Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Role-play Rule

Bugman said:
Well, this rule makes perfect sense. The entire community would be pissed off if Tatooine exploded. XD
Although I think you should have the majority of the staff team agree to it, not just one person (no offence Tef :p)

"No man should have that much power!"

I delegate most major decisions to Admin/RPJ votes, so this is a non-issue and you shouldn't worry. However, please see #TyrannyReigns for more information regarding this question.
Alexandra Cinthra said:

If it is a custom planet and you are its creator, can you dictate its destruction yourself or must Staff have the final word?
Good question. The rule stands as is, so the answer is no - however, I would say that the planet's creator would have a say in it's destruction or not. Maybe not the final say, but I'd like to think that they would be contacted for their opinion, if possible.
Daichi said:
So.. How bout people who make celestial bodies? Got a rule about how characters can make stars out of nothing in an RP?

Like Sith Lords who go lolspawn a star.

And the people who eat them.

Are we finally nerfing?
If a Force User lawlspawns a star in the future, please report them.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Bugman said:
*Makes one out of the lightside of the force*
There is a force power for that... it is artificial and goes away but only strong masters can do it. The jedi order used it to fight the vong and distract them several times.
[member="Sawa Ike"] - WELL THEN.

*Conjures the force around me, even though i'm not force sensitive*
*Makes a motherfething star out of the LIGHT SIDE of the force*
*No rule against it*
*Perfectly legit*
*no ban*

*gets banned*


Morality Policeman :)
...And people still think NFU writers are being unreasonable and whiney when they complain about how unfair it is to write with a Forcie?

Please. I don't want to hear anymore about how stupid the bar threads are when we have this going on.

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