Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pleasure and Pain - Expedition to Pax Insul

For whatever reason, a strange feeling of self-doubt rippled through Braith's subconscious - a first, as she was generally rather confident in the machinations she set in motion. For the briefest of moments she wondered if perhaps she might go unnoticed, completely oblivious to the now numerous people searching specifically for her. Part of her didn't mind being left here alone, to be driven insane by the emptiness and loneliness, but the other had seen her - and it was because of her that she doubted herself. For once in the last several hours - days? - Braith tried to think things through logically. She'd killed a woman that had been introduced to her as the woman that loved her - that she loved - and then given her a name and a key to her past, to bring her here in rage to make things clear. Who in their right mind would do something so karked up? Remembering what Bathia's last words were, so difficult for that traitor to say, and looking back at what she'd done, part of - all of her - wondered if this was right. But time couldn't change, there was no turning back now. For the longest time she had this strange ideal fantasy of living happily with that someone, but it was absolutely delusional for her to meddle like this, to expect a positive outcome for herself. She'd ruined one life and destroyed another - and for what? Selfish, presumptuous, and full of herself. Looking back now it was obvious that she wasn't betrayed all of those years ago - she'd turned into something that should have died, that never should have seen the light of day. She was a monster, a horrible creature. Not human, nothing like the natives of the planet. In fact, she'd single-handedly wiped out the entire population - for the most part, at least, as she had no doubt that some escaped the world during its torrential cataclysm.

So her tainted aura withdrew back within the confines of the sarcophagus that held her, the only hint to her location on this archipelago. Even in her withdrawal there were still many ways to find the hidden deity, and one such way was exposed to [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] in the form of a small passageway carved out of the rocky face of the cave. It led into a hollowed out hole that dropped hundreds of meters down to what could only be presumed to be water, but was rimmed with a ramp-like rock formation that spiraled up almost endlessly. There were portions that had collapsed from the constant trickle of water that dripped down from high above, and there was no telling how safe it would be to simply walk up to the top - if it led that far - but it certainly offered one way to fulfill a sense of adventure. Or discover an ancient goddess. Either, or both. And while the man explored the cavern system another duo seemed to pick up on the faint darkness as it was sapped away. While [member="Lord Sabastian"] and [member=T'zanith Zebron] appeared to be at least partially interested in the offering crystal, filled with the life force of an unfortunate sacrifice from millennia ago, [member="Corvus Raaf"] would stumble on a small pendant with a lock of red hair - one with a familiar shade to it, as though it had been left here only weeks ago - that, if opened, revealed what appeared to be a broken compass. It didn't point North, or South, East, or West even - at least not all the time. Instead it glowed and directly pointed towards a higher elevation, towards an area covered in overgrowth and several tall trees that was closer to the sea than the inland.

The lock of hair?

Silara's, of course.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Token smiled. There was just something about flying a ship and taking her in to the planet below that gave her a bit of a rush. She didn’t, and wouldn’t fly in combat, but being an exploration pilot for Bright Star gave her the knowledge that there were many kinds of pilots and everyone did their own thing, and all were important. Different strokes. But for her money? She’d stick around in a fly looking shuttle designed for speed and luxury over anything else. After she found her landing spot, she and Pell took the ship in, well, Token did, Pell drank.

Token didn’t drink and fly. This is not a PSA, its just not recommended. Like boating and drinking.

Once the yacht, yes, it ws a yacht, not a shuttle, touched down, the blonde smiled at her friend and got up. “Time to go!” The energetic blonde was all but bouncing. A bit of site seeing? Sight seeing? Whichever. The CEO was wearing a light jacket and leggings over her bikini. Pell, a leather jacket, some… thing that counted for pants, and a shirt. The pair knew there was an abandoned city, and Token really wanted to get some dive time.

“We’re going to have time to like… relax, right?” Pell said, picking up her bag as Token had done the same. She was excited to do some good old fashioned exploring, but still… tropical island planet, how else could this go bad?

"Of course! Also, keep your eyes open for good real estate! Now lets go!" She was all but tugging KE dolla sign HA.
Corvus could hear a group of soldiers responding to a radio call around her. She knew she was invisible to them and her ship had landed in stealth mode, so was not concerned they were talking about her – but she decided to eavesdrop, given it would allow her to find out what was going on – given the amount of Force auras she was sensing.

It seemed one of their groups had lost contact. She made a mental note. It could be Braith's handiwork or one of the recent arrivals.

As she glanced around the circular camp site – still hidden in the White Current – there were half a dozen armoured troopers. And she was pleased she’d come so close. Two aircraft had landed. She made a mental note and moved on.

When confronted by a specific task, Corvus’ focus returned and her determination to seek Silara’s killer was strong. Unwavering. But every now and then she dipped in to her emotions and the conflict started all over again. But now it had three layers all fighting to be on top.

She was a Jedi. First, foremost and only. Right? Yes…right. She was forbidden from having external relationships. Well, kind of. Jedi of more recent times married - like Coci. As long as her loyalty was to the Jedi Order, that was OK. Wasn’t it?

So as she wrestled that problem she added in the fact that Silara was…well a Sith. Rationally there was nothing in the Code that even mentioned the Sith. But she frowned upon Padawans learning from Dark Jedi, so how could she love one?

And the one that was really tearing her apart when she opened up to her heart was a realisation that perhaps, just perhaps, the woman she loved didn’t love her in return. What if the woman Corvus loved was a pawn manipulated to entice Corvus here – and never loved the Jedi at all? And the one that did love her was someone she’d never even met? Which was the worst or even the best scenario? That the first person she’d ever loved was dead? Or the personality she fell in love with was still alive – but a manipulative demi-goddess that thinks nothing of killing those no longer of any use to her? Which was the heaven and which was the hell?

And why did emotions make you go over things time and time again? Logical problems she dealt with and moved on. This refused to be resolved and not so much tugged but yanked at her heart-strings.

She shook her head and regained her focus. Now was not a time for self-doubt. Not this close to danger. She looked around and saw something glinting in the sun. It was as if someone had placed it in her eye line and she quickly looked around in case her first thoughts were true. Perhaps someone had just put it there for her to see? But she knew that was not the case and so walked forwards into the tree line and reached out. For hanging from a tree some six feet from the perimeter was an amulet. She could have been forgiven for expecting a rope net to catapult her high in the air at this point, so obvious a deception was it. But nothing happened – no trap was sprung. At least no obvious one.

So she examined the pendant. It was most likely durasteel and clearly could be opened. Clicking the catch, she saw inside a bluish hue and it looked much like a compass. As she moved it around, the pointer was fixed on a given location. She looked where it was pointing – a higher elevation, towards an area covered in overgrowth and several tall trees that was closer to the sea than the inland.

As she looked, she was aware something fell from the pendant. She bent down and picked it up. Were her emotions locked away? For tears welled in her eyes. She lifted the contents to her nose and breathed deeply. It was a lock of Silara’s hair. The sight and texture told her so but the give away was the scent of her…Corvus paused. Her what? Her lover? No. They’d never even kissed. Calling her simply Silara felt too cold, too unattached. But how do you describe someone you care so deeply for, will never speak to again and was quite likely a recipient of unrequited love?

NO! Corvus dismissed that thought. If she thought Silara did not love her she might as well leave now. Except [member="Braith"] was now getting under her skin. An itch she had to scratch. She needed to know the truth.

Corvus looked at the lock of hair once more and took out the only thing she had to store it in. The old Talisman she carried around. The one her sisters broke performing some Sith magic. The one she sat next to for over a decade and didn’t even know existed.

She put that back in her pocket and slipped the chain of the pendant around her neck. Checking the direction once more, she started the climb towards the trees and the overgrowth. Why? Because the pendant said so. She had no greater reason.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Carefully, he stepped onto the spiral of rock - a spiral that traveled upwards seemingly endlessly. All was well until he came to a crevasse gouged in the rock. Silently he focused before taking a running start and leaping across, hearing the clink of his boots. Slowly he continued to proceed up, with a degree of caution unexpected - but as he slowly reached the top, a thin net stood revealed before him. Carefully grasping the small knife he had brought with him, he began to cut away at the various strands, constantly looking as to where they went to ensure that no trap was triggered. As he stepped through the remnants, however, he triggered an unexpected trap.

A loud scream rumbled from the ceiling, a forceful light - he wasn't sure how, but the light seemed to exact a physical force upon his body and being - blazing against his flesh. It felt as though his skin, his hair - his entire body was awash in the potent radiation of a thousand suns. To his knees, he crawled forward, trying his best to push against the trap - and once he reached the end, the crunch of a floor panel signaled the fading away of the light.

Half-blind, he looked up to see a crystal, similar to the one he now had, mounted in some sort of fixture. The light and screams had come from the crystal itself - he reached up to grasp at it and tumbled forward. It would take him a bit of time to recollect himself - but scarcely was he aware of what had happened to him, the effects of that soul grasping out to perform one last act before dissipating into the Force and achieving a tormented peace.

"I hope this is going to be worth it..."


"Command, this is Charlie 1-3, it would seem we have found an entrance to a temple of sorts, we are near Alpha 1-1s posistion and request possible explosives, the door seems to require a Force User, no door handles or such, also looks to be under a ton of dirt, almost missed it as we thought it was a small hill or such, over."

Jaster looked to the radio, a temple for Force Users, probably some relic of the past, he would have to head out himself, destruction of relic sites were to be documented. All art and other Tech around the assumed destroyed area were to be pictures and documented in case the Primevals wanted to know what Jaster destroyed.

"Roger that Charlie 1-3, proceed with setting up camp, I'll be heading out with Gold Squad to secure the demolitions, hold tight, and make sure to set up sentries, rumor has it Echo 1-1 was attacked by wild animals and we're all found dead just a few days ago, over." Jaster waited for the response.

Roger that command, Out."

Jaster dropped his radio and proceeded to howl at the radio operator to fix the long range radio, he didn't need Primeval Bombs landing on the outpost with all the research samples they had stored there. He then moved to the Droid Recharging bay and proceeded to pick up, 6 Driods for Gold Squad. They then made a stop at the armory and picked up enough explosives to blow a hole in a mountain side. Probably didn't need that much, but Jaster didn't feel like making a second guess, plus ancient Force Doors were rumored to be pretty thick slabes of rock and metal.

They walked into the forest and continued on their way to Charly 1-3.
Seconds, minutes, time flew by and still she remained trapped. Her doubt was at its peak - was there truly no hope for freedom from this hellish coffin, had she underestimated the misunderstood affection the Jedi Grand Master held for the deceased Sith Lord? The planet had showcased many monuments not only to her, but also to the various other deities that her people had worshiped in her own era. While she had most certainly been the most famous for entering the mortal realm and walking the shores from infancy to adulthood, she was by far not alone and there were several similar structures to that which she was held within - only none of the others remained standing. But there was one single trump card, an ace in her hand, which she knew would assure that she was discovered and at least set free. A lock of hair and a compass. One was to draw her primarily subconsciously, through the subtle essence of the force that remained from its former owner, and then overtly once it was discovered whom it had belonged to. Braith hated to use such an underhanded tactic, to poke at the already fragile set of emotions that occupied [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s heart, but if there was one who would act in a way that she both expected and wanted, it was her. Steeling herself for the inevitable outcome of a meeting between the Jedi and witch, the goddess drifted off into an internal meditation, almost a slumber of sorts. She would be awaken once the Jedi was led to her crypt, the compass simply leading the way, glowing brighter even as they would draw nearer.

And though the Jedi Master was on the fast-track to being led directly to her, another - perhaps a Jedi - was on a less direct route which would also lead, eventually, to the same cave. The spiral, while slick with moisture and humid, carried a few tricks and traps that the man already had discovered. They were meant, once upon a time, to keep others from utilizing the rather dangerous spire - a fall from that height would be rather fatal very soon. This wasn't something Braith, herself, had set up - she had never been one to play pathetic games with those who sought to meet with her, nor was she capable due to being entombed for the previous ten thousand years. If Braith was aware of either of the two light-siders heading towards her ruined temple she would have assumed that the direct route - from outside - being led by an amulet of finding would be far more effective than climbing up a makeshift passageway that she, herself, had been unaware of. Even beyond these two, however, there were those who sought to torch the ruins - for what purpose she had no idea, nor how the temple had been discovered more quickly than by the Jedi being led almost with her hand held with a compass that showed her the way directly to her sarcophagus - directly to her. While such a group was of no concern to the deity, being that she had no doubt Corvus would be soon to arrive, likely more quickly than any other. [member="Lord Sabastian"] and [member=T'zanith Zebron] were both quite a bit aways, having spent more time looking through ruins for crystals that enhanced the use of the force rather than seeking out the woman that the Sith had sensed earlier, whereas [member="Token Waters"] seemed to be doing something far less involved. Now all Braith needed to do was wait - they would arrive soon enough.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
T'zanith looked over one of the crystals he and his master had found and found it fascinating. His sight was a little clearer while he held onto it but there was also something else within it. However he had an idea from a previous training that he'd had with his master on fire shaping. "Master with fire shaping is it possible to instead of increasing the heat around oneself and manipulate it couldn't the very opposite be done? a sort of fire of frost? since the fundamentals are to increase the movements of the molecules around oneself to make the fire, should one not be able to slow them to a near crawl to make frost?" He asked him as he walked three paces behind his master.
He had batted all doubt or want to get the kark off the planet, out of his mind as he saw Lord Sabastian wasn't going to hear any of it from him. Well that and he seemed to be in one of his moods, which made it difficult to persuade him in anything. However it was also the type of mood T'zanith had found would be the easiest to ask his master more academic, philosophical and thought provoking questions... or at least that was the hope.
T'zanith looked around and with the help of the crystal he discerned a small path that lead deeper into the jungle and leading in the same direction he had seen his masters sight point towards when he was meditating. With a respectful clearing of the throat to get Sabastian to look at him as he then pointed towards the path. He was sure his master had most likely seen it but He knew also that his master was a reasonable man at the very least so it might be a good thing he had pointed him towards the path then again he was sith so T'zanith was expecting to get electrocuted as well.

[member="Braith"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Token Waters"] @Lord Sabastian
Corvus made good progress. She was used to having faith and for now she trusted in the compass. The closer she got, the brighter it glowed.

She was travelling uphill and was in the overgrowth now. This slowed her slightly and the trees made her bow her head from time to time but she was driven. Or was that pulled along? For in the back of her mind she wondered – like Silara must have done before – just who was in control now. She felt she had free choice but she was on a planet, alone, surrounded by hostiles, searching for who knows what containing something quite likely to kill or possess her and yet she was willingly travelling.

It defied logic. Which of course was the point. Emotion was making her take each step, not her rational brain.

Finally she came to solid stone. The ozone from the sea was in her lungs now and she refused to give up, despite being presented with no obvious entrance. Was this Sith Alchemy at work?

Corvus glanced at the compass. It pointed straight ahead. She did not want to risk damaging the stone in case she caused enough of a scene of destruction that others could follow.

So she laid her hand on the rock, seeking inspiration and her fingers went straight through. It was similar to the White Current. The naked eye saw stone and would slide past this spot. Yet here was an opening that, if you didn’t have the compass, you would never find.

Would what was inside provide answers? Her heart was racing and for the first time she considered turning back in earnest. Was it better to live with hopes based on blissful ignorance than have them dashed by the truth. But then that was not Corvus. She was a seeker.

So she stepped forwards and found herself in a darkened cave. The mirage didn’t work from this side, so some daylight was allowed in past the trees and shrubbery. In a few seconds she became used to the dim light – and did not risk using the Force beyond her current use of White Current. Ahead of her was…nothing, just an empty cave. She checked it over and over and…in moving the thousands of years of dust around, she was aware there was a door in the floor – or a hatch in a ceiling below. It was always about perspective. She checked her compass and didn’t know why she hadn’t tried before. Yes, she had to head down. [member="Braith"] was down there.

So she lifted the trapdoor with the Force and peered down. Below was complete darkness and she was obliged to use Force Sight. The drop was a dozen feet and she carefully lowered herself. Here the area was much like the room above except for…what she could only assume was what brought her here.

A simple coffin.

And on it was a dead bird.

It was black and looked as though it had died only moments before. Corvus put her hand out to touch it and felt the Dark-side energy surrounding it. It could be thousands of years old for all she knew, preserved by the Force. What it was came as no shock to her.

It was a raven.
Though still she remained caged, though still she felt no presence near her - no matter how hard she struggled to reach out beyond her tomb - Braith felt the familiar sense of foreboding that foretold the moment of imminent change that lurked just beyond the corner. It gave her patience, renewed her strength, to wait even twenty-four hours more if she needed, because she'd see that face at least one more time soon enough. It would be then that she would make everything right, beg even on her knees for forgiveness, even if she couldn't have it. Simply to be freed by the woman of her choice would be enough, a debt she could not repay. If she knew just how close Corvus stood to her prone body, trapped within that oubliette like a corpse in a casket, there would have been no amount of words, no description that could do her justice, to explain just how overjoyed Braith would have been. But she didn't know, couldn't know, and that was alright with her - the time was quickly approaching. And though her disembodied consciousness wanted almost nothing more than to be reunited with physical form in a waking state, her patience stood strong and rather than dream up such fanciful thoughts such as happiness and freedom, she instead thought what she would say, how she would make up for her shortcomings - for her lies and deceit that had dragged the weary Grand Master of the Order to her. She'd pierced that mental shield once, but even in person she wasn't so confident that she would be allowed to do it again, and it was that worry which permeated her soul and drove her to surmise an apology she could make, a plea for forgiveness - she wouldn't take advantage of the Jedi ideal of redemption, there was no redeeming what she had done or what had been done to her.

Her thoughts wandered from the angst and anxiety and settled on one thing she could agree on, even with every part of her screaming in apprehension with how Corvus would react upon discovering her, freeing her. Those bright eyes were the attraction, the curvature of that uncertain smile was the flame, and the accepting nature was what drew her in, melted the icy heart that occupied her frozen chest. If there were words she would say - words that could touch the heart of the woman she was undoubtedly unworthy of - what would they be? An apology? Certainly one was in order, she'd turned the Jedi's world upside down almost overnight, but it didn't feel like what would have been proper as someone vying for her attention. Words seemed to lack meaning, here, especially as she had no voice to speak with while in this state - this state she'd retained for the last dozen millennia. Once men and women had revered her as a Goddess, a woman that could alter they very weather itself, to call upon the rain without much effort - oddly requiring less stamina than simply performing feats of telekinetic prowess - but she had never been a master of words, only a manipulator of actions through the control of others. Not in a puppeteer sort of way.. not like she'd done with Silara, which was more of keeping a dying body alive than it was controlling through manipulative speaking, but she had some experience in showing what could come to pass, what she wanted to show at least. Illusions? She wasn't so sure if that was the right word, she wasn't exactly manipulating other's thoughts and perceptions, rather sharing what was going on in her own head - like a mental uplink, if that made any sense. Perhaps it was more akin to telepathy, something she'd always been capable of perusing even among the populace that lacked the connection with the source.

Yes, that's what she'd do. Show her everything.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Lord Sebastian"] | [member=T'zanith Zebron] | [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] | [member="Token Waters"] | [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Lord Sebastian kept moving when his apprintice posed the question about teaching him Force Sense [member="T'zanith Zebron"] He walked a bit further before speaking, "A very useful skill indeed, the one I use the most. Unfortunately, I can not teach it because it is not a power you teach, but a power you practice. You know how to see through the Force so translate that to the other senses and practice it." As he reached out his hand for a Crystal he let it hover there as he used his senses to precieve if it was dangerous. It had the Force coming from it, but no alignment. He grabbed it and began examining it. Very curious indeed.

The more he examined it, the more he felt the pull to the darker place they all seemed to be linked to, whatever was in there was beyond powerful....maybe. He listened to the next question, another curious question. " I am not sure, I have always avoided ice, but I would assume you'd need to slow down water molecules so not sure how you'd just create it. I do know Darth Raven has this skill you speak of so seek her out. For now, our path together ends. You wanted to practice senses so I want you to practice by searching for more of these and gathering them. I will use them for my cane and whatever you want made from them, but I have a theory and I will need more to research and study." He did not leave room for protest as his apprentice wasn't ready to face this much power, he wasn't sure if he was,

He took one and placed it in his pocket and began walking towards the pull. Once they had left each other he pulled the crystal out and used his senses once again, but more indepthly. He needed a trail to this power. He sought into it, it was here he realized these were alive, kinda, they had life force in them. They were not shards, at least not in the traditional sense, but made for...they were made for something or someone. Almost like a string this crystal was connected to something, the trail he needed. He decided, for some reason, times was of the essence and so he began to run following the trail. He moved swiftly through the forest and lept over fallen trees easily, but was quickly stopped by an entrance. It seemed to be the main enterance, a more direct route than everyone else was taking...well not as direct as Corvus. He placed his hand on the door with no handle and let the Dark Side come from it and access the door. He tapped his cane on the ground in delight and continued into the temple.

As he walked he noticed torches starting and bones everywhere, organized though. He then found himself in a room, a large on at that. Across the room in the Force he saw a door, little did he know that door led to the room [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Braith"] were meeting soon. It was an easy walk, but between him and the door stood two towering, old Terentateks. Unlike the one T'Zanith had fought, these two were old and fully grown. A smile began to curve to Sebastian's face, he needed a warm up. He walked closer to the beasts without fear and unlike their younger version they stood their ground and did not charge, they were clever. He tapped his cane to the ground, "Well?...Come on."
In Umbris Potestas Est
After several minutes, he stared at his flesh, forcibly tanned by the impact of the crystal's energy shoved into his body. A twitch crossed his finger as he moved to proceed onward, unaware that the very color had been almost entirely vaped out of the hair on his scalp. His eyes overall glistened an unnatural white thanks to the energy, and he overall seemed a very different individual than the one who had entered the cave.

A sigh crossed his lips as he started a slow walk towards the next room - a room with varying pillars and a niche in the far room, within which appeared to be the oubliette. As he walked forward, however, a whistle rang out, and a forcefield appeared, blocking access to the treasure. He cursed under his breath before trying again - as he returned to the room's entrance, the field dissipated. Slowly he stepped forward, nothing yet happening... until he stepped on a panel and ended up reactivating the field.

"Dammit... This is going to take a while."

Corvus felt a new emotion right now. Selfishness. She was aware she was not alone – that [member="Braith"] was some sort of magnet for others or maybe a flame that drew moths?

Regardless, she wanted her for herself – at least for now. Perhaps the goddess would have her own plans if and when Corvus could awaken her, but for now all the Jedi wanted was for it to be like Ord Mirit.

Whereas Silara, no doubt at Braith’s bidding, had surrounded them in flames to cut them off from the outside world, Corvus had no such Abilities at her disposal. But she had the White Current and extended its radius to encompass the coffin that she stood in front of. Should anyone happen across them? They’d see an empty room with no Force Aura in evidence.

And as Corvus stared at the casket, she sensed another new emotion. Fear. She’d never been afraid of anything before. Except electrical storms when she was younger. But this was not trepidation of the known but rather of the unknown. What would happen when she opened the sarcophagus? Was she simply a pawn brought here under a false promise just to release the woman? Perhaps it needed the Light-side of the Force to unleash the presence inside?

But it was not fear of liberating a Dark-sided presence that scared Corvus. It was the terror that Braith did not want her. Yes it was irrational. Yes it was against everything she stood for. But then, that’s what emotions were, weren’t they? They were foolish, crazy and absurd thoughts and feelings that ignored the facts and drove you to do things you knew you’d regret – but like the moth to that flame, you were drawn inexorably. Why was nature so cruel?

She wondered what Braith was thinking now. Was she even conscious? Could she sense Corvus’ presence? The Jedi stifled a laugh. How ridiculous did she sound to herself? She should open the casket and end the life of the puppet-master. She wondered if Braith could read her thoughts. Because what she was thinking about her? It was not OK.

Yet emotions and logic told her not to. The Jedi in her said this was not what the Code said. Redeem her; give her the chance to turn to the Light. Had they not just debated a case under broadly similar circumstances?

And the woman that was Corvus concurred. She owed it to herself to find out the truth. Was she loved or was it all a sham? And if she was loved? Could she love back? Should she love back? Thoughts of Silara were now far from her mind. It was about Corvus and Braith. A Jedi and a what? A Sith? No, the timeline said not. Some ancient Witch that used Dark-sided Magic? Perhaps. Maybe someone that used all of the Force, or some other way of controlling people, the weather? And if she were a Dark-sider, could she truly love Corvus?

For a split second Corvus wondered if she could relinquish her duties. Obi-Wan offered to do it for the woman he loved. Had she not died, perhaps he would have gone through with it. And history would have been very different. She would most likely not be standing here if he’d left the Order. No…Corvus was Corvus. And that meant she was a Jedi. Deep down she didn’t think she could be anything other than that aspect of Corvus.

Corvus used the Force and carefully lifted the lid of the coffin. It was like some children’s fairy-tale, the princess lying there, ensnared by a wicked witch and awaiting her saviour.

She gazed upon the woman, no doubt looking just as she was when she was placed here. She wore silk clothing, the markings suggesting it was ceremonial and she recognised some of the images from her studies and surmised it was a tribal gown.

She looked so peaceful, her skin like alabaster, her eyelids closed and her dark hair luxuriant and contrasting so beautifully with her skin. How could Corvus have considered ending her life? How could she have planned revenge?

What Corvus expected to happen next she didn’t know. For nothing transpired. Seconds passed and then minutes, Corvus simply staring and drinking in the beauty. She sighed. She was smitten. And then she did what was required of any fairy-tale.

She leaned forward and tenderly kissed the woman on the forehead.

And waited.
T'zanith watched as his master left him and sucked in his teeth a little in annoyance. "Grunt work then huh? Might as well get some training out of it." He said to himself in Miralukese as he held the crystal in his hand and then placed it into a pouch on his side. He then decided to try what his master had said and decided to use the same groundwork he used for his sight and fueled it into his senses instead. It didn't take long for him to feel a difference in how his feel for his surroundings changed. With a more focused applying of this power he found that he could use lower variants of the sense together with his force sight.
Before when not using his sight he could feel roughly 10 meters around himself but with force sight he could only feel around 3 meters around himself. He moved towards one of the places he felt another Crystal, ending up in what seemed to be a ruined single room monument covered in vines and whittled down through the centuries exposed to the elements.
Inside he saw a reliquary holding seven crystals all in varying heights and positions around the monument's single room, however it was quite clear that the room would have held close to twenty four or more crystals within. T'zanith mused that the inside of this monument must have been like standing inside a force nexus at it's peak but now it was a shade of it's former self. With the force he took out a few large leaves and vines from the tops of the trees around the monument and fashioned a makeshift but very durable satchel which he put all the crystals into.
One crystal however didn't wish to move with the use of Telekinesis like the others as T'zanith picked it up with his hand, much to his surprise that he could simply pick it up but couldn't use the force to do it, the ground under him opened up and swallowed him in a trap door. It had been so well concealed that even T'zanith's force sight hadn't even seen a hint to it's existence so he fell through and was swallowed up by the darkness found within the trap. He hadn't even had a chance to say anything besides the single sharp and short shout as he feel through before the trapdoor closed behind him cutting off any sound that could follow from T'zanith.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Lord Sebastian"] [member="Braith"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Warmth enveloped her still form, the lid of the oubliette no longer insulating her from the outside. Yet still she had slept, slumbering still even as Corvus leaned in and observed her. Entirely ignorant to being so, so, close to the woman she sought, Braith kept to her dreams, hidden within her own thoughts, as the sickness of leaving stasis began to set in. Her lips shifted, arm and leg twitched, and her breathing hastened. Yet she didn't hear, didn't see, and it wasn't until those warm, soft, pillowy lips pressed against her forehead that her eyes opened - yet still she was unable to see the woman that had encroached upon her. It wasn't the White Current, which the Jedi had extended to her and the casket as well, but rather the beginning of hibernation sickness that robbed her of sight and hearing, albeit temporarily. But still she took the chance and gambled with her own life - as those lips kissed her she broadcasted her own consciousness through physical contact, not quite unlike a telepathic relay. Just as the physical touch between Silara and Braith had resulted in a split of her consciousness that had invaded the Sith Lord's mind, so she would split off from herself - though for far less nefarious means. "You're over-thinking it." Came a distant echo of a whisper, though the witch still seemed to sleep, comatose. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you - trust me." She quickly added, realizing how horrifying it might be to have one's thoughts invaded by another, especially in such an unexpected way. "Hear me out, once I am through explaining you will be rid of my pervading thoughts." Braith's voice explained, hoping the Jedi wouldn't do something rash and eject or even destroy the sliver of her conscious that had invaded Corvus' mind.

Trusting that the Jedi would not try to shut her out, Braith took another leap of faith and allowed her memories to bubble up to the surface - but not within the confines of her own mind. Slowly the colors of the world around the two began to drain away, becoming a dim grayscale that reflected the world as it had been over ten thousand years ago, and standing beside an alter, where the oubliette faintly hung over to illustrate the origins of this hidden room, was a walking, talking shade of Braith. In her right hand was a silver spear which held blades on both ends of the shaft, and running along its center were runes. While it would make sense for the goddess to appear in her own memories, wearing clothing similar to her what her sleeping form wore now - hinting towards this event in particular taking place before her imprisonment - the woman that faded into view was far more surprising - a woman that looked almost identical to [member="Corvus Raaf"] in all but clothing, style of hair, and makeup. "Standing there, with the spear, would be me - I am Braith Ma'at Achlys, the worshiped personification of the night sky. But before me, the woman that resembles you so well, is the woman that had been referred to as the goddess of peace, the ultimate betrayer of emotions - one who worked solely to keep the peace, to quell darker feelings that crept into my heart. In the end it was not evil that struck the fatal blow, but the light that sought to put down its counter." She whispered, a hint of venom in her voice when referring to Bathia, the reason that Braith had been imprisoned. "There is a lesson here for you to learn from, but I want to explain what I did.. and why.." The voice explained, knocking away the two shades like dust in the wind. Replaced now by the standing form of Silara, as Darth Atrophia, and the sleeping form of Braith, it was obvious that the Jedi's assumptions to the point of origin between the name and Silara's use of it came from here. "Standing over my sleeping body was a Sith Lord who sought to drain the knowledge of my power to contest her rivals, to surpass this 'dark lord' that held control of the order of which she belonged to - but I would not allow myself to be used like some book and then discarded so easily. I invaded her mind, subjugated it, even as I slept - merely a touch, much less personal than yours, was enough."

Before Corvus the scene played out, with Silara inching the oubliette open and reaching in. A hand touched the sleeping woman's cheek and a faint glow, kept colorless by the mental projection, illuminated the interior of the casket. Almost immediately the Sith Lord stumbled back, her expression one of shock, almost pain, and with haste the woman pulled the oubliette closed just as the goddess began to stir. Hands flew to the Sith's head and she slumped against the casket. Clearly this was the mental war that ensued between the two minds in a struggle for control - only it took hardly a minute to put the Sith to the ground in a state of unconsciousness. "At first I planned to force my casket open, to free myself, but while we fought I invaded her memories and saw you - your face, your eyes, being almost the spitting image of someone I knew from millennia ago. They say in the galaxy there are only so many different appearances one can have, that somewhere there must be someone that looks like another, and it had been ten thousand years since I knew Bathia. On an.. uncharacteristic.. hunch, I gave back full autonomy to that horrible woman and allowed her to escape the planet, so that I would discover this woman whose face resembled one from my own memory." The voice narrated, the events unfolding before their eyes even as she spoke. At once the backdrop and images faded away, replaced now by a first-person look through Silara's eyes on Prakith, in the duel with Corvus over the holocron while [member="Connor Harrison"] stood conflicted to their side. Rather than words be projected, or thoughts, emotions were instead. Silara, the Sith, fought with rage and hate - despising the Jedi for everything she was, and everything she had ever been, while something within the Sith had longed for the conflict to end, for some way to understand the woman that fought the Sith - and there was the light in Corvus' eyes that showed concern, or perhaps pity, knowing there was something within Silara - a foreign mind - that was contradictory to the words that the Sith spoke. Only for the briefest of moments did Braith seize control of her mouth, mouthing the words that had been repeated on Ord Mirit - a plea for redemption, figuratively speaking - but the Sith had resisted, and being still healthy and able she turned her head towards the male, towards Connor. It defeated the message she wanted conveyed, making her seem instead more crazed and obsessed with the dark side, and with that series of events played through the images, the backdrop, all of its broke away as the portion of Braith's consciousness fled from the Grandmaster's mind and returned to her own.

The numbness in the goddess' body had faded, granting her at least limited mobility, and already her sight and hearing were being recovered with her species' natural regenerative abilities. Bright eyes opened, illuminated through the force, each eye a tint of violet with a backdrop of blue, left far more violet than the right. "I wanted to know you, and by Ord Mirit I had been smitten with you... but what was I to do, live a puppet's life and control a Sith Lord's body to live beside you? Your anger would have been far more deserved if you had discovered then rather than when I had told you my name - hoped that you would make the connection." Came Braith's hushed voice, her dark lips shivering from the feeling of cold and warmth assaulting her nerves at the same time. Though her vision was still dim and blurred, and her hearing distant, the goddess slid back against the head of the oubliette and attempted to sit up, eyes pinned on Corvus'. "I generally do not care for others in a romantic sense, but you're.. different. It isn't the resemblance - I'm sure you make the connection between Bathia and the fictional historical figure 'Brathia' - but rather.. it's you. Can you forgive me for deceiving you?" She asked, looking towards the Jedi with some mild concern. In truth she wanted to act far more impulsively on the gentle kiss to her forehead, but she would let that come next - depending on how Corvus chose to react. There was that strange fluttering feeling in her chest and the cold tickling against her spine, the odd anxiety that came with the initial feeling that was quickly followed by an enamoring of love. Would the Jedi feel the same as she did? Could she?

Braith asked for words, but she wanted something more.

No, she craved it.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Token Waters"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Lord Sebastian"] [member=T'zanith Zebron]
Yeah, Corey was going to keep doing his own thing with Token. He had something he’s been meaning to do for weeks now with this character. She needs the right place and setting, and this world, this one of rebirth and discovery, it seemed the perfect place to work on development of Token Waters. The blonde and her friend had much to do, a lot to discuss. Well, more… mischief to get up in. What was going to happen was a bit of beach time.

The pair were walking from the landing zone. And Token had her eyes peeled. They were making their way to the beach. There was supposedly some ruins that needed to be found. Lonely Lights they were called. Token had no need to find the technology that was there. But what she did have a need for, was answers. Answers to the past, answers to why she felt an unexplainable connection to the sea.

Was it from her tribeClan? It might be. But she knew that it was something more. Something… older? Her and Pell were making their way to the best spot to get there. They had dive gear, they just needed to make sure the site was safe. Then they’d get the gear and go.

She was part of the Astronautical Academy, and had a need for exploration.
While Braith awoke and conversed with Corvus in the room over, it appeared that the Jedi, [member="Vitor Imperieuse"], had found himself in a bit of a pickle. There was a particle shield of some sort, or something similar at the very least, which kept him from crossing over to where the Oubliette was being kept. It was triggered by merely stepping into the end of the passageway, and despite his greatest efforts of 'repeat-and-succeed', it appeared that nothing he could do would stop the shield from obstructing his path. Another attempt was made and it was clear he was getting nowhere - well, until a disembodied voice whispered into his ear. "Why do you seek entry into the tomb?" It asked, both curious and cautious at the same time. It was obvious that whomever the voice belonged to, clearly feminine in nature, had reservations involving allowing outsiders into the crypt. Perhaps unbeknownst to the Jedi there were two Terentateks positioned directly above the crypt in a worshiping hall, meaning that the man was certainly in the safer of two places - though he had a lesser chance of simply walking into the room himself. Not with that barrier in the way, at least. A very transparent shade of a human woman, violet eyes and dark brown hair, seemed to fade into visibility - a woman that bore a striking resemblance to the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, though whether the Jedi was familiar with her or not would be the determining factor of whether or not the shade would be anywhere close to familiar to him. Her hair was kept back in a single braid, clothing rather plain but summer colors - mostly green. Her very appearance seemed to hinge on the question she had asked, and being so close to the barrier could hint toward a great number of reasons.


Meanwhile, on the floor above the chamber where Braith and Corvus were, and apparently Vitor as well (though he was presently preoccupied with being stuck in the back-roads method of searching for the slumbering goddess), was a room bearing two fully grown Terentateks. Generally speaking, the two were nearly as old as the temple that sat inset within the mountainside, but had gone into their species' signature method of hibernating - feeding on the force while they slept and awaited the return of the dark side of the force. With the simultaneous waking of Braith and arrival of Sith on the planet, the force was once again on a tedious balance beam.. only now that [member="Lord Sebastian"] had dared to step foot into the temple chamber without first concealing himself, whether it was intentional or not, he found himself facing both of these adult Terentateks - awake and hungry. The aura of the goddess, Braith, had been wiped away by the White Current with Corvus but the lasting effects of her return were enough to cause them to stir, and with her absence came a mindless confusion. Unfortunately for Sebastian, he was quite literally the only source of the dark side in the mountain at the moment - at least one which was able to be felt through the force or physically seen or heard - and a force user at that. Funny thing about terentateks - they hunted and ate those pesky force sensitives. Though the two sat on opposing sides of the Sith Lord neither moved, instead they stood and bared their fangs. The force was a formidable weapon, certainly, but most direct applications of the force on these beasts were entirely useless - their hide and flesh were largely immune or resistant to the force while they still lived. The Echani Sith would have to be careful about how he chose to deal with these two, otherwise he would quickly become food for the most fearsome predators in the galaxy.
In Umbris Potestas Est

Still, no matter how he walked towards the shielded oubliette, he found himself unable to follow a proper path that led to the chamber without triggering the forcefield. Frustration silently boiled up within his spirit, when a voice broke the silence, the shimmering spectre of a woman appearing before him. The shade, from what he assumed, was some sort of natural yet automated defense mechanism for the tomb, designed to weed out the unworthy who attempted to reach the room on the far side.

"I know what the artifact on the far side of the room is, shade." He gave a solemn look. "I was within one very similar a long while ago. I know that a foolish treasure hunter cannot be allowed to unleash what has been locked away within. And it is for this reason that I humbly request access to the chamber."

Whether the shade allowed him access or not, he would not attempt to proceed further into the next room - not yet. Perhaps this guardian could provide some form of insight.
Corvus had seen the effects of carbonite unfreezing and it was similar to what she was witnessing now. Not that her mind was focused on such triviality.

She was feet away from someone who was apparently thousands of years old — and this too was irrelevant to her. Her whole focus was emotional — and the conflicting thoughts coursing through her body simply fed her feelings.

She was used to combat and precarious situations — but typically her heartbeat was steady, barely raised above its resting state — even in a saber duel. But right now her chest was tight, and the sense of apprehension was palpable. Adrenaline was pumping around her system and the fight or flight sensation was tugging at her body. It was entirely a new sensation and not one she’d care to repeat in a hurry.

But the uppermost thought in her mind was the fear of rejection. No fear of death or even danger, but that this woman had brought her here under false pretences. That she was unloved. For it would not take a lot to break her fragile heart — and smash it into pieces that Corvus would never even try to repair. This was it for the Jedi. Emotionally she had one shot at happiness and if it failed, it was inevitable she’d shut up her defences and never lower them ever again. This woman had done this to her. This goddess was quite literally playing with her life — and Corvus was as vulnerable as a new-born kitten in her hands.

She stood, transfixed as [member="Braith"] began to move — as if she’d simply been asleep and Corvus had disturbed her slumber. Her soft lips moved, her limbs fidgeted and her chest rose and fell in rhythmic breathing.

To an observer, it was like watching a fish on a line. Corvus would be drawn as close as a few centimetres from Braith’s face until a sudden movement would send her head snapping back before slowly being reeled in again by Braith’s beauty in sleep.

And then she heard a voice in her brain. The words were familiar, a cadence that reminded her of Silara’s. Guilt almost forced her to close the connection down but she simply couldn’t do it. For she now knew, deep down, that it was never Silara — it was always Braith. It didn’t suppress the guilt but amplified it. It was almost welcome, the pain of the emotion nagging her brain, telling her how selfish she was. It had ever been that way. She was a Jedi, not a person and had no right having her own dreams and aspirations.

So she’d locked away Corvus aged four and wore the mantle of Jedi. First, foremost and only. Recently she’d tried to wear both personas but failed. The advice had been because she tried to see them as two separate entities rather than one. It had taken Silara to finally allow her to understand her mistake. No…not Silara…Braith.

So she listened to the velvet voice in her head, allowing it to caress her mind. Desiring more.

'I trust you,' Corvus responded. It sounded a child-like response — which in truth it was. She was innocent of so many things — in fact almost everything not Jedi related.

And Corvus heard her out. What choice did she have? When you’re promised the moon on a stick, you listen..don’t you? Nothing would have stopped her from giving Braith her entire focus. Were it not for the White Current, she’d be entirely vulnerable right now.

But the words evaporated and Corvus was momentarily crestfallen before a dawning understanding reached her that instead of Braith telling her anything, she was instead about to show her.

She was experiencing Brath’s memories now, ten thousand years ago. There was Braith, beside an alter and holding a silver spear. The relevance of the memory was lost on Corvus until a second woman entered. It was not someone who looked a little like Corvus, it was as if it were the Jedi Grand Master. Again confusion flashed across Corvus’ mind. Was this a trick? A manipulation? Corvus was no ancient goddess, she was born on Corellia 26 years ago.

But Braith spoke again and Corvus listened. ‘Braith Ma'at Achlys.’ Corvus tried the name for herself and almost missed the next few words and so re-focused. Was it an irony that the woman she resembled was the goddess of peace? And Corvus felt as much as heard the malice in the thoughts of Braith as she referenced the other woman, or likely goddess.

The images changed and Corvus saw Silara but no guilt raised its head this time - instead she simply observed. And understood. And part of her wanted to protect Braith from the Sith Lord — a most ironic change of perspective. Suddenly it was Braith that was the victim in Corvus’ eyes. For there was yet to be any evidence of a dark-nature — whereas Silara was an ambitious Sith Lord clearly.

And of course Braith’s plan made sense. It had become entirely reasonable in Corvus’ mind. But a nagging part of her started to wonder if the fascination with her was love — or a second chance for revenge?

But then she saw the fight on Prakith through Silara’s eyes. And Corvus remembered the feelings she’d had then. She’d sensed so much pain and wanted to hold the Sith Lord tight and make things better. To take away her pain — even if it meant taking on herself. Her naïvety had not progressed at all since then it seemed. And she remembered the disappointment she’d felt when those words were shifted away from her and to Connor. One of the cruellest wounds she’d ever experienced in a duel — if not the most painful and enduring.

Suddenly Corvus was aware that Braith’s eyes had opened. The ancient images didn’t do them justice. Their colours so deep and shifting, drawing you into her very soul.

And then she heard the words she’d wanted to for so long but had dared not even think of — for fear of jinxing the moment. This was no trick but hopefully love — oh how Corvus was desperate for it to be the real thing.

And then Braith was shivering and Corvus was at a loss what to do. She had no natural response — so devoid of emotion and human touch had her upbringing been. She gave honest advice, not hugs. It was alien to her. She wanted to hold the goddess tightly and let her know everything would be alright — but her natural reticence overrode her emotional desire.

And then Braith was silent, and despite only two of them being there, Corvus felt all eyes were on her. And she lacked the words. So she stumbled her way through an attempt to share her true feelings — unsure if she was making matters better or worse.

“I am a Jedi. I don’t know what that means to you. It’s actually about the peace and my commitment to upholding it. A role I’ve undertaken for a very short time by your standards — but all but four of my years. And there has never been a time for me. For what I want. For what I need.”

“Not that I have ever complained. I choose to be a Jedi, and cannot think of a finer calling. Love is…complicated for Jedi. Some say it can never be fulfilled yet others marry and continue to be a Jedi. Once upon a time I believed I could and would never love but now?…I simply don’t want that to be true.”

Corvus sighed audibly and poked some loose locks behind her right ear. “This love? It’s not precisely forbidden — but regardless, I’m not giving it up. I won’t pretend that I don’t feel the way I feel.”

Corvus stared into Braith’s eyes. “I don’t know what else to say.” A single tear came to her right eye. “I’m simply not giving it up. Not giving you up. Never. Not ever. ”
The spirit of the woman that seemed to just barely cling to existence tilted her head with a curious expression. The man spoke of dangers, referencing his own past imprisonment - an odd development to say the least - yet did not quite explain what he had meant to do once he had entered the crypt. To destroy the Oubliette would require more than a simple show of strength or will of mind, and it would spell the same doom as freeing Braith regardless. The only possible method of permanent concealment would be to drop the casket either into the void of space or at the bottom of some ocean somewhere. It irked her, somewhat, that she was spoken to as a mere doorman but, despite the man's purported valiant cause for trying to charge ahead, it wouldn't matter very much in the end if she were to let him through now or not - the dark presence behind her had disappeared the moment the White Current had been cast over it, giving her reason to believe the woman that had thrust a spear through her heart was free at last. The spirit, being just as confined to the same limitations as the man in front of her in terms of sight, had not seen the intruder - much less seen the incredible resemblance between the living and the dead - but with a short sigh she shook her head.

"Even if that were the case, the deed is done. I can no longer feel the presence of Braith behind me." The spirit replied, her tone expressing a great deal of frustration with such. Oh the look on her face had she known whom had let the imprisoned goddess go.. "What would you have done if you had reached the tomb first? Kill that which slept, or free her?" She asked, floating up from the ground somewhat, the perks of being dead and remaining tethered to the world. The question was an open one, with the illusion of only two choices. Either could have been correct - or perhaps incorrect - while any other response is completely obscured by uncertainty. Gesturing back behind her she turned slightly. "Within that crypt is an ancient goddess whom was born as the living night, herald of both great destruction and prosperity. Already destruction has been wracked, I can only hope prosperity, for whomever or wherever it might be, is the reward for her awakening. As for you, stranger, I am - I was - Bathia, ancient foe to the woman who was entrapped by our - her - followers. She brought destruction and natural disasters upon the people for refusing her wishes and I helped put her down. What would you do different in my stead?" Bathia explained, curious as to what the man would have done in her shoes - whether he would have killed or perhaps simply imprisoned the woman as she had.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

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