Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kad Harang'ir Raged & Nereus Wept (ME Manhunt)

The response from the Infernal was not one I wanted to hear. Yes, there were laws against force usage. Yes, there were limitations being set. I growled deeply through my teeth. Yasha had the force. She and I both knew it. I could feel it in her, and she denied its usage to protect her people. I agreed with that. However, the force itself cannot do anything. It needs a conduit to be used. Much like a gun cannot kill a person without someone picking it up and pulling the trigger. The force was not a weapon. It's a tool that can be used for many great things. In fact, many who learned correctly to use it could function without war, self defense, or otherwise. For this thought alone, I hated both forms of the Mandalore name.

Piloting the speeder as fast as I could, the com systems flared up again with a checkpoint that found her. I shook my head. No. That was not her. She was likely going to be using the force to her advantage. With how long she has been within the personal chambers of the Cadera clan, She would know how to influence minds. She would know how to escape. Secondary too that, The only way a ship could leave the system, was if they left from the outside. Anything moving on the inside was considered hostile by now. Enough had transpired for ships to be landing.

I pushed the speeder to move as fast as it could. The engine whining harder and harder as I pushed it with everything it had. I growled a second time as I so badly wanted to use the force and push it faster. However, The law. That damned law.

"Infernal, You will be the death of me."

A reluctant acceptance of not being able to use the force.

[member="Adara Raxis"], [member="Yasha Cadera"], [member="Juno Kryze"], [member="Cynthia Solus"], [member="Aya Clarke"], [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"], [member="Gaius Cadera"],
The Warfighter
Drez and his team of Fett clones were assigned the task of discovering an evacuation team, which wasn't as easy as thought. For starters, they didn't know the appearance of the evac team, so they just assumed that the evacuation team just wore typical Mandalorian armor. Next, they were only provided with one detail: the ship model. Sure, that could've narrowed down their search perimeters but it could go either way. They needed to apprehend the right people, or the enemy would know that someone is onto them. Alerting the enemy could be the reason for the mission's failure, but they weren't about to let that happen.

Currently, Drez and his clone trooper team are scouting out the city's hangar's from an apartment building located in a very strategic location. Well, only strategic in terms of this mission's objective at least. They were searching for a Mandalorian Orar Stealth Ship while scouting the surrounding areas, trying to find the most convenient way to get to each hangar with minimal suspicion.

"Alright, so there's more than one of those ships in the hangars I can tell you that." Lex commented as he carefully watched each ship, waiting for any signs of the ship they're looking for.

"That's really helpful." Wooley sarcastically replied.

Drez spotted something by one of those ships, but it wasn't too related to the mission to say the least. "Damn those are fine looking women, don't you say?" One of the ships had a few men and women depart it, but they seemed to have been drunk. "Well, let's hope an orgy didn't take place on that ship." He concluded.

The clone troopers agreed that they were fine looking women, some even passing around dirty jokes, but soon got back on task. 10 minutes passed, but it's felt like hours to them. Watching through macrobinoculars could become a tedious task if nothing's happening, which has been the case for a while.

"Nothing's been happening for a while. Shouldn't we try a different option?" Flak asked, indicating that he has felt bored.

"What option is on your mind then?" Izmar asked as he continued to focus on the ships.

"Maybe we could go down there and let's say study up close?" Flak replied.

"Hold that thought." Ridge said as he held up his left hand. One of the ships' ramps had lowered. He zoomed in on what he could see from the interior, and spotted what seemed to be an object that could hold human bodies. "That ship over there, by the corner of the 2nd hangar from the left."

Drez immediately refocused the view of his macrobinoculars to wherever Ridge had said. Looking through the ramp's opening, he could see a medical bed with what seemed to be a pair of legs. "That could be our ship, but we need to get a closer look." Drez then stood up and packed up his equipment. "Only 3 of you can come with me. We'll need eyes on the perimeter from here."

"You can't ever go wrong with aerial cover." Ghost said as he loaded a sniper rifle.

"I'll go with you then." Kano nodded, as Izmar and Flak also offered to join Drez.

"Alright, it's settled then." Drez said as he proceeded to head towards the apartment's door. They were going to have to come up with a plan quickly on their way there now.
The ticking of time. The incessant tapping. The unrelenting tempo. The inevitable count. It was merciless in it's march. None were immune to it. Not even a man born in a time not yet come.

The tide flowed onward, every wave a cresendo of a moment that had passed never to exist again in the present. A heartbeat that echoed out, the pulse gone even as the next swell rolled forward. Time was a prescious commodity that all paid, and none grasped the fleeting reality that each individual had a finite amount to pay into the next tick of time that measured their meager existence.

The man knelt in the sands of Manda'yaim feeling the countless grains shifting beneath his knees. A hand reached down, a claw that raked through the loose firmament of the planet, to raise to the level of his eyes, sand cascading through splayed fingers. The granules cascaded through his fingers, reminiscent of a devilish hourglass that fiendishly allowed the time to spray away in a stream one could not stem no matter if the man were to clench his fist.

The sands of time would not be staunched.

His hand, now emptied of the sand, drifted down as his arm hung loosely at his side. The metaphor that echoed in his mind was not lost in his personal journey. Time was beating away, chipping away what remained of his present. Soon his time would be spent as the sand that had escaped his hand to fall back to mingle upon the earth, indistinguishable from the rest.

So it would be for him, soon.

But not just yet.

Wearily he struggled to his feet and swayed as the light breeze ruffled the dark hair that drifted across his fevered brow. Obsidian tracks flowed from the corners of his cobalt eyes down across his face to stain the chest of his white tunic, the substance reflecting an oiled shimmer from the light that struck it's path.

A harsh cough wracked his chest as a wheeze escaped dark stained lips. Lips twisted into a visage of wry, ironic humor. It would seem the place of his death would be where his father experienced rebirth. Morbid irony that was not lost on the young man. His body shuddered from the sickness that was expediting his time among the living with every forsaken beat of his heart.

Every tick of time kept by the irregular beat of his blackened heart.

Shuddering slightly once again, he placed one foot in front of another in grim determination as he made way to Sundari just ahead.
He stepped off the speeder and was greeted by several hooded men, their hands clasped together greedily as they spoke. "You must be the new envoy from the Mand'alor," one rasped. "She has not sent for us in many days."

"Began to worry, we had," another hissed. "Business with the Mando'ade, very lucrative," they all nodded and intoned as one sinister voice, "lucrative."

"...yeah," Alkor replied in his standard mechanical voice. "New envoy. I think that fits just fine." He tilted his head and his HUD painted the group in a red outline, reading their vitals and scanning for signs of weapons on them. Knives mostly, and his precursory scans were picking up traces of nightshade and Mandrake. Simple poisons, yet deadly when concentrated.

"Sent you with payment, she did?" asked the final specter, leaning forward inquisitively. "Many new products, we have." They all agreed once more, "many."

"Yes, I've come with your payment," he told them. "But first, show me what you've been working on."

They looked among themselves, apprehensive at first before they nodded in agreement. "This way," the first of them gestured for Alkor to follow. "This way."
“I must follow the law set before us, @Atheus. Trust me, it’s bloody inconvenient from where I’m standing, watching my daughter choke for air.” Yasha growled, for the first time ready to admit that there were times those with powers could be useful. Necessary. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad after all. Still, she was bound by the will of the people, and their majority vote for the holding of the law was sacred.

“Show me her... no. That’s not Aiya.” Yasha growled from the Commander’s buy’ce. The Commander shook his head and waved [member="Aya Clarke"] off.

“Not her. Says Aiya’s black hair, if she hasn’t disguised herself by now. Sorry, Ser. We had to be careful. There’s a child-killer… sorry, new information… the kid’s not dead. Clinging to it, if you ask… your name was one letter off. Stardust, Ma’am! Any leads? Wait... new information.

She’s been spotted!!” The commander whistled and pointed as swoop bikes and a bes’uliik veered through the air.

“Move out!” Of the others, there was a swoop bike left, should [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] and Aya wish to follow.
[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aya Clarke"]

my apologies ser, as the commander said weve quite a situation and tensions are high as can be....

Stopping stardust cursed...must've been a stray feeling yet it annoyed her to know ends that they had no idea where this woman was...then again they better be glad she didnt k ow ofthe she would've already beaten her to death. Sighing she cleared her mind and centered herself before they flashed open and she looked towards the commander as she nodded and ran for a swoop and looked back to aya

you wanna help? Then get on hurry!

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Aya glanced over at [member="Cynthia Solus"] when she spoke, and gave the simplest answer she could. "An ally and friend." Not much more she could say really, nothing more to be said anyways. The real reason she wasn't concerned however, was the moment the commander claimed she had been spotted. Without a moment's hesitation, she made a dash for the swoop, even as [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] threw a comment back towards her. There was a half smirk on the woman's face, as she shouted back at her. "I'll drive."

Aya was swift to settle into the driver's seat on the swoop, and took only a moment to double check the controls were as she expected. Just like hers back home... She glanced back to make sure her new companion was situated nicely before taking hold of the controls. The woman, deaf but not dead to the force, ought to take it easy while still in the streets, follow carefully behind. So, Aya Clarke, guided by faith, floored it. The swoop screamed to life, as it carried its passengers away at grotesquely high speeds, surprisingly adept at not hitting anything.

Faith was a powerful tool in the hands of the skilled.

[member="Yasha Cadera"]
Runi picked up her hunting rifle and grabbed some tranquilizer rounds, she didn’t have many, so she would have to make the shots count. “Atheus and Gaius I have a rifle loaded with tranquilizer rounds, just give me the targets location and I will snipe her.” She said and slung her rifle over her shoulder and made sure she had her trusty pistols before heading to the cockpit

Runi flew her ship to the Sundari dome and would land on the landing pad to be approached by security. “The city is under lockdown you may not enter.”

“I have orders to help peruse and apprehend the force user by Mandalore herself, you will give me a ride to the target location or scrub toilets for the rest of your life.”

The guard looked at his partner who nodded his head, neither wanted to risk there careers right now. “We have a speeder on the way to transport you as well as a driver.” Runi nodded her head in response.

[member="Atheus"] [member="Gaius Cadera"]
[member="Aya Clarke"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

Cynthia looked at [member="Aya Clarke"] for a moment. "Good enough for me." As she looked at the swoop there was only room for two people to sit comfortably. Although Cynthia had no issue cozening up to Star. "If I am to heavy I can bail and go by jetpack." She said just as the speeder took off. Her hands wrapped tight around stars waist, legs clamping the sides. In reality Cynthia much preferred to be the one driving. The womans driving took nervous passenger to a whole new level. "I'm not squeezing to tight am I Star." She said just as her arms squeezed a little more just as the swoop began to turn.
[member="Aya Clarke"] [member="Cynthia Solus"]

Stardust looked down towards cynthia as she climbed on and chuckled shaking her head lightly, under her helmet she smirked as they shot forward towards where they needed to go tension building as stardust wanted nothing more then to sock aiya righr in the jaw...hopefully restrain herself so she didnt break it al hatll

I'm fine cynthia, I've had worse besides it's actually comfy and relaxing...last thing I need is for my nerves to be shot when I see his...Sith

She said with words with poison and frowned to herself
The Warfighter
The 4 troopers quickly made their way to the hangar containing the shuttle they were about to investigate. Upon reaching the hangar, they hid behind some crates to further investigate the shuttle at a much closer range, hopefully without being caught. All 4 of the troopers muted the microphones in their helmets so that when they speak, the wouldn't be heard by anyone in the hangar. However, they could still communicate using the encrypted communications link they all had in their helmets and by using hand signals.

Kano, utilizing the macrobinoculars, could confirm that the object they saw from the apartment in the shuttle was indeed large enough to hold a full-grown human or humanoid shaped body. "Yeah, that thing seems like it can carry a human alright." He said.

"Alright, we're going to need a plan, but are we going to engage them?" Izmar questioned. He was itching for a fight but didn't want to jeopardize the mission.

There was a brief moment of silence before Drez spoke up. "We need somebody who likes to talk; someone who could run his mouth." Drez said, before glancing at Flak.

Flak knew that once that idea was suggested, he was the one who was going to do the talking. Flak was known for being talkative and always running his mouth at everything, everywhere. He groaned at the thought of waltzing right up to what could potentially be the enemy and risk being blasted away. "You know I don't really feel like dying today." He muttered.

"Don't worry, we'll cover you just in case if it gets ugly." Drez replied in an attempt to encourage him to go on with the mission. "Just run your mouth like you always do, and try to find out what they're doing, who they are, and what they're transporting."

"I can do this, but if I die, I'll be back to haunt you." Flak joked before he crawled out of the hangar. In doing so, he wouldn't give away the other troopers' positions by standing straight up from behind the crates. As soon as he exited the hangar and turned the corner, he stood back up and casually walked back into the hangar towards the shuttle. Hopefully, he wouldn't be gunned down immediately.

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