Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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(Major Faction Application) The Jedi Order (TJO)


Name: The Jedi Order

OOC Hierarchy

Faction Owner: [member="Romi Jade"]
Faction Admins: [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"]

IC Hierarchy

The Order is run by a Council of Masters, constituted by any of the Master-level members in the faction, all working together under the auspices of Grandmaster [member="Romi Jade"]. The Jedi Order is not a political body, and has no formal control over the worlds within their 'influence cloud': rather, they simply serve those planets in an advisory and protective capacity.

Requested Hexes: Deneba Hex (Y,38), Thokosia Hex (Z,37) and Daalang Hex (AA,36)

Interested Members
| [member="Aarshlût Muyel"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Amilthi Camlenn"] | [member="Ar'ekk"] | [member="Arabi Cordelle"] | [member="Artemis Nightstalker"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Cath Lorr"] | [member="Ctharic"] | [member="Dane Teraan"] | [member="Danuae Verdegrande"] | [member="Danyx Rekko"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Draconis Caesar"] | [member="Ella Nova"] | [member="Gabriella Rhayne"] | [member="Galen Adina"] | [member="Grace Whitestone"] | [member="Hayato"] | [member="Jade The Rogue"] | [member="Jagen Wren"] | [member="Jai Katan"] | [member="Jayce Amoren"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Kade Drexel"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Kaia Vullen"] | [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] | [member="Karina Vaul"] | [member="Karren Trask"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Kenshin Mamoru"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Lox Gartner"] | [member="Malok"] | [member="Maya skywalker"] | [member="Mororath"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] | [member="Nar-Pal"] | [member="Nylea Apollodor"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Rosario Perlyn"] | [member="Roslyn Tedesky"] | [member="Samara Raine"] | [member="Saran Drast"] | [member="Senari Gravis"] | [member="Shyren Shar"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Sundara Nyveit"] | [member="Suwa Kato"] | [member="Tashra"] | [member="Tempest Yore"] | @Theodred Heavenshield | [member="Thom Arden"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] | [member="Tor Icehammer"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] | [member="Turin Val Kur"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Vladimir Tedesky"] | [member="Vlarem"] | [member="Vyr'ago"] | [member="Zylah Dvale"] |


Initially formed as a means of returning the Jedi to their more orthodox roots, the Jedi Order now exists as a humanitarian force, focusing on the training of Jedi according to more traditional means, and on encouraging peace throughout the Galaxy, rather than waging war against the darkness. They understand that the Jedi were not meant to rule, nor to be the long arm of the Light: rather, their duty is to serve the Force and the people of the galaxy by spreading peace, helping those in need and working to ensure that those whose lives have been devastated by war can still stand on their own two feet.

They are healers, scholars, teachers, relief workers and diplomats: though they are all trained to defend themselves, violence is always a last resort, and indicative of a failure on their part to do their duty to keep things peaceful. They view the militancy of other Jedi as indicative that the Jedi have gone astray in their duty, and work to restore the good name of the Order as a peaceful body.

The Pitch

We feel that the time is ripe for the Jedi Factions to return to their origins as a peacekeeping force, one focused not upon being anti-Sith, nor beholden to larger political bodies, such that they cannot be held as independent of them. TJO was created to rebuild the Jedi Order as an independent Jedi faction that focuses on teaching Jedi characters the more orthodox, non-militant Jedi path, existing as a more meditative faction, one more appropriate to the Yoda or the Obi-Wan than to the Mace Windu or Anakin Skywalker.

We don't plan for the faction to be engaged politically: the influence cloud we plan to build will be exactly that: a cloud of the Order's influence, rather than a list of the planets we 'control'. All the systems brought under Order influence will retain their own government and adhere to their own politics: they will simply have Jedi working there, and offering advice to the local government, taking a backseat role that ensures that those worlds remain their own. With this, we believe that the Jedi will be brought back more appropriately into their role as advisors, protectors and servants, rather than masters and leaders.


Past Roleplay Threads
[member="Kenshin Mamoru"]

Even with a small map cloud, the intention isn't to become a map-game-player in the traditional sense. We simply wish to offer a viable alternative to the options that are out there, particularly for those less-militant-minded Jedi out there.
I admit, Jedi major factions make me hesitant, given what Jedi should be, and what Major factions tend to stand for. However, I do see something of the old Levantine Sanctum in your intentions, and that makes me hope.

So, okay, I'll give this a shot. :)

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