Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Jedi Jubilee

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya was given a firm nod as he spotted her. Turning them both so they could see Zacka’s laughter fully, the old Kage echoed what Kei knew. “Somewhere she feels at ease.” The conditions they had saved her from, had left her sister anxious but she seemed to be making a steady recovery as the years went on. Obvious, the more he thought about it, she needed “nature, lots of nature.” Kashyyyk was obvious, but that was their home and the order’s capital. He wanted to give her sister a real claim to her own life.

Naboo was too tame and further away, certainly had natural beauty. “Wilderness.” Ruusan, certainly not tame, beautiful but dangerous and closer. Much like his lovely wife and their clan who he held to his chest tightly. “Reytha, I have friends there.” Old friends, an agricultural world, full of life, close enough to reach easily. Elara’s sister had lived between a freighter and a log cabin for years. Reytha was a mix of “farming, wilderness, freighters and friends.” Best he could do, other than find a place on Kashyyyk.

“She’s your clan, you know her.” Leaving the final choice to his wife. If she had a better choice, that’s where they would go. Keeping her close to him as they danced. He might lead the dance for formality, it was always spirited in their relationship, both warriors, both equal in everything. One reason he’d chosen her and probably she him, was that they both had bite.

Right then and there, in the corner of the dance floor, he put both hands to her cheeks and kissed her lips again. “I’ve missed you.” He said into her ear, resting his forehead on hers. From behind her, a small astromech R6D3 R6D3 arrived, its small mechanical arm holding an even smaller white envelope that read for you.

Elara Amadis Elara Amadis
Acaadi Acaadi

Amani waved her hand dismissively, "I'm not really that hungry. I get more chances to eat food than I get to dance." She had finally started settling into the rhythm anyway, and was able to shift her focus away from the dance movements.

"Unless you want to start making impromptu dance-offs a part of our training sessions?" she laughed. "But if your hungry don't let me stop you."
if they're watching anyways

Tag: Ryv Ryv

"Sweet girl? That's a new one," she joked. That was the only interruption to his little spiel that she made. To her, the music seemed to become mute as he spoke, his words reaching her heart. A new warmth overtook her body, and without realizing it she projected the feeling outwards, to her partner and the various party-goers around them.

Auteme simply looked into his eyes and smiled. She didn't lack self confidence, but being among the Silver Jedi again had shaken her a little bit. Even so, she was reminded of why she liked Ryv so much -- she might tell him to stop talking so much, but when she needed it his voice carried the exact words she wanted to hear. Sure, maybe it wasn't all true, but he said it like it was. She felt loved, felt worth it, felt happy... and a little silly for doubting herself about such trivial things.

"Thanks, Ryv. You always know what to say." Not all true, but she said it like it was.

And so, they danced the night away.

Kyra spilled laughing into the cool air of the night, Allya's own glee driving its way through her body. She wasn't numb like she had wanted to be, but she was numb where it mattered. The world had turned into a soft, delightful haze. Not drunk-- tipsy. She exclaimed with delight, yanking on hands to pull the other in towards her as their momentum clattered about.

"Oooone. I have one liver. Mystery solved!" She took the flask and went to chug it, only to stop short and be faced with water again. "Bah! Yet another male in my life that lets me down. What's the good of them?" She declared, shoving the flask back into Allya's awaiting arms. She was steady enough on her feet, just clearly more loose lipped than they had seen before. She caught sight of Jerek, then gave a dismissive wave and wrapped him in a half hug.

"Not you, you're fun tonight. And you!" Allya was pulled into the hug, Kyra's embrace just as friendly.

"So!" She pulled back, spinning around to examine their surroundings. "What mischief can we havoc-- hey where are we anyways-- any of you guys got gps?"

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
At ease was there anywhere that she would feel at ease. She could remember back to when they found her how much a machine she was over taken by a conscience that used her for arms and legs. No control of her own.

It had taken a year to get her to react a bit longer to feel safe. So now with her wanting her own did they ensure that she got the right person to care for her and accept her past. Elara didn't know. But Kei knew, "Yes given all things not a place full of technology. It might bring up bad memories" Memories that for those first few months made it impossible to sleep.

"Reytha" She repeated it thinking about where it was, what it offered. "I can see that, its worth looking into at the very least. A chance" She smiled then hugged Kei hard, an offer of thanks. He always seemed to know the right thing to say.

It was just then that they drifted to a corner where he greeted her again. A kiss warm and gentle a reminder, "I've missed you so Kei I hate when we are far apart" She put a hand to his chest, "I miss being heart hurts when you're gone." She smiled, "But I understand why it must be so at times." He had a job she had hers...what did she do again? Raise their children...and......???

Make a home for all of them for now and she could accept that too.

Kei Amadis Kei Amadis
Elara was his warrior queen and she wasn’t going to be stuck at home every time he wanted to be somewhere else. Feeling her hand on his chest, as it raised and fell, she was the one he came home to, stayed by his side through it all, and he was far more concerned with 'their lives' than his own, “politics, sorry couldn’t bring the younglings,” dipping again to be right beside the small astromech droid R6D3 R6D3 . The droid was still holding the envelope with a metal rod out the top of its head, “for you.” Written across the front. In all their excitement she’d probably missed the little guy, who beeped quietly. “Picked up a friend.” Kei kissed her once more, lingering and having a hard job putting her down, he eventually gave her some room reluctantly, but not much!


“You might need this to open it.” A dagger was passed over. Her gift. A beautiful songsteel silver dagger inscribed with their children's names, blue sapphire at the end, a 3 CSC gemstone, which was pretty but symbolic of not just wanting her to feel like his wife at home, but his warrior by his side. He knew her well, as well as anyone, as she did him. It must have bankrupted him, or maybe a friend had helped him out, he had few here and there in unlikely places.

There was a black leather sheath and inside….a set of ship keys attached to a green ring, that looked just like her eyes, like he’d spent weeks walking through jewelry stores, looking for the picture in his mind, until he found that ring. Small yellow specs around the metal, the same as he saw when he looked right now into those green eyes. A warrior by his side… and also his wife. Dagger and matching ring, the same dagger miniaturized in the design.


“fitted the freighter with a docking port,” don’t ask where they’d found room! “Can pick your ship out while we are there, and let your sister do the same.” He looked at her and nodded, “about time you flew, and I looked after the kids. If you want that, we need you. I need you.” He needed time at home with the kids, and he wasn’t just offering her a ship, he was offering a commission back with the wildcards and rangers, not that she’d ever really left in his mind, but raising kids took a lot of time and care to do right.

“Commander Amadis?” He had some pull again in the military. Not sure if she wanted it, “won’t be doing anything we didn’t always do, only now its official again.” All up to her, or what she wanted, that’s all he cared about. She could say no or yes, and it would make no difference to their future together.

Elara Amadis Elara Amadis
As Allya took the flash, Jerek saw something change in her expression. She was the giddy, crafty Allya he loved now, but she had just been something else. Somewhere else, perhaps. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, a look of concern pointed at his girlfriend as the padawan wondered what had passed through her head just now. Every time Jerek thought he had Allya Vi'Dreya figured out, she opened up some new corner for him to discover.

Her tempered response to Jerek's offer of a little mischief made him wonder if he had made a poor choice in inviting her today. He knew, more than most, some of the tragedy her life had been even a few years ago, and the elastic nature required of her to continue to play the perfect soldier for her family's empire one day but an impassioned protector of the innocent on the next. The temptations offered at an event such as this one might be too overwhelming for her, Jerek mused dourly. He could only mildly relate, seeing Allya's attire and carefree nature today was driving him wild, yet the Jedi youth didn't doubt that it was an order of magnitude in difference a the former Sith.

Jerek nodded with a more serious expression, despite Allya's attempt at levity. He forced a grin that became more natural as he was pulled along with Kyra by his girlfriend's strong arms.

It seemed like both girls visibly relaxed once beyond the confines of the party block, which Jerek took as a cue to follow suit. He laughed at Kyra's remark about Damian letting her down, and put on a face of mock indignation at her withering commentary on manhood. That seemed enough to prompt her to dismiss her own comment and he found himself pulled into a half hug. Kyra sure was more lively outside the classroom.

"Well, I prize myself on being a male who doesn't let people down," Jerek announced at Kyra's request, feigning an air of snobbery that vanished an instant later in a brief chuckle. Damian's flask may have been only water, but being around these girls was intoxicating enough. He whipped up his arm in a show-y manner, pulling back the sleeve of his left wrist to show off the Hololink underneath. He winked at them, "After all, a good pilot is never without his bearings."

He gave the smartlink a few swipes and taps to bring up the right app in the device's datapad functions, and then offered his wrist to Kyra. A holographic map of the surrounding neigbhorhood appeared, centering on their location as closely as the Corellia Digital network allowed.

She had not seen the mech she only had eyes for Kei call her whatever you liked for it but so long apart and she couldn't help but to only have eyes for him. She looked at the envelope.

"A gift?" she asked she bit her lip bit anxious about it, she hadn't thought to bring a gift. Oh the dagger had her attention she smiled like a small child who had just been given chocolate. She held the dagger, "its wonderfully balanced Kei." She would keep it with her always. She laughed again as she reached over to hug and kiss her mate she loved it she looked at the envelope she didn't know what else he could give her that would mean as much as the dagger.

She shook her head, "you're spoiling me I fear." She slipped back to open the envelope to slide out the black sheath. She tilted her head looking at the bag she looked up at Kei. Slowly she opened the bag and slid the contents into her hand. Speechless.

She stood there looking at the most brilliant green stone, it must have cost a small fortune. She fought her own instincts about what to say to him. She looked at it from side to side, a smaller dagger through the stone. However did he find that?

She felt tears stinging looking down so that no one would see how much she was affected by the gift. She it out to him, "Will you put it on me?" Emotions that she hid from everyone but him were working their way to the surface. "You shouldn't have done this. What would I do with such finery" she slowly lifted her head looking at him.

He had just given her a legacy, a tradition each of these could be handed to their children one to each. How could he possibly know what such things meant to her. He probably knew more than she knew about it. She sniffled just a bit.

Then he offered her one more thing, "Commander?" Oh it would mean she would have more than a singular purpose in life. It would mean....separation in times of meant.....leaving him with the children.

"I'll have to think about that." A return she could use it to be once more out in the thick of it to use her skills to...hunt. She smiled and she didn't know why.

"Kei you've given so much. I wish I something of equal to give to you." She wasn't sure what she could do...but she knew in time she would find something equal. She stood there with her hand out waiting for him to put the ring on

Kei Amadis Kei Amadis

The comments, the movements, they all went out of her mind as soon as they went outside. So many emotions flowed through her: Excitement, a lust for life, a desire to get into trouble, a desire to show these two everything she felt, and how to have as much fun as possible. Allya’s eyes closed and she took a deep breath. The dark side swirled around her as she fed on her own emotions once again. Like before it wasn’t the stench of corruption, this wasn’t something truly wrong. It was clearly not the light, but it was something so much different than anger, or hate. It was Passion.

Her eyes took on a shimmer from distant street lights. As Kyra hugged her, her strong arms wrapped around the girl and rocked her a bit before she let her go. “Oh? You want mischief? Hmmm, I think we can manage that. Come on. Just follow me. We don’t need a map Jerek.” She stretched out with her mind. The emotions of the two next to her swirled and fed into the mixture inside of her. However, she continued to stretch and feel, she searched. “Got it.” Her hands reached out and entwined her fingers with Jerek and Kyra’s own. The little teen had this smirk on her face.

“Just trust me. Jerek, you are our driver.” Allya’s eyes swirled around the options before she confidently walked up to a speeder, and attempted to drag the two with her. The speeder was not much. Open cockpit, front bench seat, designed for two people, but no reason three couldn’t fit in. She dropped their hands for a moment and pressed a button on her vambraces. A holo console came up and her fingers quickly worked over the various options. Soon, the speeder roared to life, and she grinned at Jerek and the girl. “Come on, hop in. Let’s go for a ride. There is plenty of trouble waiting for us out there, if we just head THAT way.” Scarred arm pointed to the south. “Ready?”

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
All reservations fled Kyra, a hint of something wild growing in her gaze. Allya's emotions reverberated through her, no sense of self present as Kyra mirrored the girl's umph for life in turn. It would be a dangerous combo, those two, but such consequences were theirs to find later. In the darkness of the night, all flaws were hidden.

Kyra walloped as she chased after Allya, her feet light as she jumped into the speeder besides her. "Go!" She encouraged, her hand pointing in sync to direction the girl dictated. Jerek's watch was disregarded, the poor boy dragged along. In his ear, he'd get Kyra's laughter. Then her teeth, pulling gently at his lobe.

The speeder roared to life, jerking them all back. Kyra braced herself between the two, grinning madly as they set forward.

"Ya. Let's burn the place down," she growled, an uncharacteristic husk to her voice as she stared dead on ahead.
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"Of course you need a map!" Jerek protested, feeling a bit deflated by Allya's dismissal. Without a map, there was no way to find a destination. Without a destination, there was no point in making a journey. Aimless wandering is how people —even Jedi— got lost, he'd learned that one the hard way. The Jedi youth considered his girlfriend, though, deep in thought and swirling with emotions. She was far too eager to let her impulses guide her, to find her way out of being lost.

Oh, but he was supposed to trust her.

In truth, Jerek did trust Allya. Probably more than he should have at first, it wasn't until later that he realized the trust he'd placed in her was warranted. She responded to trust and faith with real effort, an earnestness to fill the shape of who she could be, one that others saw in her before she did herself. The transformation he had witnessed in Allya was incredible, and it all started with trusting her.

It's not like he was about to do anything different now.

"Yeah, alright," he relented, finding himself pulled along on another new adventure. Since when did their roles shift today? He had been the one to bring Allya here, after all. Jerek considered the swap with some amusement as the thrill of flying flooded from fingers that gripped the speeder controls all the way to the core of his being. He teased in the spirit of renewed mirth within him, "Your wish is my command, m'lady."

And off they went! Jerek gave the speeder a burst of speed as the trio set off, enough to pull a couple Gs. He laughed as the pressure tickled at his limbs, trying desperately to push him into the seat cushion. The gaiety made him laugh again as he felt teeth pulling at his earlobe, a gentle nibble of a lover's tug. The boy turned to Allya, a grin on his face as he spied his cheeky girlfriend. "Allya, you weren't kidding when you said mischief!"

He quickly discovered Allya wasn't the one playing with his ear. His mouth dropped as he gaped at the girl sitting over his shoulder behind them, a smirk pulling at the corners of his slackjawed lips. "Wow, Kyra, looks like you found something other than Damian's flask, huh?" Jerek wasn't sure what else to say, if the padawan girl was intoxicated then she probably wasn't thinking clearly. He had no intention of leading her on, or doing anything to violate the relationship with his girlfriend. Still, the action was a curious development coming from the girl he rarely heard speak in classes, and it was hard to keep his emotions from sparking with an impish delight. "Burn the place down? Well, someone's certainly on fire tonight..."

As he drove the speeder to wherever Allya directed him, Jerek couldn't help but wonder how far tonight's mischief was going to go.


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