Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for…all sorts really

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t

So, as the title suggests, I’m looking for people to wrote with. Allies, foes, potential nemesis, possible best friends — the whole kit and caboodle.

Lilla is about to become a Knight - but the majority of her posts so far have been solo, development threads - and many have been based on Tatooine. So now I want to spread her wings in terms of the galaxy and interaction with other Factions, points of view.

Everything really.

So please share your thoughts below, or PM me — either works fine :)

[member="Lilla Syrin"]

I spend most of my Chaos time in public threads (often creating them). Feel free to hop in whenever you see one of my faces (Jorus, Cradossk, Velok, Connory, etc.). I'm always down for random unplanned interaction.

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
[member="Jorus Merrill"] - I'll make a point of looking out for public threads you've initiated :)

[member="Arekk"] - Did you have anythings specific you wanted to write?

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"] - Ditto. Is there a particular story you want to tell?

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
[member="Inon"] - it should prove interesting. Did you have a (warm) planet in mind?

[member="Vulpesen"] - A cynic would be an excellent person for the somewhat idealistic Lilla to meet :)

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
[member="Arekk"] - I PM'd you...

[member="Vulpesen"] - Tatooine would work, she would feel a compulsion to return their periodically. One of the ports? Mos Espa?

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"] - I'm about to PM you :)
[member="Lilla Syrin"] - Any time you see any face of mine, feel free to jump in or such! Julius, my Corellian Jedi, might be fun for you to meet. And if you need saber training, even more so! He used to be in the Order for the Republic.

Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
[member="Matsu Ike"]

I can never have too many threads (as long as it's cool to be quiet at week-ends). I post enough in-between to compensate I hope.

So...what did you have in mind? I'm up for anything really: training, philosophical debate, saving a planet, uncovering a dark-sided cult etc. etc.


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