Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh why not...

Hi everyone,

It would be nice to see where three of my main characters might need improvement or the like. Would like to find out what those of you think of them. I decided on character choice rather then as writer, cause I am not sure I have the talent to do better anyway.. :p

Iella E'ron
Coci Sinopi
Aerin Firebrand
Iella E'ron said:
cause I am not sure I have the talent to do better anyway..
Why do people always belittle themselves?!

Gurrrrrllll, You is perfect in writing. I love reading your posts as any character you do. They way you portray the characters pops out and makes it feel as though I can almost physically see them doing the actions and moving. It's a blast being able to RP with you and any of your characters. I very much like the writing you do because you integrate the other person(s) actions into the post, what the character thinks about those actions, and then the reaction to them.

Its very nice to see someone who can do that on a regular basis. Don't cut yourself short.

The only thing I would add would to add more minute information and details. As they say, the devil is in the details.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Thank you all for the nice words.

[member="Nickolas Imura"] Put more devil in huh? Seriously I see you point, and will keep that in mind. I used to, maybe I gotten a bit lazy.


Disney's Princess
I'd just like to share that I enjoyed reading Coci before she was a Silver and everyday since. Your abundant luv for Thurion is sometimes sooo cute and cuddly that I gag myself on this end of the computer screen and retreat to playing CoD for an hour to compensate.

In short, never change. Hope you're enjoying the ride. :D

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
[member="Iella E'ron"]

As I've RPd with all 3 characters with my alts, I can say the following:

- Love the logical development of each one. You really make them follow a journey or rather, more importantly, a story. I've seen exciting changes in them all and each one is so different, so well done on creating 3 characters very unique in their own way.

- You yourself as a writer make this site what it should be - fun, accessible and supportive, and that is commendable and rubs off with your style of writing and passion to create engaging, exciting and interesting stories.

- The stories you make and participate in are always well thought out with a real motive and plot behind them, they're never "empty". Keep this passion up as you engage not just your own writing to come out but also other writers, myself included, to branch out and take risks with your supportive and encouraging (and professional) activity.

Well it is easy to RP the way I do simply because I have such great writers to write with. You all make me look good. :)

Again thank you for your words, you have always been generous with praise.
Hello everyone. Decided to post here on some feedback for Théo.

So, this character is a young boy, (obviously) and although I have written male characters before, I have not really gotten into a long term 'relationship' with them as a writer. But Théo will be different. So I am looking for some feedback on how I am going with him.

I am doing my best to try and get into the head of a young boy, but could always do with some tips and/or hints to make him better. I am having a great time writing him, but there is always room for improvement.

Any suggestions will be most welcomed.


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