Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let Slip the Dogs of War [Protectorate Invasion of Druckenwell OOC]

Grozurra needs to get more active.

*Broods silently from within armor*

Grozurra's services are available to the highest bidder.

Or the underdog. Because "Why the heck not".

Also, if the CIS can't drum up their own fleeter and they absolutely need one, Larraq's services are always available for hire. (Nothing personal Ayden. So far, it looks like the CIS could use the help.)
Fine with me. [member="Aedan Miles"],

[member="Noah Corek"], We can talk about prices later if you would like, I would prefer IC that way I can get paid according to my IC needs rather than my OOC wants.
[member="Aedan Miles"], Noah has a Teir III or Teir IV company i believe, as well as being the leader of the Omega Pyre, a Mercenary company within the Protectorate. I think he can pay you. He tried to outbid one of my characters with over 2 million credits for a set of lightsaber hilts. I think he can pay you.
Erin I want a ship that costs about 50 million credits. I mean if I really did the math I could PROBABLY afford it but its better if I have a thread where I actually earned the money [member="Erin Darkstar"]
Erin Darkstar said:
[member="Aedan Miles"], Noah has a Teir III or Teir IV company i believe, as well as being the leader of the Omega Pyre, a Mercenary company within the Protectorate. I think he can pay you. He tried to outbid one of my characters with over 2 million credits for a set of lightsaber hilts. I think he can pay you.

Actually, I'm the Prex of Omega Pyre.

Noah stepped down a month back. :)

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