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Map Update 11/15/2015

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
After seeing the map update.


Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Don't want to be a Debbie downer here guys but I think I might have to side with barriens. The map should of waited until Balmorra to finish judging. Unless staff members know that the republic lost and the buck hasn't been passed yet, in that case carry on then. Just seems kind of weird to have an update this quickly

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Barrien Siegfried"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Balmorra and Contruum are two separate invasions, the outcome of which do not effect one another.

As well, the Republic had twelve days between the official loss of Contruum and this map update to effect any changes it wanted to.

It was also stated here, that Map updates would occur more frequently.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]
Just for the record, more frequently doesn't give us a lot to go on as to what more frequently actually is. For future reference when making such announcements.

We're rolling with things the way they are, even though we had planned to keep the lost territory and move our capital. The vote hadn't yet ended. Oh well.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

I miss your roger rabbit avatar. You could tell me that the One Sith mastered force light and the Yuuzhan Vong gave up their zealotry in exchange for making kitten mittens and I'd be completely onboard. Now how am I supposed to feel good about bad news!?
Isamu Baelor said:
[member="Darth Carach"]

From what I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong), it is at the posting of the Invasion results that the cloud-break occurs, not the map update. Once that cloud-break occurs (results posted), you're pretty locked in.

Darth Carach said:
[member="Isamu Baelor"]

...I didn't even consider that. You might be right on that one, my apologies for the misconception then. :)
It has happened before, both with the Republic and other factions. It is the map update which makes things official, not the result of an invasion.

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