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Jedi Conclave on Exis Station [Open to Lightsiders - GA, SSC, etc.]

Continuing on with the construction of the safer areas the jedi knight was focused on sections of it when they were bringing up some more of the displays and designs. The ancient temple gave a great many things and entering the workout areas she could see even more while they were working over it all. heavy gravity rooms built into the station for really getting the padawans and others tested or building up that muscles. A depository for knowledge and information they could use and set up for the jedi that were visiting, an advanced research area built to help craft materials for the jedi and all of the botanical and livestock modules so that it would be able to last forever. Even the recycling of the energy and water was a major thing thanks to the special converters they were building up.
The young Nautolan looked up as Master Neffy addressed him.

Then giggled sheepishly as she complimented him for the lightsaber he was carrying. "I made it from... from, like, the krayt dragon pearl thing," the boy remarked simply. "From Tattooine." You know, because there were so many Nautolan-eating sand dragons that he needed to clarify where the krayt dragon pearl thing was from.

"Lots of people helped me make it," the youngling added. Jedi weren't supposed to be prideful, but Zak didn't think of the lightsaber as his own work. People had helped him assemble it each step along the way.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]​
There was a lot more of the things coming now as she looked them over. With all of the construction efforts from the Saratai pumping out the factory parts they needed and all of the reconstruction efforts she was looking at the other ones there. [member="Shmi Labooda"] was one of the ones for signing off on all of the things. She was the grandmaster after all and needed before some of the attention went to the displays. She knew Quiet was working on things and there were people in the archives that were being worked on. The databases displaying for her the station with the berths for ships shown before more were docking with some supplies they were bringing in to move the others and fill up the rooms. Padawan and general barracks as well as private rooms.
Safety protocols loading...

As one of the most important aspects came online, [member="Zak Dymo"] giggled at Nefertari's earlier compliment.
When he remarked that many people had helped him make it, Nef nodded.

"I had help on my first as well. Be sure to thank them."
She remembered how Master Bari had walked her through the steps of crafting a lightsaber. The Jedi Order had been much more scattered then.

The lady began adding the training modules. The classic ones were all there; Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and many others.
Nefertari threw in a few more such as Darth Senet, who would make a good module for training against dual wielding.

Finally, there was a program meant for debugging...or just a good time. It was a dance battle module.
"I have an assignment for you" she said, turning to Zak

"When the construction is finished, I would like you to test this module. I have heard you are quite the dance machine."
They were making progress and as the upload into the databanks of the station were going there were a group of padawans looking to access the information. THankfully we had been working to get the really juicy stuff from the archives as the hologram should flicker to life and give them a view of this hardlightbody in the library. "Padawans, at the moment the database is not completed. Please be careful in the future as we are working to correct the deficiencies of the previous archives and ensuring the protection of the knowledge contained within is secured. This unit is designated Quiet.... if need by restraint so you do not damage this units databanks will enable sister AI La Rasa to stop you with paddle beamers."

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Vorian Adasca"]
Having recruited the Padawans [member="Sorel Crieff"] and [member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"], who had conveniently been in the Archives, Dune set them to work gathering information on holocrons. Sorel was particularly experienced among the Order, having spent time with Matsu Ike on the hunt for such repositories of knowledge. He had some experience himself, working with the avatar of Sochi Ru. It was something that he was going to make available to all Knights and Masters soon enough.

As for himself, [member="Vor'en Chegor"] and [member="Vorian Adasca"], they were busy scouring sources for news and rumours of holocrons and anything that fit the description. The trouble was, lay-beings wouldn't know what the tetrahedrons were and perhaps only have a vague impression. That meant dredging through a large quantity of useless information. He was on yet more of that when the A.I. interface [member="Quiet"] broke in with her friendly warning in her synthetic and yet eerily lifelike voice.

"Quiet, do these restrictions apply only to Padawans or the Jedi as a whole?," he asked the bluish-white humanoid face that appeared before him in a small hologram.
[member="Dune Rhur"]

"At the moment restriction are for everyone knight Rhur. We are currently downloading Master Ike's holocron databank to replace a number that have been lost over the years as well as texts. It is even with this units capabilities for processing a vast amount of information. New records recovered from the Golden City of the Jedi, proto-archives on Tython, Jedi Stronghold in the Unknown regions, libraries on Ossus, Arkania, Te hasa, Atrisian historical library, the Ike family library on Atrisia, jedi Mical's archives, the celebratus archives, Veeshus Tuwan library recovery efforts and the Je'daii library. Currently progress is at eighty nine percent completion for the amounts of information and holocron records that have been inputted."
A lot more work was going into things and she could hear other jedi like Nef and Zak were here... the padawan terror was a danger to all of their sanity... well mostly the others. She found him to be a great teaching aid for the dangers of sugar and little children... also why some people should be sterile. No real ill will just children were a dangerous thing. She was taking a great interest just the same in the other parts of the station like the saratai in the one berth being constructed and built up around it before she noticed a few things. Like the probe droids it was releasing and the little droids for helping and compacting the salvage they found. The converters being installed with their internal power systems to better handle the energy and help each room they were in give the ones on board their own way to get the things they needed. "Everything seems to be coming together well."
"I think it is all coming along nicely now." They were nearing another stage of the restoration efforts and where it was going as she had to give a nod of her head. With the converters and special reactors being installed the station had more then enough power now and droids all set up for some of the things. She moved over the the machine and it was built like the cube to convert the force to something into something else instead of needing tons of garbage for a few bits of juice and power. They could work on the stronger sections. "Orange juice." She said it while getting a cup of it with a smile on her face tasting it as a refreshing drink before watching the others on the view screens.
[70 posts.... woot]

Things were coming together better then she had been expecting, all of the work coming while the padawan walked through the station and came to the astrometrics lab so she could look in on some of the things and the information from the jedi city that Corvus and her mother had found were glowing almost. All displayed along with the coordinates to some of the others thing getting a nod of her head while she approved of the things that were happening. The remains of the prism and the spirit prisons were on there as she could see them in their locations and since they had not been found they could work to get the stations and move them to a place where they are needed and could be used. With some more work she could find a purpose to really work on the spirit prison with her mother to improve it and store it over the massive beastly Faustin to well secure the system and make it so anything escaping goes down there and they are handled.

Dune nodded absently, pondering the A.I's statement. Holocrons, eh?

"Quiet, another query. Do the currently uploading records have any information regarding the Codex of Tython?"

Perhaps they could provide him with some information that might illuminate the path to it's current location. Or locations, he added mentally, as he remembered that it had once been in pieces scattered around the 'corners' of the galaxy. Space really didn't have dimensions like a square, but the analogy still fit. If any source of information could tell him about the Codex, it would be the libraries of Ossus.

But these proto-libraries could prove enlightening as well. As it was, the Archives were sadly incomplete. He hoped to change that because knowledge was powerful in ways a star destroyer could never be.
[member="Dune Rhur"]

"The Codex of Tython was recoveredd by the jedi order in the darkness from Tython and used extensively in training and knowledge gathering. Later under grandmaster Kiskla Greyson it was removed and restricted to only grandmasters and councilors of knowledge. This unit does not know what happened after that but records pick up after it was given away without Grandmaster Corvus Raaf's knowledge to a third party rumored to be in the galactic alliance along with other holocrons. Recrds of it stop after that but knowledge of it and information gathered from it extensively by Jedi master matsu Ike remains within the archives notes here in the database as well as on her ships."
[member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Quiet"]

The Archives would show that Jorus and his associates had recovered the Codex and saved it from the Sith a couple of times, during his tenure as Master of First Knowledge. He'd used it to instruct several Jedi expeditions and made it accessible to all Jedi through the Library Card network headsets. Some time after his resignation, however, the Codex had been one of the holocrons that were lost to the fog of war. [member="Vor'en Chegor"]'s guess of Ord Mantell was probably as good as any.
Dune frowned as the A.I. relayed the message. There was too much lost in the fog of the past decade's conflict. Cross-referencing the files on the Galactic Alliance side of things brought up after action reports from the Master [member="Jorus Merrill"]. The human had encountered Sith opposition and been forced to take it back out of their hands.

He'd also made a point of making the information accessible to any and all Jedi. The Bith had to admire that open desire to share and educate future generations of Jedi. He decided that he'd send a brief message to him, informing the Master of his own intentions to recover the artifact lost some time during the schism. It read:

Master Merrill, I wish to inform you of my intention of reclaiming the Codex of Tython. In keeping with your original actions, I'd also like to make it open to all Jedi who wish to learn from it. In spite of my earlier words, I have come to see that you do indeed care quite deeply for our now fractured Order.

With the message sent, he also sent a message to [member="Shmi Labooda"], informing her of his intentions and possible plans. This was something worth bringing to her attention given the importance of the item in question, he felt. He wondered what progress the others were making.

[member="Vor'en Chegor"]
[member="Vorian Adasca"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]
[member="Dune Rhur"]

Back in the Exis Station hangar bay, Jorus was moving crates. As his pocket commpad buzzed, he set a crate down on a half-packed hoversled and squinted at the message screen. "Huh, so that's his name. Dune Rhur."

A big Wookiee silvertip, Jorus' longtime copilot [member="General Beyyr"], whuffled a question.

"Well, it's the closest I've ever gotten to an apology from a Republic Jedi, so yeah, of course I'll take it. I'll send him to Voidstalker." Thumb-typing laboriously, Jorus returned the message.

Copy. The Codex disappeared after my time. Wish I could help. Look into the Jedi Order Library Card network once you get it. Master [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] runs security for it, last I heard.

The messages going across the terminals and screens are strange, lets see what can be done about that later but for now downloading is nearly completed and with the right number of work and connections we will be able to plot a proper course to a new location for the station. Knowing what the masters wanted to do with getting the station somewhere secured this unit needed to mostly work fast and hard to ensure the right connections were there for when the stealth unit arrived as well as the other materials that were being unloaded. To maintain a self sustaining factory with collection droids as well as a network lining to Raxus to collect and retrieve large amounts of scrap and equipment that could be sorted out. "Download is at ninety five percent."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was a lot of things happening on Exis station, well when she and Kay had found it following the map in the holocron there had been some surprise. She hadn't thought it was still together and it barely was. Not fit really for more then a small team but since then they had been working on it and now the jedi under Shmi wanted to use it. She could work with that and help them out while going over some of the finer points with her attention... but first she needed to work here with this. "Are you certain the engines will be able to handle it?" She was asking the droids while they were working on fixing things up, the engines on the station and well they were going to move it with Exis station wherever they needed to as opposed to leaving it in the deep core.
So much more information was there now, everything at this units fingertips so to speak but more then that there was the berths with the ships that were docking. Large haulers bringing supplies and getting the massive engines online. This station might be a station but it was going to be able to move at least a little and clear systems. So it could stay mobile and slow compared to others that had been getting worked on. This unit had the information in her databanks about additional temples stations being built and planned based on the success of this ones design for it all. Each could serve a different purpose as needed much like the ones on Tython from the work they had been doing. "Download completed, archives are uploaded from uplinks and access is unrestricted."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The construction efforts for the engines were a big thing but once they were prepared, moving through the nebula was easy enough. She knew there was going to be a surprise but it was all along the way for the jedi to see. She had kept it concealed as the station jumped with the ships to hyperspace heading to meet at Exis station. There wasn't going to be a whole lot of work going into this but there was going to be a great deal going into the exis station construction as she tapped the console to look over the things. "Have the Saratai and the construction ready to go when we arrive. I want the droids moving out quickly with the researchers and medics to start installing everything we need to rapidly move it."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She received nods of agreement and acknowledgement as they continued through hyperspace and the time to relax with some soothing meditation came. reaching out to the expanse and feeling what the other jedi were doing while gathered on the station gave her plenty of ideas and hope that they would be able to do much much more when they arrived in terms of just setting it up. so far the reports showed Exis station being reconstructed into a replica in some place of the coruscant jedi temple and that would bring a sense of the familiar back to the jedi who were there before it fell. That wouldn't be many and she doubted it would make everything better but the chance of where it was going and what that could offer might.

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