Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laid to Rest - SJO Kashyyyk Hex Dominion

Location: Charros IV
Objective: Sow Chaos.
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Enemies: [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Samara Galloway"] | [member="Karl J. Winters"] | [member="Jade Whisperwind"] (Jedi on Charros IV)
Posts: [3]

"I'm more than certain that War will soon require your assistance, Death." Lykos' dry drawl would sound across the communication channel. "What with the way he was so eager to forgo any form of stealth and just dive into a confrontation, exposing Sith and Assassin activity planet side." The rolling waves of anger and annoyance would dance around the Zabrak's every word, making his dislike towards the actions that the Red Assassin had chosen to take more than apparent to the two heads of the Sith Assassins that had remained in the call. "But, then, he does provide us with a more than adequate smokescreen, does he not?"

Grunting softly beneath his breath as he realigned his focus, Lykos would began to softly tap the fingers of his cybernetic hand against the armrest of his chair, a habit that he had found himself practicing more and more in recent times. "It is a shame that we can not identify our unknown Jedi, but, that is irrelevant to our current objective. However, if she should move to interfere with one of us, I shall move to intercept if there are no arguments from the both of you?" The sharpness of his voice betrayed the soft lilt at the end of his words, indicating that unless one of his allies had a convincing argument to dissuade him, he would remain fixed to that idea. "Famine, you idea holds more than enough merit to be pursued, as such, until our unknown moves, I shall head towards a rather minor figure among the radicals. I assume that we will be targeting the moderates themselves as we were hired to do so after sowing chaos and riling up the radicals?"

Pushing himself to his feet and exiting the field of the holocommunicator just enough so that his visage would disappear from the call even as his voice would still be able to be picked up and he would still be able to hear anything said, Lykos extended the area that Force Cloak was effecting so that it would also envelope the bed that the bag he had brought with him could be reached. Tearing it open, Lykos withdrew his sniper rifle, a model KTR-197 (also known as a Cruel Whisper Rifle among the Sith Assassins) that he himself had designed, along with a short length of folded limbs of white metal and a series of explosives. The explosives were left on the bed while the mess of white metal was slung over his shoulder and settled against his side by the attached strap. The final weapon, the rifle, was set upon his lap as he set about running through its checks.

"I assume that we are all in agreement as to our chosen direction of action?" His words were, naturally, directed toward the holocommunicator.

Before he could receive any sort of a reply, he looked up from his work as the door to his room swung open slightly and a lithe, feminine figure with black hair tied up into a tight bun, slipped through the crack before closing the door softly behind her and looking around the room with an emotionless facade set upon delicate features. Sparing a moment to direct a quick telepathic message to the woman, to which he received a slight nod before she settle against one of the walls, arms crossed across her stomach as she stood, waiting.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]

[SIZE=11pt]The sight of blood welling up and staining the woman’s cloak, encited Causstik to frenzy. His tongue flicked the air and he tasted more than his own blood this time. His eyes grew bloodshot and he began to snarl. He was going to destroy this woman. Causstik pace became greater and he began to charge at the woman as fast as his ribs would let him. His armor injected him with a pain neutralizer and in a drug induced blood lust Causstik roared. “RARGH!” The voices came to him as his frenzy grew [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Maim, Murder, Kill! Kill the Jedi! Kill them all! [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]They shouted it! He heard nothing other than their glorious call to battle. He would have this Jedi’s head and if she slew him he would live eternal at the Scorekeeper’s side. The two warriors closed the gap between one another and the Jedi gave a quick slice at Causstik's neck. Causstik let the blade connect with phrik plate and the blade left a slight sear along the metal surface. Causstik merely laughed “GRAHAHA!” As the woman stomped on his metal boot Causstik clicked a button on his gauntlet and the gloves sprouted phrik claws once more. Causstik raised his pistol again and fired near point blank at the woman’s chest. Two shots left in the chamber, fired in rapid succession. When the bullets emptied from the weapon Causstik discarded the gun. Tossing it to the side. Causstik thrust his clawed hands forward and attempted to stab the woman in her torso.[/SIZE]
[member="Causstik Rahn"]

Jade was prepared this time for the shatter gun. As he went to fire she flicked two fingers, to crush the barrel of the pistol. It's rounds impacted in the bore, blowing it wide open and the lizard tossed it anyways. The claws at this range were unavoidable. She twisted her torso, and missed one, but the other pierced her flesh. It rent deep, drawing blood, but they lodged between two ribs.

Unless he had super strength to retract, that's where they would stay. Blood spurted from the wound, but the claws held the wounds shut for the most part. If he could retract them, that's when the real bleeding would start.

The turn of events proved fruitful for her. As her hook landed she pressed down hard, with all her weight. It would destroy his posture, pressing his head down hard and fast. Where the head goes, the body goes, and it was true with any species. In such a compromised position he would find himself hard pressed to see what he was doing, let alone move with any kind of power.


Jade lifted her knee, and deactivated her saber. Now they were close range. If she was successful in driving his head down and breaking his posture, the next thing he'd see would be her knee, smashing his face in with brutal force...
Jade threw an arm around Causstik as if they were about to dance. Causstik was confused as to what this petite woman was about to do to him so he let it happen. Then she brought Causstik’s face down upon her knee with severe force. Causstik’s arm still stuck in the woman's ribs bent at an odd angle. He was caught completely by surprise. As Causstik righted himself he growled

“You’ll pay for that!” his voice like raking leaves.

Causstik is extremely strong. He is a trandoshan hunter enhanced by Sith magics. It is where his power comes from and why he has voices in his head. They are the call of an unseen Sith manipulating the warchief lizard to do his bidding. So when Causstik's daze faded and he realized his arm was still stuck inside the woman, he decided to rend her to pieces. He dragged the serrated blades along her soft chest. Raking internal organs, breaking bones, and tearing flesh. Then when he had finished dragging the blades from side to side the claws retracted.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]
[member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Karl J. Winters"]
Charros IV

Jade managed to stop his claw from moving too far with a grasp of her hand. He got about an inch of flesh, before she pulled them out and back pedaled. With a quick motion she drew her secret weapon, a holdout DL-44 from a boot holster and fired. She kept firing, right at his face in a bracket pattern as she moved, spurting blood from the multiple wounds.

It was time to bounce, the lizards armor and strength were too much.

She reminded herself she'd have to hit the gym more. Unfortunately Jairdain would be on her own.

Jade snatched up her cloak, gave him one last burst towards the face and took off sprinting.

Her cries echoed through the force, mixed with her pain...

[Duel Exit: OOC: Was fun, GG.]
Location: Kashyyyk
Objective: Laid to rest
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Kaden"] [member="Gabriel Volturi"]
Post: 15/37

With the seventy-five dead terentateks, erm, rancors being stored somewhere else, on one of Kashyyyk's moons, the village would sleep easy while the Wookiees slept, and the watch was being kept on the outer perimeter. Also, with the terentateks not even daring to go there anymore, after a massacre of terentateks that took place at dusk, and the other predators not even daring to go there either, as if the other predators somehow caught wind of the massacre. But from what she knew, she still had to act quickly once dawn rises: the nexus is vulnerable at dawn and then she has to use whatever Force-energy she have in one big blast of Force-light, knowing that computational power isn't an issue at this point. Is there some way to reduce the expenditure of computational power without sacrificing precision? she thought, while keeping at the back of her mind that her computational power was clearly finite. Also, she prepared after a few long hours of sleep, to prepare to return to the beach where she fought so hard to defend the Republic back then, and today to cleanse the dark-sided nexus infesting the city, even when its alignment operator expectation value is in the whereabouts of -0.75.

"The moment to purge the darkness from the nexus is soon at hand"

"You always seem to have the whole business of expectation value and alignment operator on your mind, master" another padawan told her, while having been busy all night clearing the waters around Kachirho from those dead poisonous rancor bodies.

Post: 3/37
Objective: SSJ Contract
Location: Togoria

The Anzat arrived at the place where the contract would be signed, Krayzen knowing full well that all he needed was a signature from him, and the buyer to make the contract official. Never in his life would he have thought that he would be signing a contract with the enemy his family had fought for generations, the Jedi. Times were changing however, and the Sith Knight had to keep up with this changes.

When he arrived, he immediately entered the building, a place where local officials, and other business met. He went to the specific room, the former Sith Knight looking around as others noticed him, wondering who he was, as he could tell via their own body language.

Krayzen then entered. Afte entering, he bowed down to the official in respect.

"Shall we begin."
Location : Togoria
Objective : Company Expansion / Contract
Post : [ 3 ]

Negotiations were taking place between the construction manager and a local tribal council. Salacia would do the work under the banner of the Jedi government, bill them and get reimbursed for a portion of expenses.What was more or less at stake would be the ability to expand deeper into the area. Premise was simple, convincing the locals otherwise had been a bit more difficult. Hammering out and communications back to various Salacia higher ups left a fairly decent agreement.

Fifteen percent of profits went back to the two villages. Locals would be trained and employed to run the biofuel 'farm'. A win-win situation, given the swamp covered a large patch of land with perfect growing conditions.
Location: Togoria
Objective: Humanitarian Aid
Post #: 9/12 (Sponsorship)

Uma lifted her head, glassy eyes inspecting the two women. They were not Togorian—smaller, humanoid in appearance with vibrant pink skin. “Oh, such lovely girls.” She croaked, voice cracking from how parched she was. Uhor hurried out of the room to fetch his wife a glass of water, returning quickly and handing it to the aging Togorian woman. She took a few large mouthfuls while Fiona looked on and made another note on her datapad.

“Are you nurses?” She asked, shaky hand reaching out to place the glass on the nightstand. Uhor quickly and gently took it from her, placing it down with a more steady hand.

“Yes. Sort of.” Violetta smiled. “We’re medics. Your husband asked us to come here and examine you. Tell me how this started? When did you start feeling ill?”

Uma paused for a moment, thinking back to how she fell ill. “Early last week, I noticed that I had to sit down more often because I was getting so tired doing the housework. Maybe a few nights ago, my throat hurt and I had night sweats. I’ve had this terrible fever ever since, but you caught me at a good time. It’s not too bad right now.” She chuckled weakly, head lowering back onto the pillow.

“So your fever comes and goes in waves?” Violetta asked.

Uma thought for another moment. “No, it gets better then worse again. It doesn’t go away.”

Violetta nodded, glancing over to her partner. “Fiona, make a note that her fever cycles.”
Location: Charros IV
Objective: War
Allies: [member="Darth Lykos"] ; [member="Darth Abyss"] ; [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Enemies: Jedi [member="Jairdain"] ; [member="Samara Galloway"] [member="Jade Whisperwind"] [member="Karl J. Winters"]

Once again the Sith glanced between the two. As they spoke, he would reload the gun he had. No, he wasn't paying too much attention to what Jairdain was saying, but he did answer. "Dunno. Gettin paid big to bring you in, and that's all that matters to me." Whether or not they could sense his power in the Force he was determined to be nothing more than a bounty hunter to them. Once the gun was reloaded he'd turn the barrel to the blind one. With rapid shots he would fire at her, but he wasn't aiming to kill her. No, the shots were meant to drag her Jedi partner in, to take the shots for her.

These bullets, this gun, they were all meant to overpower the guard of a Jedi. It was not like deflecting a blaster. The Force behind it was enough to unsettle even the mightest Jedi, and the massive slugs could still be molten metal to splatter the wielder. His plan now was to force the only capable fighter into a corner and force them down and out of the way.
Post: 6
Allies: [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Jade Whisperwind"]
Enemies: [member="Krest"] | [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Location: Charros IV
Objective: Save Her

His eyes steadied as he calmed himself down taking a deep breath and staring at the Sith as he prepared himself for another trick or attack. Standing theer he heard Jairdain try to reason with him, but he gave a throwaway comment about being a bounty hunter, he could believe this about the Trandoisan but this man had a certain presence emitting from him that made it hard for him to believe that. He would talk another deep breath doing his best to remain the clam that he had achieved.

Before he knew it the man had shot again unleashing on Jairdain. Almost without thinking he sent a quick push of the force at Jairdain and pushed her out of the bullets path so that she didn't get hit by them, and neither did him. He knew by his connection with Jair that had been disconnected that getting hit with them would not be good for a Jedi, causing their powers and sense with the force be nulled for a time being. His eyes focused back on Krest as he stood there swinging his sword hearing the gentle woosh as he stopped the swinging and pointed it at him, in pure silence.
Location: Togoria
Objective: Humanitarian Aid
Post #: 10/12 (Sponsorship)

Overall, Uma’s symptoms were not too serious—while Violetta and Fiona did not seem worried, it was likely due to their training. They were taught to be compassionate and gentle, yet inquisitive, thorough and professional. Their natural empathy made them emotional creatures, but they had to be taught how to suppress outbursts and deal with emotional overload.

So far, they’d been doing well. Uhor was still on edge, looking nervously between the Zeltrons and his wife. He stiffened a bit as Fiona turned to face him, looking up from her datapad. “Has her condition been worsening? Or has she been stable over the past few days.”

“She’s ah, no, it’s been the same for the better part of the week.” He nodded. “Is…is she going to be alright?”

“Oh for Togoria’s sake Uhor, I’m not dying!” Uma clicked her tongue, chuckling dryly after.

“Glad to see you’re still in good spirits, Uma.” Violetta couldn’t help but laugh a little at the Togorian woman’s sass. “On a more clinical note, it looks like you may have Cathor Fever. The symptoms are fairly nonspecific, but you don’t get better without treatment.”

She extended a hand backwards for Fiona to hand her a small device fitted with a mouth piece at the front. “We’ll need to be sure before we treat you. This machine will help us confirm a diagnosis. Please breathe into it here.” A piece of throw-away flimsi covered the mouthpiece for sterility’s sake. As the Zeltron held the device out.
Location: Charros IV
Allies: [member="Karl J. Winters"]
Enemies: [member="Krest"]
Objective: Stay alive

Being separated from the Force was new to Jairdain, while she had hearing and touch, her reliance on the Force to see was very clear to her now. She felt vulnerable and almost helpless. In one perspective she was since without the Force, she was mundane. Anything on the ground in front of her would cause her trip and relying on the memory of a quick glance would be faulty.

When the shots were fired at them both and her connection lost, she had no idea if Karl had blocked the attack sent his way. That question was answered very quickly, but not in a way she expected.

A shove through the Force sent her almost toppling head over heals. The uneven ground in front of her caught a foot and she went sprawling to her stomach. With a grunt, she pushed herself to her feet and stood separated from Karl. She didn't know what direction she had been sent in, but took a moment to listen to the sounds around her.

Turning in the direction of the commotion caused by the fire at the front of the building, she hoped she was facing the masked shooter.

"Stop shooting."

Even if she didn't have the Force, Karl should still feel her emotional state since that was not related to her Force ability. In it he would feel that she felt helpless and scared at her condition. Fear at the situation and its potential outcomes. Confusion at why it was even happening. Outwardly though, she maintained a determined look and appeared strong.

"Let him live without injury and I surrender. You can claim your credits."

Before he had shot her with that dart, Jairdain had known he could use the Force. That didn't really matter now though, what mattered was both her and Karl getting out of this alive. Alive, Karl could alert the Jedi she had been taken captive...again and this time maybe they would come in search of her.

[member="Karl J. Winters"] [member="Krest"]
Location: Togoria
Objective: Humanitarian Aid
Post #: 11/12 (Sponsorship)

After an extended breath into the diagnostic machine, they had confirmed that Uma had Cathor Fever.

“It’s a pain in the butt.” Fiona mentioned as she prepped a needle. “It doesn’t kill you, but it hangs around and makes you feel miserable until you start treating it. Gentle now, okay? It’s going to go into your arm.”

They had to shave a little patch of fur from the Togorian’s arm for the injection to be administered properly. After inserting the needle, Fiona depressed the plunger slowly.

“This’ll help get things started, but you need to take these pills for two weeks. Even if you’re feeling better, still take them because the infection might not be completely gone and you’ll be back at square one.” Violetta produced a bottle of pills from the bag she’d been carrying after some searching, handing them over to Uhor. “Make sure.” She emphasized, tone stern but polite. “ She should be feeling better soon, the injection works quickly. Take the pills at meal time. If she doesn’t, they might make her sick.”

“Yes, yes of course.” Uhor received the pills and looked at the bottle, unable to discern much of the scientific writing on it. He looked like he was about to ask another question when the door to their home opened and the sound of heavy footsteps walked past the threshold.

“Dad! Mom! I’m back, I—“

A Togorian male appeared around the corner, younger and clearly the offspring of Uma and Uhor. He seemed startled at the sight of two pink women tending to his mother.

“Ah, Umar.” Uhor greeted his son. “Welcome home. These nice women are from the Jedi, and they’ve helped your mother.” He nodded his head over to Fiona and Violetta. “Why not thank them?”

Umar didn’t respond just yet, gaze locked on the lavender haired Fiona and jaw slightly agape.
Planet: Trandosha
Objective: Take out guards and kill the lead slaver
Posts: 6/37
Allies: SJO
Enemies: Slavers

So he had assessed the situation and it was going to be tricky, he couldn't just jump into action. He would be shot to pieces without his lightsaber. So he needed to plan it out, firing the gun would make too much noise and the head slaver could run off into the shadows and he would be take so many steps back it was beyond thinking. So he was left with attempting some form of Force power or the slow assassin stealth approach. However, the issue with the slower method was the chance of being and the time frame, at some point the slavers will know something has gone wrong as their shipment hasn't arrived.

With that in mind, Yuroic moved quickly. Leaping from the building he was onto the next, landing straight into cover with a roll. He then used the Force to pull the guard towards him and slammed his elbow into the Duro's face. The alien fell straight out of consciousness. His next target was further away, however, he could reach them with a Force Jump. He moved out of eyesight of the Duro then leaped using the Force to land on the distance building. He then used the Force to push this Duro far away, the cry would be heard but at this stage he simply jumped from the building and landed behind the slavers. He pushed his battle helmet down, feeling the VI spikes retract from his head.

He raised his hands and slammed the two armed slavers into nearby walls hard. He watched them fall into unconscious slumps. He glared at the remaining slaver through his visor. He used the Force and pulled the Trandoshan into his grasp then slammed him against the wall. He growled and watched as the slaver sneered at him. Are you the head of this operation? Tell me the truth! Anger flowed from Yuroic with great ease. His emotions weren't in check, he was too terrified of what could be possibly happening to Jairdain to calm himself.

All the Trandoshan did was laugh at him. This made him angrier and he slammed the alien against the wall even harder. His grip moved to the Trandoshan's throat and he squeezed tightly. I said tell me if you are the one in charge of this slavery ring! Growled Yuroic as he leaned in closer, his eyes darkened as his anger rose.

The alien still offered nothing. Nothing expect choking noises as he attempted to claw himself free from Yuroic's hand. Sadly, it failed and Yuroic's anger proved to great as the alien slumped dead. Yuroic cursed himself, it was the first since joining the Jedi he had killed in anger, possibly the first time ever. He usually killed out of fear or more lately to just survive and took no pleasure from it. He inspected the remains of the alien. One datapad, with a single message, from what Yuroic could tell it came from off-world. As he read it he gave another curse. Hutts were the ones that were funding the operation, the leader wasn't this man but someone was being funded by the Hutts and there was no way he could get information from them. Not now and nothing on the lead slaver. It seemed like he failed but then he reminded himself that he had freed some slaves.

Plus slavers would likely quieten down or refuse to work with this mysterious operator for a while since Jedi were investigating him. That was some relief. However, he kept the datapad, if he ever wanted to explore the lead more then he had what he wanted to start again. For now, he decided all leads were a dead end and he was better off leaving the planet. He needed time away from the slavery and darkness that it was bringing out of him. He also needed to find out the fate of his love, Jairdain.
Location: Kashyyyk
Objective: Laid to rest
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Kaden"] [member="Gabriel Volturi"]
Post: 16/37

"You might not be familiar with quantum mechanics, and I can't fault you for that. Think of the alignment operator as some random-number generator and the expectation value as a measure of how often the darkness, or the light comes out"

While, of course, that explanation was not the best technically, it may have gotten the point across for the padawan: the real random number generator was the wavefunction. In bra-ket notation, it would amount to calculating < w | A | w >, with a wavefunction being (a,b,c) a vector with three real-valued components (even though wavefunctions in general were complex-valued) vector, and A being a matrix with discrete eigenvalues. Now that Jessica finally got down to the three, she positioned herself more or less where the third row of trenches were when the Mandalorians stormed the beaches of Kachirho, so that she could be close to the nexus' core but not so close as to risk the darkness entering her own body in the resulting Force-whiplash. Now, she begins to use some computational power to ensure that the pumping energy was actually purely light-sided, making it so that her brain glows once again in the Force, and pretty strongly at that: it didn't seem to reduce her consumption of computational power a whole lot, but with her nerves being her gain medium, she realizes that, when using Force-light in "beam" mode, the intensity of the beam is proportional to the computational power she has to use, with the intensity of the beam steadily increasing along with her computational power expenditure. And then the beam of light-sided energy emanating from her index finger radiates as a yellow beam, reverberating against the tree's bark as if it was a particle beam, due to the darkness' hold in the area shattering. It's working: I can feel my computational power, that is, the use I make of my brain, cracking the darkness out of the nexus: the reason why it didn't work so well last night was because the light-sided energy was too scattered, she thought, while the expectation value of what used to be a dark-sided Force-nexus kept climbing.

Location: Togoria
Objective: Humanitarian Aid
Post #: 12/12 (Sponsorship)

Umar.” His mother clucked her tongue, clearly feeling well enough to scold her son. “Do not stare. It’s impolite. Introduce yourself to…oh, I’m sorry dears, what were your names again?” She looked sheepishly over to the pair of Zeltrons who were packing up at a decent, yet not rushed pace.

“Violetta and Fiona.” Violetta offered, cracking a small smile, following Umar’s lovestruck gaze over to Fiona who looked to be a mix of slightly uncomfortable and amused.

Umar swallowed. “I’m. I’m a warrior.” He said plainly, looking as if he was having difficulty coming up with words.

Fiona smiled awkwardly, trying to be polite. “Well, that’s…lovely. I’ve heard that Togorians are good soldiers.” She smoothed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

“Yes! That’s right. We’re the best.” Umar puffed out his chest before deflating a bit. “Would you like, uh, could I walk you back to…?”

“We’re not done yet, I’m afraid.” Violetta interjected gently. “We’ve got work to do on Togoria, helping people like your mother.” She paused, watching his face fall. “You can help by showing us to those who need medical attention.”

Umar brightened as his father chuckled in the background. “Of course! There’s an old man a little way’s down whose bum leg is about to fall off.”

Violetta and Fiona exchanged glances before Fiona shrugged. “Sure, sounds like our kind of deal. Right, Vi?”
Location: Flagship in Voss orbit
Objective: Join the group going to Kashyyyk
Allies: SJO [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Enemies: TBD

It had been a long time since Jedi Knight Cambria Zadira had been to Voss and/or worked with the Silver Jedi as a whole. The independent Jedi Guardian as of late had been helping slaves and others to move along the Great River providing them protection in hopes of finding freedom and a better life for themselves. This cause was something dear to the Rutian Twi'lek's heart. If she would not have been noticed by the Jedi Watchman of Ryloth and sent to the Temple on Coruscant at a young age, the exotic beauty would have been sold to the Hutts to become a pleasure slave. Cambria wished that awful fate on no one and did what she could to aid her fellow kind when able to.

Getting clearance, the Jedi Ace landed her starfighter in the flagship's main hangar bay and instructed her R9 unit to do the post-flight, then she exited the craft dressed in her form-fitting black flight suit with a silver hilted lightsaber and shoto slung low off each shapely hip. Cambria followed the occupants of a shuttle, albeit back a bit so not on their heels, that had recently landed aboard the ship - one was a Jedi, possibly a padawan from his youthful look, and a seasoned soldier perhaps one of the Silver's Antarian Rangers. She had worked with these specialized rangers, who served the Jedi, previously on missions though it had been quite some time. This soldier she did not recognize, which probably was the same for her of most.

With the new Grandmaster in front view of her golden eyes, the blue-hued Twi'lek gave a bow of her head and a respectful twitch of her lekku, then offered a greeting when it was acceptable to do so.

"Salutations, Grandmaster Yune... I am Knight Cambria Zadira, here to assist you and the Order however I may," she said; the female's voice bathed in a thick Twi'lek accent that rolled off her tongue almost sensually.
Location: SSV Vánagandr, Voss Orbit
Objective: Kashyyyk
Allies: [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Cambria Zadira"]


Jerit, Valkren, and Cambria would be able to find Arisa within the CIC at the heart of her flagship. Inside the CIC it was quiet, though not from a lack of communication. Dense data streams passed through the neural implants of each Kiribian crewman, including Arisa sitting upon her command chair. The mode of communication was quick and efficient, each cyborg able to pass along complex data sets at rates that weren't possible through speech alone.

However, she would be forced to speak once more as her guests arrived at the CIC. She rose from her seat to address them, first finding the Padawan Jerit bowing then greeting her in a most solemn manner. On a personal level, she would rather not like have other Jedi act so formal toward her, but the respect shown by her junior was still greatly appreciated, so she would respond in kind with a bow of her own.

By contrast, Valkren's greeting was short and sweet, though still respectful. She nodded his way as she stood straight again, eyes now centering on the Twi'lek that addressed her. Not a Silver, but none the less still welcome aboard as a fellow Jedi. Since taking on as Grandmaster, she had noticed more independent Jedi popping up to assist the Silvers. She took as a good sign that new policies she and the Assembly were enacting for a more proactive Silver Order were working.

"Jerit, Colonel, it's always a pleasure. Cambria, I'm glad to have you with us today. It never hurts to have another Jedi around. Will you be joining me on Kashyyyk planetside?"

The expeditionary group she was leading would be working to help the local government of Kashyyyk modernize its orbital defense grid, and also serve as a bulwark against the sometimes belligerent Transdoshans. However, she was traveling with a much more personal mission in mind that ended at Kachirho, to bring peace to the vengeful dead that still remained.
Location: Aboard SSV Vanagandr
Objective: Assist with Kashyyyk mission when arrive
Allies: SJO [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Enemy: TBD

Arisa Yune said:
"Jerit, Colonel, it's always a pleasure. Cambria, I'm glad to have you with us today. It never hurts to have another Jedi around. Will you be joining me on Kashyyyk planetside?"
"It would be my honor to do so," Cambria nodded appreciatively to the Grandmaster, then added. "I am happy to aid the mission on the Wookiee planet however I am needed, Master Yune."

Golden orbs then flicked over to the young Jedi and colonel? Oh yes, now Cambria noticed the soldier's rank bar. "Padawan Jerit is it, and Colonel, I look forward to working with you both. It has been a while since I have had the opportunity to work directly with the Antarian Rangers. They have served side by side with the Jedi well in past. I am sure it is the same presently," the Rutian Twi'lek offered with a small smile.

As they were speaking, the CIC was busy preparing the Silver Jedi Order's flagship for the jump to hyperspace taking them from Voss to Kashyyyk. For some time, Cambria had felt lost or more so loss of true purpose. No matter of mediation had helped either. Being a Jedi wasn't as straightforward as before in this chaotic and multifaceted galaxy they lived in presently. The Guardian Knight was struggling with what it meant to be a Jedi. What it meant to be a lightsider even had become shadowed in recent times more so than ever. The Twi'lek sometimes wondered if she had been born in the wrong time period, but Cambria would as always strive to serve the Light and those who truly needed her assistance the best way she could.

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