Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Oh Right You Were Coming Over

Luric reached for his knapsack at his side as Lossa smirked at him, and he merely nodded lightly as she began to speak on things like the galaxy being large, and the odds of meeting people with names of those you already knew or had heard of. And while she was right, she could not be farther from the truth of it. "Yes, you do indeed bear a striking resemblance to my cousin, more than perhaps you are aware of." he said with a bit of a warm chuckle as he produced a small, brown suede pouch from the knapsack. Undoing the cords that held it shut, he tipped it over the glass of piping hot water Iris had placed down before them. A small amount of what looked to be a leafy mixture would tumble into the cup, and Luric would use a long, thin wooden dowel to stir the mixture.

As Lossa began to seemingly stumble over herself, Luric could feel the anxiety and doubts pour from her like so much water falling over the cliffs near Theed. Taking the glass in hand, he lay the wooden mixing dowel on the table to dry, the scent of autumnal spices filling the room as he sat back. Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath through the nostrils, letting out a satisfied little sigh. Taking a sip, he looked once more toward Lossa, who seemed to be struggling with some pill from a bottle of medication.

"I do not know if you are, in fact, my kin. I would tell you to search your soul, and listen to it's whispers. Quiet your mind, and reach out to the great spirit that is the Living Force. It always has much to say, if one takes the time to listen. To shut it out, is to do yourself a disservice." he said with a bit of a nod, taking another sip of his tea. "Mmm. Quite good. I could brew you a pot, if you like? Very calming, and centering, this." he spoke with a smile, tapping the cup.



What was he- Oh. Oh! Tea!

She nearly laughed once it finally clicked. He was making tea! Of course he was. She snickered under her breath at her own foolishness and just.. Watched them. Their conversation. If anything, she probably should've walked away to let them discuss the whole family thing, but she was bored. And maybe a little worried about Lossa. Just a little.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Location: Briana-Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The dismissing wave of her hand did little to ease the rising tension she felt. Finishing her drink, she focused on her breathing as he remarked about her resemblance to Briana.

"I've heard of people from completely different places looking alike. Intergalactic look alikes or twins or whatever. It happens." She was still denying sharply as her throat tightened on the words.

Being related meant they might know about her. Might know why she had come to Coruscant. At least the real reason. Very suddenly she regretted not cleaning up in her dorm. Then again she would have met them all elsewhere more than likely.

The reminder that meeting was unavoidable did little to help her calm down as anxiety began to settle in harshly. Her hands squeezed together, turning pink skin a pale rose. Her lips thinned as she watched him all to closely.

"I don't trust the force to tell me who is or isn't family. Science can tell me that and by now someone would have surely caught that little fact right? Well not little. Obviously. But either way it's just preposterous to think that someone from my homeworld and someone from Naboo could be family." She was anything but calm as she explained, her voice rising slightly as she vehemently kept to being unrelated.

She couldn't be. It was absolutely insane. How could someone like Briana or Luric be related to her? They were both spry and healthy. Just a fluke. Just a strange fluke of names. Her mind was racing, heart keeping pace as she gripped her hands tighter. She began to shake under the weight of the possibility.

Not possibility if he was so sure of their relation. She had to make sure they couldn't find out. Had to keep the doctors quiet.

"I don't want tea. I don't like tea." Her whole body shook, almost pushing herself out of the chair to give her distance from him. From the topic. From everything.

Her eyes whirled, focusing on the door as she rose to leave.

"I-I need to get some air." A lie plainly as she pushed against the seat in desperation.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Iris and Briana's Apartment
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The door to hers and Iris’ shared apartment slid open without sound, Briana promptly pocketing her keycard and stepping inside, almost colliding with a clearly flustered Lossa in the process.

“Ah- Hey, Lossa.” she stammered as her brows pulled together, giving the Zeltron a quick once over and wondering what had transpired in the nano-seconds before she’d come in. “I’d say that maybe I came at a bad time… but, being that this is my home and all...” her head tilted, her gaze traveling over Lossa’s shoulder to where Luric and Iris were sitting. “I see you both have met Luric... don't tell me he's already over stayed his welcome?” She smiled faintly, crossing her arms across her chest in that classic, 'serious Briana pose', "Really, what's going on?"



Luric remained seated there, on the plush sofa facing the entryway to the apartment proper. He'd sipped his tea as Lossa began to try to explain away the possibility with just about ever single reason she could seem to think of. But, Luric found the following statement quite disheartening; 'I don't trust the Force to tell me who is or isn't family.' He sighed lightly at that, setting his cup down upon the communal table in the middle of the sitting area, and once again assumed a position of thoughtfulness as she kept on speaking. As her voice began to shake, and her words seemed to tumble over one another as she spoke, he could feel the panic setting in. It would be quite difficult for anyone such as he to not feel it at this point.

He made no move toward her, nor did he try to interrupt her little speech about science, the Force, planetary systems, and how something could be so impossible. Yet, of his own familial relations both immediate and extended, he knew just how wrong she was. He did not want to seem uncaring of her views, and now would not be the time to get into such a debate. She had declined his offer for tea, and he took note that her level of anxiety had gone through the roof at this point. A panic attack if ever he'd seen one.

Then, as if on cue in some sort of holofilm, the entryway slid open quietly, and there walked in his cousin Briana, speaking to Lossa a moment before striking an all-too-familiar pose as she asked for an explanation. Luric had never lied to her before, and he wasn't about to now.

"Well, Bri, after your charming friend Iris here stopped trying to take my head off with her feet, we sat down for a nice cup of tea. It came up that Lossa's grandmother's maiden name happens to be 'Aureus', the same as both Nana Sarnae and your grandmother, Sanna. After that, the discussion took a turn for the worst, it seems, as I lamented that Lossa here does bear a striking similarity to you in the looks department, cousin."

Luric was not one to over-complicate matters, as it seemed matters were perfectly capable of over-complicating themselves, sans his help. So, he reached down, and took his cup once more, taking another sip of his tea. "Especially calming, this." he remarked, looking to Iris with a bit of a smile. Someone had to maintain some semblance of calm, after all. It would do no one any good if they all started acting up, at least he thought so. Lossa was among her friends in Briana and Iris, and who better to help calm someone down than friends?



Right. Calming. Iris stared at the swirl of colors in an almost full panic. Seeing Lossa upset, she didn't like that. Didn't like that at all. Thankfully, Briana came in. Stopped the Zeltron from just disappearing to check on her. Iris let out a breath of relief before slumping in her chair. Just a little. Then waved a hand. Another cup came over, as did the hot water, which she caught to pour herself some.

"Mind if I have some?"

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Location: Briana-Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

The door outside opened. And someone blocked her way. Her vision seeming to focus on the space behind the one blocking her way as she tensed and backpedaled.

She needed space.

She didn't even hear the words. Didn't recognize the face as she took off down the hallway and back into the safety of the bathroom.

A none too graceful process as her hip clipped the couch in her panic. A flurry of hair and emotions, she spun and half crawled down the hall before shutting the door behind her.

She just needed to breath.

She'd aimed for the bathroom, instead ending up in the bedroom as she spun and tried to find a spot. To find a quiet place where she could calm down.

Paint steaks colored the wall and the feeling of a familiar person filled her senses as she pressed herself into the spot between the bed and the wall.

She wrapped her arms around her knees and focused on her breathing as she began to sob.


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