Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New here, looking to jump in!

Hello there! I just so happened to have found this site through the Star Wars: The Old Republic RP forums through someone cross posting other RP sites. I thought I'd give it a look, join and investigate. While I do RP in the Old Republic timeline, I imagine moving forward and taking a step in a different direction could be just as fun!

A little about me....

I am a fairly shy and quiet person but have the ability to open up quickly when I make friends. I am a freelance Illustrator and a full-time Graphic Designer. For the most part, I use the handle Luniara for nearly everything. I have been drawing for what I consider the entirety of my life and can not imagine not having that aspect being a part of me. As a teenager I was constantly Roleplaying and even met my now husband through those means. For some time, I strayed from that path due to the wonderful world of MMOs. It was not until SWTOR came out that I revisited Roleplaying I am! I run a Roleplay guild on the JungMA server in SWTOR, my main being a Fallen Jedi named Luniara Solborne. It can get quite hectic running so many people and keeping up with so many different character personalities...but it is so worth seeing others happy and enjoying themselves.

I came here in hopes of not only branching out slightly and getting a different spin on Luniara. I plan on starting her out as a Jedi Padawan (I see Force users must start out as Padawans and I haven't come across anything regarding grey or Dark Jedi just yet). Coming here I can see how vastly organized and chock-full of details this place is so overwhelming and exciting! Any tips on how to start out, what route to take, what faction is best for me I would greatly appreciate it!

A pleasure to be here! I look forward to trying things out!

and for the sake of introductions and to get a better idea of who I am and who my character is:

My artwork
My Character's SWTOR wiki


Nobody has turned me on yet.
hellu there miss and WELCOME TO THe website ^.~ You met your now-husband through roleplay ? daww X3
Ah I will try to be friendly then ^.^ I lost my shyness on the internet a long time ago. . .so feel free to talk to me if you feel like having a chat.

I am rather new here aswell. . .and not much is going on with my 'character' so I can't give you deep information and tips about this website. . .but feel free to ask smaller questions~
Welcome [member="Luniara"]! It's true - there are TONS of details to Chaos BUT that's the beauty of it and you'll get the hang of things soon enough.

There ARE grey & dark Jedi on Chaos and they have a nice run of the place since there are several factions that could be suited to that path. Many Masters are willing to take on Padawans that don't necessarily follow their own views. There are tons of options and ways to connect characters and story lines - you can either get yourself in some open threads, or check out our Roleplay Discussion board to see if others are looking for the same things you are.

If you have any questions, PLEASE feel free to ask. I'm glad you've come to write with us! :)
Factory Judge
Welcome to the site! many of us have some "Grey" Jedi or Dark Jedi characters. Yes they are there, just at this moment they seem to be hiding. However. we have a lot of fun. Once again, welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay.

Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
[member="Luniara"] I love and adore your artwork, if you ever get the urge to draw for anyone here just for fun, please look me up!
Seriously, I'll give you a piece of my soul!
Heh, welcome :3

Also, if you've an interest in a more neutral approach to a force user, I will happily squeeze you in and have you as my student or if you just want an rp partner, I raise my hand.
You all are so kind and welcoming! I'm so happy! I am going to get to work on my character sheet. A few questions. With this timeline, what Jedi temples are used? Or...what would be a good place to start out at for a Padawan? I'm more attuned to The Old Republic I've become rusty for anything moving forward after RotJ.

Everything I've read about your character in the past is so badass! I'll have to make sure by some means we meet some time while in character!


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