Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Law of the Jungle


  • Sector 343, Unknown Regions
The Unknown Regions of the Galaxy, so named due to its status as the single largest expanse of unexplored territory within reach of galactic society. This isn't due to any one choice or decision made by the galactic community to leave the area undisturbed, no, it is quite the opposite; the nature of the Unknown Regions themselves makes categorical exploration and charting near impossible. Plagued by cosmic phenomenon such as gravity wells, black holes, and solar storms, they are one of the most mysterious and dangerous regions of the galaxy. This however, hasn't impeded the march of civilization, however. Like anywhere else in the galaxy, the Unknown Regions are home to billions of beings, entire worlds, filled sentient and fauna the like most of greater galactic society has yet to encounter. Often times, the phenomenon of the regions have kept them isolated, going about their lives in relative ignorance. This, however, is not the story for all. There have been those who have braved the Unknown, and secured a foothold among the Chaos, marching through in conquest in or to reign in what little mystery and wildness the Galaxy has left to offer.

The 'weather' of the Unknown Regions made them quite difficult to travel through, though not impossible. Those with the skill, resources, and determination, would find that the old saying held true, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Part of what gave the Eternal Empire dominance in the region was their knowledge of 'safe' hyperspace and subspace routes that interlinked throughout the sectors, allowing a form of stable and somewhat reliable passage through the areas of space. Though as with most things... nothing is guaranteed.

It'd had been up to a point the average trek through one of the 'safe' hyperspace routes, a relatively long link in a chain of jumps, from Bakura to what would be the next staging point in the EE's sweep of the surrounding sectors. The greater fleet was broken up into smaller ones, which moved in waves to their destination. This was portion was apart of the last wave, moving multiple regiments of Ultranuts, Armor, and Special Units, as well as attaches such as mercenaries hired by through the Contractor's Guild. Everything ran normal till the alarm klaxons began blaring, as the ships began to shudder under unknown disturbance. The deck officers scrambled to make sense of the warnings, declaring it some sort of 'Hyperspace Disturbance', before the fleet as a whole was violently jolted into real space, their primary power knocked out and it's secondary systems not faring much better. Even worse was that they were shunted into the gravity well of nearby planetoid, with no way of recovering before crashing. Calls were given to head to the escape pods, and for those who couldn't, brace for death...

  • Objective: Survive
The planet's surface is covered by a very thick jungle foliage, it's growth unimpeded and encouraged by the extremely humid air and temperatures, as well as a seemingly constant rainfall.It's rotation is slow, meaning nightfall can be measured in days, though this consistent lack of light doesn't seem to effect the fauna. Nothing is can be drawn from records, if they survived, so who or what populates the world is unknown. It'd be best for survivors to regroup quickly, for who knows what lurks in the dark....


Attn: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel || Alondra Lareina Alondra Lareina || Alwine Daye Alwine Daye || Alyva Terrix Alyva Terrix || Anton Delane Anton Delane || Arturo Braga Arturo Braga || Azazel || Bachus Bachus || Carter Tymon Carter Tymon || Centiro Centiro || Cero Pax Cero Pax || Charlotte Knyte || Caulder Dune Caulder Dune || Darth Aion Darth Aion || Ecthelion Aiglos || Eirene Eirene || Eryn Eryn || Fimrati Vailyippin Fimrati Vailyippin || Formorta Formorta || Goonch Bagarius Yarrelli Goonch Bagarius Yarrelli || Ilsa Visel Ilsa Visel || Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim || James Cerensp || Jardann Lancus Jardann Lancus || Juggernaut Juggernaut || Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe || Kalic Daws Kalic Daws || Karma Jayne Karma Jayne || Kerstan Blackmoore || Khorde Drago Khorde Drago || Lanebsa || Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun || Lorelai Ventira Lorelai Ventira || Lyla Quinn Lyla Quinn || Malicar Malicar || Mythos Mythos || Nekana Quane || Nerulic Nerulic || RadioWhisper RadioWhisper || Ranik Delmont Ranik Delmont || Rath Exigo Rath Exigo || Shandria Navin Shandria Navin || Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan || Tela Uolmi || Tiberius Bayne Tiberius Bayne || Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an || Viktor Goetz Viktor Goetz || Tsavong Kraal Tsavong Kraal || Vyra Silara Vyra Silara || Will Westender Will Westender || Wulf Orlock Wulf Orlock || Xiomar Ren Xiomar Ren || Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios || Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt || Karisa Karisa || Servelus Zambrano || @Kai’el || Kaine Hamilton || Van Hill Van Hill || @Sabella de Vreis || Race Tolsen Race Tolsen || Miles Morrow || Rumi Dag Rumi Dag || Corran Conner Corran Conner || Saabossi Saabossi || Gerhard Manndorf Gerhard Manndorf || Kyle Raymus Kyle Raymus || VanceCaydence VanceCaydence || Edward Ashcard Edward Ashcard || Lord Malleus Lord Malleus || Galdaart Galdaart || Rhaego Charon

Accompanying: Vyra Silara Vyra Silara || Open
Klaxons blared and bayed and the enormous ship shuddered violently, as if shaken by some angry god. A few consoles on the combat information center sparked and sizzled, while several overhead panels exploded, revealing burning cables and hissing coolant pipes as the battlecruiser was violently ripped out of hyperspace. They only had seconds after the detection of the hyperspace disturbance, not enough time to make the necessary adjustments to prevent this disaster.

"<Status report!>" shouted the warship's commander, a silver-haired man dressed in a white uniform, red sash and three chains draped over his shoulders, the enigmatic Darth Tacitus, Sith Lord and absolute ruler of the Eternal Empire, that totalitarian nation which cast ever-darker shadows over the Unknown Regions, expanding and enforcing its rule through brutality, discipline and sheer grit. Immediately, a series of holograms lit up above his command console, displaying information about the beleaguered vessel in the blocky letters of the Imperial alphabet. "<I want an immediate update on our surroundings!>" he commanded, the ship's crew scrambling to bring the sensor arrays back online.

The answer came as the ship rolled, tumbling lazily and uncontrollably through space, the blackness driven away by a blue horizon. A horizon! As if on cue, the sensors came back online, confirming what every crewmember on the bridge feared, but did not voice. The massive warship was on a collision course with the planet and it was already caught in its gravity well, its speed insufficient for it to maintain orbit. They had but minutes until they hit the atmosphere and at this velocity, the battlecruiser would burn up and break apart. Minutes weren't enough to get everyone to the escape pods.

Tacitus' crew looked towards their commander, the oppressive silence confirming what everyone thought. They were going to die here.

Eyes glued to the flickering holograms in front of him, the Sith Lord cast his mind against the problem, furiously running through the numbers and considering his rapidly diminishing options, quickly settling on one. It was a long shot. It would be difficult to pull off, perhaps impossible. But it was a chance, the last, best chance the countless souls aboard the massive ship, had. "<Evacuate the outer decks!>" he ordered in High Nelvaanian. "<Switch over to manual controls and transfer pitch, yaw, roll and acceleration to my console!>" he barked and the navigation officer's face twisted in a horrified grimace as the man deduced what the Emperor intended. "<Sir, we need to launch the escape pods! The ship won't hold!>" the officer protested.

But the Sith Lord did not change his decision. He did the math, ran the complex calculations and knew what the numbers indicated. "<She'll hold,>" he answered in a low, intense tone.

Taloned fingers flicking across the console blindingly fast, he brought the ship's shields online, concentrating all power in the front and underside sections and inputted the commands to fire off the vessel's directional thrusters in precise intervals, arresting the metal behemoth's uncontrolled roll and angling its massive hull. Another button press brought up a display indicating the status of the main thrusters. It blinked 'ready' in angry, red letters.

The Invictus' hull was shaped like a long, sleek dagger tapering towards the front. He ran the equations through his mind, knew that the ship's geometry made the mad maneuver possible, even though it was never designed for anything like this. If the massive battlecruiser hit the atmosphere at just the right angle and he fired the main thrusters at just the right time... The vessel could use the atmospheric drag to stabilize itself and with a little push from the main engines, skip across the planet's atmosphere, bringing up the apoapsis just enough to allow the massive vessel to adjust its orbit and escape its fiery death. In theory, at least.

But he was confident it was possible. He could do it. His crew could do it. They were the Eternal Navy, unmatched in skill by any spacers in the history of the galaxy, different from any who came before them. Better than any who came before them. "<Brace for lithobreaking!>" he warned, more alarms blaring throughout the ship, this time warning its occupants to find something to secure themselves onto.

He cast one brief glance at his companion, the beautiful woman beside him, the woman who would soon become his wife. If they made it out of this mess alive.

The massive warship shook and groaned, its hull protesting angrily at the abuse it was subjected to as it slammed into the atmosphere. Immediately, the shields went in the red, then fizzled out, unable to cope with the shock. As the full force of the alien atmosphere slammed into the ship, Tacitus could only hope that the shields held for long enough. Otherwise, this was going to be a very short maneuver.

Heated by friction with the decelerating battlecruiser, the atmosphere lit up like the fires of hell, long, red tendrils of flame angrily hugging the vessel's hull, tearing apart plating, sensors, smashing in viewports on the lower decks and heating them to temperatures hot enough to incinerate flesh. The diagram displaying the various sections of the massive warship immediately turned red, a million alerts popping up on the holographic display as systems failed, overwhelmed by the destructive heat. His hands running over the controls of his console, the Sith Lord worked in silence, beads of cold sweat forming on a brow creased in a frown of intense concentration. In his mind, he counted down...

Three... two... one... now. Now!

With the press of a button, the ship shook as if it struck an asteroid as the battlecruiser's main thrusters fired at full burn, struggling against the planet's deadly grip. The crew stared silently at the numbers displayed at the center of the holographic projection, numbers showing the ship's velocity relative to several points of reference, its altitude and rate of descent. It was a race against time and everyone knew it. The massive battlecruiser couldn't take much more of the punishment the atmosphere was subjecting it to.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the numbers changed. The rate of descent slowed, then halted and the projected periapsis of the ship's trajectory began to rise, higher and faster, putting the vessel on a course away from death. They'd done it! Skipping across the planet's atmosphere like a colossal, metal leaf, the Invictus broke away into space. "<Circularize our orbit as soon as we hit apoapsis,>" Tacitus commanded, releasing the controls back to the ship's navigation officer. "<Give me a status update on the ship and the rest of the fleet. I want to know how long repairs will take,>" he ordered.

"<Sir, our hyperdrive is offline. Engineers are working to fix it, but we lack the necessary parts,>" reported one of the officers. The Sith Lord sighed. So, their ordeal wasn't over just yet. Once again, his mind raced through the possibilities. "<Give me a scan of the planet,>" he demanded and soon enough, the holographic projection lit up with a representation of the alien world, several blinking red icons representing hundreds, perhaps thousands of shipwrecks, all caught by the planet's gravity well throughout the millennia, evidently suffering a less fortunate fate than the Invictus. Hopefully, one of them held the necessary parts, or something that would allow them to jury rig the hyperspace or the long range comms. "<Prepare an expedition to the planet's surface,>" the Sith Lord ordered.

The flagship of the Eternal Empire had survived so far, but the danger was not yet over. Who knew what awaited its crew, down below. And without spare parts, the battlecruiser would be stranded, condemned to drift through space until its supplies ran out. The ship's fate depended on this expedition.

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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
It was at times like this. Aaran mused that his Grandmother was probably right. Becoming a Jedi was a bad decision. And while his life was a great deal more interesting than tending to a farm, as well as more spiritually fulfilling. It also led him to situations like this. Stuck on a jungle world in the middle of the uncharted regions of the Galaxy. His ship badly damaged and currently unable to fly. And worst of all, the frequent rain. Soaking into everything whenever he tried moving about.

Releasing himself from his meditation. Aaran allowed himself to take a moment to breathe. Noticing with some satisfaction that his ship had finally been pulled in from the cliff it had been dangling precariously off ever since he crash landed here. It was a rather nail-biting experience for him. Slowly climbing his way out, worried that any stray or sudden movement would be enough to tip the Freebird over the edge.

But, discipline prevailed. And with a calm and cool head. Aaran found himself perched on the top of the A-24 Sleuth and began to meditate. Beginning a process that took nearly six hours of constant focus. Slowly, but surely dragging the ship onto more stable ground. One inch at a time. Spreading an effort that he could not perform in an instant over a long period of time.

"Oh thank the Force." He breathed out. Climbing back into his ship. He quickly peeled the sodden clothes off his body, doing his best to dry himself with a portable hygine kit. The handheld Sonic Shower was slow compared to the bigger thing. But it did the job for evapourating off the excess water from his body and clothes. "Nap now. Explore later." He grumbled, the exertion of his long meditation session now taking the toll on his body and mind. The Padawan wanted nothing more than sleep at this point.

Almost as an afterthought. He switched on the distress beacon for the Freebird. And, as fortune would have it. A few hours later, while the Padawan was asleep. The Flagship of the Eternal Empire would find itself caught in the same disaster the Padawan's ship had. And from his command center Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe could see it. A distress beacon on the planet that was still fresh and recently activated.

Someone on the planet was alive. And had arrived there recently.
Saabossi made sure to be quick to get to one of the escape pods. Sliding across the ship floor, almost stepped on by crew eager to escape as well. She manages to board one pod, strapping in. Her tail coiled on the floor at where her feet would be, had her had feet.

Saabossi braces as the pod shot off, hiding on. Her rifle at her side, and the occasional rattling of her bladed tail as the pod fell, down down down.
Expedition Team: Marino Squad 1

Location: Sector 5. Unknown.

Rapid deployment was as usual pretty easy, the situation however was bleak. Mythos was sent ahead with his Commenor marinos as they alone were trained and specialized in jungle combat. They were sent on drop pods, each one handling a squad of the elite troopers.

Using what few geographical knowledge they had and seeing the necessity of water, the landing zone was a swamp. The emergency patrol squad were nicknamed "Swamp Squadron" and their mission was to deploy, scout and establish a base down there using whatever technology they could find. Luckily, tagged along the flagship was Mythos' Golden Merchant Fleet. Although in its infancy it also carried all of Mythos' stuff. And among Mythos' stuff were several Swep Speeders for jungle Swamps.

They deployed in special cloaked drop pods in low illumination environment and with several squads mounted their vehicles. In the lead was Mythos on a personalized prototype swep mounted with an XK-40.

"Specter we have made landing, patrol is underway. Dropping drones"

Around the squad Imperial drones would be their eyes and ears behind the fog and crooked trees. The sound of the swep's primitive engine was part of its stealthier qualities. Forming wedges and using high technology systems the Swamp Squadron began mapping out their area in search of anything that could help, friend or foe.

Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
Operative Ashcard has been in his small but practical cabin covered in a mountain of paperwork. One way or another he had ended up as an important member of the Conclave for Tygeria Dragon Armaments and so had spent the majority of his time reviewing report after report but despite his little interest in his new role he carried it out with as much attention as his other duties.

Ashcard had largely ignored the troubled flight of the ship but when the call to get to the escape pods came through he stood up, sending papers flying, gathered all the equipment he still had with him which to displeasure was only his KC-77N sidearm and his comlink. After rushing out of his cabin towards the escape pods he spoke to the panicked crew around him "We must do our duty and serve the Eternal Empire with or without equipment. We may all serve better alive than dead. Proceed to an escape pod now!" and with the few crewmen that calmed down, he directed them into an escape pod before entering it himself and launching it.

As Ashcard saw the ship growing more distant he thought to himself about the difficulties of surviving without the customised equipment he had grown so used to.
A tall man clad in black armor was walking in circle nodding slowly, his head looking at the white interiors of another captain's chamber. His mind evaluating what he witnessed so far of the ship he was in and its inhabitants. Such silence was unsettling for the quite worried former captain of the Andall, a frigate who was reported as "underperforming" during the last campaign.

Captain Jabes was surprised when the imperial command informed him of a coming investigation on his crew aimed to find the issue of such "underperfomances", but he never expected another captain to conduct such task. Then Malleus set foot on his hangar, and after a brief and sharp presentation together with the motivation of the visit the masked man said no more. The inspector remained dead silent as Jabes made his best to show how efficient his crew was while moving from deck to deck. The final part of the tour was his chamber where he also asked what was the final verdict.

"So uhm... Captain Malleus... What you think about our crew? You may convene that there are surely some mistakes of sort in the reports!". The Captain pressed to know the judgement, hoping to find some benevolent spirit from his equal in rank.

"Mistakes" The distorted voice of Malleus echoed, he then stopped walking in circle to look at a little detail over the entrance, the three arrowed symbol fo the Eternal Empire. He then turned to see Jabes.

"Sadly for you, captain, the empire is not prone to err." The black visor coldly stared the man "I've felt great confusion in the mind of the pilot while she was setting the hyperspace jump. She took one minute while mine takes twenty seconds at maximum!". The last words revealed the rising anger of Malleus as he expressed the crew's incompetence, Jabes tried to reply but he was stopped as Malleus continued to speak "And not only that. The lack of composure and discipline of your subordinates while I was hearing your ostentatious ways to cover their errors , made me...". He cut the phrase at the end, his visor now vaguely looking at the ceiling as a dangerous thrill in the force warned him of something coming. He then abruptly turned and left the room without a single word.

The Captain remained completely stunned and alone in his cabin for a moment, his mind completely wrapped by the fear to see his career crumble in to pieces. Then a loud and heavy shacking of the ship followed by the turning off of the electronic components made him come back to his senses. Hastely he went for the command deck.

Even if illuminated only by the fleeble reddish lights of the emergency system, the figure of Malleus was still visible to a certain extent and the captain realized his presence only a few meters from him. They were both aiming for the same direction, hoping that his collegue knew better the captain asked "What is the meaning of this?". Malleus didn't answered as the bridge doors opened, revealing the crew in chaos.

The second in command was trying to order an escaping maneuver but the panic was stronger than their will. The man in charge turned back to see the two captains walking in " Sir! Our ship has entered in the gravity attraction of a planet! Its strength is to much for our thrusters! ". The broken voice and the expression of the vice-captain fully transpared pure fear. "Order the evacuation immediatly!" Jabe hastely ordered. The second in comand turned back to the pannels and executed.

Then everyone run to escape, even the captain turned to do so but something stronger than him hold him still. Malleus too remained where he was, looking at the transparensteel windows who showed the growing shape of a planet, but differently from the other captain he did it on his own will. Everyone flee from the room not caring of the two officers, such was the fear blinding them. Jabe was sweating cold as he saw all the crew leaving him for the escape pods, his head slowly turned to see Malleus.

" You will witness the fruits of your incompetence. Captain. " The man clad in black then walked away. The doors closed behind him followed by the sound of a presumably lightsaber smashing the controls, making it impossible for Jabe to escape. Only then the enigmatic force who held him, vanished, so he could die together with his ship, like every captain should.


ATTN: Open​
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"Hmm... another one. It's been a while." Amidst a break in the seemingly endless canopy that covered the majority of the planet, Roman watched as the beast of metal and fire broke through the clouds. It wasn't an unfamiliar site; in his years on the world, he'd seen dozens, if not hundreds of ships, all of different sizes, crash down from the skies. On the rare occasion they fell close enough for him to journey near it, the occupants had either succumbed on landfall, or to the nature of the planet. Something was off about this vessel, though.

It carried a dark aura with it, a coldness and evil that seeped to be able to sap the warmth from the surroundings, even at this distance. The Dark Side was an unmistakable presence, especially on a world such as this one, where the natural order ruled unfettered by the tugs of mass sentience. It was peaceful, in it's way. But now that peace had been disturbed, for reasons only the Force could understand. In the background a tea kettle would begin to whistle, leading the old warrior to rise for his seat, and off set it to the side, staring into the brownish liquid that was contained by it.

"And here I thought I'd be able to die peacefully and alone." He said to himself, as he sipped from a cup. He feel the mini-quake as the ship met the ground, the shaking subsiding shortly afterwards. "So much for that." He finally stated, before grabbing his cloak and venturing out from his dwelling, a overturned freighter that'd long since been overtaken by grass and foliage.

ATTN: Open
Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found
Na'an's ears wouldn't stop ringing.

In the moments immediately after the Invictus was suddenly, violently pulled out of hyperspace, she'd thought it entirely normal. Vidalu Na'an's sudden new...visibility with the Emperor had placed her on the battlecruiser's bridge during this jump. Whether this was so he could make use of her in the next step of his conquest, or purely to please his future bride, she couldn't be certain. She'd been standing as a guard at the back of the deck, hating the armor she'd forced herself into, distracted by thoughts of Bakuran dead still spinning darkly just behind her eye, when the anomaly hit. She'd had only a moment to see that they were on a collision course with a planet before the momentum pitched her head-first into a nav console.

Leigh, bless her, had been on her in seconds, even before the Empress Apparent had had a chance to cry out. The damage was minimal, the droid had declared--her partner's thick skull had done more damage to the navscreen than it had done to her--and in minutes she'd left Na'an behind with the Empress to 'attend to other systems'. That was Leigh's MO these days: tinkering around in the background, using her perceived status as Na'an's property as an excuse to examine any number of electronics and do gods-knew what in the name of 'repairs'. If Na'an wasn't in any immediate danger, the pretense was priority number one...which meant that Na'an hadn't hurt anything worse than her already-cracked dignity.

So why, half an hour later, were her ears still ringing?

Or perhaps ringing was not entirely accurate. Na'an shook her head slightly, as if trying to dispel the noise, before her eye drifted back across the bridge to the too-close horizon outside. The sound in the back of her skull was slow and rhythmic, syncopated like a drum off in the middle distance, the kind of sound that seemed to get louder whenever she let herself focus on it. Not that it was unpleasant; if anything, it was better than listening to the chaos of the real bridge officers and technicians all trying to salvage the few sensors that hadn't been completely fried. Fortunately, her proximity to the Empress seemed to leave her free to ignore said chaos in favor of...well, of inspecting the planet below.

Or was it a planetoid? It was pretty small, smaller than most full planets Na'an had seen. Either way, it didn't look to be inhabited. Without any cities or man-made structures visible to break up the landscape, even the curve of the planet seemed to blend into itself, blur into a thousand mottled shades of green interrupted only by the deep blue veins of rivers. Watching it from orbit, Na'an couldn't see the jungle that had to be making such a color, but she could imagine it.
Thick treetop canopies, the sunlight filtering through leaves as big as her own head--trunks soft with thick velvety moss, the kind that blend the roots and the ground together into one continuous carpet of green--nests of vines thick with white and red and purple flowers--the harsh call of some brightly-feathered bird sunning itself at the top of the canopy, its plumage glittering as it catches the light--darkly-plated mushrooms peeking out from every crevice of a decomposing log, their bases alive with beetles--the vague green film at the edge of a pool, safe from the turbulent waters of the falls at the far end--everywhere green, green, green--even the air smelled somehow organic, like old tea, warm and humid and thick as blood in a beating heart--

A sudden piercing whistle brought Na'an back to reality with a start. She sucked in a breath that smelled like smoking electronics, only just now aware that she'd been holding it for at least a minute. She looked around for the source of the whistle, feeling vaguely off-balance. What was she doing here, again?

"Did-" she said uncertainly, not even to anyone in particular. "Did anyone--"

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“Are you quite alright, Na’an?” Stepping into her line of vision, Vyra lightly grasped her old friend’s arm as much to help steady her as to show concern, though she removed her hand after only a few moments. She ducked her head a bit, peering into Na’an’s single grey eye, still so full of starlight and valor. Time had not dulled its shine, though there was no warmth in its depths anymore. Not for Vyra.

The queen understood. It stung, but she understood.

She frowned, worry knitting her brow. “You look disoriented. …Or distracted. Shall I fetch Dr. Bastiel before we prepare? That was quite a tumble, is that blood?? she probed, reaching out to wipe at the woman’s forehead with her sleeve before she knew what she was doing.

The bridge of the
Invictus buzzed around them in organized chaos. Though their situation was dire, the fear of earlier had drained away, now a simple uneasiness in its place as everyone hurried about their own tasks. Some of the crew still cast glances of barely concealed awe at their Emperor, though discipline wouldn’t allow for any whispering among each other about what had just transpired. Everyone knew the Sith Lord’s quick thinking and masterful command were the only reasons they were still alive.

Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found
Na'an froze momentarily at the touch of Vyra's fingers to her face. As if on instinct, she found herself sharply aware of the voices of the people nearby, murmuring about gods knew what. She couldn't see Tacitus, though, from this angle--couldn't tell if he was watching. Had he heard the whistle? Had he seen her get....lost, like that? At the thought of the Emperor's eyes on her, on his bride's attentions to her, the sound in her ears seemed to recede, leaving her feeling oddly more adrift than before.

"It-it's nothing," she said uneasily. She reached up to catch Vyra's hand in hers, pulling them away from her forehead. There was, sure enough, a smear of red on her thumb where the blood had soaked through her sleeve.

"Scalp nicks always look nastier than they are," she continued, forcing a smile. "Even tiny ones bleed like a mother. Although I probably should see Healer make it stop. So I don't stain my uniform. Right."

Healer Bastiel. Adelle. Doc. Yes. That was good. Leigh was smart enough to not misdiagnose an injury. But suddenly the idea of getting Doc's second opinion had never been so appealing...almost as much so as the broad green curve of the horizon even now pulling at the corner of Na'an's eye.

"Do you know where they put her for this jump? She wasn't sent planetside with the first team, was she?"

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Khorde's first glimpses of consciousness were filled with nondescript shapes and figures hovering over him, speaking in muffled tones and voices. The glare from their lights irritated his eyes as they struggled to adjust, his eyelids fluttering rapidly like the wings of a hummingbird. "$*@(#.... sir? Captain Drago?" The muffles became sharper, shifting into the familiar words of High Nelvaanian. "Sir, are you alright?" His shapes coalesced into the figure of a Wolfguard, a welp by the name of Fjord. As the daze drifted away, his memories began to solidify. He'd been in the midst of patrolling with the boy, letting him grow accustomed to the layout and routes of the ship, when the crash happened. He'd been without his helmet, a habit he'd picked up years ago, when in the midst of the unfolding chaos he'd been thrown into a wall. His hand drifted upwards, towards his head, and when he pulled it back, he saw the crimson of his own blood coating his armored hand.

"Where... are we? Were we attacked?" He questioned. "No, Captain. All reports are saying it was a hyperspace anomaly. It shunted the fleet into subspace, and we the Emperor guided us down to an unknown world." Fjord gripped Khorde's hand and lifted him from the ground, causing a brief stir of stars to blanket his vision. Once he recovered, he was able to take in a full view of his surroundings. Steam whistled from nearby pressure pipes, while electrical panels sparked from disrupted connections. "Come." He began walking down the hallway in a quick pace, bypassing soldiers, engineers, and other crew who scrambled to carry out their assigned roles in the aftermath of the emergency. "Captain, you need medical attention."

"A scratch and a light tap is hardly cause for a stop at the medical bay, welp. Besides, we need to check in on the Emperor and his entourage's condition immediately."

The pair managed to find a working turbolift to carry them towards the command deck, emerging in the midst Vyra Silara Vyra Silara and Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an 's conversation. An ever so slight crease emerged on his lips as he scoffed upon passing the two, hearing Na'an's comment about her similar injury to his. "A doctor would not be sent among the first waves in a situation like this. They would be retained among the ship crew, to assist in casualty handling." He answered her, in his harsh accent of Basic. A glance over of the Empress-to-be showed that she seemed relatively unharmed, which was good. He and Fjord moved on past them, towards the Emperor, both saluting in unison.

"Lord. It is good to see you and company in good health. I've seen deployment of squads are already in the process. With your command, I will made plans for the establishment of an immediate perimeter around our location."

ATTN: Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
The Unknown Regions had never been a place to be traversed lightly. It required a certain level of determination and grit -- or headstrong stupidity -- to navigate the unforged paths of the chaotic region. Only an inexperienced fool would choose to enter blindly, going where none had gone and returned to tell the tale, especially not on a fleeting whim. But when the tide of the Force pulled her toward the uncharted stars, Sakri knew she would be an even bigger fool to ignore its inexorable calling.

When the hyperspace anomaly plaguing this particular sector made itself known, however, and the alarms began to blare at her freighter's sudden violent entry into realspace dangerously close to a planet.. she did question what the cost of this endeavor would be. There was no time to focus on that, though, as she fought to make sure that the cost of her inevitable crash did not include her own life...

Hours later, a groan and a splitting pain in her temples confirmed that she had avoided said fatal cost. As her senses came back to her, it became clear that her ship, however, had not. Though the cockpit had remained miraculously and relatively intact, the ship itself had torn through a line of trees before streaking over the ground; shards of wreckage and machinery lay scattered around the scarred terrain, and several plumes of smoke were rising from what used to be the ship's engines, some hundred meters away from the next nearest piece of scrap.

Great, she thought to herself as she unstrapped her crash webbing. The sudden release dislodged her enough for a short tumble onto the jagged control panels before her; a quick wince and hiss followed suit, but she quickly resituated herself, finding balance amongst the chaos of her landing. The gold-skinned woman looked around her ruined craft before pulling herself out of the wreckage, brushing herself down and wincing once again as she touched the recent cut from the panel. It would heal quickly, she knew; Firrerreo always did, and she could feel that much of the damage the crash had inflicted on her person had already been resolved during her unconsciousness.

Still, she was in unfamiliar territory, and she knew she needed to be on her guard. Sakri took a deep breath, forcing down another wince, and steadied herself, reaching out her presence into the ever-flowing tide.


Of course there was life here. It was a jungle, that was to be expected. The planet was teeming with life: flora and fauna built for this specific environment, ready to vanish away unprepared travelers. But past that, there was.. more. The currents of the Force flowed with the purpose of other minds, other wills, and it became obvious: of course she was not the only one who had been affected.

She sighed, knowing that this path would lead to an inevitable meeting with one or more of those other wills. The current seemed to follow this pattern, though to what end, she did not yet know. Sakri reached out a hand, calling to the small travel pouch she took with her on all her journeys. A few moments later, it sailed through the air into her waiting palm, and she nodded slightly. After clipping it to her belt alongside her lightsaber, she brushed herself down one last time, making sure her throwing knives were still tucked safely in the folds of her robe and boots. One more sigh left her lips as she stretched herself out further, brushing across the eddies of other presences before beginning her trek forward, trusting only in her wits and the ever-running current...

ATTN: Open
The anomaly had hit like a YT-1300 freighter at ground level. Adelle hadn't had time to catch herself on anything, tumbling around the medbay like a toy doll, before she felt herself float off the floor. The next second her body slammed to the ground as she felt the weight of real gravity and artificial collide before the ship's systems adjusted. Adelle laid on the floor for a bit, as much to catch her breath as to feel out the bruises forming all over her body. She closed her eyes, exhaling deeply, and tried to think through the headache.

When she opened her eyes, the lights were dim. The room felt much smaller, smaller than the Invictus' medbay. Clouds of steam poured from the spout of a well-used kettle. Daylight came from down a hallway. Adelle took a step down the hallway and found herself at the edge of a cliff in the middle of a thick jungle. Water roared as it fell over the edge of a rock face to her right. A Massassi temple, overgrown and covered in vines, rose up from the middle of the lush canopy in front of her.

Adelle blinked. Bright lights of the medbay shone down on her in stark contrast to the warm daylight she had just felt. Light. She had just felt it on the planet. The light side of the Force. After suppressing her own presence for so long, after dwelling among the icy, oily Dark side, she'd almost forgotten what it felt like. Adelle pushed herself up off the floor and used the equipment around her to pull herself up. Her joints and spine protested the movement after the abuse it just suffered but Adelle had to find Na'an. They had to get to that planet.

Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an
The Unknown Regions.

Familiar, unsettling, mysterious and utterly vast. A place that, even for those who were accustomed to their nature and design, often brought about the deaths of thousands in place of the common disease. Like a natural disaster, or something of a similar ilk, the Unknown Regions held the reputation of being one of the most dangerous parts of the known galaxy; and in that very notion they were the least known of it all.

Though he was apt to disagree with that very idea in it's entirety.

Born of Csilla, trained in the Unknown Regions and tested of the galaxies variety of hazards and mysteries Thrael was perhaps the most suited for the scouting of a course from planet to planet. This campaign however, lead by the Emperor Tacitus, was not his to command nor his to plot subjective foray. A notion that left him set with a viable dissatisfaction that would have contested the feelings of a lesser intellectual man or mind. It was that very reason that he had taken it upon himself, in light of warnings to a variety of the Empire's contingent, to create a number of applicable contingencies.

Oft best to be prepared than be caught in a position of weakness unavoidable.

The Thrawn's Legacy was suited for such a task. Built under the pretense of combat and exploration, designed by the Chiss himself, it was a destroyer that stood to contest the very idea of it's predecessor. While he knew that most ships would have had difficulty detecting abnormalities or anomalies mid-jump, he was not one to take such risks as willingly as another with similar domination in mind. He, rather, had decided on a much more indirect approach to the route that the Emperor seemed to have mapped for his fleet.

One that, as a number of his crew began to flood his comms, had brought him directly to what he would likely have anticipated. A disaster brought about by the very dangers the Unknown Regions were known for. Whether it was the lingering gravity fluctuations around the planet Rakata Prime, the solar storms in both various parts of the northern and southwester sectors he had explored in his youth or the inescapable black holes excuse did not deter resolution. Or perhaps it did for those unwilling to confront the challenges brought before them for fear of failure.

He cared little for the ruminations on the subject when far greater aspects craved investigation.

"Bring us out of hyperspace just outside of the anomaly zone, captain," the Chiss uttered in a calm, almost humored, tone as the captain approached his chair above the lower deck of the bridge. He could see in the captain's eyes that he was rattled, that his heart was pounding by the reddish tinge forming within his cheeks and around his jugular. New though this commander was, he could not fault him for his knowledge of tales of the Unknown Regions. "I wish to bring us within comms range of whoever is here but outside of any potential threat pockets."

As he finished and the captain began to make his way down to report the information to the rest of the crew, the Chiss rose from his chair and pressed his hands against the railing before his chair. He knew it would only take a matter of minutes for the ship to drop from hyperspace after detecting and analyzing such anomalies; and in truth he reveled in the idea of witnessing first hand the results of others potential success and blunder for the sake of collective learning. Risks were meant to be taken, to be seen through, but not for the reasons that many would likely have attested to.

Risks granted reward, yes, but risks also presented valuable data from those who survived the negative outcome.

As the bright blue streaks of light began to fade, the Legacy dropping from hyperspace a few clicks from what appeared to be densely pocketed with vegetation, Thrael felt a small smile creep upon his lips as his eyes fell upon what appeared to be a lone ship slinking through orbit. A ship that, to his amusement and lack of surprise, could only have been the Invictus; a matter that only the trained eye could likely have deduced at the distance that the Legacy now held.

"Hail the ship in orbit, captain," the Chiss breathed as he began to make his way down the stairs towards the lower deck, his hands clasped behind his back as he moved towards the viewport to get a better view of the spectacle before them. Without hesitation the captain made footfalls towards the Admiral's side and waved to the comms station nearest them with a hand free of a data recorder. "And relay to me what data you've found on what brought them out of hyperspace here. Anomaly, hazard or happenstance I do not care, simply make it quick as the planet requires a scan as well. I wish to know what's going on down there that has kept our friends here longer than necessary."

His voice trailing, his posture stiffening, Thrael fixated his gaze upon the planet and it's orbiting satelites; including that of the Invictus. What had brought them to such a world? Why had this particular route been chosen for the expansion of the Eternal Empire's dominion? Questions for answers, answers for questions yet little time to fully make short work of the discourse to understand them all.

"Admiral we've locked onto the comms frequency of the ship, it's the Invictus sir!" The captain explained rather hurriedly.

"Yes, captain, I know," the Chiss hissed following a visible recoil of the captain a few steps back. "Open a communication so that I may speak with them."

It took little more than a tilt of his head and a shift of his red eyes before the comm array had been aligned to make contact. First static, then silence and then the soft humming before the chime indicating safe and secure communication.

::Invictus command, this is Admiral Thrael of the Thrawn's Legacy. It would seem we've found you in a bit of a situation.::

Humor was not the intention, nor did any indication of interest in the notion cross the Chiss' face, as crimson eyes peered hard into the unseen.

This was a mystery that demanded unraveling.

- - -

Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe Vyra Silara Vyra Silara
"I can't say I love it down here"

The patrols moved through the foggy swamplands gridsquare by gridsquare. Soon the imperator would have a good eye of their surroundings with the help of the imperial drone scouts. After hours, maybe even a whole day of traveling and scouting several hubs of life were found down there. Deep in the mangles of the swamp, using the trees and twisted bark of the trees were primitives tribes using rudimentary tools.

They made first contact, the curious people were small humanoids with aquatic features, no doubt to help them survive in this inhospitable environment. Imperial scouts and the Marinos were tentative in their decision to approach but before they could two sweps were gone. No screaming, no sounds, no alerts, they were just gone.

On alert and suspecting foul play from the natives Mythos sent out a scouting patrol to the area where the two sweps went missing. To their surprise something was indeed waiting for them, something massive and with tentacles that were the only thing that could be seen from the surface. Without hesitation the beast was surrounded and before long the Eternal Empire's systems would report hostile activity.

"Specter we have company down here. Wildlife. An X Class creature is giving us some trouble. Engaging now."

Mythos switched on to his personal com-link with a flick of his wrist and now spoke in his more casual tone to the Emperor himself.

"I wasnt expecting to go on a Zafari Hunt today old friend. A pelt of scales for you? Or some shining new leather for your wife?" He laughed, began unscrewing the XK-40 from the swep and replacing it with a two ton harpoon launcher with several massive durasteel bolts. This thing was meant to deal with creatures such as these and as screams of horror filled the communication frequencies Mythos hauled himself directly to the thing, harpoon cocked and ready to fire.

"Encircle the damn thing, corner it! Get me a good shot you bantha fodder! If a single more of our teams go down because of a little wildlife issue I'm docking all your pays for a month!"

He jested of course, he was always a bit humorous with his troops in tight situations. They laughed back and began flooding the murky water with plasma, depth charges and thermal detonators with extended timers. It wasnt long before the lake that contained the beast filled with the black taint of it's own blood.

Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios

A loud crash, explosions in all the junctures of the ship as the structure twisted unnaturally on the impact, then nothing more.

Malleus senses awakened not without an intense headache, his body wrapped on the seat belts of a capsule that didn't ejected, it couldn't eject, since it was to late to do so. He knew that, after he smashed the control pannels of the bridge doors he run as fast as he could, following the steps of more greater figures had its costs as he lacked their experience, and so he only catched in time the entrance of a yet untouched capsule and stick in, waiting the inevitable. At least being there was the most secure place of the whole ship.

Though as he still was waking up, his senses may have been stunned but not his peculiar perception of the force, there were many strong presences around the globe all barely percievable as the planet itself was imbued in it.

With some effort the lord untied the belts over his chest and tried to get up. Right after he was on his feet the entirety of the capsule slightly inclined with a sinister metallic sound, his mind rest assured, there was nothing to worry as long as the capsule was inside the launching tube... unless the ship was misplaced?

He didn't want to see if such intuition was correct, not this time. Hastely he reached for the long door of the survival kit's crate located over the seats, as the capsule inclined more and more, he took everything he could on his shoulders then aimed his arm to the capsule closed entrance and with a violent gesture the door screamed and abruptly unhinged. At that point a loud thump signified the imminent detachment of the capsule from the locking systems.

Sprinting like there was no tomorrow towards the exit, he jump right as the capsule started to fall. As Malleus was still hanging on a durasteel cable, he turned to see the metallic vessels free falling to the canopy of a really thick jungle.

Finding a way to get out the frigate wasn't easy, but he had the whole time to do so. It looked like more than a couple of hours passed by after the impact, if something had to crumble it already did. Malleus used such time checking what he got from the crate, instant food and water for maybe a bit more than a couple of days and some bacta spray, then moved around the abandoned corridors to find another bag, one that could countain his mantle, completely useless in the enviroment he was soon going to face.

While looking for it, he found the communications room still intact, the local generator was barely working maybe sending an sos signal to orbit was the last thing it could stand, and that's what he did, hoping some vessels of the main fleet survived.

But now leaving the planet was a secondary objective, a new purpose traced its way in the mind of the lord, if the planet was in the force, that meant something powerful was hidden in it, HE HAD TO FIND IT. With a renewed determination he left the metallic carcass of the frigate and ventured in the jungle, the force being his sole compass to find such power.


ATTN: Open​
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Still going, despite everything.
The jungle closed in around them as they walked, pressing nearer with each step, the thick canopy above darkening the sky, cutting off sight and sound in equal measure. Branches snapped underfoot, each loud crack needling his ears, a dinner bell if ever he'd heard one. Not that it mattered much. The brush was dense, lush in every sense of the word. Under different circumstances he might've even called the place beautiful. His world -a world which rose and fell, and grew twisted and warped with every step- was one of vibrant greens and deep browns. It was punctuated by shafts of light that danced and flickered, slanting down through the leaves sheltering them from the incessant rain that had welcomed them to the planet, and dogged their steps ever since. The light, as minuscule as it was now, helped guide the way at least. To where exactly, he couldn't say. Closer to civilization, maybe? If such a thing existed here, in this lonely, untamed corner of the galaxy.​

The mercenary had his doubts.​

"Anyone's comms working yet?!" Arturo called over his shoulder, reaffirming his grip on the KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle that filled his hands, adding to the burden he carried. His KC-77N was holstered at his side, within easy reach if things went sideways. Not that they were likely to. Surrounded by strange fauna and wildlife, half-hidden in the murk, it was safe to say he looked imposing, though, whether that mattered to the natives and the beasts that roamed these parts was still in question. If push came to shove, his Sk-AR armor would do it's job. It always did. Usually...

A voice sounded from behind, loud and anxious. It snapped him from his musings. "No. Not yet! Maybe if we can get clear of this," Arturo didn't have to turn to know the speaker was gesturing at the canopy above; "we could find a signal, get in touch with any survivors in the area. Hell, maybe if we're lucky enough the fleet's already begun sending down rescue and salvage teams to gather us all up. That's likely, right?"

"If we're lucky enough." Arturo echoed, noting as he walked that the ground was beginning to slope upwards, towards light and life so far as his peeled eyes could tell. He came to a halt, casting a glance backwards at his wayward companions. There were a half dozen of them. The fortunate few. Three of them were fellow Guildsmen, the rest were Empire lackeys; all were strangers chance met in the pod or jungle. There had been more, of course, before the rough landing. Before the minutes and hours that had followed. Some had succumbed to their injuries, others had failed to keep the pace. That was just how it went sometimes. They had neither the supplies to dally nor the time to waste. And as the saying went: You fall behind, you stay behind.


"Looks like you might get your wish sooner than you think, Stenson." Arturo said, hooking a thumb towards the break in the trees that lay ahead. "The ground climbs here. Might lead to a ridge or something. Maybe we'll find that clear signal you mentioned, assuming it exists." The mercenary began to walk again, leading the pack towards salvation.​

If that too existed.​
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“Well.” Vyra nodded in greeting and acknowledgement as the captain passed with his charge, providing an answer for Na’an’s question. “That answers that, then. She’s probably still in medbay.” Smoothing out her traveling gown, she returned Na’an’s tight smile and gestured towards the doors. “Might as well check in with her, no harm in being careful. Come on, slowly now,” she encouraged, heading for the turbolift with a quick glance back into the room, spying Captain Drago engaged in discussion with The Emperor, but she didn’t find who she was looking for.

Where HAD Leigh gotten to?

She’d been hoping to fill their walk with deeper conversation, something they’d had startlingly little of since their abrupt exodus from Elenthaeus, but the corridors were teeming with hustling crew members and repair teams, and the turbolift was packed with people yammering into their comms and tapping away on their tablets. Of course, given her position, she was given a respectfully wide berth as often as possible, which she utilized to keep Na’an from being jostled around by the hectic scene. And so, the things left unsaid between them thickened.

Perhaps there would be time on the planet below? Though, if Adelle were in attendance, that might complicate things. The woman seemed to fiercely dislike her, and she’d had less time to converse with the healer than she’d had with Na’an. Given what had transpired since Relovian, though, Vyra couldn’t say she blamed either of them for their distrust.

This was all hard enough for her, and she was used to shifting political alignments and coexisting with those you despise. All for the greater good, of course.

She could only imagine what they were going through.

They were only another minute or two from the medbay. Vyra paused their stride for a moment next to a viewport, letting a rather large group pass them by. The vibrant green orb outside stood out in the corner of her eye, the splash of color overtaking the greys and blacks of the surroundings inside. A quick glance at Na’an found her once again staring at it. Perhaps the woman just wanted some fresh air, change of scenery, space from the faction she’d been forced to serve, but Vyra felt it was something more. Curiosity took over. “What is it? You’ve been ogling that planet in every window we’ve passed,” she inquired lightly, turning to gaze at it herself, eyes narrowed, trying to find the secret Na’an seemed to see in its depths. She had to admit, the mystery of the place intrigued her, the idea of adventure outside the ships walls was so very appealing. “What do you see there? Or do you just want off this vessel?”

Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found
“What is it? You’ve been ogling that planet in every window we’ve passed,” she inquired lightly, turning to gaze at it herself, eyes narrowed, trying to find the secret Na’an seemed to see in its depths. She had to admit, the mystery of the place intrigued her, the idea of adventure outside the ships walls was so very appealing. “What do you see there? Or do you just want off this vessel?”

Na'an hadn't even been aware that she was staring again. The two of them had stopped at a viewport in the corridor just outside the medbay; from here, even more of the planet could be than from up above, almost the entire curvature of its surface visible . She'd found herself following the veins of blue on the southern hemisphere--the thundering noise of the falls churning the pool, throwing up mist that mingles with the scents of flowers and rotting wood and green green green--when Vyra's voice cut through the fog. She forced herself to look away, half-laughing to cover up the hot flush creeping up the back of her neck at getting caught.

"It's-it's nothing," she said, as much to herself as to the Empress Apparent. To keep herself from getting lost again, she turned on her heel and slapped at the access panel for the medbay. "It's just been a while since I've seen someplace so green. It kinda--"

The medbay door slid open. Inside was Adelle Bastiel, leaning against the auxiliary equipment, unsteady on her feet but with an expression on her face Na'an seemed to know as intimately as if she was looking into a mirror.

"Took me by surprise," Na'an said lamely in response. "Hey, uh, Doc, are you okay?"

She lurched forward, catching the Healer by the arm to steady her. At the touch, the sound in her ears--the sound of roaring water--almost seemed to deepen, a bass rumble loud enough to thrum in the bones of her skull.

"Oh my gods," she found herself almost yelling--not at the Healer in her arms, but back at the still-open door, where the green planet was still so clearly framed. "I'm on it, do you have to be so drukking loud--"

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