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Junction Once Upon a Time in Rodia (SO Binaros / HSC Teth /ME Lok)





Once Upon A Time In Rodia

His military-grade scanners came up with zero results on threat detection within the area. Although this didn't mean that the threat to his charge within the club was entirely non-existent. Traffic moving through the Trade District was slow but steady; with rodian civilians going about their daily lives without incident. They opted to avoid coming near the club due to his presence outside. Although a single rodian approached the club in a rather suspicious-looking manner. They no doubt saw him patrolling by the entrance but approached anyway which drew his notice.

Chipper moved forward to engage this threat, as the rodian charged toward him in an apparent suicide attempt.

"Cease hostilities"

Moving his giant claw down and picking up the rodian within his grasp. He slowly brought them towards his metal jaw and crunched down on them as blood spattered across his jagged teeth. Chipper abruptly threw the corpse into the air away from the club. Ironically where Venari Krayt Venari Krayt and Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal were located for the time being.

A panic ensued due to his rather barbaric methods as civilians ran.



ALLIES: Darius Beroya Darius Beroya | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | ENCLAVE
ENEMIES: Ozzmo the Hutt | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
ENGAGING: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean (Soonᵀᴹ)




"Kel, spread everyone out and have our birds on standby."

The Beroya clan had landed in Equator City - as did the rest of the Enclave. Shel gave her orders to the rest of the Clan. It was better to spread out some than conglomerate into a mass group that could be easily hit.
<Yes, Alor'ad.> Kel said before splitting off with the majority of the Clan as the War Droids around the Beroya fleet in orbit were activated

The Nautolan turned to the most recent of her Clan members.
"Let's investigate that area the intel spoke of." she told Darius Beroya Darius Beroya before she started down the street to the area the intel had mentioned.

The two of them approached the area of the club. The intel the Enclave had received, wasn't exactly fool proof.
The Mando'ad scanned the area for anything that looked out of ordinary. Mando'ade weren't out of the ordinary on the planet. They had been on it for many many years now - even under the Confederacy if accounts rang true. They did not look out of the ordinary on it by any means.

But tussles in the street gave the the military Captain all she needed to know.

They have not escalated greatly yet, but it was clear something was afoot. But it was clear that those the Mando'ade were engaging, were congregated around a nightclub building in various degrees.
"I'd bet a month's tihaar that that building is where some bigiwgs are gathering." Shel mused as she nodded a chin at the nightclub. "You up for seeing what's what?" she asked Darius before she moved to enter the club. For now, all her weapons remained holstered or sheathed. No use to go in, guns blazing. But she was no fool either.

<All Beroya units - surround the buidling. No one leaves without my say-so.>

Little did she know that Zlova Rue Zlova Rue was already inside which might count in their favour.


Iermin the Hutt



Ozzmo and Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia were soon joined by two others in the form of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . One introduced himself as 'Darth Empyrean' who seemed considerably powerful. Empyrean offered a short greeting before taking his seat at the table. The other introduced himself as 'Demiurge' who seemed equally powerful and made quite the effort to show respect towards a member of the Gorensla Kajidic. Demiurge was the more diplomatic of the people within the room which gave him some relief that the meeting would go well.

"it is a pleasure to be working with you all."

Ozzmo said with a small bow in respect towards them.

"Let us hope so; otherwise this meeting is a waste of both of our times."

Ozzmo said regarding the comment about how the Order's interests were aligned with the various cartels. Bringing his smoking pipe from his mouth onto the table. He was up against sith which required certain willpower to avoid being mentally manipulated into agreeing with whatever the order wanted even with Hutt's resistance to mental powers.

"I would like to know firsthand. which planets the sith are planning to claim within the Outer Rim so that the Gorensla Clan doesn't interfere with your activities."

He said wanting to know which planets within the Outer Rim the Sith Order planned to claim for themselves moving forward. It would do no one well if the Cartels and the Sith engaged in a head-for-head over planets with vital resources which would weaken both factions overall.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Aela Wren Aela Wren


Allied: Venari Krayt Venari Krayt
Enemy: Chipper

"Best suit up, finish up that drink my friend. There never is just one, once things do go loud I will be sure to have your back. And seeing as you are my senior i'm just gonna listen for when you give the go ahead..."
"As will I have yours, vod. And sounds good, I think I got placements and positions all figured out." Thonn responded. He may not have had the greatest academic or social skills, but combat and repeater tactics were his specialty by far. Venari was a fine partner to have, and her Model 39 a fine counterpart to his rotary cannon. The blaster bolts his cannon fired hardly packed that much punch, but it fired a lot of them – and a well placed blaster bolt could do significant damage despite its lack of power if it was carefully aimed. Not that he could shoot with that much precision, but if he fired fifty bolts at someone, one of them was bound to hit them in the face anyhow. Or delicate sensors, or weak spots in armour, if there wasn't a face to blast. Thonn didn't even need to know where they were, if he simply shot his target everywhere.

Properly fitted armour and tougher targets did prove challenging. It was ideal for engaging fighters with armour and without, and heavier targets could stand up easier to the infernal shower of blaster fire. The Model 39 had a lower rate of fire, but made up for it with the power put behind each shot. It could provide both continuous fire that threatened heavily armoured targets that Thonn might not.

"Right, I forgot to ask, we taking prisoners or is this a clean up?"
It was a fair question, though Thonn didn't relish the idea of taking either Daimyos or Sith captive. Those beneath the Daimyos would be dangerous to keep alive, given their many connections and the likelihood of actual loyalty among their ranks. They dealt in spice, and deserved death.

There was simply no point in hostage negotiations with the Sith. Not that Thonn would care if they did, for the memory of the Quartermaster burned bright in his heart. The Sith deserved death even more.

"No point in keeping vermin. Especially not Sith. Shoot to kill, and kill 'em all. Every last fething one." Thonn replied.

It was then that he noticed the commotion, and turned his head just in time to see a rodian charge the titanic metal beast in front of the nightclub. The machine grabbed him effortlessly, and with one bite of his jaws the diminutive rodian was slaughtered, its blood staining the street. The thing's mangled corpse was then sent in an airborne arc, landing right in front of them with a sickening smack.

It completely killed the atmosphere of the place. Patrons fled immediately.

"Yeah, better get a move on. I think I've been unarmed long enough." Rising from his seat, he made his way from the shop along with the paniced crowd doing the same. Slipping into the transport where his beskar and cannon were safely stowed, he promptly donned his armour and unpacked his rotary cannon from the container he'd been keeping it.

Varm Nul

ꜰᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴀᴡ? ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ sᴇᴇ

Unobtrusive and to one side, Varm Nul stood and watched.

The meeting place wasn't anything special, many deals had been made in similar places, though the contingent of individuals involved was less expected. Dressed in his usual wide-brimmed hat and long trench coat, the Duros remained - very much - armed, despite the request to leave weapons at the door. That wasn't how Varm Nul operated, he wouldn't be caught dead unarmed, but those who disagreed were welcome to try and take his belongings.

Insofar as Varm Nul's presence, he was there to secure Consortium interests; or, more accurately, to protect the representatives that joined the meeting. Some of the sentients under his watch were yet to arrive, but that didn't stop the Duros from being there prior to scout the location, spot the players, and begin to determine plans if things went sideways.

All part of the job, really: be prepared.

So, Varm Nul remained to one side, away from those that spoke. He kept his large red stare moving, as he casually leaned against the wall and let his long-fingered hands dangle at his sides. It seemed things were off to a good start, anyway, but with the groups involved that didn't necessarily mean much in the long run...

Dayn pulled on his hood, casting his face in shadows. Or, well, not his face exactly. Obviously, he still wore his helmet. It made for a conspicuous sight, but so far he had done nothing to draw attention to himself. He was simply blending in. Underneath the robes he wore the same worn armour he always did. It'd been through many battles, not that Dayn had seen most of them. He'd bought it on the cheap after the fact.

Where the Hutt Space Consortium was involved, one would expect to see shady fellows of various origin, bounty hunters and their ilk. The Sith would expect it, the HSC would as well. He was counting on it to remain incognito as long as possible. With all the crime bosses about, who knew who served who, and who knew there were Mando strike teams inbound...

The drink was unnecessary, though. Dayn would take some self-criticism on that. He twirled the glass in his hand as he walked, Corellian rum mixed in with something or other, knowing full well he had no means of actually drinking it through his helmet.

Oh well. Nothing to see here. Just a lonely Mando looking for love. And a straw, probably.

"Darth Ophidia, at your service."

-She replied to Ozzmo as the others filed in.

Empyrean made a grand show of course. The Rattataki restrained herself from an eye-roll. Demiurge showed greater restraint, but his presence was still considerable. Even in reduced forms, the three Warlords made a staggering presence. Even while they presented a united front, there were tensions between them - As there should be between Sith.

"No doubt these negotiations will be fruitful."

She inclined her head in a gesture of respect. It was a measured response, as all she did was measured and carefully considered.

"The Order intends to claim to territories from the Hydian Way through the Kathol Sector, and coreward to the Sluis sector." A large swath, but not in the way of the Hutts, but everyone in the room would know that was not where their ambitions ended. "With further expansion upon review."

There was no point in playing such cards close to the chest, it was a display of measured honesty. It was not more than one could have guessed, but a confirmation was useful. Anyone who had treated with Sith in the past knew that their true ambition was total reign of every corner of the galaxy.

Darth Ophidia's eyes narrowed as a shiver begun at the base of her spine and crept up toward her neck.

"And the Consortium? How far does your ambition stretch?"

She looked to the other two Lords of the Sith before looking to Ozzmo again. She was scrutinising their expressions, their posture, measuring their response to the eerie calm that pierced through the din of the nightclub.

ALLIES: ENCLAVE | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
ENEMIES: SO | HSC | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
ENGAGING: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
GEAR: In bio


Shai had a mixture of surprise and disappointment going as she watched the visage of Carnifex disappear, leaving only a normal person in its wake with their body ripped apart by the barrage. Shai stared on with a raised eyebrow for a moment, waiting for the Sith Lord’s next move.

”... Honestly, I ain’t even upset, that was smooth.” She commented with a shrug as her attention shifted to the newly arrived figure.

<"Good luck, have fun, Shai! Oh, and don't get too close to the East side of the dome. It's busted. Monsters pouring in. Don't worry, I got this.">

:: Don’t get eaten, you’re babysittin’ next week. :: She responded without hesitation as she trained her rifle on Carnifex. He decided on engaging Gwyn first, which gave her an opening she was hoping for. The moment the sword left his hand, Shai let loose with a flurry of particle bolts as her jetpack came to life. She flipped her weapon to full auto and dumped the rest of her magazine on him before she touched down on a rooftop.

<<"Maji, any plans? I don't think just shooting things at him will work.">>

<<"If his Force Sense is anything like mine, which I bet it is, it will be impossible to catch him off guard. So we may have to find a way to just overwhelm him. You have more experience in this stuff than me, any suggestions?">>

:: It’s one of the strongest Sith in the galaxy, of course just shootin’ him won’t work. :: Shai holstered her rifle on the side of her jetpack as she took off towards Carnifex. Her pistols were trained on him in an instant, with several bursts of heavy blaster bolts raining down from above. :: Work him down, keep him busy. I got a surprise in store, but it’s gonna take a while to get here. :: She continued as she fired her pistols at him.

:: Schutta’s dangerous, let’s see what he’s capable of. I’d love to have that sword on my trophy wall at the end of today. :: She touched down a few feet from him and let loose with her vambrace’s flamethrower. ”So how’s it goin’ huh? You’re still lookin’ a bit shaken from the last time you encountered one of us.” The Wardog quipped as she zoomed around him, hovering only a few inches off the ground with her jetpack.

The word came out a guttural bark. One slit throat and two surgeries later, yet still the words in Basic proved hard for Silverback of the Tojj to form. Every syllable an effort in concentration. But he had not spent twenty years in an Alliance prison after fighting for the Sith only to look a fool in meetings such as this.

A convert to the ranks of the Black Sun, and rising quickly through their ranks. He still sat beneath the likes of Horus, Flint, and the rest. But one day he would have his seat at the table. For now, he merely spoke on behalf of the Vigo of Kwenn, too busy to attend, much like that worm Gorba.

His nostrils flared as he looked around the room, his red-rimmed yellow eyes speaking to the powers he could wield with a thought. His claws flexed out, then back. What need had he of a lightsaber amidst this room when he had spent two weeks in the Shadowlands with nothing but these?

"But only for the underworlds of the Core."

It was the denizens of the city planets who poured out their credits for the spice of Kessel. It was the politicians of those worlds who turned a blind eye to their lower levels, leaving them every bit as dangerous and hellish as the Shadowlands of his home.

"Hutt Space is our domain. Even that we do not rule as you think."

They were not governors. They had no standing army. They ruled with bribes and corruption, with murder and spice.

And with weapons like him, the Madclaw of Tojj.

Iermin the Hutt



Ozzmo noticed the infamous Duros Bounty Hunter known as Varm Nul Varm Nul was within the room. He would no doubt provide suitable security in dealing with the Sith Order's representatives within the room. His gaze followed from the Duros to Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia who responded to his inquiry first on the territory that the sith order planned to claim. The Sluis Sector was hardly worth any notice from the Consortium but the Hydian Way was a major trade route through the core.

He understood that the Sith Order would not be so cautious in the long run which was confirmed when she mentioned that they were planning to expand upon future reviews. She always wanted to know where the Consortium's goal lay in terms of territory. Ozzmo thought about lying but knew that sith could smell deception from a mile away. Although his carefully-crafted response was dashed when The Madclaw The Madclaw made his own comments.

"For right now, the Consortium lays claim to Hutt Space as mentioned. But also the territory formerly claimed by the Bryn'adul Empire whose species invaded our domain without mercy and shall be eradicated as consequence."

Ozzmo said with a small bit of anger, the Bryn'adul Remnants needed to pay for the deaths of the Hutt Civilization and their power within the galaxy. The Hutts had not suffered a greater insult than when the Vong Invaders occupied their space so long ago.

"Although that claim is only officially. Our underworld ambitions are limitless like my friend here mentioned."

Ozzmo said backing up the point laid down by The Madclaw The Madclaw to showcase a united front at the negotiation table. Although he would make one point clear to the Sith Order.

"But I can assure the sith representatives at the table that the Consortium will not intervene with your galactic conquest up to a point. Should the Sith Warmachine come to our doorstep? Then we shall fight to the bitter end without mercy."

Ozzmo further said with a small hand gesture towards them.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Aela Wren Aela Wren

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Objective: Attend CrimeCon 874
Vibe Check:

Oceiros was uncertain of the circumstances that brought him here. At the end of the day, he guessed someone had to keep tabs on these rough-and-tumble guys and gals. And also the clown car of Sith that were slinking around the Outer Rim. If this was going to get in the way of local efforts to sterilize the last Bryn'adul holdouts, the Group probably wanted to know about it. Sure didn't sound like it, though.​
Maybe they just wanted to get him out of the garrison. Who knows. Who cares.​
He creeped along the back-walls of the dingy little cesspit they were holding the meeting in, half-listening to a Wookiee speak basic. What a model citizen. Ozzmo was assuring everyone that if the Sith picked a fight, they'd fight back.​
Yeah. Okay, buddy.
Eventually Oceiros settled in next to a duros in a wide-brim hat. Now there's something you don't see every day. He shuffled around in his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarras. Fiora Sage. Took the edge off. Not that Oceiros had much edge to begin with, but it improved the vibe.​
He pulled one out and stuck it between his lips.​
"Groovy hat, man," Oceiros whispered, conspiratorially - the conspiracy being he didn't want to interrupt two-ton Ozzmo and the rest of the crazy train.​
He offered the pack to Varm for him to take one, "Smoke?"​

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Tag(s): Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Chipper
Equipment: In bio
Allies: Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal & Enclave
Foes: Chipper | Open​


Situations like this reminded her of the past, back on the streets of Denon. Anyone could change their life around like she did, but to Venari that didn't give her the moral high ground in a sense. With a satisfying click she turns off the safety on the model 39, turning her attention to Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal as he got suited up.

"We taking out the bot? If so, you could take its attention right here and I could get on the flank."

The foundling gestures to a nearby rooftop as she continues to speak over comms.

"Our combined firepower could also take it in a head on assault... But I worry about other guards, from the rooftop I can provide overwatch for the whole zone and call out targets. Though as the senior the plan of action is your call, drinks on me after this mission by the way."

Venari chuckles before playfully giving him a solid punch to the shoulder.


Instinctively, the Dark Lord's legs bent and then straightened as He leapt up from the ground, the gathered and released energy of the action propelling Him several meters skyward. The ground beneath His feet was enveloped by flame, heat rushing out in all directions as the plume of smoke and fire expanded rapidly. Partially obscured by the smoke, the Dark Lord appeared like a shadowy wraith torn straight from an ancient fable; the pair of His red eyes cutting through the smog like twin suns.

It was into this that the Wardog levied her rifle and opened fire, sickly yellow bolts of highly condensed energy sailing through the air and into the smoke. There were brief pauses behind each bolt as it disappeared, followed swiftly by short detonations that puffed outward from the smoke like burst pustules. Shimmering light could be seen illuminating the smoke in tandem with each explosion. These only ceased when the Dark Lord descended from the smoke cloud, landing on both feet as the metal grating of the platform groaned and bent beneath the impact.

Both of the Dark Lord's hands were extended outward, fingers curled around a sphere of undulating kaleidoscopic energy. Smoke still clung to His armored form, like an odorous wreath. His expression had not changed one bit, His dark eyes still staring squarely at either one or the other; but despite whichever of the two His gaze was currently fixed upon, the sickly sensation of being shorn of all comfort and protection was intense.

"Like children," intoned the Dark Lord, "Playing with fire." Overhead, one of the Mandalorians flew by and squeezes over several rounds with their heavy pistols. One of the rounds struck the Dark Lord on His shoulder, the impact causing the towering Sith to briefly step back. Another struck the other shoulder, and so the Dark Lord reacted the same. More rained down upon Him, and the Dark Lord weathered the blows and stepped back one step for every struck hit. When that was done, smoke rose from where the bolts had hit the Dark Lord. Flame then leapt forward from the Mandalorian's vambrace, enveloping Him in a conflagration of heat and light.

For a few seconds, the pyre around the Dark Lord continued to burn. Then it was snuffed out, like all the oxygen had been ripped away from it, and all that was left was the Dark Lord of the Sith. He still clutched the orb of energy in both of His hands, and save for the glowing metal of His armor and the smoke that spiraled away from Him, it did not appear as though their efforts made much headway against Him. As many of their kin had discovered, it would take considerable effort to extract even a drop of blood from the former Emperor.

"But when you play with fire," He continued, "You inevitably get burned."

Two things happened.

First, the sword that had shot by the smaller Mandalorian in an attempt to skewer her from front to back made its return trip, flipping over somewhere after missing its target and readjusting to point where she had since gone. It sped forward, vicious and hungry, towards her back. Second, the orb that the Dark Lord held in His hand moved away from Him as though gently pushed. It levitated several meters away from Him before stopping. A gem inlaid onto the Dark Lord's armor glowed brightly, a pale light shooting out from the gem before passing into the orb. What happened was nothing short of extraordinary, as the fiery orb expanded and took on a new form.

Where there was once a floating shimmering sphere, there was now the simulacrum of a humanoid figure. They stood just above two meters tall, broad and barrel-chested. One thing stood out that set the figure apart from all present, and it was that the figure's entire body was molded from living roiling flame. For a moment they were featureless, like a crude doll fashioned from clay, but that quickly changed. The head was the first thing to change, and then the torso. By the end, the figure now no longer resembled a blank slate, but now carried the approximate appearance of a Mandalorian warrior, a pair of fiery eyes blazing behind the faint impression of a T-shaped visor.

"You speak of those that I have encountered before, little tin-soldier. So I brought one forth to play with you children." The implications were dire. Could it even be fathomed that not only did the fiery figure resemble a faint mockery of the Mandalorian form, but also contained within it the spark of what once was a living, breathing Mandalorian warrior? The depravities of the Sith, especially those of the Dark Lord, were retold far and wide across the galaxy; each retelling growing more gruesome than the last.

This was no exception.

Both of the figure's hands extended out, and an axe, wrought from the same living flame, materialized in the warrior's hands. The figure turned to look at the Wardog and silently began to advance.



"On the contrary, I don't believe our goals are at odds.", he said with a wry grin.​
His gaze met Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia 's sensing what she had - the tension, a silence in the air befit an ambush. It was hard for a Sith to not notice the emotion in the air, like fuel to be burned. He could almost suck it in with a breath - but he instead relayed messages that at least some there may understand.​
"I believe we could keep causalities down if we aligned ourselves well - namely, I want to offer partially free reign in the Underworld of the Triumvirate; or at least my own domain. I find if you let an infestation grow under guidance, you can keep other rot out. You never know who may try and creep in when you aren't looking, hm?", he said with a rythmic tap on the table with a long pale finger.​
"The Sith, would of course, only arrest to keep the impression of civil justice in order - but we would doubly be willing to extend military support to your own needs. The Bryna'dul, The Elysium's, the Silver Jedi, even the Enclave.", he offered, passing through the greatest threats they had to their collective expansion in the Outer Rim.​
"Together, I don't believe there is an enemy that can stand against our fleets and our minds."​


Varm Nul

ꜰᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴀᴡ? ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ sᴇᴇ

A concealed comlink on Varm Nul's person activated, some chatter sounded, to which Varm Nul stood more upright and slowly rested his hands on both blasters in the respective holsters on each thigh. Then, another sidled up to Varm Nul, which caused the red eyes to glance in the humanoid's direction.


The sentient seemed positioned to observe the meeting, also, and even placed a cigarra in his mouth as a comment was made about the Duros' hat. As far as Varm Nul was concerned, it was a groovy hat, one that had been with him through a lot. A trademark nowadays of gunslingers from times gone, before the dark times in the galaxy, before things had been wiped clean.

"A keen observation," Varm Nul replied in an equally low voice, the sound all gravel on metal. "You must be fun to be around."

At the offer of one of the smokes, Varm Nul shook his head.

"Nah, those things'll kill ya."

The mercenary then looked back toward the gathering of Criminal Bosses and Sith Lords, the irony evident in the scoff he made...

It was time to focus.

He also remained wary of the individual beside him.


Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ



"I couldn't agree more, my dear Empyrean," A voice said from the edge of the gathering. "You never know who - or what - might creep in when not looking, indeed."

A humanoid approached the gathering, dressed in a black tailored suit with a thick dark overcoat. His hair was slicked back, his dark eyes moved between those gathered, and he walked with confidence despite his expensive shoes making no noise with each step. Without missing a beat, the individual passed by both the Wookiee, Silverback, and the Hutt, Ozzmo Gorensla Sozza, and the look given to each was clear:

He would now speak.

"I apologize for my tardiness, unfortunately my operations had me a distance away in other sectors," The Crime Lord approached a spare seat and took his spot, as he looked between the key players in the ancient Sith power base throughout the galaxy. The Maw were mere children in comparison. "I am Aktur Seii. I am one of the decision-makers in the Consortium. Please excuse my companions, as both Silverback and Ozzmo have their own pasts that bristle their backs, and can come across as standoffish and confrontational in manner."

The power in the room was immense. Not just physically. It begged the question why such an individual, dressed as a simple businessman, would feel comfortable addressing those present as peers. Yet, for all intents and purposes, Aktur was - apparently - just that...

"As Ozzmo the encompassing and Silverback the white have suggested, the Consortium's pursuits remain publicly limited to Hutt space," Aktur continued, a smile on his face, as he spoke in a velvety tone. "However, our plans to control varying underworld elements, across the galaxy, is our true purpose. And if there is one thing you can take from this meeting, it is that our capacity to work alongside other groups and organizations with differing interests is quite proven... after all, that is exactly what the Consortium is."

Aktur turned to look at Darth Ophidia, though his smile didn't reach his dark eyes.

"We have no issue with your plans, save that Hutt space remains with the Hutt clans. It is better for all concerned, it allows a natural order to things with the resident natives being leaders on their homeworlds, and also gives your Sith Order a clear and defined territory that can be worked around."

Aktur turned to look at Darth Empyrean, with an expression that remained consistent.

"And in turn for not impeding your pursuits, beyond the Hutt-aligned worlds, we will move throughout any sectors as a less obvious - and equally unobtrusive - criminal element... one that can be of great benefit, for various reasons. Those weapons your enemy had smuggled? Oh, wouldn't it be a shame if they were sabotaged? Or that clandestine meeting between allies against you? Wouldn't it be a shame if those details were spied? I am certain you get the idea."

Aktur raised his eyebrows, as he opened his hands toward the gathering.

"And what do we ask? Simply, to be treated with the same degree of unobtrusiveness, to expand through the underworld as you expand through the galactic stage.

"After all, wouldn't you rather the devil you know in your backyard? We can stop those other nasty things creeping in."

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Allied: Venari Krayt Venari Krayt
Engaging: Chipper

As Thonn put on his beskar and prepared his weapons, he preoccupied himself with how they might deal hulking bot in front of the club. It was probably posted as security, and it would definitely cause them issues when kriff went down. It already proven that when it brutally killed that rodian on account of 'hostilities'. Thonn intended to be plenty hostile, so confrontation seemed all but certain.

The thing looked like it could stand up to some heavy blaster fire. The thing had to be tough enough for either the Sith or the Daimyo, whoever had brought it in. Venari's repeater would be better suited to the task, a shot or several from that stood a good chance and punching through the droid's chassis. His rotary cannon could shoot a lot of blaster bolts, but what it had in volume it lacked in power. It would make for a great distraction, however, especially in conjunction with his jetpack.

"We taking out the bot? If so, you could take its attention right here and I could get on the flank."
Venari suggested, echoing his thoughts aloud. "That's the best course of action I'd think. There's gotta be some good cover here somewhere, I'll keep it busy while you find a position." Thonn replied.

"Our combined firepower could also take it in a head on assault... But I worry about other guards, from the rooftop I can provide overwatch for the whole zone and call out targets. Though as the senior the plan of action is your call, drinks on me after this mission by the way."
She added, and she was right – once things got started, there was bound to be more joining the fight besides the towering droid. Softer targets would make far better fodder for his rotary cannon. Engaging multiple guards at once would be little problem if he could get a good firing position. Provided the droid was dealt with too, which would be a complication to the planned hostilities.

"Looks like that spots got clear firing arcs to it, so that's where I'll try to lure him. I'll fly in, fire a few shots and let you take him down. When others show up, I'll take up a position and open fire. Call out any threats, I'll do the same. Ideally, we'll have one of us shooting to provide cover, and the other shooting to kill." Thonn replied. While taking prisoners was more trouble than it was worth, he largely just wanted to see Sith die. That logic would have made fine justification for his intended violence, were Thonn to ever bother with that sort of thing.

"Battle never works out ideal, though, plans'll change as they need to. Those drinks'll be good. Let me know once you're ready." Thonn concluded, keeping put where he was until Venari gave him the signal. Once she did, Thonn would hop out of the transport and burst towards Chipper with a brief blast from his jetpack and a flurry of shoddily aimed blaster bolts from his cannon. The spray would go wide, but he'd come to a stop well out of range of the menacing droid. At least as far as he could figure, anyway.

Their words were not unexpected.

Empyrean elaborated on the suggestion of cooperation, suggesting nothing they had not already cleared between themselves. Should the Sith have a desire to rule Hutt space then they would, and resistance was to be expected. However, the past had shown that certain cultures, such as the Hutts, were better employed than subjugated. Even the Sith were not so bloodthirsty that they discarded any idea of alliances while the goals were still mutual.

Despite the posturing, Darth Ophidia appeared unphased. She did not smile, nor frown. Her eyes did not even flicker to the wickedly sharp claws of the white wookiee, but settled on the face of whoever spoke.

"Our interests align."

Her left hand cupped her right, and a gold coin subtly flashed between her fingertips. She did not look down at it, and whether she intentionally displayed it or not was anyone's guess.

"While we are willing to grant unobtrusiveness to your influence, there will be some clandestine operations that are not open to the Consortium." Darth Ophidia had her own contacts in the underworld, secrets kept even from her own. "In which case we will not seek to compete or interfere with Consortium interests."

As the coin turned between her fingers again, her attention spiked out toward one of her field agents for a security update.

"It's simply a matter of security."

She looked to Empyrean and Demiurge, surveying their faces for the same disturbance she felt.


Zlova was not the only lethan to recently join the nighclub.

Though Iasha had taken a slightly different role and made more than one bribe to make her way into the club. She was not a dancer, but walked the floor with a tray of cigarras and sweet-talked the customers while they marvelled at the exotic motions of the dancers on stage. Could she had danced? Probably? But she thought this role would give her more mobility.

Besides, the servers' costumes were revealing enough already; she needed somewhere to hide her weapons, after all.

The young lethan Sith had employed special spy-makeup to cover most of her tattoos, while others were altered with temporary ink to appear similar to culturally ambiguous designs. Her employer had, after all, encouraged an exotic appearance. Keeping watch, she walked from table to table and leaned forward to offer cigarras. Even in this short time, the motion had become very practiced.

She told herself: It was simple manipulation.
It's a role.

Iasha stopped to watch Zlova dance, taking a moment to marvel at her graceful motions and the effortless way in which she captured and held the customers' attention. Iasha leaned in among the customers to offer cigarras, finding the entranced more than willing to spend even though they barely took their eyes off the stage. The lethan smirked to herself as she pulled back from the stage-seats to not disrupt the show further.

It was then a ping hit her mind. Her eyes opened in attention as her lekku stiffened on alert. She looked across the room for anything to report and accidentally found herself bumping into one of the customers. Snapping back to reality, she spun to face Dayn Wren Dayn Wren

"Apologies sir, may I offer you a cigarra on the" Her eyebrows furrowed as recognition dawned on her "house"




"The Bryn'adûl were a scourge to all," commented Demiurge, "We have studied how to destroy them for a long time, you will find an eager partner to aid the Cartels in their eradication." The tall man was willing to let his compatriots do the lion's share of the negotiating, his keen eyes watching each of the participants as they spoke; and even when they did not. They were a motley crew, not just the Cartel representatives, but the Sith themselves. No two were totally alike, for though they may have shared a similar dress, they were vastly divergent in personality and priorities. But they were united in this, at the very least, and none of them were willing to jeopardize the advancement of all for the spite of one.

When there was a lull in the discussion, Demiurge asserted himself once more. "Long have my people worked in tandem with those that reside within the galactic underworld, achieving mutual symbiosis where other ventures fall to infighting or irrelevancy. Our partnership not only includes mutual security and trade, but also access to Raykkan markets, slaver guilds, advanced automated manufactories. Armor, weapons, synthetics. Smuggling spices and slaves. The ascendant Consortium would be linked to the wider underworld market through this co-beneficial relationship with the Sith Order."

In the time since the fall of the Sith Empire, Demiurge had played his cards close to his chest and kept his underworld contacts focused on establishing new markets in areas of the galaxy unmarred by galactic-wide conflict. When Hutt space fell to the Bryn'adûl, that entire quadrant of space became impossible to work within, and businesses moved elsewhere. Now that the Bryn'adûl's power had been broken, and the Hutts returned to reclaim what was theirs, there was a great deal of fertile soil with which to plant new ventures of profitability. Credits meant little to the Dark Lord, but he understood that the galaxy was fixed to this fulcrum of wealth.

"As my companions have said, we will not hinder the Consortium's actions. I would like to see such actions bloom into something greater." Demiurge's eyes moved ever so briefly, an act imperceivable to most, but easily picked up by the Sith at his side. He had sensed the disturbance to, and more than that, he'd become aware of adversaries through his link with his Other; who was currently embroiled in a skirmish with two of them. How many there were? Hard to say, but it was substantial enough.

There would be violence.


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