Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Picking Through the Bones


Location: Planet, habitable zone (Mord'Rethar)
System: Unknown (The Court of Bones)

The vast glittering swath of distant diamonds rested on a black and deep blue velvet canvas. A mottled dark marble hung there, lit only by distant, dim starlight. A single sleek ship flickered into realspace over the planet, arrowing in with the pseudomotion leftover form exiting hyperspace. The lone pilot shifted the nose of the ship to the right and performed some roll to put the planet relatively 'above' their flight path as the sublights sent the flying speartip down the planet's gravity well.

She pondered switching to silent running and making her course purely ballistic. But falling space debris was unlikely out here, and if it were purely ballistic... the ionization and plasma trail would have stood out on any sensor system. Better to just ease it in. Don't just rush in. Doors and corners. That's where they get you. It's the thing you don't see coming. In that regard she turned her ship's sensors toward the planet below. They weren't fantastic, but they were decent. She was a scout vessel after all. Able to loiter and snoop with a minimal profile while slurping up information. Not as much as an explorer or survey ship, but she got the job done.

Immediately data began pouring in about the astral body hanging overhead. Cold, estimated rotation within standard limits. Orbital cycle... fairly standard. Gravity was within standard tolerance. Atmospheric data would take a little longer. The planet itself still had some warmth to it. The star itself was only a ruined husk, a black dwarf, a dead ball of heavy compacted materials, cooling on it's early way to the heat death of the universe. But it was not truly dead, merely cold. Sensors showed a fair amount of infrared radiation coming from it.

Lia sat back in her seat and closed her eyes, opening up her senses. A chilling disturbance in the Force came to her immediately. Located overhead and ahead. The whole planet was awash in the cold chill of death, decay, and destruction. Entropy. And seething hatred and pain of billions of lives snuffed out in moments. There was power in it and it brushed up against her consciousness with an insidious caress. It sent a shiver down her spine, but from revulsion or pleasure she could not tell.

In her hands rested an old tome, hand written on ancient flimsi and bound in unyielding iron. It spoke of a lost world full of Sith knowledge on the edge of the galaxy. Rife with the dark side where the light once was, but now extinguished. The clues lead her to an extensive survey of old maps, compensating for stellar drift and painstaking efforts to map out the gravity shadows and eddies. The process revealed a dark spot where the gravity silhouette remained, but no astrogation data otherwise seemed to exist. A hidden mystery but what else could one expect in the Unknown Region.

The book, a codex really, held much information that had been lost but not all of it was clearly defined. One had to often fill in the gaps, translate. It spoke in riddles, puzzles, and made assumptions that the reader would know it's references. For some it's lack of clear answers was infuriating. For Lia, they were mysteries to be unlocked, puzzles to solve. They kept her mind sharp and the challenges that came with such exploration helped grow her knowledge of the Force.

Opening her eyes, she put the book away. She was right where she was supposed to be. Moving forward a little she took hold of the controls and switched out of autopilot. Following her instincts she nosed toward the planet and began to slide down the gravity well, while angling the shields to provide minimal friction. As it slipped into the upper atmosphere that cold feeling settled into and through her, whispering promises of uncompromising strength. Cold calculating thoughts intruded in the back of her head as she followed the feeling in her gut. There was something about this place that made her feel alive, like being dunked in a vat of ice water.

Before long she was streaking through the lower atmosphere on repulsors only. The surface seemed scoured of life, leaving only mountains and jagged canyons, blasted valleys. Some great cataclysm had befallen this place. Most of the display in front of her was a multi spectrum readout comprising of infrared, light amplification, and motion. She could have turned on navigation lights and shined ahead of them but preferred, for now, to not turn on bright lights in the dark. Between the display and the Force serving her will she would know where she was going when she found it.

Soon enough in the far distance, looming in the dark was a warm spot on the ground. Only by a few degrees, but it was enough. Something was warm there. Below the surface. Active scans passed over the area, but didn't seem to penetrate too far underground. Wonderful. She pondered getting some altitude and standing the ship on it's nose, breaking out the cannons and punching the ground until she'd made a proper hole in it. Of course some missiles would help. Send that ground some missiles. Ground loves missiles.

Buuuut, that was not a good way to play knock-knock. And for all she knew there was volcanic activity there, and cracking the surface was a good way to enjoy a gyzer of molten rock. Her shields could only handle so much. Letting the ship hover on repulsors, she flipped through the book. There were old drawings of terrain similar to this, only now there were piles of rubble and twisted nightmarish landscape. Blasted, melted rock with razor sharp claw and tooth like projections reaching up to the sky, as though it had been melted and flash-frozen into freefom sculpture.


Shaking her head, she couldn't fully stave off the cold sense of foreboding. This place belonged to the damned. Why did she come here?

The answer came swiftly and unbidden from somewhere in the back of her mind. She pushed it away. That wasn't true. She didn't seek power. At least not over others. Knowledge. Curiosity. Introspection. But knowledge is power. And the power to forge one's own destiny. Their own path.

Knowledge is power. Power is freedom.

"Frak off," she muttered to herself and goosed the vessel forward. A minute later she brought the nimble vessel about and settled it onto the blasted surface. Powering down, she headed to the back. Her saber was already clipped to her side. She grabbed a breath mask, not sure of the atmospheric conditions outside, as well as a heavy long coat, a multi-optic set of goggles. She could use the Force to navigate even while completely blind, but if she wanted to conceal her presence, it was best to have some other means to see. Her lightsaber would suffice for a light source, but it was a brilliant beacon in the dark. Grabbing a glowrod she added that to her kit. Several chemical lights or glow sticks went into her gear. Shouldering on her pack with teh rest of her provisions and exploration gear, she dropped the ramp.

Immediately cold air sucked at the the warmth in the interior and her ears popped at the change in atmospheric pressure. Grimmacing, she killed the interior lights. Plunged into seemingly total darkness, Lia began making her way down the ramp, goggles on, lighting up the night. A remote closed the ramp behind her, and activated the security system. One of it's neat little features was the disruptor cannon. Anyone attempting to board without the code would trigger the defense turret. Normally meant for engaging ground troops, it could swivel and target anything in the ramp area. It didn't do warning shots. Either shenanigans stopped immediately or the would-be intruder had to deal with high power repeating disruptor fire at close range. Stupid games get stupid prizes. No refunds or returns.

As Lia stood there on alien soil, she did take a moment to cast her gaze overhead. The planet seemed quiet as a tomb. There was no rush. Yet. And despite the cold, lifeless wreackage of a world, the stars were particularly bright, and luminous overhead, glittering impartially. It really was quite beautiful, even in this tomb.


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Mord’Rethar, what the feth was she doing here? That was the first thought she had as she stepped off the boarding ramp of her YT-2400, the ship was ancient by today’s standards but she was tough and had seen Taiia through many hardships, she turned a moment to look at it and smiled softly it might be the only comfort she would find on this world, the young red-haired woman turned to look at the landscape before her, it was a very dark and desolate wasteland the pull of the darkside was strong here, she could feel it reaching out and threatening to take hold. Had she come to this place before the Confederacy she was certain this planet would have devoured her and corrupted her totally she shook her head slightly strands of red hair swinging wildly in the cold wind, lingering on such thoughts here would be dangerous focus was necessary and needed to be maintained. Taking a deep breath she steadied herself and spoke aloud with her eyes closed “There is no darkness, there is no light, there is only the Force.” she seemed to regather her strength and took a few careful steps forward, no doubt as she ventured toward the ruins the pull of this place would become even greater.​
Her master would be likely to admonish her for coming alone, she had not even brought along a single droid to make sure she stayed out of trouble, no instead she trusted in the force her lightsaber clasped tightly to her belt and swaying with every step she took, emerald eyes scanning the horizon ahead of her, it seemed with every step she took the temperature dropped further and further, and invisible hand clasping at her throat seeping to rob her of her life at the same time she could hear the whispers on the wind tempting her with knowledge and power and all she would have to do to have all of it would be to simply listen to their instruction and obey, this world was indeed dangerous and for the very first time, she began to question the will of the force. Pulling her arms in close she folded them over her chest, almost willing the heat to remain in her body, and then she remembered her teaching from the Nightmother and stopped and prepared.​
There were probably precious few who once held the title of Jedi who could say they have trained with Nightsisters and not fallen, but then the Solanaceae were not exactly Nightsisters in the traditional sense, they sought balance order from chaos that is what she had learned from her time with them. Lifting her hands in front of each of them burst green as did her eyes as she tapped into the nether and began to speak in Dathomiri.​
~Winged Goddess grant me your protection, Fanged God give me your strength that I may not fall in this place.~ Opening her eyes at once she lowered her left hand and extended her right to its fullest extent “Pleonexia, Eirene come” a flash of green appeared above her and the two convors swooped in toward her before landing on her arm, she flashed them a smile “Hello little ones” she said as the ichor from the spells diminished rapidly. “So sorry to summon you two here of all places but I will be needing you both to watch over me here” the two convors nodded quickly before taking off into the sky to watch over their master, it was about that time the sound of a ship burning into the atmosphere caught her attention. She could not see it but she heard it, it was enough for her to throw caution to the wind and use the force to run as fast as she could for cover.​

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The trouble with the place was that there wasn't much in the way of concealment or cover. The surface of the planet had been scoured of all life almost a millenia ago. It was a blasted, wrecked thing. But there were places to hide still, of course. But hiding a ship the size of a YT series on a planet with no technology became much harder.

The disturbance in the Force had rippled across Lia's senses, though it was faint. There were signs of life here. That much was certain. Her own ship had settled down not far from the ancient Corellian vessel. It was a true testament to their ship building skills that after centuries, those ships still flew. Or it was a modern reproduction of the older model. Some things always remained a classic.

As Lia stood bathed in nothing but distant starlight, she admired the ship. It was still quite warm from the trip down, and it's ambient heat hadn't dissipated yet. Much like her own vessel. Under the optics of her goggles it stood out bright white against a nearly black background as she studied it through infrared only. Touching the side she switched to thermographic imaging, measuring temperatures. Only to see the splotches of booted feet on the freezing ground leading off to the side.

One pair. A single visitor. The ship ticked as it rapidly cooled, but otherwise gave no answers.

Scanning about, she cycled through vision modes. Motion disturbed the atmosphere, and electromagnetic fields, as well as heat. The flapping of wings and aerodynamic turbulence caught her attention showing a pair of avians overhead, virtually invisible otherwise against the pitch black sky. Breath and heartbeat registered nearby as well behind a pile of rocks. Very faint. She assumed because of distance.

Reaching for the Force once more, she questered out, tentative rather than intrusive. She spread it in all directions, building a network. There was no immediate life on the surface. No insects. Not even bacteria really. Save for what little bits were left behind by herself and this other visitor. But then.. the expanding sphere of influence washed over a living presence, filled with energy. Strong.

Well, I'm not hiding, Lia decided. Without moving the glow rod at her belt activating, spilling cold blue-white light into the area, lighting her up like a beacon. Her saber leaped to her hand in case. Just in case, someone decided to take a shot at her, but she did not activate it. It was better to be cautious, but there was no need for aggression either.

"Hello," she called, allowing the more cultured accent she was raised with slip into her voice. In the cold air and dead silence her voice carried for quite a ways, bouncing off of the nearby spires and returning back with only a little echo.


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
She heard the sound of the ship landing nearby her familiars watched from above and relayed everything to her, what the woman was doing at least as far as they could see, for Taiia’s part she hid behind the rocks and stayed out of sight, luckily light was in short supply here so it would conceal her quite well, she felt somebody reaching out through the force, trying to detect her. No use hiding in this case, she stood as her saberstaff flew into her hand and released the latches that held the two hilts together taking one into each hand she would start back toward her ship, she felt no hostile intent for the moment at least and then she heard a voice call out on the cold dead wind, she stopped for a moment and listened to a female voice, it seemed to have what she would consider a core accent, not something Taiia had grown up around at any rate.​
She resumed her forward progress back to the ship, and in the black the sabers would ignite, bathing her silhouette a silver light that cut through the darkness like a supernova the blades spun assuring the person ahead of her that she was in fact armed and capable of using them.​
“I can only assume you are on this world for perhaps the same reason as me, nobody knew I was coming.” she stopped a good distance away, but close enough that the silver light of her sabers would reveal the appearance of a young woman, late twenties hard to tell the hair or eye color at the moment, but she had a tremendous air of strength, as one might expect of a force user that had seen much combat. She had stopped her forward advance in order to not force a confrontation here, a peaceful conversation was preferable but needed to show she could handle herself. At that same moment here two familiars swooped down and landed on top of Taiia's freighter watching the duo with piqued interest, Taiia's eyes flicked to them for only a moment before turning back to Lia.​


Location: Mord’Rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod
Tag: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke

She could see the other approaching like a beacon of warmth and when she snapped the saber to hand, Lia's thumb rested over the activation stud of her own. The other saber ignited in a blazing bar that blew out the night vision function. Light amplified fifty thousand times or more straight into her eyes. But she'd seen it coming, and only the tip of the blazing saber had shown visible before she shifted the goggles off her eyes and rested on her forehead.

Revealed in the cold white light, Lia studied the other woman, listening to her, and then nodded once. "Noone knew of my journey either. I am still not even entirely sure this is the place I seek. I'm letting the Force guide as much as I'm following a hunch. Which may as well be the same thing." The glow rod died at her waist with only a flicker in the Force. At the same time. she activated her own saber which sprang to life with an all too familiar snap-hiss. Its hum was pitched a little lower and an amber-gold blade sprang to life spilling warm light across her. She made no hostile move, and there seemed to be none. Only caution. She'd considered using her saber as a light source, to begin with. The truth was she felt a little better with it in her hand.

"It might be a foolish mistake, picking through the ruins of this place. I don't come as a plunderer but a learner," she said, not only to the other woman but to the air, and the spirits and forces that were surely watching. "I am Lia," she offered the other woman approaching slowly, until she was only a couple of meters away, within comfortable conversation distance.

Other than keeping a weather eye on the redhead, she seemed relaxed. Wary of their surroundings but not worried in the least about the other woman with a saber. Which meant she was either foolish or very sure of herself. But not overconfident. Dark eyes wandered over Taiia for a moment, appraising her and a small smile came to her face, then a wistful sigh of days and things gone by.


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Taiia would seem to relax at the stranger's words, for however short the conversation was so far she did not sense a hostile intent, this alone let he relax a bit and she lowered her sabers slightly before she quickly inverted the hilts in her hands and reconnected the saberstaff leaving the blades ignited providing light to both of them, she studied this other person for a moment before making a decision, she turned off the saberstaff showing a willingness to trust for now.​
“Well Lia, I am Taiia and as you say I followed the force here” she shook her head slightly “Why exactly I am not sure, this place is dark and lifeless every inch of it is clawing at me” she glancing at the familiars. “If you would please scout ahead for me and my friend..” she watched Lia from the corner of her eyes for a moment as she spoke to the two birds but then at once her familiars took flight once more Lia would hear a humph from one of them as it flew away, this drew an amused smile from Taiia as she glanced back to Lia.​
“Well then, since neither of us is here to kill one another, and we both seem to have the same purpose, the way I see it we can work together or watch our backs constantly.” she inclined her head slightly that the raven-haired woman “It is my preference not to fight, the question is what is yours?”


Location: Mord’Rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod
Tag: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke

Seeing Taiia relax she relaxed another notch as well. "I don't believe this place is as dead as you think. No life on the surface maybe, but I sense we are not entirely alone. There are warm spots here that suggest there are heat sources underground. My ship can't penetrate terribly far underground with it's scanners," she said, jerking her thumb back toward the vessel. "At any rate, we're better off working together." The archaeologist stepped forward, offering her hand after transferring her saber to her left. The lamp turned back on while the saber extinguished and returned to her belt. "Pleasure to meet you Taiia."

With greetings out of the way she cast her gaze about once more. "I know I'm here to find something. Maybe a couple of things. And maybe we were meant to meet," she suggested, rolling one hand in a 'follow me' gesture.

"If I may... I'd like to know more about who and what I'm working with," Lia suggested. "My initial training in the Force was through the Sith at one of their academies. I had a couple different Masters along the way. but I've learned alone along the way." Granted, the idea of speaking on the Sith was a risky one. Especially if her companion were an overzealous Jedi. Truth was, she wasn't even sure if she truly identified as Sith. She was just... Lia.


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
If she had any concern over Lia calling herself Sith, she showed no sign. In truth it didn't phase her, some in the Confederacy even the Vicelord carried such a title but were more amenable than some Jedi she had met. When one stops believing in restrictive doctrines one is able to see more of an individual.​
Taiia reattached her own lightsaber to her belt before reaching up and grasping Lia’s hand firmly yet gently “A pleasure to meet you as well. Now then, shall we see what awaits us?” releasing Lia’s hand she then turned back toward she had headed off to earlier “You are right about that, it is dead on the surface, but there is something else here drawing us. I am sure you feel it too”
When Lia asked about her she shrugged, turned to look at her. “At one point I was a Jedi Knight, I found their teaching… lacking and archaic I suppose. I left and joined the Knights Obsidian.” she pointed up at the twin convors flying above. “I spent some time with the witches of the Knights, they taught me to do that” she grinned a bit. “My Master is unique” she laughed a bit “She is kind but firm, and wise in the ways of the force.”


Location: Mord’Rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod
Tag: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke

Her own grip was firm, strong, but not overly so, much like Taiia's. "I do feel it too. But it's elusive," she agreed as they walked, picking their way over the ground carefully. Lia listened to the other woman, raising an eyebrow. A Jedi, but turned away from the order, joining the Obsidian Knights? How interesting. As Taiia directed her attention to the birds she tilted her head, watching them. "So they are... what, constructs," she asked, genuinely wondering. She'd never seen such a thing, but then again, her journey into the mysteries of the Force was not that far along.

When Taiia spoke of her Master, Lia's expression grew distant for a moment. Her masters in her initial training were cruel and harsh. But Lady Dimiah had been kind, fair, but hard-edged when she thought she needed to be. They had gotten along well and she'd learned much from her Master. Unlike the instructors with the Acherus. Sure she progressed under them as well, but no in the same ways.

Realizing she wasn't paying attention she snapped herself out of it. "Sorry. Was thinking back to my own Master. She sounds a lot like yours. I miss her a lot some days. But she disappeared years ago. I'm fairly certain she's dead." Lia heaved a small sigh, mostly through her nose. "So tell me about these Knights OBsidian? They sound interesting."


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Taiia watched Lia as she regarded the convors, a small smile touching her lips as she followed her gaze back to the birds high above. “Constructs, might be the simplest term if you are not familiar with nightsister magick. Essentially they are spirits, familiars are what they are called there is a very long explanation of the force and spirits if you are interested, I can tell you my own understanding but the Nightmother is the foremost authority as one might suspect.”
As Lia began to allow her mind to go to her old Master, Taiia turned her eyes back to her, regarding her with a different gaze, a softness almost sadness for her. She might suppress the feelings on the outside but the force was a much better indicator of emotion if you chose to use it. When the topic changed to the Knights Obsidian a small smile touched her lips again.​
“Ah yes, well if you take the Jedi and Sith, mash them together and strip away all the rules and doctrines of both. That is essentially the Knights Obsidian, it’s an odd relationship to be sure having both those devoted to the light and dark as well as those between the two extremes working toward the same goals. You may count me as one of those between”



Location: Mord'Rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod

Lia listened with rapt attention on both matters. A construct. That was something she'd heard of vaguely, but never thought she would experience, especially with only a short time inducted into matters of the Force. As they walked, their feet crunched through the parched and rocky surface, their way lit by the lambent glow of Lia's swinging glowrod. Even the air itself seemed to hold its breath, leaving the world in eerie, unnerving silence. She was grateful for the conversation. She was used to quiet places, but even an old tomb or ruin had a sound, usually from the wind or air moving through it. Here there was nothing, save for the faintest of breezes. She supposed that was from the fairly even temperatures of the planet. Or at least the area they were in. It might well be cold enough to create liquid nitrogen in another area of the planet. But... the lack of noise would have been so much worse without Taiia there. Suddenly she felt a swell of gratitude toward the redhead, and the Force for not being here alone.

Even as they walked, she could feel the darkness of the place surrounding and pushing in against her senses, her mind. She should go back. Flee, leave this place. They didn't belong here. Run.

Drawing up short she took a deep breath, jaw clenched tight. The air around her began to smell of ozone and her hair began to rise off of her a little bit as the Force began to swirl around her in growing eddies and currents, like gathering winds.

No. I will not be chased away so easily. I've never run from anything.

Only silence greeted her, in its own mocking way. Sure. Sure.

Clearing her throat, Lia let the gathered energies around her go and turned her attention back to Taiia. "Tell me more about the Knights Obsidian? It sounds interesting. I tend to find the Jedi are too passive, and the Sith are usually too immature and throw a lot of temper tantrums. hopefully, the Knights are better, more measured?"


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
The darkness of the world continued to pull and gnaw at her, it was a familiar feeling but by no means a pleasant one, she had been around enough darkness to where she understood how to push it back, she was not deluded enough to think the Knights Obsidian to be Jedi by any stretch though some among them might claim that mantle, it was the exception not the rule. Most were like her neither dark nor light, grey, neutral with tendencies toward one or the other but no directly devout allegiance.​
If there was one thing about this world that did bother her, it was the sound of silence. No birds, no wildlife, not even a breeze blowing it was as if the planet itself had been snuffed out by the dark side of the force, a wound. Yes, as if confirming her own thoughts she nodded silently. That is what it felt like to her, a wound in the force, "I wonder what happened here.. I mean, obviously the sith happened, but what event destroyed this world so completely?" she turned her eyes upward toward what once was the star, which was little more than a decaying ball of stellar matter offering no light to those on the surface of the dead world.​
Lost in her own thoughts she had almost forgotten Lia's question and shook her head turning her attention back toward her companion. "The Knights are, not dogmatic in the usual ways. That is why I was brought to them I think, it's true there are those who were Sith among us, but there are also those like myself who left the Jedi for various reasons. Some still follow their teachings, I do not." she turned her eyes toward Lia now, gauging her reaction as she spoke. "Myself I believe both the Jedi and the Sith are responsible for the cycle of war and bloodshed that have tainted this galaxy for millennia, adhering to dogma is not going to break that cycle and both bear the consequences. It sounds like you are coming to a similar understanding"



Location: Mord’Rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod
Lia nodded as she walked. The apprehension drifting off of Taiia was easy to feel. It mirrored her own, and suddenly she was quite glad she wasn't alone. this was a place that were she left to her own, she might well be worse off. As it was, there was a knot in her gut, as though a cold worm had slid inside.

Focusing on anything she could latch onto, she listened to her companion. "You would be right. Though I think both sides have at least part of the answer. But not the whole of it. And they've become too blinded by their own issues. The Jedi see themselves as The One True Way, and everyone knows that is a path to fanaticism and zealotry. Many Jedi would attempt to kill me where I stand just because I have born the label Sith. They automatically assume that because I have trained with the Sith, and been trained by them, that I am an irredeemable rage-monster."

She sighed a little and fought back a small cough in the dry-as-a-bone air. Even if it wasn't hot, this place sapped at one's life and endurance slowly, steadily. Almost slow enough it couldn't be felt. But it was happening. "There are many Sith that would raise a weapon to a Jedi because of that. Or because they see the Jedi as a threat, and as weakness incarnate. Despite how many Jedi have slain Sith over the years. Though they would seek to turn the Jedi, to bring them to their One True Way. Grinding them down beneath their boot, and ideally bringing them back up as Sith, eventually." She shrugged.

"Neither code has all the answers. There are a couple of older ones that fit better. I have looked into the original Jedi code some. It's more complete, but the Je'daii code was a better answer." She shook her head slowly. "I don't know if I would align myself with that. But I feel that a middle-of-the-road, balanced approach is better than either side. Moderation is crucial. And yet this is heresy to both sides. The Jedi would say that is a big step toward darkness. And the Sith would call it a major step toward weakness. I prefer to think of it as... being seasoned, and hardened against threats. Ready for a fight or a war at any time, but not seeking. Pray for peace but prepare for war. Someone out there somewhere is training to kill you."

She sighed then once more at herself. It was something she'd only really talked about in her own mind. To speak it out loud in this place indeed felt like a kind of heresy. Like the Sith of the past were staring at her with disdain if not contempt. But she shrugged it off as she came to a stop.

Casting her gaze about, she took in their surroundings. They'd been walking for several minutes and were in the middle of a field of broken rocky fangs jutting up from the landscape at a crazy angle, and rather close. As she looked she realized she could see the faint outlines and edges that ran along the length, with perpendicular lines that had distorted. All the structures seemed blasted and melted. But as she looked closer, she saw gaps here and there, distorted but in semi-regular patterns. They were buildings at a crazy forty-five-degree angle. They'd been melted by intense heat and radiation, and under the force of extreme solar wind, partially blown over and then cooled into freeform art structures.

They were standing in the graveyard of an entire city. Thousands if not millions had perished in this spot alone. Giving a shudder, Lia looked over to Taiia and held her glowrod aloft. She changed it from an area light to firing a beam of cold blue-white light of much higher intensity, shining the beam onto the formations. "Are you seeing this," she asked quietly in a mixture of horror and reverence of sort. The dead did not care, but it did not mean that their lives were meaningless, even now.


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
She glanced over at Lia with interest as she spoke about her views of both the Jedi and of the Sith, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as they continued to walk on. She turned her eyes forward once again and nodded along as she spoke. “I am of the same mind, The Jedi get some things right but what they get wrong is dangerous. Have you ever wondered why so many Jedi fall? It’s quite simple, they restrict the heart to the point it becomes a poison to one who walks that path. And in truth most people who claim to be the most devout of the Light are just as tainted as those they cast out or kill, they just hide it better.”
“For my part, I have trained with Nightsisters, and left the Jedi of my own volition to seek out what I feel to be the truth of the force. For this they would kill me as well. Jedi, Sith, Je’daii I have studied the ancient ways of the force as well as the modern. The only truth I have come to is that when we try to quantify, to measure, to understand the Force we are always trying to put it into a little box we built, but it is so much more than that. The Force is alive, and it guides us if we allow it. There is no light, no dark there is only the Force.” Glancing back at Lia “We both followed it here did we not?”
In large part it was rhetorical but still it was interesting to hear her views on things. She turned her eyes toward the ruins that Lia motioned to and the smile faded from her face as she looked upon the twisted and ruined remains of once towering buildings, a chill ran down her spine as she stopped and looked, giving a firm nod to her companion. “I am. I doubt these people even had much of a warning before the destruction came upon them, at least their passing would have been quick. We should tread carefully.”



Location: Mord’Rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod, crippling isolation

Lia made her way forward, drawing closer to the nearest ruin of a building. "People are people. The Jedi Code does not allow for that. At least the way the Jedi teach it. The Sith Code goes too far the other way. Figure about ten percent of people will never waver from being just good people through and through. And some are born black as night. About eighty percent though, fall somewhere in the middle. It's a bell curve. And the idea that the Code is meant to cover all of it, in either direction is foolish."

"I've heard of the Nightsisters. Never met one. I don't know a lot about them. I know a bit more about the Je'daii. I'm inclined to think they had more of it right. Balance is a better idea. But I think people will default to their base nature, whether good or bad when the pressure is on. And given that there's a whole huge range... trying to enforce balance for each person is also a detriment."

Pausing she made her way into the structure and switched her glowrod back to filling the area like a lantern so they could see the environment more easily. The stonework had melted into slag and the interior floor was canted at an odd angle. Navigating in here would be treacherous. But there were secrets here. Things they really must see.

Lia turned to offer Taiia a hand over some rubble after hopping over herself. The redhead was capable of navigating on her own, for sure. But there was no reason to not be polite or kind. And moreover, since hearing the woman's views, she had relaxed a few notches. The place still gave her an eerie feeling, but Taiia was not a hidden threat, not based on ideologies.

No, instead she found herself intrigued, and listening intently. Even liking the redhead, just in general. She was easy on the eyes and was pleasant to listen to. So far, she was pleasant company all around. Catching herself staring a little she shook it off.

"There's been evidence to the contrary. At least from what I've heard, that suggests there are definitive manifestations of evil with these Force. Not Sith creations but evil spawned by the Force. I think it's more complicated than that." She chewed her lower lip as she cast her gaze around.

They stood in the remains of a large chamber next to the antechamber they had come through. There were doorways that now looked like distended maws higher up and some lower down, and in the distance, some fifteen to twenty meters was another doorway. At the base of it, there was a metallic sheen that contrasted against the blackened stone. Making her way closer, it took a moment to realize it was metal. Melted and then cooled liquefied metal. Around it flecks of silvery bits dotted the walls, as though glitter or minerals had spread throughout the surface. She realized it was more bits of cooled metal. Whatever happened here had been catastrophic, so much so that it turned metal molten almost instantly. Nothing she knew of could survive that kind of intense heat. Not for long.

"I think the Force is alive. I think it has a will of its own. But I don't think there's a grand plan. It's a mirror of sorts. Reflecting back at us in every shade of color. Every type of being and creature. Diverse in all its forms, that adds up to a semblance of mass consciousness, connecting everything, transcending space and distance, and even time. It is an energy field, so perhaps an energy being as well. And perhaps is a bridge between one dimension and another. Or a few. It alters those that attune to it. And yes, I did feel led here and I listened to the call. Glad I did."

After a moment she sighed. "Maybe I'm talking out of my hind end. I don't know, but maybe that's a little closer to the truth. And maybe it's too big for our tiny little lizard brains to grasp."


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Taiia followed close behind Lia as she lit the path ahead of them the soft glow from the glow stick was not so bright, rather it was pressing darkness that made the light source seem all the brighter, still, she remained close to her traveling companion any concern that she had about her had melted away through conversation, she was thoughtful and very close to where Taiia was on her understanding of the Force, there were differences yes but variance spurred debate differences when able to be discussed openly helped one form one's own ideas, to be challenged was a good thing, this was the intellectual fallacy of the Jedi.​
“It is true, the Jedi code teaches compassion yet forbids love. It teaches that fear and anger are paths to the darkside, while true the Sith rely on emotion to make them stronger it is no darker than yelling at a friend in anger at a base level. It is what you use it for that becomes dark. As you say the Je’daii was closer to the truth believing balance between light and dark was the key, I argue that the Force is neither dark nor light, it is simply the Force how you use it that determines light and dark.”
Lia had paused to inspect one of the nearby buildings and Taiia followed closely behind, when she had turned to offer a hand, Taiia was momentarily taken aback, just out of surprise really not expecting the gesture though she quickly recovered and grasped the woman's hand firmly stepping over the debris, for one who had endured harsh Sith training her hands were quite soft, Taiia was almost surprised but did not show it in the slightest. Lia had sparked a curiosity in Taiia, she rarely encountered anybody who was even close to her own thoughts on the Force needless to say she was intrigued.​
“The Force has its entities that are good and bad that is true but I find manifestations of the force are rarely benevolent. Does that mean they are dark? Not necessarily, but they are driven by desire and passion that much is evident. A kind of Mass consciousness, perhaps you are right in a way. But if that is the case, the fact that we are both here right now is a construct of hive mind that willed us to meet?” Taiia turned to look at her companion and raised a curious eyebrow at her. But then smiled as her eyes met Lia “Perhaps you are right and it's not for us to know, perhaps it's my own romantic notion of a living Force, that has a will of its own. The Force having a will does not mean that we have no choice or are fated to do something. You and I both listened, we very well could have ignored it and bypassed this dark world but what then?”



Location: Mord'rethar
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod, crippling isolation

Lia held on for just a little longer than maybe was needed to help Taiia out, taking a moment to notice the softness of her skin and touch but quite strong for her size and stature. The last was surely a byproduct of years of physical training. As they talked, Lia found herself smiling. It was a sobering set of thoughts, especially in this place, mired by so much death and destruction. Despite the chill in the air, she grew warmer, just a bit.

"I feel like with the Force, if you believe in the Living Force, that it's something of a give and take. Like any relationship. And if it is to work, both sides compromise and cooperate. At least that's something the Jedi of the Living Force get right. But the Sith seek to enslave it to their will. And while this works, like anyone who is abused too much, it will abandon them at the right moment." She shrugged having stopped, regarding Taiia as if in deep thought.

"And you're right. The Jedi are all about empathy and compassion. Even love, but... it's general. Attachment I think is the real concern there. It's a tactical vulnerability but they wrap it in so many other things. Without teaching their students how to deal with those issues. And that's what makes them vulnerable to the Dark Side. They don't have coping mechanisms, other than meditating and turning to the Force. At least the ones they get as children. Adults or teenagers usually are better. Granted kids can move on faster, cut their losses faster. But when they really get attached to something or someone, boy do they not know how to deal with it when it's threatened, or are under the threat of losing that." She sighed a little. "And then the Jedi at large like to hide behind the needs of the many. So if a student has a loved one in danger, that person is kriffing out of luck. Or the Jedi breaks ranks and goes to deal with. And may risk falling. Instead of gaining support. Or better yet drawing that person closer and keeping them protected."

She shook her head. "I suppose that's devoting more resources. But how is being a Jedi any different than a career law enforcement officer, soldier, diplomat, or politician? They all have families and loved ones. Many Sith eschew attachments because they believe it makes them weaker, after a certain point. OR even again tactical vulnerability. But they're likely already using the Dark Side so labeled by the Jedi, so all that really accomplishes is pissing them off." She grinned at this, shaking her head.

"My first real Master was Lady Dimiah. I think you would have liked her. One of the first things she had me do was give her my interpretation of the meanings of the Sith Code. At the time I broke it down line by line. But as I told her, passion doesn't translate to being an angry rage monster. Passion is about joy, motivation, laughter. Love given and received. What gets you out of bed in the morning, sets your blood on fire... where it be your lover or an injustice. What puts a smile on your face. Emotion. Passion. These are not the enemy. Life is meant to be lived and embraced. To the fullest. It gives you the strength, the courage to press on, do what's right. Be a better lover, a better spouse, a better friend. Train harder, protect what you love. Kickass in the board room. Let the things that drive you set you free. It's not about being angry or hate-filled. It's about embracing who you really are." She shrugged. "But never let those emotions control you. Ride them out, use them, but do not let them use you. Keep your head."

Shrugging she continued on for a short distance. "Most teenagers and adults have experience in this. But Jedi raised as children don't. Usually. So they fall, and fall hard, going to the extremes. Never seeing that they were supposed to find the balance. Find the center of the circle," she said with a sigh. Her mind still went back to Dimiah for a little longer. "I loved my Master. She was good to me in many ways. Hard in others. Played hard too, but she always showed me respect. Treated me like a friend." And occasionally a good lover. As that thought came unbidden along with a couple of memories, she was grateful for the dim light, hoping it was enough to hide the sudden flush of heat to her face. "Pretty sure she's dead now. Possibly killed by my cult. They sent her off on a mission, supposedly... Never came back." It wasn't hard to see and feel the disappointment and sadness at that, but it passed within a few seconds.

"She was an example, a great example, of what I had in mind. What I wanted to strive for. The rest of the Brotherhood, as far as the instructors on up were very much the typical Sith you hear about. Except for The Archon. He was reasonable. Powerful. Intelligent. He took notice of my abilities shortly before things fell apart. And of course, I know he was using me for his own ends, but that design suited me fine for the time being. Especially since I had the Marks of Power. I was ready to take my place in the next tier." She smiled at this, briefly. "Had things not fallen apart." She shrugged.

"I suppose even this was intentional and instructive in the Force. I learned what I needed. But no further from them, and they fell away into dust. I remained," she mused. "Since then I've been well on my own. Continuing as I had with the Brotherhood. Training where I can. But mostly continuing to uncover artifacts and knowledge. The Brotherhood of the Acherus strove to regain lost knowledge. Even students were sent to temples and former strongholds to recover things. Holocrons and datacrons, and more besides. Each one testing their abilities. When the Acherus fell, I returned after a time and retrieved all the information and archives that we had available. I use that to continue on. It'll be useful someday. And occasionally I am lead to places such as this," she said gesturing around. "Rather than finding them through the archives."

With a sigh, she gave the redhead an apologetic look. "That's a lot to dump all at once. But it's all interconnected. I suppose. I do not see much separation there."


Lost Worlds

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
The redhead gave Lia a smile as she helped her over the debris and inclined her head ever so slightly when her hand lingered on hers, she was polite enough to let it go however not that she was complaining by any stretch of the imagination. Something about Lia calmed her, even in this place dark and foreboding as it was. She turned her eyes from Lia to scan their surroundings once more it truly felt as if they were being watched, that feeling she could not shake most likely was the departed dead that clung to this place. Lia broaching the topic of the living force causes Taiia to look back at with a broad smile. “You are quite right, the Je’daii were of the same mind in that regard, while they drew on the dark side they knew you had to balance it out. To draw too heavily on one side or the other, both are extremes, just one is more damaging to those who wield it.”
“Yes, attachment is ultimately at the heart of the Jedi ethos. Don’t become attached or you will fall, but it is in our nature, no more accurately it is the nature of all beings to form attachments. We are social beings at the end of the day, not meant to wander alone. The day the Jedi accept that they will truly begin to change.” when Lia began speaking of her master Taiia quieted and let her talk, giving her undivided attention, one could learn much simply by ceasing to talk. Nodding as she concluded she spoke once more “Don’t write your master off quite yet, the Force has its ways.” she gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile before continuing on the topic at hand. “Emotion gives us power but it can also be a weakness for this reason the Jedi shun it and the Sith latch on to the worst emotions. In some regard, I believe if a Sith ever embraced love as an overriding emotion instead of anger or fear they would truly be a force to be reckoned with, true they would also cease to be the definition of a Sith as well but you get my meaning."
When she finally stopped talking she shook her head gently, long red strands swaying with the motion “No apology necessary. It’s rare to find one so open and willing to discuss the Force I would gladly hear all about it at any time." she turned to glance back at the ruins before them "Though in this instance I think we should find whatever we are here to see and be off, I am not sure about you, but I would much rather have a pleasant discussion over drinks or dinner as opposed to standing in a tomb." she grinned at Lia slightly and motioned her to lead on.



Location: In the Ruins
Equipment: Lightsaber (Nothing special yet.), breath mask, glow rod, crippling isolation

"Dinner and drinks sound even better," Lia proposed with a smile. "And yeah, that would be a lot better than sitting around on this dirtball." Coming to a stop, she cast her gaze about. They had traversed down a ways through the innards of a massive building that she imagined in its day had scraped the very sky. It was still canted at an odd angle, making traversing through the ruin difficult but not impossible. "I'm not sure there's much to find at the surface level," she admitted out loud to Taiia. "I think we have to go deeper. A ground scan showed this area was warmer than the rest of the surface. A couple other hot spots, though it was only a few degrees. That doesn't sound like much but on the 'night' side away from the remains of the star?" She shook her head. "I don't buy it. I think there's something still alive beneath our feet. We could try to find a way down. Or melt through with our sabers, maybe. Or come back with drilling equipment."

But if it got out this place was out there, it would be a gold rush of immense proportions. It needed to remain a secret. For now. What would the galaxy look like if there were a plethora of lost artifacts here to plunder, and it wound up in the wrong hands? Chewing her lower lip, she studied Taiia for a long time. She opened her mouth as if to say something, thought better of it. Then she went to say something again, then once more fell short.

Lia chewed her lower lip for a few moments then sighed. "I think it was enough to find this place," she mused. "And maybe each other. We can always venture back here, if we need to. Especially when we're better equipped," she suggested.


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