Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Liberation of Ossus OOC Discussion

Lol dont worry we all have a little of it in us! Im just so disappointed in the war so far. With out the fear of death everything is being taken so lightly. Id like to see how some of these guys rped if permission wasn't needed to kill PCs lol.

Cedric Dorn


It's still quite fun this way, and i usually do as the story dictates. If Mikhail chose to stab Diana in the face right now i would likely kill her off simply because the story called for it. I mean i would be mildly upset about it and might find a way to bring her back somehow, but meh.
@[member="Diana Moridena"] yeah thats how i see too. Sometimes you just have to die. I've lost a Jedi Master before and I'll be honest.I got pissed and didn't rp for a few months.

Cedric Dorn

Mhm it happens. I've killed off a few characters on this board because of story. The Greatest being my Sith Master Moridin, though his time was at an end anyway.
At the Jedi Academy if anyone is interested in dueling. Tallias kinda depressed and angry right now (She's trying to be a good Jedi, she just can't control it ok?) So if there's a fight, she's bringing her A-game.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Vulpesen said:
I almost tried to take on the emperor.... then I decided to "nope" out. I was tempted to post Vulpesen screaming, "CHAAARRRGE! .... nope nope nope nope!"
@[member="Vulpesen"] had you dine this we would have made you a cool item. Now you get nothing.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Kaine Zambrano said:
Do I get something for getting stabbededededed?
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"] the everlasting shame that you slept with a plant

I'll have Balaya make you an alchemically enhance sling that fires lightning

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