Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh look its... what are they called? (Minna)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra nodded and started towards the main building, her feet carrying her slowly over the ground as she watched a group at the time she and twenty or thirty others resided here, a small insignificant number to others but to her it was an achievement that she welcomed. She reached the door and keyed it open before looking at Minna, "Code is 19 96 27, doors magnetically seal at nights, make sure to tell whos ever on duty as watcher if you ever leave past 8 Galactic Standard Time." She walked into the door and within it looked more like a home than a temple, the compound itself had been Alexandra's home in truth, but she had expanded it significantly.

"At the top level there is the council meeting chambers, to which council members and advisers from greater orders like the Jedi, Sith, or Templars may meet. The halls to the right on the first and second level are the main rooms, three halls on each floor, twenty rooms for each hall, two people to a room. To the left on the ground floor their are two large cafeterias, down the middle halls are a area that is used solely for quiet meditation, the second floor center hall leads to the infirmary and the left hall on the second floor are the guest chambers and council member's chambers. Apprentices normally are put in a room on ground floor to the right and knights and masters on the second floor in the rooms residing in the right halls. Any questions?"
Minna looked around, making a mental note of all the locations if she were to need them. "Is there a training routine, or is it whenever a person's master decides?" She looked up at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] curiously. The inside of the temple impressed her, and it was even more impressing that this human had gathered such a following. Personally, Minna couldn't wait to advance in her training, and do great things for the order.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"That depends on simply what it is thaat you wish to learn, not many here and most that are are not already trained in the force, the few that are like myself try and help improve the knowledge of those here and what it is that they wish to improve in, but i assume the basics are taught before anything more. You are free to choose your own path in study, i will only predetermine those powers that are most essential and versatile, past that it is up to you to decide your own path."

"For example, what i plan to teach is simply Shi-cho and Makashi, those being forms one and two, past that though the other forms of saber combat are up to you if you so choose to learn them. In part with that there is also the powers in basic Telepathy and Telekinesis that i plan to teach you and Force Augmentation. The reason for these is they hold no light or dark affliction and as such will keep your mind free of your own path, letting you choose which road to study or perhaps you will in the end do the same as me and learn from both light and dark."

She paused to let [member="Minna"] register the answers and then respond in kind, her eyes and head turning to a passerby and nodding to him before looking back at the small woman.
Minna nodded as the list of her teachings was told. "Sounds good. Likely to study both Light and Dark, I am." She smiled as she felt a strange feeling. The feeling that she had found her home here, and that her future teachings would do her good. One day, she would be a guardian of Balance. One day, she would make her mother proud. "Ataru, I already know. Likely to practice that, I am." She paused for a moment. "When would training take place?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Whenever im free and not out greeting new people, or even during that time you can join me and im sure those that come would be most interested in meeting you, after all it makes me seem like less of a nut at times if others meet more than just me." She smiled, it had been meant solely as a joke, though Alexandra normally was one of the first people that students and newcomers saw on their way to the temple, for the sheer reason that the only way to cross the river is by way of the stones she used as a meditation area, so they sort of had to come and pass her if they wanted to come. [member="Minna"]
"Meet new members, I would like." Minna laughed at the joke, her eyes looking around the interior of the building. "Meditate with you aswell, a pleasure, it would be." Both of her hands resting atop each other on her walking stick. "Whenever you require me, at your call, I will be."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"The same goes for you miss, if you ever need me or want to train just find me and i will be glad to let the knowledge of what i know be transfered on to you." She turned and thought for a moment, tapping her fingers on her arms as they remained crossed. "Infact, do you wish to take me up on such an offer now?" [member="Minna"]
"Glad to, I would be, Master." Minna smirked upon referring to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] as Master, but then looked aside as she remembered her Master from the Jedi Order. The Master who left me to go elsehwere. Yes, that one. Alexandra was much better, Minna didn't need a Jedi. "Where shall we go to do so?" She looked around, moving her stick forward, ready to move wherever needed.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"That depends on what it is that you wish to practice upon miss [member="Minna"], i would be glad to help with what ever it is that you wish to expand upon." She smiled as she let the woman determine what it was that she wished to work on, after all, why force the woman to learn something she did not want to when past the basics or those of the same path. [member="Minna"]
"Hmm," Minna pondered on the thought for a moment, before raising her hand once an idea came to her head. "Telekinesis, I could do with learning. Helpful and essential, it would be." She nodded, putting her hand back down to the top of her stick. "If mind, you do not."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Absolutely not, lets see, where would be the best place for improving such a skill..." She paced as she walked and brought her feet over the ground slowly with her mind calling forward locations of the top of it. "Well, i think i have an idea as a good way to improve upon that skill, if you would follow me, were going back out to the forest." Her feet brought her into an almost military like about face in which she turned completely towards the door with her head still turned to the woman. "Shall we?" [member="Minna"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Absolutely not, lets see, where would be the best place for improving such a skill..." She paced as she walked and brought her feet over the ground slowly with her mind calling forward locations of the top of it. "Well, i think i have an idea as a good way to improve upon that skill, if you would follow me, were going back out to the forest." Her feet brought her into an almost military like about face in which she turned completely towards the door with her head still turned to the woman. "Shall we?" [member="Minna"]
Minna simply nodded, moving her stick forward and in turn, walking forward, using it to support her steps. "How long have you used the force for?" She asked, trying to make conversation with [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] on the short journey.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Half a dozen years to say the least, im still honestly new to the force so things are not always easy for me to find what it is that is best taught for my students, you and two others currently holding such roles. But i think with your own imput as well as the others we can all find a better understanding in the force than any one person alone." She walked with her head turned, her feet carrying her lightly through the courtyard to the outer gate and later into the forest, but it would be a bit of a walk before they arrived. [member="Minna"]
Looked at the people training in the courtyard again. Her eyes scanned across the variety of people. "How long have you been... Grey?" She asked, looking up to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] whilst walking alongside her.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"One answer would be sense the moment that i first learned, another would be the moment i abandoned the Sith Empire at Ossus, it all depends on a persons point of view. My own suggest i when i was first taught the force so a good number of years now, though as i said if you want to go by the latter method of determination, about four months." She craned her neck and raised her brow at [member="Minna"]. "Why do you ask?" [member="Minna"]
"Curious. Established a fine order, you have. In such a time, an impressive feat." Minna gave an impressed sort of nod, her head looking down as if following a trail in the floor. "Ever since discovering the force, Balance, I have always seeked. My mother, a Grey she was not, but a respectable Jedi, she was."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra nodded and looked at the gate as they went through it. "You dont have to be grey to be balanced. But rather be at peace with what you are learning, it would be like teaching a Jedi to drain life or a Sith to create a Force Light. They are at peace with their teachings as a Sith or Jedi, i simply offer a haven for almost all arts to be practiced, recorded, and improved upon without the restrictions of such things as light and dark. How you use a art is more important than the art itself, perhaps Force drain is simply a perversion of heal, and choke that of pull, there is always a fine line with the power we have. Lightning could save lives by stopping a monstrous creature from causing too much death, and Force Light used to kill a man, it is all dependent on what you do with the power rather than its basic intent [member="Minna"]."

"A very interesting concept. Thought of it that way, I never have." She seemed to be thinking about this for quite some on the rest of the walk. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Im unorthodox, and thats the way that life is made to be more... exciting. Why have a predictable life where there is no wonder, where there is no worry, where there is only that of which is set before you for you to explore. No, it is much more interesting to seize life by the neck and drag it along with you, not the other way around. But enough on that, were almost there." Her feet brought her into a clearing a minute after her words, the river with the ring of stones that served as a fractured bridge over the river's surface unchanged or altered like always. "Well, are you ready to see what i had in mind?"

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