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LFG Looking For a Company to Do Bad Things

I would like to write a story about a company doing something they really shouldn’t be. Maybe they are dumping waste in a protected environment? Or maybe they pay their female employees less than the men? Maybe the boss is a little too grabby at parties?

I could NPC it but it’s way more fun if there is someone out there willing to get a nosy reporter up in their business

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
I would like to write a story about a company doing something they really shouldn’t be. Maybe they are dumping waste in a protected environment? Or maybe they pay their female employees less than the men? Maybe the boss is a little too grabby at parties?

I could NPC it but it’s way more fun if there is someone out there willing to get a nosy reporter up in their business

How about a company doing something like...this? I can do all the NPC's for your character.
Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm

Oh boy do I have a few options for you. In no particular order...
  • The Globex Corporation treats its employees super well... but cares much less about contractors. In fact, they're not even counted in workplace injury statistics and Globex Security Division internal regulations stipulate that its officers should value the lives of employees higher than contractors and temps if forced to chose. It's also been known to buy out competitors in order to enforce local monopolies, albeit without any real price-gouging - that tends to provoke political scrutiny.
    • The Corex Trading Company used to Sith-Imperial slaves and free them on the condition that they sign ironclad and occasionally dangerous employment contracts. Only recently were the last of these contracts given an early termination - the executives responsible largely "retired to spend time with their families"... with hefty severance packages, in quite a few cases.
    • Gellenbright Securities always keeps their agreements, even when ethics or the lives of their employees points in the opposite direction, so long as no relevant exit clauses are applicable. Honest business practice or putting the brand above morality?
  • The InterGalactic Gene Bank is dedicated enough to preserving genetic diversity for posterity's sake that it accepts material donations without checking that they're acquired legally. It also has a few "Food for Samples" programs where they give a desperate people sandwiches or something for blood donations and the like.
  • Vysh-Kolluri straight-up experiments on unwilling sentiments, notably prisoners, to speed up pharmaceutical development.
  • Kalidan Fried Ewok... is just inherently shady. No journalism required.
Of course, pretty much any of these could have individual employees/executives doing something they really shouldn't have.
Okay so I could do this a few different ways:

We could do a thread with Holly investigating or Holly could release a broadcast and we focus more on the companies trying to clean up the mess.


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim AMCO AMCO BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776

I'd be down for either, honestly, depends on which part you want to pursue - some of them are hidden enough that it'd require some investigation (notably Vysh-Kolluri's prisoner experiments) while others are already out there (notably Corex's recent cancelling of that shady as hell buy-free-employment policy.)

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