Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Status: Bluehawks

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Vascious Relens said:
To be fair we're talking about newer members that clicked a group together quickly and had major faction status within reach before really plotting it all out. That's not to say it shouldn't or couldn't be done though.

Now Daxton is quite correct that logically and logistically the move doesn't make sense.

However, i'll be a team player here and offer a scenario that might work...

A crime world (I'll leave the world up to someone with much more EU experience than I) could be our capital. Naturally it wouldn't be a bustling industrial complex churning out massive armies. Instead it would be a world full of mercs and scum where the Bluehawks happen to be the biggest and brightest dogs there. Therefore the Bluehawks can have a planet, be a major faction, AND most importantly keep its culture to a good degree as far is it being a group of mercs/pirates working together as a crew.

However, as Ironwolf deftly stated ... The bluehawks can come into conflicts with other major factions. For example perhaps the Hutt Cartel doesn't like an up and coming merc/pirate group. That could be interesting.
Maybe it could take a role like the Black Suns did during the Galactic Civil War. They were large and strong enough to even pose a threat to the Empire and they were entirely run by criminals, rouges, pirates, and the like.
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