Wan Min Brightsky
Wan Min Brightsky
Hey Everyone,
I stumbled across this board while searching for a new place to do some Star Wars RP'ing and decided to try my hand at it. I'm something of a refugee from the Jedi v Sith boards, and did a few posts on SW: The Force Fractured before it faded into oblivion. I'm looking forward to starting a new RP out in the Outer Rim. I'd really like to know if anyone is running any salvage/smuggling RPs out in that area. I have a friend who will likely be joining me as well, so the more the merrier! Thanks!!
I stumbled across this board while searching for a new place to do some Star Wars RP'ing and decided to try my hand at it. I'm something of a refugee from the Jedi v Sith boards, and did a few posts on SW: The Force Fractured before it faded into oblivion. I'm looking forward to starting a new RP out in the Outer Rim. I'd really like to know if anyone is running any salvage/smuggling RPs out in that area. I have a friend who will likely be joining me as well, so the more the merrier! Thanks!!