Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well-Known Member
[11:16:52] Strop.: LIKE
[11:16:54] Strop.: SHE WAS JUST ON THE VERGE
[11:16:57] Strop.: OF A DEADLY HEART ATTACK
[11:17:00] Strop.: AND DIDN'T KNOW
[11:17:09] Strop.: yeah
[11:17:14] Strop.: OMG
[11:17:15] Strop.: WHAT
[11:17:15] Strop.: IF
[11:17:18] Strop.: I HAVE A TAPE WORM.
[11:17:23] Transkalpic Elder God: that's intestine
[11:17:26] Transkalpic Elder God: and it doesn't hurt
[11:17:28] Strop.: :(
[11:17:29] Strop.: sad
[11:17:31] Transkalpic Elder God: XD
[11:17:35] Strop.: I always wanted a pet.
[11:17:38] Transkalpic Elder God: THAT'S A GOOD THING

gg, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
[4:27:23 PM] Samuel Aten: you know what!?
[4:27:27 PM] Samuel Aten: I just want us to be a damn family for once.
[4:27:29 PM] Samuel Aten: IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR!?
[4:27:39 PM] Advisro: THEY FIGHT
[4:27:52 PM] Vedemny: yes
[4:27:53 PM] Vedemny: they do
[4:27:58 PM] *** Samuel Aten grabs his plate ***
[4:28:02 PM] Samuel Aten: I am eating upstairs.
[4:29:03 PM] Bounce: ignores Sam, texting on his Apple Wristlink and wearing headphones at the dinner table
[4:29:36 PM] *** Vedemny eats, pretending not to notice everyone fighting ***
[4:30:31 PM] *** Netherworld has Sam sleep on the couch for the next week ***
[4:30:56 PM] *** Advisro cries in the bathroom ***
[9:27:44 AM] KC (Ana): Meep
[9:31:50 AM] Jason (Orick): Get some sleep Kacey?
[9:32:03 AM] Andrew Ryan: what is sleep?
[9:32:22 AM] Maya (Seanna, Bria, Neph): yes what is sleep
[9:32:49 AM] KC (Ana): I did :)
[9:33:04 AM] KC (Ana): I finally fell back to sleep
[9:33:19 AM] Jason (Orick): It's that thing that your body does after you've spent all night crying into your pillow, Andrew
[9:33:28 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): LOLOL
[9:33:50 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): brbdying
[9:34:25 AM] Andrew Ryan: that only happens after you fail to deliver to your bed-promises again, Jason
[9:34:33 AM] Jason (Orick): Hey
[9:34:38 AM] Jason (Orick): It was ONE time
[9:34:44 AM] Jason (Orick): And I was drunk
[9:34:51 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): [9:34 AM] Andrew Ryan:

<<< bed-promises againwhat are these and how do I get them?
[9:34:52 AM] Maya (Seanna, Bria, Neph): It's that thing that your body does after you've spent all night crying into your pillow, Andrewso got to quote this in that chat thing
[9:35:02 AM] KC (Ana): LOL
[9:35:02 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): It's really good, Maya
[9:35:09 AM] Leslie (Tmoxin): MADCHATS
[9:35:13 AM] Jason (Orick): I have my moments
[4:18:46 PM] *** Samuel Aten looks at his continually thawing catfish ***
[4:19:36 PM] Vedemny: look at it
[4:19:38 PM] Vedemny: yeah
[4:19:41 PM] Vedemny: you look at it
[4:19:45 PM] Advisro: you filthy harlot
[5:46:08 AM] Coryth - Krissy: ties Val up and tosses him into the closet
[5:46:29 AM] *** Valiens ...comes out of the closet?! ***
[5:46:38 AM] Coryth - Krissy: YES!
[5:46:50 AM] Coryth - Krissy: I finally got you to come out of the closet :D
[5:47:16 AM] Valiens: Yes, I admit it, I'm a lesbian.
[5:47:19 AM] Valiens: ...Wait what?
This is why you don't use your phone to send messages on Skype.
[8:14:48 PM] Spenser: Well, to the surprise of no one
[8:14:56 PM] Spenser: my wizard knows just about all the things.
[8:15:20 PM] Spenser: Arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, history, planes - all 10+
[8:15:40 PM] Anna (Fabula): I'd be impressed if I didn't get exactly that just from being a bard. XD
[8:15:47 PM] Spenser: Shush, you.
[8:16:13 PM] Spenser: I spent years in a library, meticulously studying for weeks on end.
[8:16:21 PM] Spenser: You walk into, what, a bar
[8:16:26 PM] Spenser: and you just know things?
[8:16:44 PM] Anna (Fabula): I wandered the world and learned by years of applied experience, trial and error, and word of mouth.
[8:16:55 PM] Anna (Fabula): You read a book.

[8:18:46 PM] Spenser: Well, yeah, it sounds bad when you say it like that
[4:18:59 AM] Popo:
"That Darned Russian - Today 05:18
> You are finally proposing to Anna?"

As much as i am into tiny, violent, adorable, and nerdy chicks, but even if she bent that way, we'd probably kill each other day one.
[5:12:34 AM] Andrew Ryan: also, we got a list of peeps that are gonna be on objective B
[5:12:37 AM] Andrew Ryan: on the SJO side?
[5:12:42 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: oh
[5:12:43 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: who?
[5:12:49 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: OR
[5:12:51 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: ARE YOU ASKING.
[5:12:55 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: CUZ
[5:12:56 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: I DON'T.
[5:13:00 AM] Andrew Ryan: I was asking
[5:13:03 AM] Andrew Ryan: if we had one
[5:17:17 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: WELL WE DON'T
[5:17:18 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: HAHAAHAAHAH
[5:17:19 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: HAHAHHAHAHAHA
[5:17:20 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: AHAHAHAH
[5:17:23 AM] *** Cait's Boy Toy PASSES OUT AND GOES TO BED ***
[4:18:42 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: Then stop procrastinating!!!
[4:18:47 PM] *** Cait's Boy Toy pushes you away from Chaos ***
[4:18:57 PM] *** Cait's Boy Toy locks the door behind you ***
[4:19:08 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: *cheerful laughter and good times can be heard*
[4:19:41 PM] Netherworld: I'M IN SPAIN
[4:19:44 PM] Netherworld: YOU FOOL
[4:20:03 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: *cheerful laughter and good times can be heard in Spanish*
[7/31/2015 4:38:56 AM] Evil Kitten (Andrew): Why don't you buckle under me for once?
[7/31/2015 4:39:05 AM] Lisette: Because I am the one who carries the whip.
[7/31/2015 4:39:07 AM] *** Lisette beats. ***
[7/31/2015 4:39:16 AM] Evil Kitten: I thought you weren't into that!
[7/31/2015 4:39:24 AM] Lisette: Yeah, I'm not.
[7/31/2015 4:39:29 AM | Removed 4:39:30 AM] Lisette: This message has been removed.
[7/31/2015 4:39:36 AM] Evil Kitten: didn't see that
[7/31/2015 4:39:54 AM] Lisette: It's better that you didn't.
[8/2/2015 4:14:24 AM] *** Lisette wants an honest opinion on the wip she has for a character ***
[8/2/2015 4:14:25 AM] Lisette:
[8/2/2015 4:19:16 AM] *** Waid reads first paragraph ***
[8/2/2015 4:19:20 AM] Waid: Death by UV light.
[8/2/2015 4:20:20 AM] Waid: Body Type: Voluptuous

"Oooga chaka, ooga chaka. I can't stop this feelinging... Deep inside of me."
[8/2/2015 4:22:11 AM] Waid: I like the detail in the personality section. You don't see much of that.
[8/2/2015 4:22:28 AM] Waid: "She's a queen and she thinks she's better than you. Deal with it."
[8/2/2015 4:26:40 AM] Waid: I love the weaknesses, but I don't think they counteract "Badass Force User"
"Hulk-like strength"
"Can survive gunshots and heal most injuries naturally" and
"Heightened reflexes"
[8/2/2015 4:27:08 AM] Waid: To be fair though...

Weaknesses suck and are hard to come up with.
[8/2/2015 4:27:35 AM] Waid: I just love the idea of holding up a UV light to this girl and being like "BACK TO THE COMPUTER! BACK!"
[8/2/2015 4:28:31 AM] Waid: Other than that, you put a lot of thought and effort into the character, and she seems interesting.
[8/6/2015 9:23:06 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: "Also if Tmoxin messed with Aleks would the Queen come after Tmoxin?" Depends.
[8/6/2015 9:24:03 PM] Leslie: And I guess my question is - would the whole of the Sith come after Tmoxin if she angered the Sith Queen?
[8/6/2015 9:24:20 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: Maybe.
[8/6/2015 9:24:27 PM] Leslie: Because I don't want that
[8/6/2015 9:24:38 PM] Leslie: She has already been in trouble with the Sith
[8/6/2015 9:25:10 PM | Edited 9:25:11 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: Then Tmoxin might meet Catalys ;)
[8/6/2015 9:25:12 PM] Leslie: I don't mind angering the Queen but I can't have the Sith after her again
[8/6/2015 9:25:28 PM] Leslie: She likes those Umbarans
[8/6/2015 9:25:37 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: And Catalys loves
[8/6/2015 9:25:40 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: tracking down force users
[8/6/2015 9:25:47 PM] Leslie: To do what?
[8/6/2015 9:25:55 PM] Leslie: A bounty?
[8/6/2015 9:26:17 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: He's an Exemplar. Anyone who threatens The Primeval outside of their normal reach is his target.
[8/6/2015 9:27:01 PM] Leslie: Alright maybe with that info I will tread carefully
[8/6/2015 9:29:11 PM] Leslie: Dammit, I really want to mess with Aleks, but ain't nobody got time for the entire Sith and Prime hunting her down
[8/6/2015 9:30:34 PM] Cait's Boy Toy: "That's right Aleks
get that Hapan hussy off Kuat!" Lorelei::Cait-Cat::, Yesterday 9:28PM
[5:48:12 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: Huh, can't believe I mised the fact that his link was to a faction thread -- swore it was a Codex sub. *Is getting rusty*
[5:56:28 AM] *** Valiens Nantaris eyes ***
[5:56:41 AM] Valiens Nantaris: Perhaps it's time to put you out to pasture. :p
[5:56:47 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: No!
[5:56:52 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: I am still in the prime of my life.
[5:57:06 AM] Valiens Nantaris: The 'Happy Hoof Glue Factory' has been pushing me for new stock.
[5:57:10 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: ;-;
[6:02:41 AM] Cait's Boy Toy: I'll win the next race, Peter. I promise!
[6:02:51 AM] Nyx: #GlueSam
[9:05:16 PM] Valiens Nantaris: You can have a free pot.
[9:05:37 PM] Valiens Nantaris: "Primeval Paste; You'll Rou the Day"
[12:29:08 PM] tahira_solo: "Spark get your own ride home."
[12:29:11 PM] tahira_solo: lolol
[12:29:37 PM] tahira_solo: #nerfherder
[12:30:52 PM] Corey: Love you too
[12:31:18 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): Sage will give her a ride home XD
[12:31:39 PM] Corey: Sage wouldn't know how to give her a proper ride
[12:31:49 PM] Corey: If he was reading all the back issues of Cosmo
[12:32:12 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): (chuckle)
[12:51:32 PM] tahira_solo: LOLOL
[12:51:58 PM] tahira_solo: I bet Sage has all the teen magazines saved on his datapad
[12:52:14 PM] Corey: Haha
[12:52:42 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): what can i say, he likes the quizzes
[12:53:04 PM] Corey: Coren is judging so hard.
[12:53:13 PM] tahira_solo: bahaha
[10:27:30 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: the Ironborn would be badass if they just put their mind to it and stopped being so fearful of horses :p
[10:27:32 PM] Kaine "Cornbread" Zambrano: Damn
[10:27:34 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: unrelenting *********
[10:27:34 PM] Kaine "Cornbread" Zambrano: Horses
[10:27:44 PM] Kaine "Cornbread" Zambrano: Bruh
[10:27:45 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: They're like the Dothraki of the West
[10:27:55 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: Only their opposite
[10:27:56 PM] Kaine "Cornbread" Zambrano: Just think if the Dothraki and the Ironborn got into a fight
[10:28:00 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: OH NO THE GRASS IS GOING TO KILL US
[10:28:07 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: OH NO THE SEAIS GOING TO KILL US
[10:28:08 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: :p
[10:28:12 PM] Kaine "Cornbread" Zambrano: Neither side will get very far
[10:28:21 PM] [Libby | Snowflake | Kioxes]: it would be hilarious

[member='Darth Vornskr']
[10:55:00 PM] Smitty-sempai: SWRP Invasions in a nutshell:

[10:57:53 PM] *** Snubs bans the dragons ***
[10:58:18 PM] *** Justine | California Love Muffin bans the jar of dirt ***
[10:58:38 PM] *** Anna (Fabula) bans dreams. ***
[10:59:29 PM] *** Justine | California Love Muffin bans poodle checks ***
[member="Darth Pyrrhus"] with the best duel idea ever...

[8/9/2015 8:09:56 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): Looks pretty cool. I'm convinced, random locations are awesome
[8/9/2015 8:09:57 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): sure thing XD
[8/9/2015 8:10:00 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): yeah!
[8/9/2015 8:10:06 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): And then people can socialize and watch the fights "that matter"
[8/9/2015 8:10:08 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): you could even have an UNDERWATER location
[8/9/2015 8:10:14 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): OMGCANI
[8/9/2015 8:10:20 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): give the opponents breathing masks
[8/9/2015 8:10:22 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): sure, why not?
[8/9/2015 8:10:23 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): XD
[8/9/2015 8:10:29 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): Would be very odd though.
[8/9/2015 8:10:31 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): BUT
[8/9/2015 8:10:32 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): hnngh
[8/9/2015 8:10:35 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
[8/9/2015 8:10:43 PM] Mads (Pyrrhus): "You two shall duel ontop of a rancor"
[8/9/2015 8:10:49 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): LOLOL
[8/9/2015 8:10:55 PM] Laura (Sage, Cryax): that would be boss

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