Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Another Day In Paradise(Complete)(Archive)

Not much had been said or heard from the Jedi Master Kahne Porte as he found himself walking through the Sullust Marketplace in the Capital City of Pinyumb. The Jedi was rather keeping quiet and to himself, unless he felt it absolutely necessary to speak out against those that he held in high regard. Kahne was always like that, and he didn't think that it was ever going to change. Since he return some years ago, he had done what he needed to do within the graces of the Jedi order, helped out when he could and that was the best thing that could happen.

The Galactic Alliance was in a state of victory at the moment, battle with the One Sith ended up rather well for them. Although all victories have their losses, and it was for those that the Jedi Master mourned, being away during the time of the battle...and for that Kahne felt most guilty. It was something that couldn't be helped though everyone had their purpose in life and they were here to do, what they were here to do.

Kahne came at a crossroads in the center of the marketplace, a four way leading into different directions. The Jedi taking the day to rather explore and the like. He hadn't done much of that here since he arrived, sticking more so to the Jedi Temple and off world duties. The Jedi Master chuckled lightly as he glanced towards a vendor that was selling pastries and stimcaf. There was a place to sit nearby and there was a few places available. The Jedi not wearing the traditional garb of the Jedi, but something more in his own style that mimicked that of the Jedi Knights of old, armor and the like.

Kahne took a few steps forward as there was a few people that were ahead of him as he just waited for his turn.

It had been quite a long time since he had any caf, as he thought about it was back when he was in the hospital on Lianna several year ago. Laying in that hospital bed for weeks one end was probably one of the worst times of his life, and before that, the battle that took place was even worse. He rubbed his chin lightly, then placed his hands behind his back as he took a step forward, just two more people ahead of him.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Sullust Marketplace located in Pinyumb; the underground capital city of Sullust
Relaxing off base

Alexandra Russo loved the military, loved the Rogues, but sometimes the seasoned pilot just needed to get away from it all; if only for a few hours to clear her battle weary head and guilt ridden soul. The hype factor had been high ever since the Galactic Alliance's victory at Dulvoyinn against the One Sith. The charity gala held afterwards was a great success, and fun to boot; for some a little too fun from the stories told the next day. The Taanabian had sat with a fellow Rogue and drank a rare bottle of Whyren's Reserve she'd taken from behind the bar. Boy was it ever good, and Alex's mouth watered just thinking about it, but right now what she needed more than anything was something strongly caffeinated to drink and filling to eat to sate her sweet tooth.

Mindlessly the tall brandy-eyed brunette made her way through the crowded marketplace to the vendor that sold the best pastries on Sullust and well the stimcaf wasn't half bad either. Alexandra was dressed in civilian attire consisting of a pair of nicely fitted dark jeans with boots covering her feet as well as a leather bomber jacket that older fighter pilots might have worn with a light colored tank showing underneath. She slipped quietly into the vendor's line behind a dark-haired fella, though Alleycat's lightly floral-scented body lotion might have given her away as it had just been applied before going into the city . His garb would suggest maybe he was a Jedi, but not one of the traditional types. Were there any left? She hadn't met any, though Alleycat really didn't run in their circles much as her life was at the whim of the military these days.

Alexandra peeked around him to see what pastries were still left in the display case, then she flashed the man a smile as to not make it too awkward. "Morning… Just checking out the goods. Gotta get my fix, you know. How about you?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]
The Jedi had his eyes closed for a moment, getting in a more relaxed state of mind while his senses fully aware of what was going on around him. For the most part anyway, Kahne by no means considered himself all powerful, he had his moments. Never once in his life, even when he laying down in that hospital bed did he regret the life that he lived. Did he get discouraged at a point, perhaps. However it never once crossed his mind that he was in the wrong field of work. Kahne opened his eyes as he noted those around him living out their daily lives, one in particular seemed to be catching the glimpse of what was to be sold, she gave him a smile. Kahne glanced her way and he in turn returned her smile with one of his own.

"I definitely know what you mean." Kahne responded with a small chuckle. She seemed familiar, Kahne couldn't quite remember though, since his accident there was a period in time that he forgot who he was, it was a terrible thing to forget who you were. Luckily mostly everything came back to him, after a week or so. There was still some things that had fell between the cracks, but didn't seem to serious at the time. Kahne felt and believe that with the natural course of time that things would return to him, memories and the like.

The person ahead of him thus left the line after receiving what he requested. Kahne moved up a bit, but took the time to extend his hand towards the woman. "Kahne Porte, nice to meet you." He gave her a friendly smile as he glanced back to the vendor and nodded his head. "I'll just have a cup of caf, and uh...." Kahne said, his words lingering for a moment, had he decided what he wanted before he wouldn't be standing her taking so much time up. Then again, this their job, and everyone had all the time in the world correct. Kahne looked back to the girl and chuckled.

"What do you recommend for a pastrie?" Kahne asked of the woman standing there with him.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
There was a look of an unsure familiarity between them in the moment while they exchanged initial smiles, but to be honest Alleycat couldn't place him. The name of [member="Kahne Porte"] did spark something in her slightly hungover brain when he turned to offer it and his hand before moving up in line to order, yet again the Taanabian couldn't figure out where she knew it or him from. Now it was going to bug Alex to no end.

"Alexandra Russo… Nice to meet you too," the brandy-eyed brunette smiled back in a similar fashion, shaking his hand in return, then the pilot listened to him order, or at least try to. Alex bite her lip as he was too cute when flustered by his indecision. A Rogue to the rescue it seemed as the apparent Jedi asked for her recommendation on the sweet treats that presented before them in the display case.

"Well I'd have to say the kesscinnamon roll is my favorite with extra cream cheese frosting of course," Alex grinned with an unabashed shrug, then added. "Though the iced donut with dark matter sprinkles is really good too or the Yowvetch custard-filled donut is not bad, that is if you like that sort of thing," she offered up as a variety of choices to help out the man hopefully in obviously his most important decision of the day. lol

All Alex knew is that she'd have to add an extra couple miles to her run later to burn off the excess calories. But that was okay, everyone needed to spoil themselves every now and then, right?
Kahne smiled as he listened to her recommendations, keeping eye contact with her as that was always important. Save a few small glances towards the pastries that she had pointed out. And in passing when she gave him her name, he liked that name, Alexandra. It simply struck the right cord for him. Kahne nodded his head as he then made a decision finally which seemed like he had been standing in line for quite a while. "I'll take the Kesscinnamon roll, with the caf of course." Kahne looked back to the woman. "Thanks a lot Alexandra."

Kahne stood to the side so that she could move up ahead. "Um, let me uh spot you on this one, least I could do. Otherwise I'd be in line for another 10 minutes and there'd probably be a mob after me then." The Jedi knew full well how some were with their caf and pastries, and it was something completely understandable.The Jedi chuckled lightly, giving her a friendly wink. The Jedi stood at her side while he waited to see what she was going to order before placing the appropriate amount of credits down to the vendor.

It had been a while since Kahne actually had a legitimate genuine chuckle or laugh of this magnitude. With that being said it was good for some friendly interaction, other than the occasional battle and war-cries that he was used to.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
"You're welcome."

As [member="Kahne Porte"] stepped aside after finally placing his order, Alexandra moved forward to the counter. She was just about to give her own when he spoke again, making a self-deprecating joke about how long he took so long to decide. Growing up in a rural area the first image that came into her mind was one of an unruly farmers with pitch forks going after him. It made her pink-hued lips turn into a grin as she giggled to herself.

"Erm That's real nice of you, Kahne. Thank you." Alex replied, flashing an appreciative smile at the Jedi, then looked towards the vendor serving them.

"I'll have the same, please. Four creams in my caf though," the brandy-eyed brunette nodded, then quipped. "What… I'm a farm girl, remember?!" she added with a soft chuckle.

The vendor made up their order quickly and handed it to them. As the two turned away, Alexandra took a test sip of the hot drink. "Mhmm… So would you like to grab a table to eat these? The 'buns are pretty messy and well I don't have to be anywhere at the moment."
"It's not problem at all." Kahne was actually glad he was striking up a casual and friendly conversation with Alexandra. The Jedi chuckled at her farm girl comment and he just smiled and nodded his head. "There isn't anything wrong with that." Kahne giggled lightly as he placed the appropriate amount of credits down and nodded to the vendor. "Thanks a lot." Kahne held his drink in his left hand while the pastrie was in the other, he took a small sip from his cup and let out a small satisfied sigh.

"That's not bad at all." Kahne said with a small smirk. She mentioned grabbing a table and he didn't object at all. "Most definitely, lets." Kahne motioned to one of the tables off near the center as he placed his drink down and pulled the chair back for Alexandra to sit if she wished.

"So Alexandra, when one isn't being a farm girl, what do you do if you don't mind me asking?" The Jedi inquired before he took a small bit of his pastrie, chewing slowly and nodded his head. That's not to bad at all either. It tasted pretty good to be quite honest. Kahne cleared his throat and smiled at Alexandra. "Great recommendation by the way."

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
"Great," Alex smiled, then made her way over to the table he'd suggested.

Alexandra was pleased [member="Kahne Porte"] had accepted her casual invitation to eat their meals together. It was the least she could do as he'd broughten her the caf and pastry in hand that her stomach was calling for. Kahne seemed generally easy to talk with and the man had made her giggle a couple of times so far so why not? It had been a tough couple of weeks. Some good cheer would help to alleviate the stress.

"Thank you," she nodded appreciatively as the chair was pulled out for her, then Alexandra sat down and spread out a napkin upon her lap before breaking off a small piece of the heavily frosted cinnamon roll and enjoying the first bite thoroughly. The pilot followed it down with a sip of caf, then replied to his question.

"I don't mind, and I hoped you'd like it…. I'm a starfighter pilot with the Galactic Alliance actually," Alex smiled, then asked the same question of her new acquaintance. "And you Kahne… Must be something you do to keep out of mischief while enjoying our paradise here?
Kahne's eyebrow raised when she said she was a pilot with the Alliance. Just surprised that turns out they were actually within the same group. He had never bumped into her before, then again he was off and on so it actually made sense. He always held the pilots in high regard, simply because they were good at what they did. The Jedi Master was never a big pilot, he knew how to fly he just didn't like to. Simply because no matter what happened, every time he got into a craft it seemed someone was shooting at him. Kahne smirked as he figured it was just very bad luck on his part. "That's good to know that we are part of the same organization, I'm a Jedi Master for the Alliance." Kahne said with a respectful nod towards her.

"I respect you fliers,I usually tend to stay on the ground during a fight. Bad luck comes my way whenever I get into an aircraft." Kahne smiled as he took a sip of his caf, enjoying the taste of the beverage, it had been to long. He set his cup down on the table as he set his pastrie down, top of a napkin as he chuckled. "Could be I'm just not that great of flier."

Kahne glanced around for a moment as he took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, enjoying moments like these is what kept him going. "I was actually gone for a time, I got back I'd say a little less than a month ago. When you live a life like mine, certain things pull you away sometimes." Kahne chuckled again then smiled. "I was pleased to see how well things were as I returned. This truly is paradise, a caf, pastrie, with beautiful company. Things could be worse..." The Jedi said with a smile and wink her way, it was nice to wind down every once in a while. Kahne didn't get to many moments like these. A Jedi's life was to be a busy one, so to speak.

"How's the life of a pilot in the alliance?" Kahne inquired curiously, reaching for his pastrie and taking a small bite.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
A pleasantly surprised smile graced her lips as Alexandra put her cup of caf down. "Oh my… a Jedi Master no less. I'm very honored then to be sharing breakfast in such high esteem," she said sincerely with a respectful cant of her dark head, then added not mocking him at all. "I'm sure just a few quick pointers perhaps and you'd be a competent flier in no time."

Another bite of the cinnamon roll was taken as she listened to Kahne continue to talk. The brandy-eyed brunette felt heat rise on her cheeks as he called her beautiful company and put it in context of being a part of the paradise factor. Alleycat wiped her mouth, trying to hide the blush.

"About the same as yours I suppose. Usually we're out and about here and there on a mission for the Alliance. This is the longest I've been on Sullust in a long time, and I'm enjoying this moment with you immensely. It's nice to have a bit of normalcy, which is often taken for granted for those who experience it all the time," Alex smiled warmly at her rather handsome dark-haired meal companion, then took another sip of caf as she mused over a thought.

"I'm wondering if maybe we could help each other… I had a Sith try to muck with me while I was flying at the Battle of Dulvoyinn as I'm Force blind. Perhaps I help you feel more comfortable in the cockpit and you could aid me in learning to harden my mind against such attacks, that is if you have time? I know you must be busy with Jedi business."

[member="Kahne Porte"]
"Oh, I'm not so sure about that." Kahne said with smile when she mentioned the bit about a few pointers and he would be a better flyer. Kahne took another small bit of his pastrie, a few seconds passed as he then took a drink of his caf. Kahne couldn't help it as his smile got a little bit bigger, just a little bit. She said she was enjoying this moment with him, and that was pleasing to hear. Just because and he was sure that she could attest to the fact that these moments didn't happen very often, to any member of the Alliance. Things seemed to be so busy and hectic with everything going on. Kahne was happy to have the day free to himself.

Kahne was indeed glad the he opted to come out here and enjoy the city, for as much as he could. Time was always against them, his most valuable currency. He nodded his head when she mentioned she had her mind messed with a bit during a previous battle on Dulvoyinn. The Jedi knew that sometimes being a force user and when a sith attempted to penetrate one's mind it was sometimes difficult then, he could imagine it would have been very difficult for someone who didn't use the force.

"That sounds like a pretty good deal." Kahne said with a smile and a slight nod of his head. "Those sith can be tricky devils, more so than others. I'm glad to see you made it out in one piece." Kahne assumed, considering she was sitting here and was alive. "Luckily my schedule is cleared up for the day." Kahne smirked and took another drink of his caf, then setting it down.

"And trust me Alexandra, the honor is mine."

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Kahne's easy going nature was refreshing, and Alexandra found herself thinking that the Jedi Master and her could probably become friends, if given the chance. The pilot's only buddies right now were those she flew with, which wasn't a bad thing just sometimes being around the cocky, fighter jockey attitude 24/7 got on her nerves. This was a nice break just spending time with someone that wasn't competing with her. Though, Alleycat was a sucker for a good challenge be it for flying stats or other things.

"It wasn't a nice experience… I was able after getting real mad and obstinate to push the horrible thoughts placed there by the Sith from my mind, thus keeping myself from crashing my ship, but I just don't want to become an liability to my squadron or the Galactic Alliance as a whole, you know."

The brandy-eyed brunette popped the last gooey piece of cinnamon roll into her mouth, then followed it down with the caf left in her cup. Normally the Taabanian would lick the goodness off her fingers tips and nearly did that, but she remembered her manners and used the napkin to clean herself up after the delectable treat.

"Just so has it I'm free today as well," Alex smiled, noting the dark-haired Jedi had the kindest blue eyes.

[member="Kahne Porte"]
"I can understand that." The Jedi knew the powers that the sith held could be devastating. Kahne in turn had just a bit left of his own pastrie as he indeed took that last bite and chuckled lightly as he wiped his hands. "I'll definitely be coming back for more of these,especially if the company is as beautiful." The Jedi said with a small smile. "I've seen Jedi Knights falter under the power of a Sith tampering with their mind. Your not, and will not become a liability."

"Besides,I've heard stories about you Rogues." Kahne said with a smirk and wink towards the beautiful brunette, great stories which is why he had faith in her.

"That's a good thing." Kahne said still smiling and nodding his head at Alexandra when she mentioned that she had some free time today as well. "I was hating the fact that I'd have to leave your company so soon." Kahne cleaned his hands with the napkin and wiped his mouth a bit, then finishing the last drink of caf that he had left in the cup.

"Shall we prepare for my disastrous run through the skies, or would you like to go and ready your mind?" Kahne asked curiously, it didn't matter what as long as they were together and having fun.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Alexandra thought for moment, a lopsided grin blossoming on her face, then the long legged pilot pushed back her chair, stood, and grabbed the empty cups and napkins on the table.

"I think we should have some fun first, then do the more serious stuff afterwards. I have a feeling the latter won't be as enjoyable, though I'm sure you'll make the experience the best it can be."

Alleycat was never as happy than when she was soaring amongst the stars. Maybe she was a bird in a previous life as having her feet off the ground and wind in her hair so to speak made her feel the most confident. They seemed opposites in that regard, but didn't opposites attract? She giggled silently at that notion of her and Kahne connecting like magnets, then pushed that thought away. The Taanabian didn't need complicated right now even though loneliness was her constant companion.

With their garbage dropped into the trash receptacle, the brandy-eyed brunette turned back around to face the Jedi Master and flashed him a smile as they gazed at one another pondering what to do next. "So what kind of ship do you usually fly when out and about?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]
The Jedi Master simply nodded his head as he was inclined to agree the beautiful brunette in regards to they should have some fun first. In truth he knew the helping her harden her mind would prove to be a little less fun, as he knew that he would have to be a little invasive in regards to help her shield herself from attacks. While there were some that were not able to resist an attack on the mind, he was sure that Alexandra would do just fine.

The Jedi chuckled lightly as he found himself staring at Alexandra for a few moments before, and then he chuckled again. "Well, I usually fly an x-wing. That's the standard of my piloting these days."

Kahne didn't really pilot anything else outside of this, he had a ship a long time ago but that was lost in the battle at the edge of the Sanctum, he was sure it was all for the best.

"What do you say we get started?" Kahne said with a small smile.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
"I'm always ready for some cockpit action," the brandy-eyed brunette quipped lightly with a soft chuckle, then added. "I mean I love to fly when ever I can so yes, let's get started," she smiled brightly, then motioned for the Jedi Master to follow her to the tram that would take them to the Galactic Alliance's military base under the mountain.

After stepping into the underground people mover, Alexandra placed her hands onto the railing, leaning against it, and waited for the tram to start moving before tilting her dark head towards Kahne, noting he smelled good with a hint of some spicy male scent.

"Did you want to have a go at it full on with me in the simulator, or did you perhaps want to take a trainer out so I can get a feel for how you maneuver with your stick in real time? I can give you pointers either way really," she offered, then realized maybe her suggestions came off a little too bold the way they were presented. It was hard to take the flygirl out of her.

"Those are just some ideas.. How would you learn the best from me?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]
"Lets." Kahne responded easily enough as he followed her to the transport that would take them to their destination. As she leaned against the railing Kahne couldn't help but notice a smooth and seemingly wonderful presence, it was calming to be around her. Granted they were both enjoying a relaxed day, it was rather...nice.

"You know..." Kahne said with a small smirk, as he stood beside her leaning against the railing as she was. "If we weren't training I'd recommend we take a different route with this training." Kahne said as he winked at her before looking ahead for a moment and chuckling lightly.

"However, we can do whatever you feel is best, my fate as a pilot is in your hands. So I'm open for whatever you think would be better and more...exciting." Kahne winked at her.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Two winks within a minute from the man… Boy didn't know Jedi were such the flirt masters, and that could be so arranged, she mused amusingly, then hoped Kahne hadn't picked up on that thought… or did she hope the opposite. Alexandra was having too much fun, and that was something the Rogue hadn't had in a while.

"Well training doesn't always have to be by the book… I do like to think outside of the box from time to time," the brunette winked back. "This is our stop," she added a moment later, then pushed off the railing and exited out the sliding door when it opened at their destination.

There was a long corridor, then a turbolift that took them up to the Alliance's main hangar. As they stepped out, a copper red R-2 unit rolled towards them booping and beeping.

"Hey there, buddy… Who's this? Well I'd like you to meet my friend, Jedi Master Kahne Porte," Alex smiled, motioning with her hand towards the dark-haired man standing next to her as the droid of course was inquiring who was with his charge rather protectively maybe like a big brother would.

"Kahne… This is my astromech droid, Rusty," she added, motioning back as the introduction was finished.

Rusty made a snarky-like whirling noise, which made Alleycat roll her eyes and give him her famous 'Russo Glare'. "Why is your head always in the gutter nowadays? You've been spending way too much time with Baby and Buttercup haven't you… I can fix that, you know. And no, I won't be needing a chaperone today. See you later," Alex said matter of fact like, then slipped her hand around the Jedi's upper arm stubbornly, sticking her tongue out at the dome top over her shoulder, then guided her guest companion towards the docking bay where her X-wing was located with the other snubfighters of Rogue Squadron.

"Sorry about that… It's getting close to the time I need give my R-2 unit a swipe I think," the brandy-eyed brunette said with a chuckling shrug, then flashed Kahne a big grin when they stood before a particular ship.


"Well here she is, my baby. If you want, you can climb in her… She doesn't bite, well maybe just a little."

If Kahne did, he'd find a well-worn holopic of a family of five stuffed into the right corner of the flight console, and in the left side mesh pocket between the pilot couch and fuselage a filmsy book of crossword puzzles with a mechanical-lead stylus clipped to an open page; the puzzle only half done.

[member="Kahne Porte"]
"Unorthodox training is a good thing from time to time, it helps prepare for things outside the spectrum." Kahne said with a smile as the craft came to a stop and they reached their destination. They reached the main hangar and Kahne took a deep breath as he took a look around. Distinct conversation and people discussing things could be heard near and afar as he glanced around.

Just then a droid came upon them and Kahne knelt down slowly as he glanced at the astro droid and Alexandra introduced them. Kahne chuckled lightly as he heard the whistle and beeps and such coming from the droid. Kahne had dealt with many droids in his life, and he had grown very accustomed to understanding what they were say...or implying. "Hello there my friend. Rusty, It's nice to meet you." The Jedi Master nodded his head, thus standing up and glancing over to Alexandra as he she spoke again.

She slipped her hand around his arm and Kahne just shook his head when she apologized for the droid. "No need for apologies, It's nice to see such devotion and care in droid for their master. That tells a lot about that masters character." Kahne said as he nudged Alexandra lightly with his arm in joking yet caring manner.

Kahne glanced at the ship and moved under and around it as she mentioned it. "It's a beautiful baby if I must say so myself." Kahne said with a smirk, while he wasn't a great pilot, he happened to know a bit about ships and such. He was by no means and expert, but he wasn't a novice either.

"I'll check it out, as long as it doesn't mind if I bite back." Kahne chuckled as he climbed up in and took a seat in the cockpit, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. The Jedi glanced around the cockpit and his eyes fell on a picture that he stared at for a few moments. "Is this your family?" Kahne inquired as his gaze still lingered on the picture.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
"I do all the maintenance on her myself, well except when there's major damage or I need an extra set of hands, then I ask the hangar techs to help," Alex said with pride, happy that the Jedi liked her ship.

The brandy-eyed brunette watched as Kahne climbed up the X-wing's attached ladder to the cockpit, then slipped down onto the pilot couch. Alleycat followed suita moment later, but stayed with her feet on the ladder wrung and elbows resting on the side of the cockpit opening. Alexandra followed the Jedi Master's gaze to the holopic.

"Yes… It is. They are my guardian angels when I fly. That's my mom, dad, and two younger brothers, Jacen and Anakin. I'm the one on the left," she pointed, then took a deep breath and let it out quietly. "They were killed in a pirate raid on my homeworld of Taanab when I was twelve. That holo was taken on Feté Eve when I was about seven. We were taking turns reading the story of The Night before Feté… a Russo family tradition. One I hope to continue with, well someday."

Alexandra looked down and away as if she was inspecting something on the port side wing; wiping a lone tear that had slipped down her cheek with her finger nonchalantly as she did. With the emotional evidence gone, the Rogue turned back and flashed a smile at the dark-haired Jedi Master who looked rather good sitting there in her spot.

"So where do you hail from, Kahne? When did you become a Jedi?"

[member="Kahne Porte"]

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