Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Netherworld: Lore Update 1

Firstly, hat's off to our most successful event start in the duration of this site. We're nearing 3k posts in total and it's not just a total spamfest for the win. To all of you enjoying yourselves, thank you. This event wouldn't be possible without you.

For those of you who want to know more about what's going on, this thread's for you.

Info Threads
Akala's Rifts:
Bol-Jahir's Flashbacks:

Who is Akala?

Akala is our villain for this event. This is her second time stepping up to the plate as she also came in and wrecked the Galaxy in Masks of Madness.

She's an ancient Kwa Princess who fell madly in love with her protector, a rogue Celestial who had escaped his war to her planet Dathomir. Upon his death, he granted her great power - a 16 year old kid. Obviously, she wasn't quite ready for this, and went a bit nuts.

Annnd here we are.

What happened in Masks of Madness?

Akala was summoned from hibernation by the visage of her Celestial boyfriend, stating he was still alive and needed her. Like any crazy 16 year who daydreams about a perfect love, she answered the call, and nearly destroyed trying to create the perfect place for him.

Champions of the Galaxy, light and dark, repelled Akala and forced her to come to terms with her own reality - the Celestial was long dead, along with the rest of his kind.

What's happening now?

Episode IV: No Hope starts us off with the Galaxy in turmoil due to billions disappearing during the Rapture. Nobody knows what's going on with the exception of a few who have witnessed Rifts, Force Users who understand that the Force is wonky, and one @Bol-Jahir.

Episode V: Akala Strikes Back reveals to us that the billions who disappeared left for the Netherworld and are stuck there. However, Akala seems to also be in the Netherworld, and she's creating Rifts - portals that allow transportation between the Netherworld and the Galaxy.

What are Rifts?

Portals between the Galaxy and the Netherworld. They're allowing the dead to the walk amongst the living, and even worse - spirits of unnatural origins. We know Akala's creating them, but we don't know why.

Who is Bol-Jahir? Why are his Flashbacks important?

Bol-Jahir is a Netherworld character present in Episode IV: No Hope.

Bol-Jahir has revealed he's here in the Galaxy to stop Akala, and the time to do so is now. He's declared he's been preparing for it his entire life, but from his flashbacks... we know that's not the case.

Turns out he has some mysterious origin links to Zero, the guy who created the Gulag Plague.

Right now, he's revealed to the group he's travelling with that there's a facility on Csilla. It seems the facility used to belong to Omni, the main villain from the Clockwork Rebellion. In this facility, it turns out the Galactic Alliance directed Omni to help build hypergate to the Netherworld.

Do you have questions? Ask them below or discuss the ongoing event.

Okay, question time.

My only real question is if any of the Netherworld NPCs will make a massive impact soon as more rifts between the two dimensions increase in number and stability, and if so could spirits from the nether be able to cross through the rifts?


A Well Done to you too! I must say I am very much enjoying this event. :)

I do have a question, is there more to come? I have been wondering about all the planets that were created for this event and what they might be used for.
In the near future, dozens of warriors gather, staring out at a great plane... Out in the distance stands a horrid figure, hands raised, preaching his lies, changing the course of history. The soldiers glance at each other, wondering how they didn't see this coming. One steps forward. He speaks, softly, voice somehow carrying conviction and power. Everyone nods. He is right, of course. Hmm? What did he say, you ask?

"Too many damn plot twists."

Ahem, moment over. I've really enjoyed this so far and look forward to what will come! Especially if I get an excuse to use the above line.
Darth Vornskr said:
My only real question is if any of the Netherworld NPCs will make a massive impact soon as more rifts between the two dimensions increase in number and stability, and if so could spirits from the nether be able to cross through the rifts?
I was sitting on this early on, but if people want to start transitioning NPCs through the Rifts and into the Galaxy, I have no problem with this.

It's up to you whether you want to take role-play as your NPC yourself, or see if a Staff member will do it.

Bol-Jahir already revealed he thinks Akala's plan is to invade the Galaxy with an army.

There will be more on this tomorrow night.
Coci Sinopi said:
I do have a question, is there more to come? I have been wondering about all the planets that were created for this event and what they might be used for.
Yes. There is more to come. Episode VI comes not this Sunday, but next. And the planets will have a major place in the story.
In Umbris Potestas Est

Is there going to be any opportunity whatsoever for individual characters to interact one-on-one with Akala? I was interested in that sort of thing, but was unsure of whether others would be able to threaten me away, like in Masks.
Enigma said:

Is there going to be any opportunity whatsoever for individual characters to interact one-on-one with Akala? I was interested in that sort of thing, but was unsure of whether others would be able to threaten me away, like in Masks.
I can't really answer that, but I'm gonna guess no. It's pretty difficult to manage a situation like a one-on-one when I'm busy doing so many other things with the whole group that I don't think I'll be able to spare the time to make something like that happen for each individual character.
I know I might be jumping -way- ahead of myself here, but I got a question that might be a bit interesting considering the level of FUs on the forum.

The Force is out of whack right now, will this continue beyond the event? No true balance? I don't mean like people pulling flowers out of nowhere instead of discharging electricity but like perhaps pockets of absence in select areas of the Galaxy or even levels of significantly higher connections to the Force in others.

I mean, even if you don't do both - I think adding the pockets of absence of the Force in areas around the Galaxy would add a unique side-effect from this Event and might generate interesting story - be safe havens for NFUs, ect.

Hopefully - this makes sense. [member="Akala"]

Will Episode VI occur at the same approximate time as IV and V with the capacity to move between it and them as they can with each other? Or should we try to wrap up whatever personal plots we're working prior to VI's launch?
Trenchcoat Man said:
Will Episode VI occur at the same approximate time as IV and V with the capacity to move between it and them as they can with each other?
The story of Episode IV & V will end this Friday. I will post the closure at the top of the board tomorrow night so everyone will know.

Episode VI starts not this Sunday, but next.
Mira Gyndar-Rekali said:
I know I might be jumping -way- ahead of myself here, but I got a question that might be a bit interesting considering the level of FUs on the forum.

The Force is out of whack right now, will this continue beyond the event? No true balance? I don't mean like people pulling flowers out of nowhere instead of discharging electricity but like perhaps pockets of absence in select areas of the Galaxy or even levels of significantly higher connections to the Force in others.

I mean, even if you don't do both - I think adding the pockets of absence of the Force in areas around the Galaxy would add a unique side-effect from this Event and might generate interesting story - be safe havens for NFUs, ect.

Hopefully - this makes sense. [member="Akala"]
I cannot comment on the conclusion of the event.
Well-Known Member
How are you so awesome?

This is literally the fucking best event that has ever happened and I'm ashamed I can't be apart of it. Reading most of it is pretty dope though :)

I also like this Bol-Jahir character and his Flashbacks, very enthralling. Btw, I love how you are connecting all of these past events into one continuous plot thread, and the overall involvement of Chaos (the namesake of this site) as a major component of this huge plot.

I have some theories as to how this will all progress into the vong galaxy, and I definitely think that when all of this is over the force should stay wonky to some extent. Small pockets absent force (perhaps by star system), and entire regions (again, perhaps by star system or regions like the rift like the Aing-Tii) ravaged by rampant Rifts that have yet to heal after Akala is dealt with, at least one access point to the Vong Galaxy, but obviously no extra map or anything, just a way to visit those other planets possibly even after the event ends.

Though perhaps, suggestions like those should wait until all is revealed to us :p
A hypergate to another dimension? I see where this is headed!


Someone call hedgemonic. :)

But seriously, this has been amazing fun so far, which is all anyone can ask of an event. Thanks!

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