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Overrated Books/Movies/Games

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Well-Known Member
okay, so I won't even pretend I know what you're talking about, because I've not the slightest idea. :D

however, not to be completely OT, here's an overrated one: the slumdog millionaire. just meh. I expected it to be great, but it just didn't live up to its praise. :S
Halik Falkosi said:
On to football. It is the ultimate team sport. The things that go into building a team is insane. The amount of thought that goes into playmaking, and schemes is crazy. The way it changes as new kinds of players become more an more common. For instance, this year we saw the Read Option become a big thing, because we had some quarterbacks that were more mobile. Now, I am someone who doesn't see it lasting as a big thing. I see it just becoming another formation, and not an entire offensive style, but this year saw it be a huge offensive style that defenses just were not ready for. It was interesting to see it change. Just like how the art of pass rushing has changed tremendously over the recent years.

Then you've got the money side. There is a salary cap, which basically is that all the players have to have a combined salary under a predetermined number. This creates a sort of dilemma where you have to decide who you want on your team, what you value, what kind of team you want to be, where you think you can get away with less experienced players with high upside, and where you want to go with proven veterans.

I'm honestly way more into the team building side of things.

Though I will say, and this has been true for years, Go Ravens! Superbowl Champs!

And they did over pay Flacco... had to... but they over paid him.
I was talking about real football. Not handegg.
I had a hunch you were referring to futbal. But I went my own route :p

See I appreciate the fact that the guys that play futbal are very athletic, they run a crap ton, and whatnot... but it just doesn't come across as being all that... organized. Now, understand. I have friends that are way into it. And they've explained to me the positions and whatnot. I'm even able to see how the game works, I'm not futbal ignorant. Its just that generally speaking... it feels less... orchestrated and smart.

Also, I dislike that there is no salary cap. Lack of salary cap ruins sports because rich teams can just buy people.
CSKA Sofia from Bulgaria and Arsenal FC from England. What about you, Karin ?
Futbal ? Please don't. I don't know if that or soccer is worse. It's pretty organized and there's a lot tactics and intelligence going on both out of the field ( manager tactics ) and on the field ( football players' own intelligence when it comse to the game ) Football it's self has much greatier variety than American football (I am not going to call it handegg out of respect) and it's evolved a lot since it was created. Yes I agree, sort of, on the salary cap. I am tired of and I hate plastic clubs which became decent clubs thanks to money, those clubs will always be on my hate list and I will never respect them. Artificial clubs imo.

EDIT: On a side note I forgot to add that I have played American football too and I liked it too.
Karin Dorn said:
Glasgow Celtic (Scotland) and Tottenham Hotspur (England).

Also the Scotland national team but they are terribad. :p

I prefer Rangers over Celtic, haha xD I cried for your "luck" against Juve the first match, it should have been your win. And we don't have to talk about Spurs, you already know. Other than that Celtic's got a good firm - Green Brigade but Spuuuuuurs... yuck. I haven't watched Scotland's national team for quite some itme now but don't worry Bulgaria is also bad although lately it's growing and becoming much better as it is expected to be but there's still time xD Good to see someone who watches football on here.


here for your dad
Haha, since I'm living in Australia I got up at 4am to watch Celtic's home game against Juventus and while Celtic should have gotten a penalty for the antics in the box by Lichtsteiner, in the end it had no bearing on the goals that Juventus did score. Ambrose was just back from winning the African Cup of Nations and never should have been played but that's what happened. I support my Bhoys win, lose or draw and I'm proud of them and Neil Lennon for getting that far in the Champion's League in the first place.

After all, we were the first team in the 2012/13 season to beat Barcelona! That's nothing to scoff at!

The Rangers fans may laugh at us getting knocked out of the Champion's League but let's not forget that this season they were knocked out of the Scottish Challenge Cup, by a League Two team. ;) Then again, the Facebook Rangers army are so focused on pin-pointing every one of Celtic's losses that their denial about the state of their own team is clearly showing.

And hey now, Stan the Man! Stiliyan Petrov, a Bulgarian national is one of my all-time favourite players. :D
- Skrillex is overrated.
- The Big 3 of WSJ in mango is overrated.
- Most AAA video game titles are overrated, especially sequels attached to the Activision and EA label.
- Most Broadway plays that turn into films.
- Gangnam Style. Loved it, but overplayed to the point that it sucks.
Rangers though are not the same team they were before. They got robbed by their own owner. But yeah I hand it to Celtic, of course and although they parked the bus I don't hate them unlike Chelski, God I hate that team more than anything in my life. Celtic has the potential, they made a good run this year in the CHampion's league when everyone was writting them off. Haha, I knew you'd like Stiliyan Petrov, he's a legend to Celtic I think. He played his best years there so yeah. Hope he gets well from his illness. Thumbs up that you didn't say anything about Spurs. :D I dont know how you like them.


here for your dad
Don't worry, I'm not a rabid Celtic fan. I actually like Ally McCoist I think he's a superb guy and I applaud him for sticking with Rangers through the tough times. Funnily enough, when the Huns were in European competitions I would still secretly root for them because they're a Scottish team and the better they do in Europe benefits Scottish football as a whole. It's just a pity that they bungled their finances completely! An SPL without an old firm is tragic!

Yeah, I hope he comes back to Villa soon, I think they sorely need him! As their manager Paul Lambert is an ex-bhoy himself (I actually used to have a crush on him when I was younger!) I actually have a soft spot for Villa and the same applies to Sunderland, because Martin O'Neil is up there with Jock Stein in terms of Celtic's greatest managers. Stiliyan does get edged out by dear old Henrik Larsson however but that's to be expected, the Swede is a legend to every Celtic fan out there.

Thierry Henry even said after Arsenal played Barcelona in the Champions League Final: "People always talk about Ronaldinho, and everything but I didn't see him today - I saw Henrik Larsson. Two times he came on - he changed the game, that is what killed the game - sometimes you talk about Ronaldinho and Eto'o and people like that, you need to talk about the proper footballer who made the difference and that was Henrik Larsson tonight."

But I'm going to make a new thread for sports, because we're derailing this one completely!! Haha!
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