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Character Nezira Viresh

Nezira Viresh


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  • NAME: Nezira Viresh
    AFFILIATION(s): Nightsisters - Spider Clan
    RANK: Shaman
    SPECIES: Dathomirian
    AGE: 21
    SEX: Female
    HEIGHT: 1.65m (5'5)
    WEIGHT: 56.7kg (125Ibs)
    EYES: Greyish blue
    HAIR: Silver white
    SKIN: Pale-gray/white
    FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, well trained.
    VOICE CLAIM: Merrin
    Early Life

    During her whole early part of her life, was spent with the clan, not really allowed to leave the cave system and mountain. Naturally, it made Nezira very curious about the outside but also wary due to all the scary stories told by the elders and clan mother. A few times she was caught by the clan's sentries as Nezira left her home to go explore. Though the attempts to explore were long in between as Nezira didn't really have much of free time. If she wasn't learning of the spirits, the Fanged God, or under training by more experienced sisters, she used it for sleeping and eating. However, with such an extensive and thorough teaching, she quickly caught up to sisters that were ahead of her in training.

    The Selection
    Nearing the Selection was both a scary and exciting thing to Nezira. While she knew how brutal the Selection was to those that took it and quite a few had died from it, it was still her only way to adulthood. A way in the clan to prove themselves in the eyes of the clan. When Nezira finally was old enough and allowed to take the ritual, she and six other teenagers in their late teen-years ventured deep beneath the ground along with the rest of the clan.
    The Selection evolved three stages. The first stage, Test of Fury, evolved fighting to the death in a one versus one between all of the initiatives until half of the group either died or was knocked unconscious. The second stage, Test of Night, evolved going even deeper into the mountains, where the gaping spiders ruled and receive eggs. While Nezira and the two other victors from the first stage descended the darkness, only two returned, Nezira and one of the other initiatives.
    The third and final stage, Test of Elevation, evolved a fight amidst moving stone pillars of a small arena, where the remaining two had to display their abilities and powers. Luckily Nezira was the one who came out victorious, by knocking her opponent out of the stage.

    As an adult, Nezira got such freedom to explore Dathomir, not restricted to only staying in her home, she spent much of her adulthood exploring as much as possible. It was also here that she stumbled upon strangers that weren't from Dathomir. While the first meeting got extremely tense at first, almost breaking into a fight between Nezira and the strangers. But an older looking man managed to deescalate the situation and while Nezira was cautious at first, keeping her distance enough to get away if need be, she did stay to talk. That night, was the night Nezira learned about an overwhelming among of information about the galaxy around Dathomir.
    The day after, the people left Dathomir and Nezira never saw them again, but they left her with even more questions and fresh curiosity to see the rest of the galaxy if she ever got the chance.
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  • Although growing up on a planet like Dathomir, Nezira has never been afraid of exploring. Also, with a natural sense of curiosity and thanks to the folktales of spirits and legends, told by the elders in her clan, causes her to explore many dangerous locations. She does have a passion for collecting odd bits and pieces whenever she stumbles upon things she finds interesting.

    However, when it comes to meeting new people, she's rather reserved, cautious or reluctant, only showing a fraction of who she is as a person.

    Despite her reserved, but cautious nature towards strangers, she does have a fondness for trickery and especially towards her sisters or other people she trusts. Even showing traits of humour and smiling when she's with her sisters.

    While she isn't one to seek confrontation or fighting, if feeling cornered, threaten or intimidated, she won't hesitate to defend herself. Although she's not one to often anger, she can come off as rather cold and eerie instead.
  • Companion:
    Jumping Spider | She named it Kira | small spider | Nezira Befriended the little critter after she got lost when playing with her two other sisters by the Singing Mountain.

    Gaping Spider | She named it Vex | Her way of transportation, by riding on its back | As part of the Selection process, she received a Gaping Spider's egg and in during so, she've trained and formed a deep bond between each other. | It's size is that of a male African elephant.

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  • Magick:


    Force Powers:

  • Outfits:


    • Climbing claws | Useful for climbing
    • Talisman of the Raven | Allow Nezira to assume the form of a raven
    • Webs of the Spider Clan | Talisman | Transforms Nezira's body into a large queen gaping spider

    Kills & Bounties
    Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

    Bounties collected:
    Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
  • PROS & CONS (Required: 2 Cons Minimum):
    Born among the Shadows

    Having been born into the Nightsister coven, called the Spider-clan, deep within the Nightspider Cult cave, made Nezira extremely well versed in stealth. She from a very young age was taught how to hunt from the shadows, like a spider, waiting patiently for the right moment to strike. However, due to her intense teachings and training, she was placed under, she rarely got the time to really master the social aspect.

    A Spider's Finesse
    While there wasn't much in form of outside interaction with strangers apart from her other coven, Nezira spent most of her time training under the guidance of her sisters. Not being the most physically strong person, Nezira trained her agility, stamina, and endurance with peers of her generation under more experienced witches, giving her a very attuned body for swiftness. In order to further help her in a fight against stronger opponents, she would from a young age learn the dark arts of the ichor magick.

    Once a witch, always a witch
    One of the things that Nezira got quite efficient at her magick. Being a fast learner, she quickly got to grip with how to channel the mystical ichor, performing impressive feats of prowess. While she can hold her own in hand to hand, she often resolves to her magick, releasing powerful and dangerous spells at her opponents.

    A reserved Mind

    Growing up only among her coven, she has gotten rather a reserved mindset and can be emotionally hardened to strangers. It can get difficult for Nezira and strangers to truly know the person that Nezira is, due to her uncertainty and on-guard mindset.

    Sisterhood above all else
    While Nezira is very loyal to friends and allies, her true loyalty lies with the Nightsisters and especially her coven. Due to her unbreakable loyalty to her sisters, she can come off as a wildcard and if anything evolves the Nightsisters and their safety she would show her true loyalty.

    Living her twenty-one years on Dathomir with only her coven and a few cases a visit or two over a couple of years from other covens, it made Nezira non-the-wiser of the galaxy around her. Unknowingly the constant moving galaxy around Dathomir makes Nezira rather oblivious to many things, a lot of people would see as mundane and normal. While she isn't completely dumbfounded by everything technology, she still hasn't really had the chance to actually learn about it, given as the way of life is what many outsiders would see as very primitive.

  • Arc I
    1. The Padawan and the Nightsister ― Nezira originally want to explore an old ruin and tomb but finds herself ending up helping a crashlanded Jedi, named Cas to get off Dathomir again. ― • Finished
    2. Welcome to the Red Planet ― A sith by the name Amur tracks down some Imperials on Dathomir only to be met with a Nightsister. With tension high, they are soon attacked by creatures of Dathomir and has to fight for their life, to get out. ― • Finished
    3. The Outback ― A bunch of people lands on Dathomir, who then are met by Nezira along with Amur and Kalanda ― • Finished
    4. The Darkness of Dathomir ― Sakadi tracks down Dark Side corruption and stumble upon Nezira who want her to leave Dathomir. However, they are both met with a black-cloaked dark sider and forced to enter the tomb with him. ― • Finished
    5. Nightsisters' Homecoming Festival ― The Feast of the Crystal Spirit had always been one of great importance to the magickal women who dwell upon Dathomir, as it followed the rule of celestial alignment. It is a time of great celebration for all Dathomir born. The historical significance is representative of the arrival of the Jedi Allya upon Dathomir, who taught her lessons to the ancestors which begot the original Witches of Dathomir, whose coven later divided birthing forth the Nightsisters. ― • Finished
    6. Crash Landing ― Tess crashlands on Dathomir and has to find a way off the planet or wait for help. However, she soon finds that the planet is not exactly welcome ― • Dead
    7. The Outing In ― Pom is going to teach Nezira how to teleport from planet to planet ― • Finished
    8. The Family Reunion ― Many clans are gathering to talk about Dathomirian subjects― • Dead

    Arc II
    1. The Emerald Shattering ― Nezira venture through the Nether to find Cas as the confusing feelings and annoyingly weird emotions builds up too much to ignore. However, things change when she finds Cas with another, a person Nezira know ― • Finished
    2. Smoke, Red Dust and Mirrors ― What first was disturbing by Cas and Sakadi, soon changed into a much bigger situation, pulling Nezira right into the middle of it all ― • Dead
    3. Restart ― Nezira decides to explore Coruscant's top-level and stumble upon the person she least expected to see again ― • Finished
    4. Involuntary Sleepover ― Having to rescue a clan sister, Nezira has to find her way into Pereema the Hutt's fortress. However, it is much more difficult than she expected and group up with the Jedi padawan Mathieu.― • Finished

    Arc III
    1. Fear of the Unknown ― After the event with Pereema the Hutt, Nezira for the first time ever, was scared of the mysterious force scars she received after killing the Hutt. Ever since then, she has been trying to find a way to fix the force scars on her arms and hands, pleading the Jedi Knight Cas Tynen for help.― • Finished
    2. Better Days ― After making a life-changing decision in the cave on Dathomir, and accepting the ancient Nightsister spirit's deal, Nezira and Cas partway on a sour note on their friendship. After leaving Dathomir by a portal, Nezira find herself in Denon and stumble upon the least likely person to meet ― • Ongoing
    3. The Crude, the Smooth and the Shattering ― Having fled Dathomir to get away from everything, Nezira finds herself on Denon only to briefly run into a digitalized Xan. However that meeting didn't last long before Nezira was abducted by the Scheming Lord of Hunger. ― • Ongoing
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    Arc IV
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