Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jetii delenda est [ Mandalorian Raid of Ossus vs. SJO ]

Location: Mountains, west of Aegis Base
Allies: Guns and Space Magic
Enemies: Firemane, even though they're not in the thread. Silver Jedi.
Worthy Opponent: Probably [member="Sorel Crieff"]

It was a remarkably petty and silly thought, but Enyo liked to think that her template would not have been able to make the ascent. Siobhan Kerrigan was many things, but not that physically strong. Decades of battering ramming had taken their toll, and so she had a bad limp and was extremely reliant on the Force. However, that did not change the fact that her 'sister' was a turbocharged master whose power dwarfed Enyo's by far. The clone had seen the devastation wrought by Kerrigan and [member="Matsu Xiangu"] during their apocalyptic duel. She loathed her sister, and yet could not help feel an inferiority complex whenever she compared herself to her.

Still, she made the ascent, letting these negative emotions drive her. Rather than pushing her down, they gave her incentive. This was just one of many obstacles she would have to surmount. Where implacable machine power did not suffice, she used her grappling spike. Her cybernetic physiology had a number of downsides, but it allowed her to push herself harder without being reliant on ethereal techniques. She moved without pause, as if fixated on a target.

As a matter of fact, that was the case, though she had not pinpointed it yet. Both template and clone were characterised by the same dogged, at times very bloody-minded determination. Perhaps the simple act of climbing the mountain was a metaphor for the journey Enyo still had ahead of her. One sister had reached the peak of her potential, experiencing terrible defeats and epic victories. The other was still at the start of her journey, and yet had to liberate herself from strings she was only beginning to see. Or maybe this writer is putting too much thought into this.

Regardless, she reached a mountain top. No guards were visible, but the sensation she felt remained. As a matter of fact, the Force presence she'd perceived was growing stronger, indicating that they were getting closer. Moving as quietly as she could, the clone sought cover behind some boulders and brought up her Mark One Bolter, looking through the scope. The gun was levelled into the rough direction from where she felt the presence approach, and had explosive bullets chambered. So now the clone lay in wait, hidden behind the natural cover the mountain had provided her.
// Outer Rim Territories \\
Auril Sector, Adega System, Ossus
The 17mm slug, instead of violently cleaving itself through [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]'s flesh, opted to instead bury itself deep in the earth with tremendous force thanks to the timely intervention by [member="Ijaat Mereel"]. The recoil from the monstrous weapon had driven the Sith Lord back into the trunk of the tree he had braced himself up against, the bark buckling under the sudden impact wrought by its firing. He could have recalibrated his sights and trained the weapon back on the Grandmaster, but his discretion was no longer required. He could hear it now, the symphony of war blossoming into full swing as the attack upon the walls of Aegis began in earnest.

He swung both of his legs over the branch he was perched upon and let himself slide off to fall to the ground below where he handed off the mighty weapon to the same individual who had hefted it up to him and made his way to the forest's edge. He emerged from the darkness of the woods at a small uprising of dirt and stone that partially overlooked the expanse that Thurion and Ijaat continued to occupy. There was nothing to conceal his presence from the pair now as the light of Ossus' matching suns bore down upon his baleful armor, casting it in a dismal light that made his already intimidating appearance all the more mystical.

His gaze fell upon Ijaat, "I would leave now if I were you, Mandalorian. The Grandmaster and I have some unfinished business to attend to, and you and I needn't be adversaries."
LOCATION: Jungle, around 1-2km west of Aegis Base
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Now that she was actively trying to spot and sense his weapons, she began to get a sense of just how well-armed he was, how many little lumps were concealed about his person -- and some not so little. Apparently they'd availed him nothing against his attacker. And come to think of it, it didn't look like there'd been much of a fight here. As he pulled himself up, she took another long step back, catching a glimpse of a face grayed by Dark Side corruption, eyes gone yellow. Too much of a change for a mere apprentice, even if he did seem as young as her.

He sure looked like a wreck, though.

He lunged, fast and hard. He wasn't heavy or tall, but still more so than her. His shoulder crashed into her chest and drove her back against a thicket of springy underbrush. Her feet fouled in the plants and she fell with him more or less on top of her legs.

Her first instinct was to curl up, though that wasn't too practical just now, but the motion brought her arms up and in, which is where they needed to be. Her left hand triggered the lightfoil. The silver blade lashed out, aiming to come down across his back from left hip to right shoulder. Her right hand opened, aiming to press the Ankarres Sapphire against the left side of his head by the edge of his fascinating wooden mask. Without active healing, the legendary crystal would simply do what it normally did to Darksiders: burn.
Causstik Rahn's war band marched forward through the dense jungle. The horns of war were sounded AWWOOOO, AWOOOOO and the Trandoshans moved with a fervored grace through their natural terrain. They left no trail despite their hurried step. The war beast on the other hand hammered trees out of their path. The forces grew close to the wall. From the cover of the trees the war mounts hammered away upon the shield with grenade launchers and the like.

The Trandoshans charged forward braving the mines and blaster fire that rained down upon them. Under the support of the war beast they made it to cover and began returning fire. They found refuge in the craters, behind steel beams, anywhere that might shield a man. Troops moved up squads at a time. Men were blown to smithereens by mortar rounds or chewed to bits by machine gun fire. Earth was kicked up in great mounds as a careless foot landed on a mine.

Despite the assault Causstik stayed behind with a platoon of his most loyal warriors. It was all a sham anyways. A front to buy the real assault time. What truly interested Causstik was the hunt..

He had heard his prey's approach from a mile a way. If the Jedi had hoped to sneak up on him the man was sadly mistaken. "This is my home Jedi. You trespass on this jungle floor," He called out to the open air. His tongue flicked out of his mouth and he roared "I TASTE YOUR FEAR DOG! COME AND DIE WHELP!" He raised his wrist and a stream of flame shot outwards in the direction of [member="Kevros Kovani"].

Meanwhile in the space above Osis

Crossk paced the bridge of the Scorekeeper, hand under chin. "Blockade the planet. When the shields go down we will provide cover support," Trandoshans talons raced across the controls as commands were relayed and obeyed. The fleet moved into orbit once more. They were going to make sure nothing got through and if it did it would be with their regards. "Scramble the fighters," 18 Havoc class starfighters raced from the hangar and provided a cover screen for the Scorekeeper. The MC40's were left to fend for themselves. Their shields were extensive and they could take a punch..
Location: Jungle somewhere below thr temple
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] @Darth Prazitus [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi and Mandos [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Objective: Madness
Gear: In bio

The pain as both the blade and the crystal came into contact with his flesh was almost unbearable, but pain was one thing above else: A source of power, something a true sith could draw a lot of strength from. His attack had neither been graceful nor had it done any real damage to his opponent, but it still had the desired effect. She was on the ground now, exactly like him. A brawl on the ground by two beings gifted with the force had nothing of the elegance a battle of blades had. It was a raw, brutal and dirty fight for survival. All in all it was the perfect battlefield for someone who had lost all inhibitions.

With the pain, the madness of the dark side became more and more prominent in Abyss mind. A feeling of empowerment, energy beyond belief for him draw from, for one price, at least temporarily. Sane wasn't the verb he would use for himself once the dark side truly took hold of him. When he really felt the darkness flow trough his veins than he was more like an animal, a mindless monstrosity than an man.

Both his hands pushed forward, trying to cling to her legs, as the madness made its way from his mind into the yellow glow of his eyes and from there into his fingertips, where the mix of pain, hate and animalistic survival instinct emerged in form of blue fits of lightning.

At the same time his he pushed for her leg, his mouth wide open in an attempt to ram his teeth deep into her flesh, his mind operating on the simplest level now. There was no man left, only pure rage that only existed to destroy. The purest essence of what the dark side could be when called upon.
LOCATION: Jungle, around 1-2km west of Aegis Base
[member="Darth Abyss"]

The next moment was a cacophony of sensory information. The smell of burning flesh as her lightsabre and the Ankarres Sapphire each inflicted a wound on the Sith. The surge of furious triumph that her empathic senses picked up from him. The sharpness of jagged, broken undergrowth on her back. The bruising pain as his fingertips dug into her thighs. A surge of adrenaline as he lunged down, jaws gaping.

The moment after that, she felt nothing at all. Electrocution did that to you: froze your mind, tensed your muscles beyond your control. Her lightsabre deactivated and fell from her hand. The Ankarres Sapphire remained in her grip solely because its chain was wrapped around her right palm.

The crystal flared blue. Healing radiance washed through her, giving her at least some clarity of thought as the first brunt surge of lightning ebbed. Now she felt the agony of his teeth locked into the meat of her bare thigh. She scrabbled for her lightsabre, but couldn't find it in the first seconds. She smelled blood -- hers -- and the smoking electronics of the wrecked translator in her coat's collar.

At the moment, conscious, offensive use of the Force was beyond her. Instead, with her left hand, she grabbed for the top edge of his wooden half-mask and did her level best to jam it down his face. Ideally, the eye-holes would dig into his cheeks, the forehead would blot out his vision, the nose-guard might break the nose beneath it, and the lower edge might dig into the space above his upper lip -- a sensitive pressure point. The goal was to shock, to break the bite.
Location: Jungle somewhere below thr temple
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] @Darth Prazitus [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi and Mandos [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Objective: Eat a mind
Gear: In bio

Abyss couldn't only feel but hear how his nose broke as his mask was pushed against his face by a invisible hand. If he had been in a comprehensive state he would have admired the attack, and the creativity behind it, but filled by rage and now blinded in the most literal sense his mind dissolved almost completely in the flow of the darkness inside him. With the pain a burst of power shoot through his body again, the lightning in at his fingertips fully unleashing his potential before ir died down into smoke that danced up in the air from his burned hands. He had lost control over the power he summoned, as his focus was shifted by the wood blocking his eyesight.

His teeth and head pulled back instinctively to secure the most important part of his body, but his burned fingers still tried to cling in her flesh in a fit of mindless violence. Without his sight he had only the force to sense her, but the removal of his physical sight shifted more than just the way he perceived her.

Free from the chains of the physical world his rage became obsession, and his obsession became hunger. The lack of sight forced his mind to find another way to enforce violence upon her, and now the true power that lived inside him came out of the shadows of his mind. Darth Abyss, the mindeater, could feel as his thoughts became a million daggers that would ram against her mental barriers, trying to find that one weakness to break through them and reveal her mind to his.

He wouldn't simly break her and steal her memories, he would eat her mind and devour all that she was, leaving her as nothing else than a empty shell. Her death was what he wished for, but should she manage to survive he would only let her leave with scars, mental and physical ones alike.

Kami broke in to a full run. her lings burning with the tumors the gun eas being taken care off so.
target 2 was her new destination.
the temple.
Burning she loved that her muscles ached she loved that feeling.
but well she would if this didm;t force her to her knees coffing up blood.
the Cortosis was ripping her lungs appart.
she ripped her helmet off sucking in air.
" looks like we got one of those Keffing Bucket heads lads." she heard a voice yell.
" Awe this one is poorly. " it added mockingly.
she saw it was a city guard more likely a weekend warrior of some sort.

Still struggling to her feet Kami braught her bladed hoop round slashing it poorly in to the woman's face.
she died slowly trying to scream.
Location: Jungle, In combat with [member="Causstik Rahn"]
Allies: Sith | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Darth Ignus"] | [member="Phax"] | [member="Calina Ovmar"]
Enemies: [member="Causstik Rahn"] | Jedi | Mandalorians
Objective: Survive the unexpected arrival of Trandoshans | Sabotage Jedi Defenses.

The thoughts of picking apart the reptilian war-chief made him anxious. He couldn't resist the feeling of the darkside toying with his motives. It wasn't anger that drove him, but fear. Kevros knew little of the Trandoshans habits in battle. They were known as vicious warriors and capable hunters beyond other sentient species. The force whispered into his ear, pulling him from his fate as he dashed out of the stream of fire sent forth by the well equipped adversary.

The flames lit the tree he had once used to articulate his plan of attack. Regardless, the warrior before him had his own sense of danger. Unlike the force, the reptilian opposition probably caught his scent minutes ago. This was bad. A trap could have easily been set in the time it took Kevros to close the gap on his prey, but had he become prey in the face of a hunter? Rolling behind another tree he felt the heat expanding, sweat already forming in his cloth attire. His dark robes represented nothing of a Jedi and as such, shook his head at the thought of being considered one. The war cry came soon after, an empty threat that would soon be dealt with. The only real issue were his lackeys.

Motionless and patient he watched through the slits of his Kovani mask, a tribute to his father's legacy. A reminder that anything worth doing, was hard. He scanned the Chief, his armor well suited for battle, maybe even resistant to his own weaponry. Lightsabers would have to do. Before he sprung into the fray he grabbed onto his utility belt and clicked in with his thumb. A small grenade unlatched itself into his left hand. It blinked for only a moment and Kevros arched his arm backwards and threw. The metal explosive found it's mark, in a crowd of the chief's war-band behind him. With the useless slaves dispatched, Kevros charged out from behind the treeline, his right arm lifting to the air as a pulse of the force pushed through flimsy branches and tiny bushes in his way. A few loose sticks flew to the air as the sudden hum of his saber reached the battlefield.

It was a flank tactic, two distraction for the head of a commander. Not even two feet from the proclaimed war-chief he swung his vermilion blade downward, aiming for his arm, more precisely his joint, the elbow. Taking away his arsenal made more sense, than dealing with all the tricky aspects of the hunter before him. A war cry of his own reached him, the intensity of the conflict warming him.

"You can not claim what was never yours, snake!" The scream was vicious and cold. "The dark side would love you. I can see it in your eyes! You'll be the perfect subject!"

He poked at the beast with words, but what really mattered was how the slave master reacted. Kevros called on the force, a simple tool in case he was countered. The flames of war were burning deep within them, only one would be turned to ash...
"GRAHAHAHA!" Causstik laughed, his voice like gravel. The Sith dove from his hiding spot among the trees and made a mad dash towards the Trandoshan, but as the Sithling came close he would soon realize his folly. The force would be little help to him here. As he drew nearer he would feel his power in the force diminish. The jewels that encrusted the war chief's armor were not just for show. They were void stone. A rare gem that could hamper force power. The Reptilian eyed his prey through blood shot eyes. Oh yes, he will make a nice slave indeed and his sabers will make a nice addition to my... Collection. Causstik's mind wandered to the sabers that lined his hip.

He clicked a button on his gauntlets and phrik clad knives sprung from his gloves. He raised his arm to meat the blade. The lightsaber crashed upon phrik arm band and his shields lit up in protest. He raised his eight gage scatter gun with his other hand and fired near point blank into the Sith's mid section. The gun barked and hundreds of pellets raced for the man, threatening to end the fight before it even began. Threatening to disembowel him in a flush of blood and gore. The thought made Causstik's mouth salivate... "Your mask will adorn my walls!" He cried out as he noticed the shining gold mask the Sith wore..

On the front the Trandoshan forces made ground. Slowly making their way under heavy fire towards the wall beyond. The war beast moved up and began targeting enemy fortifications with better precision. They let lose score of explosives from their minigun cannons and the stone works exploded in a fountain of smoke. The Trandoshans let out another roar and the horns of battle sounded once more. "HURAH!" "HURAH!". They charged onward as machine guns tore at their position...

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
LOCATION: Around 1-2km west of Aegis Base, in the jungle
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Lightning seared into her again, but she was ready this time, and though it hurt she could still think straight with the Sapphire's aid. A yell burst from her as he arched his head back. She still had a grip on the top of his mask, and he'd just created a degree of distance between them. Distance, she could use.

As the first wave of a mental assault struck her thoughts, one slim leg slipped up between them, losing her right shoe in the process. His face was down near her legs anyway; freeing one calf and foot was fairly basic. She yanked down on the skewed mask and the attached head. The intended result of these particular motions was to slam her knee into the underside of his jaw with bone-shattering force.

More importantly, she aimed to interrupt his mental assault before it chewed through her defenses. She'd been trained by an excellent mentalist, and as an empath she'd learned a good deal about keeping things out, but her specialties lay in other directions. Navigation, crystal crafting, a few other unusual things. Some of those things, she could bring to bear once she got a spare moment. In the meantime, her goal was to knee him in the jaw and forestall the mindfrakkery before it could really bite down on her.
Location: Jungle somewhere below thr temple
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] @Darth Prazitus [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi and Mandos [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Objective: Back to improvising
Gear: In bio

The kick against his jaw broke the focus of Abyss once more, the mental daggers falling apart in merely a second, and his grip on her leg was released only a moment later. He pulled back a bit, both from the pain and the momentum of the attack as he tasted the blood that had begun to fill his mouth. Using his left arm to kneel on the ground again, he moved his right to his head and almost violently ripped of the mask that obscured his vision. He didn't needed the piece of wood to be terrifying. Yellow eyes in a boney face, the corruption of dark side clearly visible in his plae and corpse like skin. Blood was tripping down from his mouth and theet, some hers and some his.

His movements were slow. It had been a short fight, but an intense one. Violent and raw. Both had taken quite a few hits, but he had no doubt that he could take her on in her weakened state. Many opponents he had fought had to learn that endurance and resilience were more important to beat him the strength alone. He clawed to live with such obsession that he could stand longer after many would break, only keeping conscience due to the power of the dark side.

His right wandered to his belt, and his fingers gripped the hilt of his saber. The shock of his lightning should give him enough time to get ready for the next round, at least he hoped so. The crimson red blade came to live in his right, but he was still kneeling on the ground. His yellow eyes focused on her as he spoke.

"Let us end this."

Cautiosly he began to rise to his feet, ready to react should she try anything.
Allies: [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="The Rusted Queen"] [member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Phax"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: Jedi [member="jamie pyne"]
Neutral: Mandos
Objective: Obfuscate, misdirect, and infiltrate

Soon, the massive fortification surrounding the Jedi Temple was in sight. The sheer number of guns on the walls were astonishing, but they didn't deter him. Those guns were designed for combatting a massive assault, not an infiltration attempt. He had little to worry from the bases largest defenses, and little from the defenders on the walls. It was the defenders on the ground in the fort that were worrisome. He was a competent duelist, and fairly powerful in the force, but at the end of the day he was still a low level power. That was part of the reason for selecting him to take a part in this raid. He had yet to develop a strong aura in the force, nor to develop a lot of the signs most dark side users exhibited. His sclera might be a bit yellower than normal, but his ruse had an easy explanation for that. Many of the guards around the wall and the base itself had been stirred from sleep. Bloodshot eyes and other signs of sleep deprivation were going to be common.

The passed beneath the shield barrier. Waide didn't give it a significant glance, though it was the ultimate target of his infiltration. He needed to slip into his roll.

"You will continue to drive your speeder bike to the garage, then go to your barracks and sleep." He intoned directly into her ear as he exerted his influence on her mind. After he heard the reply of the words, he rolled off the speeder, landing and rolling into the ditch. He used a small bit of the force to correct his angle so he didn't hurt anything in the mad fall. Then he climbed onto the road, and began to march into the base. Ahead, he could see the nameless soldier continue riding. Then his thoughts slid away from her.

Waide exchanged sloppy salutes with the guards at the entrance, stepping smartly between them and into the base. He could see lots of activity here, and he took a moment to pause and take stock of the scene. He had memorized a scan of the base, so he knew where the shield generator was, but first he needed to find the armory. He had only the munitions that he took from the guard back at his ship, and he would need more to make sure the generator was inoperable.

Movement caught his eye, a foursome of soldiers moving at quick step. None of them were armed except for a sidearm, so he assumed they were heading for the armory. Moving quickly, he turned and followed them, ignoring the other people around him for the time being.
Location: 800 meters from Aegis Base

Strength: 4 Tal'kad Verde (Callsign Recce 3)

Objective: Take South Gun

Allies: Mandalorians -- [member="Grim Vizsla"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] | [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member="Mac O Shenanigans"] | [member="Kalad Shysa"] | [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] [felt like tagging ya] | [member="Neskar A'toll"] | [member="Dariak Talesa"] | [member="Oron Verd"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Brent Warnel"]
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order -- [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]

Crusaders had a saying; helmet on, heart gone. Where 'oya!' was an emotional and heated cry prior to bloodshed the Crusaders had a more chilling term for it. When their helmets were gone they were to feel nothing for the enemy. No hatred, no pride, no contempt. Just the act of killing. Considering how emotionally calm Dariak considered himself he found that easy enough. The scouts replaced their helmets after taking their last mouthful of rations or water then lifted themselves out of their holes. "If we need to fall back this is our rally point." he told the group. "Fireteam, deploy in arrowhead. Our support will form a 'shaft' column behind the central point"

Recce Three formed a wedge in the shape of an arrowhead with him in the middle. He'd go first. It might have been risky. Hell he might have been the first one to trigger a mine but if he didn't take the same risks as his men how could he command? The scouts and Dariak pressed their belts and the light became bent around them. Shielding them from sight. They could still see each others transponder. "Activate visor search mode. We'll scan for plastic and metallic compounds in the ground." Their visors now displayed a small pulse every so often in which anything within the ground that wasn't dirt glowed a faint white. Then they stepped off slowly through the jungle trees.

Even invisible they were cautious and moved as though they were under scrutiny. Every so often one scout would turn around and walk backwards to make sure that no one was trailing the squad before turning back around. They were all armed with their standard RA-1's which were now brought up to their shoulders. They pushed through the trees and found no contacts. Even if they came across people Dariak opted to wait than fight. Something that might make the regular blockheaded Mando scoff.

Closer and closer they approached the South Gun. Once they had reached the clearing Dariak could see the mines in their dim white light on his HUD, the obstacles designed to stop vehicles and large formations of men. They'd provide rudimentary cover but he was hoping on the dark and the stealth generators for giving adequate concealment. None of his men spoke. Not even he spoke. They just stepped around the mines, careful of any extensive sensor triggers. So they moved low and slow through the minefield with their visors guiding their way.

Each step took them closer to shield and their objective.
LOCATION: Around 1-2km west of Aegis Base
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Mara treasured the time that her opponent spent getting back, ripping off his mask, pulling his sabre, talking, and getting to his feet. She spent that time as follows.

First breath: scrambling back and upright in a large patch of knee-deep undergrowth. An impediment, but manageable.

Second breath: gesturing to call a nearby object to her hands. Two objects, really: her lightfoil slapped into her chain-wrapped palm, pommel knocking against the Sapphire. The silver blade hissed to life. And his discarded wooden mask settled into her left hand, where she got a finger through each of the eyeholes. Crafting and instinctive navigation were her two strengths. In her brief but vigorous contact with the thing, she'd gotten a hint of its fascinating true nature. The mask whispered of path-finding. It wouldn't help her much in this fight, if at all, except perhaps as a distraction for the Sith Lord. Stealing people's toys tended to split their focus.

Third breath: a quick double backstep to take her out of the undergrowth and put it between them. She snapped up her thin silver blade in a Makashi salute, off hand and mask behind her back. Her left thigh throbbed where he'd bitten it. Her chest ached from his tackle. Both legs still burned from electrocution, and she found herself shaking a touch more than she could comfortably manage. Considering his initial injuries, though, plus the crystal burn on his temple, the long sabre slash down his back, and the broken nose, she might have a real shot at this.

Or running away, if he proved too much for her.

"Come on, then."
Location: Aegis Base - Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] & SJO
Enemies: [member="Waide"] (Soon) | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | Mandalorians | Sith

"Right. Okay." She said with a nod to Aela. Jamie knew her way around this particular temple, unlike the majority of the others, as she had spent quite a bit of time here in the recent past. This time she guided Aela through the temple, around a series of corridors to an intersection where a few of the guard crossed paths with one another, each one with purpose and direction and duty to perform. "Ex--" Before she managed to even get the word out they were gone, each one paying the girl and her mentor no attention.

The alarm was certainly not dying down anytime soon.

"This way." She said, beckoning the elder girl to follow as she headed down the west wing hall towards the security chamber. "We can get a better feel for the situation if we can see what they're seeing."

Sure, Jamie probably wasn't supposed to be in the chamber, but given the circumstances, perhaps they would allow two Jedi to lend a hand, and an eye to the situation. At the very least most knew her by now as the quirky bubblehead that never leaves the library except to travel home. She was curious however where Connor was. She half expected to see him during her trip and thus far he had been a total ghost! As the student and teacher reached the large stone doorway she pressed her finger against the transmitter. "Padawan Pyne here, would like to be of assistance if possible." A few moments of silence passed before the doorway slid open, revealing the large inner room with many camera feeds positioned all over Aegis and the temple, with a dozen or so bodies at terminals studying what was happening.

"We're under attack, Padawan."

There was a lot going on. Jamie wasn't sure what to look at, or for in the moment. Her eyes flickered from one screen to the next, pausing for several seconds on each one before shifting to the next.
Location: Temple Library
Allies: [member="Jamie Pyne"]
Enemies: [member="Waide"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Aela's eyes wandered from screen to screen, flicking from place to place as she tried to find out what the feth was going on.

Some of the screen showed Mandalorians, other showed...what looked like Sith. It was difficult to tell from simple holo-pictures, and in truth she found herself at a loss for what exactly was going on. She wished she had access to comms or forward reports from scouts. The Alliance would have patched her in already, but of course here with the Silver Jedi Aela wasn't exactly in charge. She ground her teeth for a moment and then tapped one of the soldiers on the shoulder.

She wasn't in charge, but she was still a Jedi. "Get a call out."

The man looked at her with a frown.

"Look, I'm Jedi Marshall Aela Talith." Name drop, slight inflating of ego as the mans eyes widened. "I can help, we can help, but we have to know where to go. Ossus isn't our world, but it's a Jedi world, and that means we're going to help defend it."

The logic was simple, and the man quickly nodded and returned to his screen. Aela glanced at Jamie for a moment as the man sent out a general message over the SJO comm-array, asking where most of the invaders where headed and seeking any information about where Jamie and her Master could offer the most assistance. The Jedi Marshall, to her credit, stood patiently behind the man, eyes flicking from screen to screen as she tried to follow the flow of data. Eventually the man turned and said something, pointing them towards the outer reaches of the Temple. "Come on, Jamie."

They would stop the invaders before they got too far.
D'vok's YT-2400 would come into orbit around Ossus. A loyal friend had informed him of the place. Could this be the refuge he's been seeking? He checked the Holonet just for kicks. Nothing much, reports of a possible mandalorian presence, but D'vok had talked his way out of many potentially bad situations with vod. He picked up an encrypted message over the local radio chatter.
"This is.....Jedi Temple.......Need Help....Attack...."
This was not good. he tracked the signal back to a single transmitter. He sent a message to them over the holocom.
"This is Prometheus' bounty hailing jedi temple. You may not know me, but I think I could help. Permission to land?"
He wasn't sure where he was. A planetary name was vaguely remembered, almost as if an afterthought. A shadow of a memory, or perhaps that's all a memory was in truth: a shadow of that which passed before. A goal escaped him, a destination eluded his grasp. Purpose, in truth, was a fickle thing. A carpenter built, a farmer sowed. For the shade that wandered there was no purpose. At least, no perceivable purpose. A handful of years before, he'd have been able to answer. Now?

Survival, perhaps. Perhaps not. The days blurred, the months ticked by. Everything seemed all at once a whirl and yet at the same time it appeared to stand still. A droplet hung suspended in the air, frozen in time as it fell from the sky to the damp earth below. His head turned slightly, following the drop as his feet carried him past. Old boots, armored boots, he'd worn for some time now. He still remembered the first time he'd worn them, the first time he'd fought in them. The dirt and mud and water and blood he'd walked through in them.

A turn of the head again, facing forward once more, and the droplet was passed. Around him the rain fell steadily and soaked the forest he moved through. Mist and rain, damp and cold were his companions now. At times he missed the warmth, the draw of civilization. Of life. He knew better now. Years of fighting, both on the battlefield and for survival, taught him that. Showed him that. It was one of the few truths, one of the few unshakable foundations of the galaxy.

Life and futility strode hand in hand. Hardship and joy wed under rose-tinted windows, shattered by the cold logic of reality. All of humanity, all sentient life for that matter, stood in attendance seemingly content to meld the two together. To hope that for all evil, there would be a balance of good. For all sadness, there would eventually come happiness.

He knew, though. Knew well enough, at least. Such things were never guaranteed. Never set in stone. The wall of logic had few words etched into its surface, the barren rock of reality carved with only select wisdom. He'd read from the stone, understood what was written. Embraced it, took it into himself, embodied it.

A turn of the head and the figure looked back. Behind, the droplet was gone, fallen to the earth to renew the life of the planet. To bring sustenance to the soil and perpetuate the circle. The figure turned away and looked ahead. Down the path, more droplets hung in the air, glistening in the light of an overcast sky. Slowly, one by one, more droplets froze in the air. He gazed on for a moment longer, the blank faceplate of his beaten, old armor unmoving, his expression hidden by blank material.

He walked on, through the hanging droplets, his eyes focused forward. He ghosted through the mist and rain, knowing that should he turn back...

There would be nothing.
"Ahh Kriff. I shouldn't just wait here."
The Prometheus' Bounty glided across the stratosphere of Ossus. "Everything's going well enough..." thought D'vok.
"Damn, better not've jinxed i-"
an explosion rocked the hull of the Bounty, and D'vok fell over.
"KRIFF! I called it!"
The ship was falling fast, and D'vok realized he needed an escape plan. He decided to curb the fall so that he might survive. He slammed the accelerator and pulled up on the throttle.
"This might wor-"

When D'vok regained vision, he was hanging upside-down from the pilot's chair. he released the safety belt and crawled to the hole where the windshield once was.
"Goddamnit! God Kriffing Damnit!"
D'vok kicked the ship, and inspected his wounds. He was bleeding from a gash across his torso. He would have to ignore it, but first he jammed a kolto needle near the area of the wound.
"Maybe that'll fix it."
He looked around. He still had his blaster and his lightsaber, that was good. He heard something. At first he thought it was running water, a river, but then he recognized the sound. It was the sound of lightsabers clashing.
He drew his DL-44, and cautiously moved closer to the sounds. He found the noises source. About a half mile ahead, He saw two figures fighting One he figured was a jedi ([member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]) And the other he could easily recognize as sith ([member="Darth Abyss"]). He dove for cover, before watching the epic fight.

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