed to go in order to get back to his speeder bike, and from there, his ship.

So it seemed he was completely unaware of both [member="Braith"] and [member="Corvus Raaf"]. Perhaps, though, the Oubliette would be of some use. For what, he had no idea. In fact, he was unsure if the presence he touched would be something he would ever experience again - a doubtful thing.

"Lose the treasure... keep the box."
Hiding? Hidden? It suddenly became perfectly clear why the tanned man seemed to abruptly ignore her and - as of current - walk off with the oubliette she had been sleeping in for the past eon. She furrowed her brow while she tried to understand why Corvus had even hidden them in the first place - certainly the woman didn't fear a confrontation with those who sought her out, she doubted any of them had came to kill her. Had something gone wrong? Had there been a larger gap between the death of Silara to now than she realized? She shook her head, leaned to the side a bit, and pushed back her hair while she looked towards the woman she was planning to leave with. Roughly at the same time Corvus happened to let it slip that the Echani that was apparently looking for her had tried to murder her sister. Of course, the immediate thought that went through Braith's mind was, 'She has a sister?' Granted the Alua'an didn't vocalize her surprise at having only now discovered this, rather perplexed that Silara hadn't discovered this during the time that she had been looking into the Jedi Order so many years ago. "Uh, uh, this illusion, whatever it is that is keeping us unseen, drop it, please." She requested, trying to grasp for a way to describe whatever it was that had kept them invisible and unheard with tightly shut eyes and wildly gesturing hands. "I'd like to have a word with this man who has the gall to come seeking for power and secrets in my prison after having tried to kill your sister." Braith spat, the touch of Corvus's hand to the sword that rested at her hip not lost on the woman. Clearly there was at least some predictability in how the goddess chose to act.

For a moment she just wanted to wait for the Jedi to try to argue about such a useless confrontation, or to simply drop the curtain that covered them - really she was pretty split as to which outcome she was anticipating the most, either would be absolutely just like what she'd come to expect Corvus to do, just the latter being something perhaps solely for her sake rather than a commonplace decision for anyone else. But, being Braith, she was impatient and liked to ask a lot of questions, at least from her only friend, and a few deep breaths followed by several changes in expression - most notably at her brow - prompted her to first sigh heavily and then question the circumstances of this all. "I'll have to say, I'm a little confused as to why you'd keep us hidden - I understand you are thinking of my safety, and I understand that as a... Jedi.. you don't seek out conflict when it isn't needed - but neither of those two reasons should have prompted keeping us completely removed from, well, apparently the rest of the world judging by how they can't even feel my presence." Braith rambled, letting the tight hold she had on her force signature go - or rather the complete spread of it, which probably would have permeated the entire island if it wasn't actively being covered up by the White Current - in order to emphasize the rather potent and significantly notable presence she had by simply sensory standards alone. "I would have preferred if you had asked me, Corvus. I'm not going to pretend I'm not upset - if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you came here for a completely different reason than to just set me free." She grumbled, turning her steely gaze towards the Echani, whom she now wanted to punch firmly in the face. For the moment the tanned man wasn't really at her center of attention, but with her - or his - luck, any budging from Corvus to give Braith what she wanted would more than certainly open an avenue for conversation, if even briefly, to spring up.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Lord Sebastian"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]


Possibly their first spat? Who said the course of true love ran smooth?

Corvus looked at [member="Braith"]. Then at the Jedi and then the Sith. And then at Braith again. She didn’t even consider the men outside looking to blow the mountain up.

"Uh, uh, this illusion, whatever it is that is keeping us unseen, drop it, please."

She opened her mouth to speak and closed it again. She repeated this process a few times but did as requested, the White Current ebbing away and they both materialised in front of the two men.

"I'd like to have a word with this man who has the gall to come seeking for power and secrets in my prison after having tried to kill your sister."

Again, Corvus was speechless and looked from the Sith to Braith. Was the goddess expecting an argument? She had her reasons but perhaps now was not the time to share them.

"I'll have to say, I'm a little confused as to why you'd keep us hidden - I understand you are thinking of my safety, and I understand that as a... Jedi.. you don't seek out conflict when it isn't needed - but neither of those two reasons should have prompted keeping us completely removed from, well, apparently the rest of the world judging by how they can't even feel my presence."

Corvus wanted to tell her that they could now hear every syllable, but couldn’t seem to get a word in edgeways. When Braith built up a head of steam she was formidable. Corvus couldn't help but smile at the fact. No doubt this would enflame the situation but she found the trait alluring.

But those assembled — if not the whole island — would now have been alerted not only to Braith's presence but the power she possessed. You don’t become a goddess by accident. Unless of course you do…but now was not the time for such a theoretical debate.

And if what had gone before was a telling-off, what followed was a full-on rebuke.

"I would have preferred if you had asked me, Corvus. I'm not going to pretend I'm not upset - if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you came here for a completely different reason than to just set me free."

Finally Corvus found her tongue. How this looked to those assembled she neither knew nor cared. “This planet is being invaded. Teams are here to secure the territory and blow certain parts of it up — including this mountain as far as I can tell. So getting here quickly and subtly was my priority. Getting to you…” Corvus’ words faltered.

“I came for you. I wasn’t sure what I’d find. It could have been a hoax, or a trap, or I could have found a consciousness without a form, or…or anything.” Now Corvus’ voice raised an octave and a number of decibels. “Never, ever doubt me Braith. What I did, I did for you. For us. But I was cautious. I admit that. Maybe too cautious, but what would you do in my position? Leave a trail of dead bodies in my wake? Create a virtual arrow to your presence? The people that are invading this planet are at war with the Government I serve. I have come here alone. One against tens, hundreds, thousands…maybe tens of thousands?”

“The odds don’t bother me. For you I’d do it again and again. And…well, I’ve dropped the cloak that hid us and…well, they can see us now.” Corvus’ cheeks reddened. “Sorry, I should have said before.”

She turned to face the Sith now. She stood there in her standard Jedi robes, shoulder to shoulder with Braith. And it felt rather good…

No doubt another telling off would come later, but for now they had two people to deal with.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] | [member="Lord Sebastian"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Braith"]

And then they appeared. As he moved the oubliette towards the exit, they appeared - two women, one of whom was exceedingly familiar. His heavily blonded hair shifted a bit as he turned towards the two, staring at Braith. He could sense the presence she emitted - the same presence locked away in the so-called 'treasure chest.'

"So, you're the one in here. I was... going to take you with me and help show you how things are now, but it seems someone else has already unlocked you."

Words could not describe the rage filling inside him now, luckily, unlike the Jedi he had a firm craps on his emotions and did not let them be know. Upon sight of his enemy he did put up a Force Shield around him. It was invisible, standard thing to do before entering lightsaber combat, but combat was not his intention, not yet at least.

He did remain silent as they argued using his Senses to pick up on cuddle clues to try to quickly figure out what was going on exactly. Clearly [member="Corvus Raaf"] was the reason they were invisible, but the how he'd have to research later.

In Corvus he sensed two things, one stronger than the other. Flushed cheeks, fluttered heartbeat, slight sweat on the palms? So the Jedi could feel love, something he was sure she couldn't given their history.

Then there was the starlet, [member="Braith"] she had been wrong on certain things. She assumed in white Current they could not be sensed which was mostly true. Though like a pebble thrown into a river the ripples continue long after the pebble is gone. There was a whisper of her still lingering, but now in her presences he wasn't sure exactly how powerful she really was.

Upon a break in their talk he cleared his throat, "I must protest, I have not tried to murder anyone in your family. Murder implies in cold blood and I fought her with the intentions of capture in war, a common thing. I have not come to argue with you about my intentions and I have not come as a Sith. I have come as merely a student, but it would seem that there are other forces at work here."

He bowed slightly in reverence and then looked around the room spotting a make shift table with many cups on it. Clearly this was a place of elegance long ago. He summoned three glasses to him and held them before him with the Force and used Wind Shaping to dry clean them. He then took a flaxes from his robe and began pouring wine. As a sign of good faith he took a sip of his and then used the Force to give them a glass each.

"I know, a bit odd given the circumstances, but a conversation without a drink is not a conversation I want to have. Do not worry about the others and their explosives, we are safe for a while. I should introduce myself, I am Lord Sebastian of the Sith, formerly Hakora Shin of the Jedi Shadows, but let us not get into that, I am more curious about you. There was little I could gather on my trip here so I am afraid I do not even know your name."
Slits were made of her eyes as she turned her gaze towards the Sith and the other stranger, rage boiling beneath her - but it wasn't of hate, rather of shame. Self-loathing. Certainly she had spoken out of turn, and unfortunately without realizing she had been made visible until the moment the two spoke to her, and a good bit of her anger was at the proposition of the destruction not only of the prison she had been locked within for the last ten thousand years but of her ancient home, the abandoned village she had once called her own - which she doubted even remained as the smallest of ruins on the surface of the planet. These beasts sought more than simple bargain with an ancient spirit, with her, they sought to destroy both her and the place she had called home even as a god. She breathed, heavily, and looked towards Corvus again, her expression relaxed, and turned her head side to side, lips parting and opening, as though she had something to say, perhaps an apology, but the absolute disgust of what she heard uttered behind her made her livid. "War?" She whispered, hands clenching tightly, the floor beneath her cracking, as though a massive hand had been placed upon it - pressing. "You speak to me of war, of death, and you brush aside those sins, that disgusting wrong, because of your intentions?" Braith hissed, rotating fully to bat away the offered cup of wine - the wine which had been used to toast her confinement an eon passed. For a moment she contemplated simply batting the man away too - she knew her physical strength, even if Corvus did not - but the small words of the man that had walked away with her casket brought her attention to him, curiosity spreading across her face along with a sense of familiarity with the tan skin, kissed by the sun, the blonde that seemed to shimmer on its own. Coincidences were few and far between, at least in her own little world, so the contempt she felt when she realized who - or rather, what - she was looking at filled her.
Too many faces, to hear, to listen to, to speak to. Corvus stood at her side, perhaps rightfully upset at Braith's harsh words, and a Sith dared to speak to her of peace, but at the forefront of her attention was the man that bore the most striking resemblance to the man that had been the cause of the religious war in her people's mythology, of which her birth had seemed to confirm as reality. There stood the, almost, doppelganger of Rez, the man that was to be her mythological brother's opposite, the harbinger of the dawn, slayer of the night - her night. If it was possible for the woman to become more tense, perhaps the rigidity of her body, leaned just slightly forwards with a jaw set firm, and the tight, white-knuckled, clench of her fist were signs of such. Leaning back slightly, arms moving slightly from her sides towards her back, Braith let her eyes widen with the sort of tell-tale rage that only blatant words could better warn of a coming storm and pulled in a heavy breath through her nostrils. Her clenched jaw relaxed, the muscles along the sides of her face rippling as she bit back the urge to wipe the man off of the face of existence. "You." She breathed, glaring, and then threw her fists forwards in an almost temper-tantrum fit of frustration. "You dare show your face to me, harbinger of the light? Do you challenge me? Do you dare to lay a claim on the life of Braith Ma'at Achlys, the goddess of destruction?" Came her low hissing words, stepping forwards, brushing aside the Sith and leaving Corvus alone for a moment. "I will rip apart every last insurgent that descends upon this world, build a throne upon their bones, and then I will rest your dead corpse atop them like the cruel god-king you are!" She screamed, the words of which echoed out and throughout the room and the halls which led to it. Slowly she lifted a hand, the wall - the face of the cliffside, rather - fell away like grains of sand to expose the dark room to the sunlight outside, which immediately scorched the goddess' face and arms with their searing rays. But she did not falter, though the pain on her face was evident.

Swirling clouds of darkness, clouds which roared of thunder and smelled of ozone and moisture, swam in across the sky, blotting out the sun like they would have done any other day during the rainy season - as though the small tropical rains had been gathered and condensed into one large cell. The very environment itself was altered, and though the strain was minimal - outwardly, at least - it was obviously no small feat. "I brought rain to those people, those who followed your theocratic lies. They bent their backs to me while I was the lone being to worship, but the moment your harlot, that witch Bathia, appeared it was as though the tides of worship had simply flipped." Braith growled while she slowly began to turn her outstretched fist towards the ground. "They saw my gifts to them as tricks to curry their favor, that your raging light that promised to bring order to the tribes would set them free - that I was only to bring them pain. They saw me as a figure of destruction, as inherently flawed - as evil - and your wench sought only to exploit that to gain favor with me, so that she could lock me into that box!" She shouted, fingers slowly beginning to uncurl as the thunder boomed while lightning cackled and raced across the sky, the sea below becoming choppy and unruly. "They wanted to label me as the harbinger of their doom..." Braith whispered, an odd smile forming at the corners of her lips. "So I gave it to them." She added, her voice so matter-of-factly, so amused, that the sudden downpour outside that literally flooded the edge of the sea, lightning crashing down at large trees and lighting up the sandy shores, seemed very clearly to explain, to show, what she had done to those who had tried to kill her, that had settled on imprisoning her when the rains began. "I would have given them everything they had ever wanted and more, but that queen had to stick her grubby hands into the mix and try to take what was mine, and then tried to stab me in the back when I was at my most vulnerable. I assure you, Rez, I am no longer a naive little girl playing the part of a puppet - I will destroy every last vestige of glimmering hate that shines across these heavens in the name of a false good. I will rip their hearts from their chests and grind their bones to ash, and when I am finished there will be no good, no evil, only the truth - those who wish to be free of the wars and the strife. Jedi? Sith? Merely an extension of such a war, and the Sith must perish. All lies should be erased, every single one of them." The Alua'an said as she turned away from the storm, which promptly continued, and smiled. The burns that had scorched her flesh from the sunlight that had struck her, a vulnerability to the light, already fading as the surface of her skin regenerated as though nothing had ever happened.

"You ask who I am, mortal? I am a god - Braith Ma'at Achlys."
Of course her eyes darted immediately towards her companion, to Corvus, with worry that such a show might disturb the Jedi. She knew the code that she followed, that violence that was sought out, that killing unless required, was never to be permitted. It bothered Braith, that insufferable code, but she would not hold a decision to side against the woken deity against Corvus.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Lord Sebastian"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Corvus ignored the Sith for now, and the other. Her focus was on [member="Braith"]. To protect her. From them and from herself. For the way she felt now, she was nothing without Braith.

All that mattered to Corvus was that they were doing good. How her actions and intentions were perceived were immaterial. At least here and now. The Sith was sure to form his own opinions but if she had previously been cautious, it would be a foolish person to assume that approach would continue. She was sworn to fight evil in its many guises and someone she loved could not be capable of bad…could they?

Corvus sensed the shield going up but did not reciprocate. Why should she. The Barrier worked two ways. He was protected from them but therefore could not attack them either.

His words washed over her – typical Sith spin. If his intentions were to take her back for punishment for leaving their Order, it was hardly worthy of praise. A quick death on the battlefield would be a preferable end.

He dropped his shield to fetch glasses that he filled and offered to them. Corvus chose not to take hers. And she had no desire to speak with the man. But his attention was on Braith. How he even knew she was here amazed Corvus. She only knew because Braith told her directly of her existence and it took five days of study to locate her presence on this planet. Even then, without her locket, she could have been searching for days and not found this place.

But before she could say anything there was an explosion. Well...initially a metaphorical one.

And there was a mixture of thoughts and emotions swirling through Corvus’ mind now. Pride was one. Fear was another. And not for herself, but Braith. She was angry – and possibly rightly so, but in lashing out, she scared Corvus. Not in her power, or in her Abilities, but in her control. Corvus put it down to circumstances and would stand by Braith regardless – but a small part of her was worried. It was only small, but is was a nagging thought that she temporarily convinced herself was irrelevant as this was only because Braith had woken from a ten thousand year slumber.

Corvus wished she could hold Braith now. To show her how committed she was to being by her side. But it was not the time or the place. So she allowed the goddess to vent. To share her disappointment in her own way. Corvus entered Center of Being. Who knew where an attack might come from and she needed to be ready. Her hand remained on the hilt of her new sword.

But it was her reaction to the Jedi that she found most surprising. As if she knew him. And the self-proclaimed title was disconcerting too. Not in keeping with the woman she thought she knew.

As the light poured in, Corvus was aware it was burning Braith’s skin – the pain etched in her features. Oh how Corvus wanted to take the agony away. To take it for herself. Part of her wanted to lay a hand on Braith, to heal her with the Light, but given their situation, she held back, unsure how the goddess would react.

And then they were plunged into darkness, the sun obliterated by dark clouds that Corvus surmised had been summoned by Braith. Although how she did it, Corvus had no idea. But the power required must have been significant and Corvus wondered how much longer she could keep this up, given her recent state. Or conversely, how powerful she might become if fully rested.

She picked up on the name Bathia again, the woman she resembled, and she pieced together the story from what she had read. Braith was cast as the evil goddess primarily because history was always written by the victor. Corvus, as a scholar, was well aware of this phenomena. Was the Jedi looking at every fact with rose-tinted spectacles? Possibly. But would she be different to any other person in her position? To believe only the best in the person you loved?

And as Braith continued to speak she was once more reminded of the Potentium, so long frowned upon by the Order. No Light, no Dark, only good and evil. And Brathia wished to rid these lands of the latter. Only her methods might cause them to disagree.

And she marvelled that Braith’s skin was now repaired…her powers were truly remarkable. It was no wonder she was considered a goddess. Despite the logic to contradict her thoughts, Corvus wondered if she were indeed a deity. Did her assertion that she was bother Corvus? Oddly not. Why she stated it was something they would need to discuss and Corvus understand.

And then came a pause. How do you follow a goddess’s speech? But Corvus felt words were necessary. For those that opposed them. For Braith. And for Corvus herself.

So she faced the Sith.

“I am a Jedi. I honour my Code. I shall not take a life needlessly – but I will forever oppose evil – and if death is the only way to end it, then so be it. There is truth between my heart and the Force. My intentions are good and I am confident my actions will not be misunderstood. Whereas once I would have suggested you flee, I can no longer follow such a course of action. Either surrender to me or face the inevitable consequences. I must defend and protect – and to let you leave this place is a dereliction of my duty. You must be brought to bear for your actions and each and every death that would transpire if I let you leave now would forever be on my conscience. I cannot…I will not allow that. Yield now, I shall not ask again.” By contrast her voice was calm. Impassive. Yet forged from the same steel as the sword upon which her hand now rested.

[member="Lord Sebastian"] | [member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
Lord Sebastian nodded to Braith as she spoke and returned an answer without anger or malice, but a cool head of emotions. "Isn't that what we all do? We justify our actions with our ideals and say they are correct. Would it ease your mind that the only blood on my hands belong to the Sith? I have never killed anyone just to kill, I prefer to capture alive, but we make out to be only the Jedi can act like this when Jedi can be just like Sith." He glanced at [member="Corvus Raaf"] with the last remark.

He watched the so called goddess confront a weak force user with such hate and malice it made her words of peace fall on deaf ears. She was a Sith, she just needed a push. He had been studying an ability lately, currently the one Lord Kaan of the Brotherhood of Darkness used in battle. It was a Dark Side version of Battle Meditation and had the ability to sway one's dArk thoughts and fears and boil them to the surface.

He was no professional, but a sudtle use of it would be great. He let the Dark side slowly and barely come out of him which would make people near by feeling turmoil or any negative emotion only increase, of course unless they were experienced with fighting it back, but both ladies were already in a weak state of mind.

He could feel Corvus' love for Braith if you could call her that, but stronger was her fear. He enjoyed it, embraced it. He wanted to break her, give her a taste of what she did to him, but that didn't mean he had to kill her, not if he could turn her and if that would ever be possible, it was now. He listened to her shakey words and her attempt at sounding confident.

"A Jedi? And you follow the code? Jedi do not make attachments, you are now their leader and everything they stand for you are breaking. Do not give me some lecture about you being some hero and you will protect the Galaxy from me, when you made me." As he said this last line his words filled with hatred and the torches in the room vibrated, almost shuttered at his hate.

"Believe what you wish, but I really did want to be a Jedi and tried to change, yet at every turn there was you, your miserable attempt to be a Jedi pushed me into a deep depression and kept pushing me. You led me to the Dark Side, all the deaths, all the evils, I have done in your name."

"Do not preach you are the hero, you still only care about your own interests and you have no idea the monster you have made. You might as well surrender to me. You are more of a Sith right now and you are going down the path that leads to the Dark Side. Will you sacrifice your morals and teachings or will you sacrifice your lover? We both know the answer." Lord Sebastian was legendary in his ability to use senses to the point he could read her like a book. He also knew the exact tone and way to deliver his words. He knew when to get louder and when to get softer. He knew she would deny him and draw her weapon on him, but fighting her now would be a waste of his time, she'd be too easy now. Ranks meant nothing when it came down to it. What really mattered was skill and who the Force backed and the Force was telling him that here stood two opposable forces, but both were the same in the eyes of the Force. Good and evil, dark of light, they were just perspectives.

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