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Large Swords?!

So, you want a big blade to fight from dragon(Horseback).

Why not just get a big long lightsaber pike? Horseback combat uses a lance first, and a sword second. A giant sword on the back of an animal could potentially unbalance you and you may fall off, and in the case of a dragon, you might end up clipping a wing.

But a long lightsaber pike like the shadow guard used in the Force Unleashed, well. Lightweight, can shut off the blade part to protect your mount, and gives you a wide range of reach.

Just sayin.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Darth Vitium said:
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
If you are a Gendai and have a natural aptitude for strength, however, then that would make sense. But being a 6'5" Human male (2 m) weighing roughly 160lb (72kg) and trying to hold a buster sword-sized blade with one hand, and maybe even two, let alone using it in a combat situation, is entirely unbelievable and largely illogical and probably impossible. Not without power armor or implants, or maybe force augmentation if you're really good with that.

As a guy who's 6'4 and has never weighed more than 180 pounds in his life, a 6'5 160 pound man needs to gain some serious weight if he plans on being in any sort of combat that doesn't involve shooting people from very long distances, and even then recoil with the slugthrowers so many writers seem fond of is quite a terrible thing in practice. Forget buster swords, using a normal blade that isn't made of plastic will be very difficult for any period of time.


TLDR. Not reading thru.

The Buster Sword is magic or something.... Something like that. Pretty much all of FF follows that principle.

Perhaps Alchemy and Rage?
Nope, if anything, that actually just proved the unwieldy nature of the buster sword and how impossible it is to actually wield. Especially considering the construction out of mostly aluminum, which is 1/3 as dense as steel.


You guys are really overanalyzing fantasy, aren't you? xD
For all we know, it's some rare, ridiculously lightweight metal that doesn't even exist in this world.
Romeo Sin said:
A quote from that video.

"I'm a pretty strong guy, but just carrying that around wrecked my back and arms."

If you watch the video after that you watch actually "use" the sword it's one man holding it by it's handle, another man holding the tip of the blade, and them literally dropping the blade onto objects.
[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

I am 6'8" and I have fought many years with real swords. Katanas are easier, but I have done a fight with a long sword and I am not a brute, just toned. So your logic is flawed.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Hakora Rhapsodos said:
[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

I am 6'8" and I have fought many years with real swords. Katanas are easier, but I have done a fight with a long sword and I am not a brute, just toned. So your logic is flawed.
I never said you needed to be a brute, I'm just saying you can't be a twig, and at 6'5 160 you are a twig.

Hakora Rhapsodos said:
[member="Flint Michigan"]

This video is already in this thread.
Well, yeah. I quoted the person who put it up and said it was proof that a strong person could weild a sword of that size. Then I said "It isn't if you listen to what the man says and you believe weilding a sword is more than picking it up and dropping it very slowly."
In Final Fantasy the SOLDIER class members of ShinRa (Yes, I know what it is, sue me) are genetic experiments that essentially what is the equivalent to sithspawn in that their DNA and genetic code were altered and combined with the genetic material of Jenova, a ridiculously powerful alien deity that destroyed worlds. While still a fraction of the original in terms of ability and power, that fraction was still well over what one would consider "strong". (That, and, well, it was a video game turned into an Anime turned into an anime movie. They also still use magic to enhance their strength.)

[member="Romeo Sin"]
That's 80lb of aluminum. Aluminum is 1/3rd the mass and generally the weight of steel. Add that up and you get 240lb~ of steel (108kg). The average claymore, a rather well-known heavy sword, is between 2 to 4 kg. Considering a Claymore was known to be on the heavier side of large swords, I would say that 50x that weight would be more than enough to warrant it unusable. Especially when what you portrayed was 1/3rd the weight with less than 1/8th the durability of actual steel. Aluminum is the stuff that cans and such are made of (and no, I don't mean coke cans that are 1/20th of an inch thick) and bends quite easily. The only material I could consider lighter and somewhat more durable is Desh-Terenthium alloy, which would likely be more difficult to wield because it would bend even more than the aluminum that was literally bending under its own weight in that video.

[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]
Now that I see the actual weight for the sword I can tell you with certainty that a buster-blade sized/scaled blade would be an impossibility to wield without force augmentation or some ridiculous implants, unless you're something akin to a Gendai - whom would still likely need some augmentation to wield it.
LOL, but lifting and moving quick don't equal up. Lifters can easily lift 400+ but ask them to run around dodge and parry let alone swing that 400+ lbs...they'd laugh at you. Also dope video was super awesome to see (even as a video) a real life buster sword. [member="Romeo Sin"]

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