Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG New Sith Acolyte looking for threads

Kaden Tarnem


Haven't wrote anything on here in a while, so when I got the itch to start writing again, I figured a fresh start would be best, so here we are. Looking to start up some threads, I've got a few rough ideas that we can brainstorm around.

1. Sith Master(s) - Kaden having a master would be nice, so if you're looking for an apprentice, then we can discuss. Even if you're not looking for a permanent apprentice, potentially some kind of one of training excursion or something along those lines could be cool too. Get Kaden to interact with some older Sith, and what not.
2. Other Sith Acolytes/Apprentices - Be it some kind of mutual training, perhaps an assigned mission together, or a simple social thread. I think it'd be very easy to come up with some thread ideas other acolytes/apprentices.
3. Jedi - Fighting a Padawan could be fun, or again, potentially a social thread, unaware of the others allegiances and making unlikely friends, or anything along those lines. I'm open to exploring possible angles there, if anyone is interested.
3. Anyone else - Genuinely just looking to get back into writing, so I'm open to anything. Be that some kind of step into the criminal underworld, social threads with anyone else, I don't mind.

Please reach out if you're interested, either just send a message on here, reply and I'll reach out or my discord is ninjaclimb if that's easier for you.


Maestus here's a Sith...Well, she's not big on labels lol. She's more than willing to teach and interact with anyone, especially younger Sith. Usually found on Crakull, but she can be anywhere. Especially if the opportunity to learn is possible
I have Elise? SHe could do for a social thread. Probably harder to explain her being on a mission with him cause unless she's obligated to do it, she basically just doesn't. She is ranked as a knight but high family and so has a personal guard and good ship and just generally pretty well off. She'd be easy for social threads. Little harder for missions as mentioned, cause of avoidance, but also cause of the numbers part. Not sure if she and an acolyte would be sent on the same mission with her guard but maybe we could think of some way for it to work if you have ideas.

Haven't wrote anything on here in a while, so when I got the itch to start writing again, I figured a fresh start would be best, so here we are. Looking to start up some threads, I've got a few rough ideas that we can brainstorm around.

1. Sith Master(s) - Kaden having a master would be nice, so if you're looking for an apprentice, then we can discuss. Even if you're not looking for a permanent apprentice, potentially some kind of one of training excursion or something along those lines could be cool too. Get Kaden to interact with some older Sith, and what not.
2. Other Sith Acolytes/Apprentices - Be it some kind of mutual training, perhaps an assigned mission together, or a simple social thread. I think it'd be very easy to come up with some thread ideas other acolytes/apprentices.
3. Jedi - Fighting a Padawan could be fun, or again, potentially a social thread, unaware of the others allegiances and making unlikely friends, or anything along those lines. I'm open to exploring possible angles there, if anyone is interested.
3. Anyone else - Genuinely just looking to get back into writing, so I'm open to anything. Be that some kind of step into the criminal underworld, social threads with anyone else, I don't mind.

Please reach out if you're interested, either just send a message on here, reply and I'll reach out or my discord is ninjaclimb if that's easier for you.

Thanks Candy Crush
I'm always ready.
Hi everybody,

My name is Anisafitri. I am very happy to join the starwarsrp community. I found starwarsrp by accident while looking for a discussion forum about Star Wars. As a huge Star Wars fan since childhood, I'm always looking for ways to get more involved in the Star Wars universe, and this forum seemed like the perfect place for that.

My interest in Star Wars started when I watched the films with my family. From there, I started reading novels, comics, and even playing games related to Star Wars. When I discovered starwarsrp, I felt like I had found a second home where I could share theories, ideas and stories with fellow fans.

I am interested in being part of this community because I want to contribute to creating new stories in the Star Wars universe through active participation in roleplay. I like to imagine and write, and I think this forum is the right place to channel my creativity. Additionally, I would like to learn from other more experienced members and perhaps be able to help new players who want to start their journey in the world of Star Wars roleplay.

I hope to contribute with interesting stories and be part of this fun community. Thank you for having me, and I can't wait to start the adventure with you all!

Warm regards,

Haven't wrote anything on here in a while, so when I got the itch to start writing again, I figured a fresh start would be best, so here we are. Looking to start up some threads, I've got a few rough ideas that we can brainstorm around.

1. Sith Master(s) - Kaden having a master would be nice, so if you're looking for an apprentice, then we can discuss. Even if you're not looking for a permanent apprentice, potentially some kind of one of training excursion or something along those lines could be cool too. Get Kaden to interact with some older Sith, and what not.
2. Other Sith Acolytes/Apprentices - Be it some kind of mutual training, perhaps an assigned mission together, or a simple social thread. I think it'd be very easy to come up with some thread ideas other acolytes/apprentices.
3. Jedi - Fighting a Padawan could be fun, or again, potentially a social thread, unaware of the others allegiances and making unlikely friends, or anything along those lines. I'm open to exploring possible angles there, if anyone is interested.
3. Anyone else - Genuinely just looking to get back into writing, so I'm open to anything. Be that some kind of step into the criminal underworld, social threads with anyone else, I don't mind.

Please reach out if you're interested, either just send a message on here, reply and I'll reach out or my discord is ninjaclimb if that's easier for you.


Darth Hellique II

1. Sith Master(s) - Kaden having a master would be nice, so if you're looking for an apprentice, then we can discuss. Even if you're not looking for a permanent apprentice, potentially some kind of one of training excursion or something along those lines could be cool too. Get Kaden to interact with some older Sith, and what not.

I am resurrecting my Sith Lord, Darth Hellique II, and could use a good reason to pull him out of the void. A mentorship sounds as good of a reason as any.

"Join me, Acolyte! Together we will show the Sith Order's charlatans what it truly means to be Sith."


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