Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's get rid of the requirements for Force Users


1. Apprentice To Knight
  • When an Apprentice's Master feels the Apprentice is ready for promotion to Knight, he/she submits the Apprentice's name for promotion to his/her Faction Administrator for approval.
  • If the Apprentice does not belong to a Faction, the Apprentice's Master will submit the Apprentice's name to a Role-play Judge for approval.
  • If approved by the Faction Administrator/Role-Play Judge, the Apprentice's name is submitted to a Board Administrator for Rank Promotion.
*In the case that no Force User Master is available, any Faction Administrator/Role-play Judge may represent the Apprentice as his/her Out of Character Master for promotion purposes.

2. Knight to Master
  • When a Knight's Master feels the Knight is ready for promotion to Master, he/she submits the Knight's name for promotion to his/her Faction's Force-User Masters for approval.
  • The Faction's Force-User Masters vote and decide on whether or not the Knight is to be promoted to Master. Majority rules the vote, but in the event of a tie, the Faction Administrators are required to make the final decision.
  • If the vote succeeds, the Knight's name is then submitted to the Role-Play Judges to be voted on and ultimately decided whether or not the Knight will be promoted to Master.
  • If the Role-Play Judge's successfully vote that the Knight be promoted, a Board Admin will inform the Knight and promote him/her.
*In the case that no Force User Master is available, any Faction Administrator/Role-play Judge may represent the Knight as his/her Out of Character Master for promotion purposes.

Let's just get rid of these rules and let people pick whatever they want to play as. No more rank promotions being judged by Staff, you would just pick whatever you wanted and bam, it's yours.

Voice your opinion below.
I Reject this (Mostly cause I had to work to get to where I am now gorram it) but seriously this would open the site and world to an endless supply of various Master Rank force users who think they can just be great and mighty already.
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

It would bring down the infrastructure set in place to reward hard word, dedication to ones character, and a lot of activity on the site. A lot of members here put a lot of work into their characters, and with this suggestion they'll be seeing characters come in brand new with just as much skill and ability as they have, if not more. Being a Master should be the end of the road not the beginning, if you start at the end of the road you have nowhere to go and no room to grow. I can definitely see activity sliding down as a result.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
I cannot support this for the main reason of ive directly helped train people that should never have played a Knight or even a master because when you just give someone power without working to it, they over play it normally... you are the site owner but as someone who trained two people who powergamed and overplayed powers, i can understand the need for the system.

[member="Ra Vizsla"]
I support the system, the work can help you appreciate the rank a lot more then just getting to say "lol I am this age so I am a master" A transfer has done the work elsewhere where there are often more restrictions and can appreciate the work needed just as well
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

That's what the report button is for, lol

Personally I'd rather we remove the RPJ requirement for Master and leave it as a faction-based acknowledgment. I haven't heard of factions abusing the Apprentice to Knight rule thus far, so why not take a step out of the equation?
skin, bone, and arrogance

The way I see it, the rank system should remain in place to ensure only those who should be trusted to write powerful Force users, are trusted to do so. It's very easy to get delusions of grandeur as it is, but to remove the controls that are in place would be flirting -- nay, running away for the weekend -- with disaster (in my humble opinion).


Well-Known Member
Chaos x10.

Honestly. Hitting that Master tag isn't the 'end of the road', or at least shouldn't be. People aren't defined by their mastery of the Force. We've got folks on this site who've written so much and so well that their characters hit master at like, 20 yo. So what? It's not like the story stops there. Sure, opening up all the ranks has massive potential for abuse. Then again, everything does. People who are gonna godmode and abuse their rank were going to do it regardless of when they go it. Sure, the progression system might filter out some folks who aren't willing to put in the work, but I doubt that's a significant percentage. Getting to master isn't that difficult.

Opening it up would probably be a bit chaotic for a while, and then it'd settle, imo. And it would allow for much more breadth in terms of new characters. Now, if you create a Forcer, you're doomed to padawan rank, even if it doesn't fit the character at all. Say you don't want to start with a snotty teenager just learning the ropes. Say you wanna play a jaded, gritty old FU who's seen some chit and been through a couple of nasty wars? With the ranks open, you could do that. Sweet.

Without that, you have to make up all kinds of convoluted reasons as to why a char has a padawan tag instead of what they should have.

Final decision: YES

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner

People can just make a Master and wave their hand saying they can do this and that because they're a Master and don't have to actually thread to get there.

Also only Masters who are active within the Faction should be allowed to vote for Knight ---> Master.
I reject this as well. Prazutis already stated my arguements. In mu opinion it would certainly wreck the site's 'balance'. Right now, you put work into a reward, rather than having a reward with no work to it.

Additionally, why fix something that is not broken ?
Having come from a Website that has no restrictions on their character's abilities to harness the powers of the Force, I can say that it's a road many, in hindsight, have regretted. I won't be a parrot and repeat some of the points already being addressed, or soon to be mentioned by better people than myself - but I will leave a quote that I believe suit's this discussion perfectly.

With great power, comes great responsibility.​

Cheesy, I know, but it's true. What you guys have in places helps people mature to their characters, and grow with them. Makes it oh so satisfying to finally see your beloved Character's name crop up in thread with the word Promotion attached to it. Means someone's watching, and there's nothing more addicting to an aspiring FU to see that people read and acknowledge their efforts.
I disagree with removing the requirements entirely, but am entirely for what [member="Isley Verd"] suggested. It makes more sense to have those in the faction make the final call, as they've likely written with said individual more than enough times to be a judge of when they're ready to cross that final hurdle. It makes the rank of Master seem like less of a nearly impossible and intimidating goal for some, and streamlines the process overall. But that's just my two cents.
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

When i first came onto the site three years ago I wasn't used to the system of progression that was in place. I was a little bummed out in the first few hours I was on, I remember wanting to start at the same level as my buddy [member="Darth Carnifex"] who brought me on. But over time as i stayed and forged stories, had conflicts, I noticed for me that I didn't even care about my rank. I was so roped up into the threads and the thrill of the stories that promotions came as a surprise to me. Looking back at my thread tracker that I've taken meticulous care of I have to say I'm extremely glad I made the decision to come here, and to progress someone from bottom to top.

It's impressive to see in my opinion all these awesome characters on the site that to most people, or me at least are well known that back in the day were once all apprentices. I still talk about old threads and cool stuff that happened like when Ashin challenged Moridin for the position of Emperor, and he just left. They all got there through hard work, activity, and posting. The thing about Chaos that gives us as a community an edge is that were an interactive, progressive community with enough members to sustain it. We have NFU's like [member="Alric Kuhn"], [member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Judah Dashiell"] and more making a living ICly through the system, we have enough moving pieces that the whole system is ideal for progression. I personally feel allowing force users to start at any rank would undermine a part of the system that makes us, Star Wars Chaos great.
Darth Prazutis said:
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

It would bring down the infrastructure set in place to reward hard word, dedication to ones character, and a lot of activity on the site. A lot of members here put a lot of work into their characters, and with this suggestion they'll be seeing characters come in brand new with just as much skill and ability as they have, if not more. Being a Master should be the end of the road not the beginning, if you start at the end of the road you have nowhere to go and no room to grow. I can definitely see activity sliding down as a result.

I could not support this proposed suggestion. :)

I totally agree with the above.

This suggestion would cut out a good part of the RP experience in here. Naturally individuals could still make the decision to start at Padawan and do the long haul to achieve the rewards. But this suggestion would open up to OOC drama I think.
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

Not only that it would create further friction and drama in the community. You guys think Rebellions cause drama? Imagine rebellions where vet members are duking it out with the "one day masters" who just came in with no achievements. That is too much salt to handle.


I came. I saw. I lol'd. I guess the joke flew over everyone else.


To make a long story short, people don't know how to behave. If this was actually a thing, people would definitely not behave. Because what's better than angry lynch mobs? Angry lynch mobs with pitch forks and torches!

I can already smell the tritonal from the report inbox exploding.

Edit: Better yet, let me humour you all further; we remove the rank restrictions... but open up player-killing and permanent death.
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

I will just be repeating what others have said I am sure, but here goes my opinion on this issue!

My first thought on this is that it would be good to do this because for certain characters they fit that rank due to different background reasons varying from age to becoming rogue pre-role playing to just refusing to do things the normal way. We also see people fast tracking the system anyways by getting to the safety number of posts required with a few threads where they can show a little growth and just how "amazing" their character is at using the force. We also have a lot of people who do the godawon thing though and basically treat their padawons as if they were already master level and just wait out till they get their posts high enough they can justify the need to become a certain rank, which ties into the fast tracking the system thing from earlier. With all of that in mind, there really is no point to having the rank requirements because people are just by passing it as much as possible on here anyways. Why have something around if no one uses it right?

But then comes my next thought on it and I feel this system should remain in place. Becoming a knight and a master rank of either alignment is less about how powerful you are and more about your way of thinking. For jedi a knight is more mature and controlled than a padawon is. They have a better understanding of the force and the ways it works as well as its applications. This is something that can only be attained from learning and experiencing it for oneself over an extended period of time. It was why holocrons were invented and remained so popular after all. And from knight to master things get even more demanding. A master is fully in control of themselves and are very intune with the workings of the force. Masters could feel things and anticipate things that were beyond even knights. To get to this level required not just time and experience but raw devotion at the exclusion of other things. Anikin is a prime example of this fact. He did not get knighted until a little later than normal because he was still too reckless and immature, despite his experience by this point. He also never attained the level of master despite being more powerful than a majority of the masters on the council. And so because of this reasoning, it makes sense to keep this in place to fuel the development required ICly of a character towards their advancement in their own role plays.

So in the end, I think we should keep it in place but offer a window for those who's character ICly can meet those ranks without a transfer. It should be more daunting than just the normal route if it is done, but it would still give that opinion there while keeping people from just handwaving development for their character that is not reflected in their character's actions and behaviors. That is how I feel on this, so take it with a grain of salt........course you don't want to get too salty or people will begin the popcorn memes. >.>

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor

I think it's a little bit jumping the shark to allow a person to claim any rank and along with it, virtually any level of ability they desire especially in a roleplay that doesn't have a system of approval for new profiles. I've thought of somewhat of a compromise. What if a person who has achieved Knight-rank or Master-rank on a previous character to make new characters with Knight rank as well. After all, if a person wants to start off as developed force user instead of slogging through the existence of a Padawan (which can be fun, though people may not want to repeat the experience multiple times for every one of their alts) and have already proved themselves capable of earning the position, why not let them?
Please don't do that.

Now, I know what the usual argument is: non-Force users aren't regulated in their skill levels, why should Force users? Someone can start out as, I don't know, a super skilled cyborg mercenary who is also an incredibly gifted droid engineer (really just came up with that one- don't think it's been done before), but if their character knows space magic they have to start out as a novice in terms of using it.

The fact of the matter is that NFU skillsets don't revolve around warping the very fabric of space and time to do incredible things like... I don't know, conjure a hurricane? Shoot lightning? Mind control? Teleport? Conjure illusions? Raise the dead? Run faster than a speeding bullet? Leap over tall buildings in a single bound? In a setting where the vast majority of the populace has no or limited knowledge that these things are even possible, these are things that should be regulated. The three-level system Chaos has is a great way to do it while at the same time not being ball-busting impossible to level up through.

I've heard the stories about TGC and how they like to mishandle just about everything. But the solution to their overbearing, tedious rank structure isn't to abolish rank structures entirely. That will just poison the forum.

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