Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Not One, But Two


".. Will it let people feel safe in their own homes?" That's all she cared about. Not the Corpos, not the gangs. Just that people who weren't either weren't just afraid. All the time. Like they were. Even now as she looked out, she could see the colors of fear and melancholy. Someone probably needed help right now, somewhere. Just on this world along, let alone the galaxy at large.

"This was the only real way I've been able to help people. And not just.. Run."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

Valery nodded, "We won't be able to help everybody, no person can, but I want to help set things in motion to make as big of a difference as we can," she said, knowing just how much her Padawan cared about it. She wasn't lying either — a promise was a promise, so they were going to return to Denon to try and change some things around.

Perhaps something she should contact Dagon about as well, considering he's the Watchmen of Denon.

"This was the only real way I've been able to help people. And not just.. Run."

Valery raised an eyebrow and turned her eyes to Iris, "You have it in you to help a lot more people without running. This training you've been doing has made you a lot stronger, and with some refinement, I can turn you into a great fighter as well. I'm not only going to teach you Jar'kai, but I'll teach you a lot more about combat in general."



"I know that. Better than most I know that." Iris grumbled a little. She was just trying to help as many as she could, while she could. But.. Valery promised. That they would still help people. Better help people. The Padawan nodded slowly. She trusted her master. She didn't like it, she didn't like leaving Corin or the others here without her, but she trusted her master.

"I want to get stronger. So I can help people. So I don't gave to feel.. Helpless. I don't want to feel helpless again, Master. And I don't want to abandon the people here."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

"I know, Iris... I really do." She paused and glanced over at her Padawan, her expression greatly softened since the start of their discussion. They've had arguments before but this was the first time it felt like she really needed to be stern with Iris. Perhaps it's because she was getting older and starting to rely a lot less on her Master.

A scary thought for a protective person, but exciting in a way as well.

She then leaned over, placed a hand on Iris' shoulder, and gently squeezed, "Focus on the training with me, and you won't have to feel helpless again." Turning her eyes back to the spaceport, they were making their approach, so it was only a matter of time before they'd be on their way to the Coruscant Temple, where Valery planned to continue her training.

"After training today, I'll show you a new recipe as well you might like..." she paused and smirked, hoping to brighten up the mood a little bit, "'s spicy~"



Iris gave a brief smile. Only a brief smile. Learning some new food would be nice. When people weren't in trouble. People were always in trouble, sure. She couldn't help everyone. But trying to think about a meal while she was being dragged away from helping people didn't exactly make her feel okay. Especially if it involved leaving Corin and the others behind. ".. When do we start the training?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

"When we get back unless you want to get some rest."

She figured Iris would want to start as soon as possible, but she wasn't going to push her if she needed to rest up first. Either way, the pair of Jedi soon arrived at the spaceport, and after guiding her into the shuttle, they were on their way back to Coruscant, which wasn't a very long journey.

But along the way, one question did pop up.

"I know you have the non-lethal crystal and your normal one, but do you have two blades that can potentially be used as standard lightsabers? If not, we might need to get you an additional crystal and hilt."



Iris was quiet as ever in the shuttle. She didn't want to think a lot, not about this. Not about who and what she was leaving behind. So the question came as a relief. Her work on Denon kept her from using her saber. Kept her from really being a Jedi. She glanced to her hip, to the crystalless hilt of Domxite's old blade.

"I have two, yes. But only one crystal. Domxite- I don't use Domxite as a weapon anymore."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

"That's fine, we'll get a training lightsaber for now. Training is at low power settings anyway, so it won't make a difference," Valery said moments before she pulled the ship out of hyperspace, requested permission to land, and moved down through the busy skies of Coruscant to approach the Temple and begin their landing. "You could make a trip to Ossus again for a crystal, but there are other planets with caves as well. The one I have in my saberstaff, I found somewhere in Wild Space."

Finally, the shuttle touched down, the engines powered off, and the ramp lowered so they could step outside and pass through the massive structure to reach the training room.

"If you need help with it, let me know, but I trust you to handle it yourself as well." Together with Iris, she stepped into one of many training rooms, where she gestured for the rack with training lightsabers. While Iris grabbed one, Valery moved to the center of the room and waited for her Padawan to join her.

"Alright, what do you know about Jar'kai already? From what you've read or seen in action. Advantages, disadvantages - those types of things."



A second crystal.

Iris hummed in thought. She could go back to Ossus to find another. Or somewhere else. If she wanted a second blade, she certainly should go to another area. The fact Valery went so far as to say she trusted her to find one herself put some weight on her shoulders. Yeah, she could do it by herself. She wasn't as blind as she was as a Padawan. She could see. She smiled, faintly, and nodded.

She'd do this.

"Two blades, two weapons. On paper it gives you the advantage. But only one hand means it's easier to loose strength behind your blows. And it's two blades to keep track of."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

"Very good points," Valery said with a nod of approval, "The general answer is that it's as situational as deciding which lightsaber form you want to use, but practice and an understanding of what opponents can do to counter you will help you prepare for almost anything," Valery began.

"The advantage of Jar'kai can be offensive, as the extra blade allows for much quicker strikes, which is why Ataru users tend to train in Jar'kai quite often. But defensively, the additional blade can offer a larger screen of protection against, for example, intense blaster fire."

"The biggest drawbacks are the coordination and focus you need, and as you said, the lack of strength. No matter what you do, a single-hand grip will never be as strong as a two-handed grip. So when you're up against strength-focused duelists, don't try to block their powerful blows head-on. Deflect them and move cleverly to evade or avoid dangerous positions."

She paused and looked Iris up and down, "Your focus on Makashi gives you an advantage many others don't have when they start. You already have the elegance in your movements, and the Form was already primarily single-handed, so now you just add another blade to the equation. "

"You can use one to parry and the other to quickly counter-attack. You can switch leading sides and go from a lunge with the right blade to switching up which foot is leading, and extend your range."

Again, she paused to let all of this information sink in before they'd try it in practice, "Any questions before we start slowly implementing it together?"



Iris nodded slowly. Having two blades, having to keep track of them. At least apparently her Makashi was going to help. It probably helped that she had to learn how to use her offhand after.. After the scars. She flexed the burned hand, looking it over for a moment. Her training had helped get a lot of her strength back. The rehab, the vigilantism. Even Jand Talo Jand Talo 's sets had helped her quite a bit.

"Parry and counter attack. And just- avoid heavy strikes, right?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

"That's right," Valery said with a nod, "If you get caught by a heavy blow, try to create distance and don't let them find a rhythm. But ideally, you avoid it altogether and use Makashi's footwork to position yourself properly. In addition, I want you to really tap into the way you see the Force."

"Emotions and intent flow freely before someone is about to attack, and it can give you so much information about what will happen next. Predict, analyze your opponent and be both calculated and precise in delivering your own strikes,"
she continued to explain. "Makashi does not require you to end the fight with one powerful blow. Land several to immobilize or weaken an opponent, until they can no longer fight."

Valery unclipped both hilts from her belt and angled her right (dominant) side to her Padawan. Her off-hand blade ignited into a low guard at her left side, while the right came up vertically in front of her, from where she flourished it to carve an X-pattern in the sky. Following the Makashi salute, it lowered between herself and Iris to control the distance and be ready to strike.

"You need to be able to advance and retreat regardless of which side is facing your opponent, so let's practice." Valery waited a moment for Iris to get ready, then lunged forward with a large step of her right foot. Her body lowered, her arm extended and the dominant blade was thrust towards Iris.

But where that would normally be all, this time she moved her left foot in front with a quick half-circular step, allowing her to strike with a follow-up thrust from the off-hand blade as well, while still minimizing how much of her body was presented to her Padawan.



Iris nodded slowly. She reached a hand out, calling over a training saber to accompany the first. She mirrored her master, just a second after Valery's own motions. The silent glow of her blue saber. The hum of her green. What Valery spoke of with the colors she'd already realized, somewhat. The echo, the flash that lead into the strike. She reacted just before the strike came, turning her blade to parry the strike up. The one blade. Her brow narrowed as she tried to calculate striking out with her other blade.

The result was a hesitant cut under the blocked strike. Splitting her focus, that was harder than she thought.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Denon

There was a brief smirk as Iris' parry deflected the blade up, but when the counter-attack came, Valery was quick to slide a step back and pivot her body enough for the blade to miss, "Very good," Valery complimented her, as the idea was solid. It was just going to take time and a lot of practice to refine everything.

"Trust the Force and let it guide you," Valery continued before she stepped back in, and aimed a series of quicker strikes, aimed at joints or limbs. In a real fight, none would have been lethal, but together they would have been crippling. Right now, it was a test to see how she'd hold up defensively, having to coordinate two blades.

Was she going to disengage and use distance? Would she rely on just blade skill alone to block and parry? Valery was eager to find out, while she kept her Padawan under pressure.



Iris's eyes shifted. Not watching Valery's blade, but watching the colors. How they swirled, how they moved before every strike. She followed them without hesitation, her blade cutting out in swift parries against each strike of her Master's. Faster and faster, at least until she couldn't keep up any longer. Trying to mind both blades while looking at the colors was a whole different level of focus she didn't realize she needed to learn.

She scooted back. Slipped away from the onslaught after blocking a strike for her side. She needed the room, needed to re-center her focus on her blades. Rethink the strategy. Each parry was effective, but the speed of the next strike from Valery left her little time to riposte. Her eyes narrowed as she lifted the two blades. Then dashed in. She stayed low, using her smaller frame to be an even smaller target as she cut out with the first blade in a quick slash.

But it wasn't there to actually connect. Instead, she purposefully tried to bate a parry from her master before bringing her training saber up to try and catch the wrist mid deflection.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

While Iris used her perception of the Force through colors, Valery used her own form of Battle Precognition to predict, counter, and most importantly, understand the progress and decision-making of her Padawan better. With each attack, parry, or move she made, her fluidity got better, and so did her coordination between the two blades. She even began to develop clever tactics, resulting in an attempt to force Valery into a block to strike her wrist.

With quick movements, Valery moved in retreat to avoid the clash and smirked a little. But now that she had some distance, it was finally time to really test her Padawan the way she had been wanting to. One of the two lightsabers she had been using disengaged, returned to her belt, and the other was drawn into a two-handed grip.

She locked eyes with Iris briefly, and without saying a word, stepped forward with much more power in her body language. The lightsaber came up above shoulder level and was swept down towards Iris' guard with power. Valery wasn't trying to just force her to guard - she was trying to obliterate it. Immediately after the first attack, another followed, hoping to keep pressure on Iris and test how she responded to this change in tactics.




Iris's gaze flicked over her Master's, then to the colors. Watching. waiting. She lifted both blades, taking a more traditional Jar'kai looking stance. One above, one in front. It was easier to keep track of the blades like this. She crouched, waited. Waited. And her master stuck. The Padawan slid back from the first strike, recognizing the power behind it even from a glace. Makashi already taught her not to catch those kinds of strikes. But Valery kept coming.

She dodged, ducked. Used her blades in glancing parries to try and force the power of it all away from her. She wasn't going to be able to keep that up. She knew it. Her gaze narrowed in focus as she tried to think it through.

Then she did. As another strike came Iris crossed her blades. It wasn't Makashi in the slightest, but with the blades together she could catch the strength. Block it. Lock the blades. Then, with a click of a button, turn off one to bypass Valery's own before striking out as she reignited the offhanded weapon.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

Valery was relentless in her attacks and threw enough strength and skill into each move to push Iris beyond her comfort zone. This was still training, so she made sure not to push her Padawan too much on her first jar'kai lesson, but it felt so much different from their first training sessions already, where she had to consciously be very careful with her attacks. Iris had grown and shown that she was ready for more challenging duels, so that's exactly what she got.

Strike after strike was parried or dodged, but she wasn't going to ease off and did whatever she could to force Iris into a corner. When it finally happened, she felt something change within her Padawan. A warning echoed through the Force, and as Iris' blade disengaged mid-block a second later, Valery didn't move an inch. Rather than trying to dodge or use some exotic trick to keep herself untouched, she stood still and watched the sweep connect with her midsection.

"Hmm..." she hummed without a sign of emotion at first. Her purple blade then disengaged, and slowly, a large smirk formed on her lips, "Very clever, I like it," she said before she stepped forward and wrapped an arm tightly around her Padawan, while she used the other to ruffle Iris' hair a little.

"You've grown a lot, you know? Stronger, way more focused too. That was some really good thinking in a tight situation."




Iris halted the blade just before it hit her master, blinking in surprise as the woman didn't stop it. She looked up, just as her hair was ruffled. There was a small pout at being treated so childishly, and yet, she was smiling all the same.

"I read it in a book, actually. It was with a broken blade and a knife originally. Caught the other one off guard and lead to the hero's victory."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant Temple
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

Valery noticed both the smile and pout and smirked a little in return. She meant well, but perhaps Iris really was getting too old for this. It wouldn't be the first time that she struggled to really understand her Padawans weren't going to stay adorable little younglings forever.

"With lightsabers, switching them on and off during combat is called Trakata, and it can be very useful. Just don't use it too much, or it'll quickly lose its surprise factor." She paused a moment and decided to add something, "Also never forget that Trakata is very risky — you're disabling your weapon while the opponent likely still has theirs. It's not as dangerous in Jar'kai if you disengage only one of the two blades, but still, something to take into account."

She then let out a soft sigh and ran a hand up through her long hair, "I think we've made a lot of progress for just one day, though. So maybe it's time for food and some rest?"



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