Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mando and Beskar?

[member="Mrrew"] nice,

Why it is about Beskar pointing out that fact does kind of make sense, lightsabers are uber powerful, and iconic of force users, beskar is strong and iconic of mandos. But you guys are the rule makers and we are just the little serfs trying to till about the fertile soil and bring forth a ripe harvest.. Yep i totally went medival there.
Arumi Zy said:
[member="Mrrew"] nice,

Why it is about Beskar pointing out that fact does kind of make sense, lightsabers are uber powerful, and iconic of force users, beskar is strong and iconic of mandos. But you guys are the rule makers and we are just the little serfs trying to till about the fertile soil and bring forth a ripe harvest.. Yep i totally went medival there.
Nice. lol


What I'm getting from this is that you don't like having to put a small bit of work into something you feel should be your right to have.

I understand that. For a long, long time it was that way.

But we had people who wanted Beskar, and rather than do a dev thread, they'd roll a Mandalorian character, submit whatever they wanted, get it approved, and then pass it off to whatever character they really wanted to have it. That's gaming the system. We're going to crack down on that.

What we aren't going to crack down on is enforcing people to submit every single lightsaber to the Factory. That would astronomically increase the amount of work the Factory receives, because every single Force User (probably close to 65-70% of our character population) is a lightsaber user.. So for every 100 new people, that's 60-70 submissions of a lightsaber that will probably say 'It's a lightsaber. It turns on and off.'
I don't think you can compare the abuse of the Force with the abuse of Beskar.

For instance, if someone is abusing the Force, you can easily call a Roleplay judge. They will hopefully resolve the problem and probably find a solution that both people can agree on. But for the abuse brought by Beskar you cannot do this. If you attempt to call a Roleplay judge because somebody is using Beskar, that they have had approved by the factory, it is likely that the Roleplay judge will tell you to sod off and a resolution will not be met.

Therefore people can simply use their approved Beskar armour submission, which might of included next to no effort at all, as a way to block one of the most powerful weapons in Star Wars. Thats why Beskar has been made harder to obtain and use.
Slate Estrada said:
For instance, if someone is abusing the Force, you can easily call a Roleplay judge. They will hopefully resolve the problem and probably find a solution that both people can agree on. But for the abuse brought by Beskar you cannot do this. If you attempt to call a Roleplay judge because somebody is using Beskar, that they have had approved by the factory, it is likely that the Roleplay judge will tell you to sod off and a resolution will not be met.

If factory submissions are reported they will be brought out and rejudged to make sure they're fair and balanced.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"] You can take it that way if you want, but its not that. I know neither strider or i have to make any armor, we already have it and our blades and such. Its more about the future of it, the future of new recruits, the future of the faction and the iconism that it brings about.
Arumi Zy said:
[member="Sarge Potteiger"] You can take it that way if you want, but its not that. I know neither strider or i have to make any armor, we already have it and our blades and such. Its more about the future of it, the future of new recruits, the future of the faction and the iconism that it brings about.
Then you can iconically help a new roleplayer establish their armor, thereby advancing their story and yours while building a relationship in the process.

That doesn't sound so bad to me.
I agree with Arumi. Force powers are abused much more than beskar. Granted I really don't have a clue about what could even be done about that. Avoid stupid people I guess?

I understand what Sarge is saying about people manipulating the system. That's fair and this rule seems like a good step in fixing that.

Restricting lightsabers seems pointless to me. The advantage of SWRP is freedom. Throw that bio down and hit the ground running. There are guidlines, but its not like trying to fill out paperwork at the DMV and finding the right line. If you start restricting everything then you'll begin to emulate failed forums of the past.
Sarge Potteiger said:
What we aren't going to crack down on is enforcing people to submit every single lightsaber to the Factory. That would astronomically increase the amount of work the Factory receives, because every single Force User (probably close to 65-70% of our character population) is a lightsaber user. So for every 100 new people, that's 60-70 submissions of a lightsaber that will probably say 'It's a lightsaber. It turns on and off.'
True. The factory submissions would be.... Yeah.
[member="Vascious Relens"]

Its the question, do you only smash the hammer down on one thing thats abused because it takes the least amount of work while ignoring the problem that can literally cut through X almost anything in a swipe or few seconds. It seems more a question of fairness to me, i don't want things to get more complicated, i don;t want people to be hindered but it does seem like its blasting one ant and ignoring the nest.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"], [member="Slate Estrada"], [member="Arumi Zy"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Mrrew"]

I've honestly never had any personal problems with beskar. Sure, I write a good amount of Force users, but going up against saber resistant armor is always just the same. The armor negates the effects of one weapon FUs have, while they could still use the Force to increase the pressure of the air around you and crush you. Or use lightning on you. Or fire. Or just hit you with a really, really big hammer and break every bone in your abdomen. Seriously, I don't think that the Mandalorians should be restricted their armor.

However, I agree that there has been abuse before and there will be once again if there aren't rules. Aside from doing a development thread, you could always restrict the armor to a timed setting. Say you're a new member joining the faction, maybe make it so they have to be active members of the faction for around 30 days or so before they can get their armor? Note this is a suggestion I came up with on the spot, so don't tear apart my ideas too badly.

But I do agree that Mandalorians don't have to dev thread their armor. Especially when Yuuzhan Vong have just as strong Crab armor and don't have to do a development thread for it.
[member="Mrrew"] What has been said can not be unsaid. No one wants that for you guys, but its rather kind of crappy that the hammer got smashed on one thing that is strong but not on something that is powerful. As i say you guys make the rules , we adhere to them, but we will voice up our opinion here and there... ohh my turnip patch!!!


Darth Vornskr said:
Also, maybe new Jedi / Sith folks should go on a quest to create their lightsaber.

Such a thing is canon, after all, as new padawans / acolytes usually don't get thrown a dangerous cut-through-anything laser sword right off the bat.
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"] You know i never thought about bring in vong crab armor... See i could see on anything above a personal use item such as armor and small arms, sword etc. Plus the time restriction a earning your grease kind of thing and keep the restriction for anything above that. That seems like a far more reasonable thing.

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