Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meeting on Membership

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ It's been proposed that most of the faction's business be handled IC when possible, including things like sketchy recruits/defections, leadership and organizational decisions, and diplomatic decisions. To that end, we thought it best to talk about how to do that -- and, metafictionally enough, we intend to discuss it IC.

IC/ Aboard the praxeum ship, in the atrium, Shule shrugged.

"The gist of it is fairly straightforward. I'm not asking to be consulted on just about anything; that's not the point of this. What I'm proposing is that, at the very least, Housemasters and such have a talk by holocomm when there's major business to discuss. Defectors, recruits from other groups who might have different standards, leadership and organizational decisions, diplomacy...unity's important, and I tend to think we should get together and talk these things out, just so we're all on the same page. What form that should take, or exactly who should be included, that's all up for debate. I'm of the opinion that any Padawan or Knight has as much a right to be heard as a Master or Grandmaster, but we can't fit every member of the Order on a single holocall. What're your thoughts?"

[member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Ilias Nytrau"] [member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Kana Truden"]

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Kira's holographic visage would flicker for a moment, then steady. The tiny blonde Lorrdian Jedi Master would be sitting as still as one as she could be. What would not be seen would be the light nuances of twitches and whimsical type gestures that would communicate words kinetically for those who were privy to the language.

"That makes sense," came her lightly jovial voice, the corner of her mouth curving upward, "We don't want to know every Luke, Kyp, or Horn drama and fart that comes up or down -- but the more important matters like if anyone is getting a bit too close for comfort."

The quirk in her mouth would broaden further.

"Or someone is getting a bit too Halcyon up in here. There is a time and place for it, but a heads up would be nice to discuss the pros and cons. "

Talon Vosra

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Kira Liadain"]

A small utility droid sat in front of the Zelosian male and displayed the other master's speech as text on a small display. He didn't know who was talking or how many were about but he was getting the words themselves. One thing about galavamting the galaxy looking for recruits and new things to learn was sometimes communication was a tad challenging. He quickly dictated to the droid his opinion but some locals evidently did not much like outsiders and he didn't have much time.

"I say we give everyone the option to speak up and have as much of a concensus as possible." primitive slug throuthrowers sounded off and he could hear the metallic rounds wiz past his head. "Give everyone a voice, I'll be in touch." a slug struck the droid and blew the lines of communication and sent Talon sprawling to the ground.

He crawled to the edge of a ledge not far from where his ship was hidden and dropped over and into the mist below. He would have to lead them on a wild goose chase and then double back to his hidden ship. Hopefully it would still be there.
Importance. A feeling Kana rarely felt about herself yet to be called out to participate in something like this made her feel, well… She quite honestly had no idea how to describe it. It was strange but exhilarating in the sense that someone who wasn’t Master Raaf or Karr actually cared for her opinion. It was a question on administration and who does what and who speaks when. At least it seemed like that were the questions.

“I agree with what has been said.” Kana nodded. “The school board or whatever should be involved in the big questions but left out of things that would otherwise prove a waste of their time like individuals joining the academy from other orders. That’s something the knights and masters around the academy could take care of themselves.”

“That is unless you group people together and hold them off for a bit and then give them all a peer review based on… No, that sounds weird. Just, let everyone have their say on most matters but leave the ultimate decision on what to do to the headmasters.”
"Monthly reports aren't a bad idea," Avalore's own holographic projection chimed in. It flickered and blipped occasionally - Cato's distance from the Praxeum and her own dated technology likely had a hand in the interference experienced.

"Starting with a discussion just between Housemasters and pertinent others on relevant topics for the leadership. It could end with an open-floor for any others to bring forth their needs or concerns or questions. It seems a bit overkill to invite everyone in at once - some of us were present at the Great Jedi Convocation, and let me tell you it was more than a bit stuffy in there."


Avalore quickly bit into an apple, image flickering again, "Sorry...I haven't eaten all day."

[member="Kana Truden"] [member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Kira's eyes would grow wide at the first transmission. Concern would wash her face and it was evident that she was left a bit befuddled and confused.

Worry would draw upon her features, only for the subsequent additions of the other attendees bringing her from her reverie.

"Well, then we have an agreement then." she said. " Our meetings will lean towards developments about sharing and maintaining unity. Defectors, recruits from other groups who might have different standards, leadership and organizational decisions, diplomacy... all of these things can be brought forth in regular meetings... sooner if a need does arise."

Her attention would then draw to the rest,"I do have a question, who do we have that will be attached as a House for the Academy?... and how have negotiations with the government of those territories reacted to their establishment?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"I can speak for Dantooine -- we're in Mandalorian territory, and it's been made clear to us by Mando leadership that we're welcome here so long as we keep our noses clean. I've got word from the Rekali family that a similar arrangement has been made for the Yavin system, but apparently the Order of the Gray did serious damage to the Massassi temples, and the Yavin Four temple isn't operational yet apart from the occasional class passing through. I don't speak for them, just passing on word."
"I volunteer Cato as an Academy House," Avalore spoke up next, feeling a welling of pride, anxiety, and a hint of trepidation at this bold move. She'd spoken at length about it with Hal after receiving the initial invite and rundown from Nytrau - a discussion fraught with equal amounts of concern and enthusiasm, the end of which brought about a fairly mutual agreement.

Cato was meant for great things and they owed it to Diana to make a name for the place in her honor. It was only right to pass on the teachings she'd given to the next generation.

"Republic space, all the usual rules and excuses apply until they don't. Who knows how much longer that will hold true... oh, and the local Cato government is a bit prickly on who comes and goes. Best to get in touch with me before swinging by or sending anyone my way, that way I can give the proper clearance codes and the location of the Sanctuary. It's not easy to find on purpose."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Kana Truden"]

Another being was part of the holonet call; as of yet, she'd made no comment, which Shule found endearing. Eyal M'ti was a Neti, and Neti waited before speaking. Neti listened. Neti could get stuck in their ways, but those ways took a long time to form, and Eyal more than most had added the open, aware mindset of the very best Jedi. She was the reason he generally remembered not to assume in advance that he knew the solution for any given problem.

"Do you feel secrecy will be your best defense on Cato Neimoidia?" said the Neti at last. "Is there anything we can do to help you with safety?"

Left unsaid, tactfully, was the recognition that the Cato Neimoidia enclave had been established by the best friend of a defector -- and that the One Sith very possibly knew how to find it.

"Dantooine," the Neti continued, "is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but Ossus has been assaulted before, and Ruusan is directly in the path of the invasion front. The Valley of the Jedi may be in danger, but it's possible it may be able to help us work towards the safety of the Order."
Kel Dor were an odd looking race. Odder still was a light blue, slightly transparent Kel Dor. But that is how Kian Karr appeared when his holoprojection slowly came to life on the Praxeum ship standing at the back of the group. Word of the meeting had reached Kian late, and he hoped his sudden appearance wouldn't be disruptive.

Kian's holoprojection appeared to take a seat near the group as he took a seat at one of the chairs in the conference room on board the Gnost Dural. The Shadow-type Antarian Class Frigate had become a second home for Kian and he was quickly beginning to spend as much time there as on Ossus. Now the ship was situated just outside of One Sith space, attempting to gather as much intelligence as possible.

The group appeared to be discussing the various houses that were to be established to providing training academies for the Jedi and when one of the Jedi began to speak, Kian turned toward them with an interested look. He had never met a Neti before and listened intently to what the aged Master had to say, his taloned fingertips pressed together forming a triangle before his face.

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Talon Vosra"] | [member="Kal Izka"]​
Avalore wasn't the best at reading the cryptic in-between-the-lines, but she nodded to the Headmaster quietly.

"The Cato Sanctuary has never had a breech of security since it's reconstruction. I've spoken with the leading Council on Cato for funding, and offered Healing services in return. We're still waiting to hear their answer."

So far as she knew, and so far as it was known, Diana had never shared with her best friend information on the Sanctuary. Daella had never seen it, nor visited it, so it wasn't an issue that occured to Avalore presently. Certainly Diana would have mentioned something to her before ...

... before everything happened.

"If you have any further suggestions on what I could or should be doing, I'm happy to consider them. Currently I am restricted in my efforts by how many credits I have to my name, of which have been funding the Sanctuary as best it can."

Her inheritance from her family, and that from Diana, had been significant, but it wasn't endless. She was already beginning to feel the pinch.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Avalore Eden"]

"I don't think any of us are especially good at making money." Shule offered a self-deprecating chuckle under his breath. He'd once impersonated the CEO of a major corporation, at some length. It hadn't ended well. "And I don't think any of us are terribly interested in getting funded by host governments with expectation of service or allegiance attached. One thing that I'd do if Dantooine had a more central government, though, is register my little enclave as a humanitarian organization. Most governments have grants for them, especially if the organizations involve service provision. With your enclave's focus on healing, there might be a small year-by-year grant available if you registered as a medical-focused NGO. It wouldn't be much, but it might be enough to keep the lights on."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kal Izka"] [member="Kana Truden"]

Kira would bring in her own view, "Well there ain't saying we can't use some measure of the Agricorps system in this with every House." She began.

"Each house can very well toil a plot of land, grow items, and provide for themselves through other means of skill work.

We all come with gifts beyond that of the path of the Jedi, and in this we can use it to fund ourselves.

Can start out small -- but being self sufficient and sustainable is the way to go."
[member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kal Izka"] | [member="Kana Truden"]

Perhaps there was some modicum of fact in the pensiveness, taking of time, and consideration with increasing age amongst Jedi. As Eyal had waited and listened, so had he. He was dressed very much as that of one working in soil, his image devoid of the usual robes. Often he did care for his tea, vegetables, and other plants while wearing the basic layer of robes, but on days when there was much more to do to that end than others, he strangely took to a more farmer-like look.

"To that end, Master Liadain," he began, speaking up finally from his modest abode on Laekia, the blue image sporting a soft smile and a day's growth of stubble, "much can be done for the care and growth of plant life, as working the land and assuring the success of crops is a valuable opportunity for training of skills in healing, strength, and more besides."

He lifted a mug to his mouth, taking a small sip.

"Ultimately, it could lay the foundation for a crucial aspect of aid work."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Shule nodded, and felt M'ti nodding as well. "There's no question that we could stand to re-broaden our focus," he said. "There was a time when agricultural skills, diplomatic skills, and all sorts of others were central to Jedi life. I'd imagine our healers have had similar experiences. To my mind we're making progress, as much as we can in war, but when was the last time any of us went on a true diplomatic mission? Or helped heal a city or a world? It's not entirely a rhetorical question; I din't actually know the answer. Ultimately, we need to put structures in place that help our Jedi learn to be well-rounded, and not just in the sense of being able to jump as high, throw a push as hard, or swing a sabre as quickly as anyone else. I don't believe we have to make programs and titles and such, not collectively and not in this meeting, but I do believe it's important for all of our enclaves to consider. There's a chance we can find a way to be useful as Jedi, even in these times, and not be primarily combatants, and that we can share those lessons."
Avalore nodded, too.

"I look forward to the day when healing a city won't be left to a single Jedi Healer, but can be accomplished by the whole of the Jedi community."

Of course, she didn't speak of every Jedi becoming a Healer, as useful as that would be. Healing could be done on many more levels than just physical - as wounds were not only of the flesh.

"I'm a bit fresh on the Diplomatic end, so if any of the Masters plan on future endeavors of that sort, I'd like to come along to learn."

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