Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Player

Hey Everyone,

I stumbled across this board while searching for a new place to do some Star Wars RP'ing and decided to try my hand at it. I'm something of a refugee from the Jedi v Sith boards, and did a few posts on SW: The Force Fractured before it faded into oblivion. I'm looking forward to starting a new RP out in the Outer Rim. I'd really like to know if anyone is running any salvage/smuggling RPs out in that area. I have a friend who will likely be joining me as well, so the more the merrier! Thanks!!

Hi and welcome to Chaos! Enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Sadly, I don't know a certain answer to your question about these RPs, but you should keep an eye on the Open Roleplaying forum. Amazing threads pop out there every once in a while. :)

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos!

Glad you found your way here, and I hope you enjoy your time on the boards.

Just shout if you have any questions and we will help you out.

Take a look at the active Factions here:

You will no doubt find others operating smuggling/salvage groups and RPs out on the boards - join up and see what's going on out there.


Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Hey there and good luck on the board. Most those that do salvaging do it for their companies they made or picked up from canon. So that is somting you might want to look into. Other than that i would suggest looking towards a faction that you are interested in because trust me when i say there is something for everyone.
[member="Reverance"] Yeah, I was over on the JedivSith boards for a little while before I gave it up when I went abroad to teach. It kind of fell by the wayside until recently when a buddy got me back into SW RP'ing.
Oh sh- A Smuggler!


Naa JK, Welcome.

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