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Approved Planet Metatron: An Ancient Sith World

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Name: Metatron

Region: Tingel Arm
System: Shadow Realm
Suns: One
Orbital Position: 4th planet in the system
Moons: None
System Features:
  • Eclipstica
  • Maleficara
  • Eyon
  • Crucifier
  • Necro Mincore
Coordinates: Directly below Eclipstica and Maleficara
Rotational Period: 20 hours
Orbital Period: 200 days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 10'000 KM
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Desert Storms
Gravity: Earth Like
Primary Terrain: The planet is a fully covered in deserts, rocks, and mountains along with storms caused from a massive weather controlling machine within the temple spire.

Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: None
Primary Languages: None
Government: Sith Empire, Monarchy
Population: Can hold around five billion people
Demonym: N/A
Major Imports: Food, Water, Other necessities to live.
Major Exports: Was Once Slaves, Soldiers, Ores, Building Material.

Affiliation: Shadow Dynasty, Ancient Sith Empire, The Infinite Empire

Major Locations:
The Temple of Lighting - An impressive spire rises from the center of this temple while three smaller ones form a triangle around it. The temple even reaches underground. It was here that the Revan's Sith Empire began among other planets, and would soon become territory of the true Sith Empire. Anti-Air cannons along with various other turrets line the temple to stop attackers dead in their tracks. A hangar that could hold up to four battleships, one star destroyer, various numbers of star fighters, and ground vehicles was also present near the base of the temple as the top that showed was not the main area. A massive city known as City of Meta lies before it.
The underground of the temple

The City of Meta

The city is large, no it's colossal as it expands 30% of the planet with the temple in it's center. think of a much smaller Cocuscant, or Nar Shaddaa. Walls erected make it a complete circle. From slave merchants, metal yards, engineers, and more, the city has everything, and their all slaves, well were slaves. Mansion, and various housing can also be found in the city as well. It does not reach underground, though.
While other structures include slave housing, barracks, mansion for the Sith Lords visiting, and staying, and various other places needed for a city to thrive.

Culture: It was the Sith Empire, slavery, xenophobia, and cruelty was what the planet called a government. Four Sith Lords ruled as supreme beings.

Technology: The planet is literally nothing but ancient Sith Empire tech filled, even though it is ancient, the only thing still running is the temple's weather control machine.


While we understand Darth Revan possessed a Sith fleet, and an empire, not much is know how far his empire expanded. The planet Metatron is but a glimpse into that empire. After being given the mission by the emperor at the time, Revan, and Malak set out to claim worlds to further build their armies against the Republic. Metatron was one of the first planet's Revan took under his name, unknowing that the emperor was merely going to take it for his own empire.

It was here, Revan found very ancient ruins of what was once the Infinite Empire. It appeared the Rakata deemed the planet useless, and only made a single outpost for just in case measures. These ruins also contained what Revan translated as Star Maps, and also began his new mission. Recovering the Star Forge. Leaving the planet to build him more ships while he searched for the Star Maps, and attacked the Republic at the same time, the true Sith Empire took it for themselves.

When the Sith Empire controlled it, they seized all the ships, and slaves for themselves, leaving Revan only what had already been sent to him, which was probably plenty. The Emperor sent four Sith Lords, Darth Canan, Darth Helvex, Darth Vion, and Dark Lady Siruec of Korriban.

They four quickly built a temple in their emperor's name, and placed in it, a weather controlling machine that culled storms around it, and the hemisphere near it. Even from orbit the black clouds can be seen swirling in anger. With this done, and ships being readily made for the Empire, Darth Vion felt that Canan was out to get him, and would take the planet for himself. This started a small war between the two Sith Lords when in reality Siruec was after the planet's resources for herself.

She had planted data that framed Canan of heresy, and thus brought the might power of Helvex on the two, killing them after the statues of the four Sith Lords were erected. With the two Stih Lords out of Siruec's way, she took on Helvex on her own, killed him in a duel, and claimed her as ruler of the planet Metatron, and the Lady of Deception.

The Emperor congratulated her, sent his own assassins after her, and thus left the planet to keep making his army with no one over it but his own word. After the fall of the Sith Empire, the Jedi ransacked the planet, and left the place to rot.

It wouldnt be till later, hundreds of thousands of years later, that a sickness, the Gulag Plague, would come, wiping out any life forms on the planet. Leaving it barren, and derelict. Along with the Netherworld rapture, there was nothing here to be touched by the event.

Notable PCs: N/A
Intent: To add some lore that connects with the Sith Empire of the Old Republic Era, and Revan's past, however small the extra content maybe. To provide a planet with an amazing temple, with an impressive structure to it. To put more stuff in the system Shadow Realm.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Welcome to the Codex on this chilly, late-November day!

Firstly I would like to apologise on behalf of my colleagues for our lack of prompt action in picking up your submission. Please be assured that we by no means have been ignoring you! The holidays get the best of our attentions, yes? Anyways, let us move on.

The very first thing I'd like to point out is the lack of mention of Chaos-canon galactic events in your planet's history, such as the Gulag Plague and the Netherworld disappearances. These items are required on planet submissions here in the Codex, thus your planet is incomplete without them! As it is our policy to see that submissions are complete and align with the site, if you would kindly make these additions, then we can continue. You may find information on galactic events in the 'Holonet' drop-down at the top of the site, in the subsection 'Timeline'.

Please tag me when you have made the requested edits.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Hey, work happens! I can understand that all too well. Thank you for making those edits.

Here's what I need next:

1) You mention the city as part of your blurb on the temple, under Major Locations. That looks to me like a major location in itself! Make it separate, please.

2) Also mentioned in the planet's history is a 'storm machine'? Please call this what it is - a weather-control station! That would suit your purposes in the same way, and is canon. I know it doesn't sound as cool, but any and all references to a 'storm machine' should be changed, and you should explain what the weather-control station does for this planet, or location on the planet, so as to maintain that it brews storms.

Please tag me only when you have made your edits, or if you have any questions about my requests.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Hey, thanks for the edits... but here's the thing!

You only half-fulfilled one of my requests. A lot of the information about the city is still attached to the temple, and now with the separate location listing for the city, it looks like there's two cities. Please take the city information from the temple listing, and place it with the rest of the information in the city listing. Moving the information is what I was asking for, though I probably could have been a little more explicit in my request! Apologies!

All in all, submissions do need to make sense! Please tag me when you have made the requested edit. :)
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Alright! Sorry for the wait... work has been killing me - metaphorically, of course! Else I wouldn't be here to type this to you.

Thank you for straightening that out, but now we have another issue with that exact same thing! It just never ends, hm? Well, anyways. Could you clean up the blurb for the city? You've copied and pasted the portion that used to be part of the temple's blurb, and just stuck it under the city heading with the additional blurb you wrote up, without meshing them together. This just looks lazy, sorry to say!

Please take whatever is necessary from both paragraphs of the city blurb, to describe the city, and rewrite that section with all of that, or... just pick one of the paragraphs and get rid of the other one. :)
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]

You're totally right man! I agree with you, it does look sloppy as I look back at it now. It will be done, either tonight, or tomorrow. I just got off work (I know what you mean right now man) and I work in the morning. That sleep is important, but so is this planet.

The city is large, no it's colossal as it expands 30% of the planet with the temple in it's center. think of a much smaller Cocuscant, or Nar Shaddaa. Walls erected make it a complete circle. From slave merchants, metal yards, engineers, and more, the city has everything, and their all slaves, well were slaves. Mansion, and various housing can also be found in the city as well. It does not reach underground, though.
While other structures include slave housing, barracks, mansion for the Sith Lords visiting, and staying, and various other places needed for a city to thrive. .

There was a sentence that needed removing. Does this appeal more to you?
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Excellent, that'll do.

So, I've given it a look, and I'm not seeing anything else that needs fixing, but [member="Valiens Nantaris"] is the final decision on that! So I'll give this my lovely, green pending approval stamp and forward it on to the aforementioned individual.

I thank you for your patience, and the Codex thanks you for your patronage. We'd like to remind you that the Codex is currently closed to new submissions until after the 10th of January, so if you have any plans to send in further submissions, we'll be happy to receive them then.

Happy Holidays!
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