Green Bean
"Hm? Pazzak. It's just something to pass the time if I'm being totally honest." Shan shrugged, not glancing up from his cards, even as Nir left. It wasn't his fault that the Cathar had walked away. He just shrugged his shoulders again, mostly having tried to ignore all of the drama that had been happening around him. Apparently, people were getting their nails painted. He couldn't quite see the point in that...However it did remind the Mirialan that he may have to get more markings soon. He would just have to find something he trusted to be in charge of them.”Whatcha playing? I always enjoy a good card game.”
Though his head snapped up at the suggestion of playing Truth or Dare. That would be simple enough as he decided to put his cards away...or at least that's what he had planned, but the moment he started to put them way, Benkei the Rat crawled out from his pajamas again and sat on the deck of cards. "What? You want to play by yourself?" The Rat squeaked away at the Padawan before turning its attention towards the cards, where it seemed like it was going to be playing pazzak itself.
With that, he headed on over towards Ko and Braze, raising an eyebrow at the mentioning of Cici's courier service. "Oh yeah, I think I saw something like that when I walked past Ko's room the other night. It's one of those weird drawn things, right? He had a whole bunch of posters of them. There was also one that was like Your Jedi Academia or something. Alongside some girl dressed up as a sailor. Sailor Shaddaa I Think?" Shan grinned in Ko's direction, patting the Kel Dor gently on the back to try and not make his pain any worse.
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