Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My overbearing neuroticism...

...was only able to be fought off for a few hours before posting here.

I've been here a while now, and still haven't written with that many people, but I'd love to get feedback on my style, approach and characters!

Khallesh Val
Kairon Rees
Irys Arist'lar
Asmus Janes
Jacen Voidstalker


Well-Known Member

Haven't RP'd with others, but [member="Khallesh"] is cool. Could do with showing a bit more love ( ;-; ) and lowering her expectations for those who don't speak Yuuzhan Vong as their mother tongue.

Otherwise, awesome as all hell (Netherworld?). You do a great job of portraying her Vonginess without going overboard with the pain- and war-worship, and I dig the slow development that you've been doing for a while now, with her coming to terms with the evolution of the Vong and their moving away from the traditional tenets and beliefs. Keep slaying them infidels. :p

I read some of your stuff back when one of my characters was in the Spynet. It was cool.

And then we never threaded again, because I didn't want to roll with the CIS :p
I've been trying to get out and about into the galaxy a bit more recently. One of my main issues is writing stuff on my own and developing lots of NPCs and plotting arcs for my characters instead of going with the flow. Hopefully people have seen a bit more of me recently and I'd be glad of constructive criticism of my writing style and approach to roleplay!
Jacen Voidstalker said:
I've been trying to get out and about into the galaxy a bit more recently. One of my main issues is writing stuff on my own and developing lots of NPCs and plotting arcs for my characters instead of going with the flow. Hopefully people have seen a bit more of me recently and I'd be glad of constructive criticism of my writing style and approach to roleplay!
I know we've talked a lot about this.

There isn't anything wrong with preplannig. It is just another way of writing. But in a colabirativr setting, it's nice to be able to develop organically a storyline. You never know what might happen. Danger was like that for me; the majority of my chars development is based on the chaos thrown at me. I'd love to see you explore that with one of yours.

Your characters certainly have depth, and I truly enjoy them. Dicer's death made me cry. I still feel horrible for the circumstances of his death, and that has weighed heavily on Cira for me as a whole -- because it really puts into perspective the loss of the ordinary solider in that crusade.

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