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Jedi Archives Idea

Hello All,

I'm having a lot of ideas today, which is scaring me a bit, but I had one that was pertaining to the Jedi Academy here and thought I would share it to see what others thought.

In regards to the Jedi Archives, and the plan to keep things IC, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have a functioning Jedi Archive. What I mean by this is that we would have a place where students, or just those looking for information, would go and post IC requests for information.

For example, say I wanted information on the Jedi Master Plo Koon. I would post an IC request for information related to Jedi Master Plo Koon and then someone would respond to this request with information. It wouldn't just be a single request/response thing either. For example I could ask about Plo Koon and the response could be a small summary of the Jedi, then I would refine the request to something more specific and an answer would be provided, and then I would go more specific, and so forth and so forth. So that by the time you are done, there would now be a thread in the Archives about a specific topic with a decent degree of information.

In order to make this work, you would likely want to have an established group of individuals responsible for answer these requests for information, similarly to how there are a number of people expected to review and respond to Codex submissions. Essentially our librarians!

Anyway......that was my idea. It would likely require the creation of an OOC Archive for progression templates and such and an IC archive or at least the subdividing of the current Archive for it to not over clutter between IC and OOC information......but that is only if people like the idea and want to put it into practice.

So what does everyone think? Don't be afraid to criticize, I rarely if ever take things personally :) Also if this is an idea that is already floating around, my apologies!
[member="Kian Karr"]

This sounds fantastic and I think it'd work really well. I know there's already some established archivists and aspiring archivists that've been poking around, and I do believe a couple of them already see into here.

Well, there's one right there! Others might include [member="Hal Terrano"] and [member="Corvus Raaf"], but I'm not entirely clear on their level of involvement with the concept. :)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
It could look something like this-

-New subforum: Archive Requests (IC)
-Stickied topic: How to Use Archive Requests (adapted from Kian's proposal)
-People post new threads, default title format Archive Request: Plo Koon
-People reply to it IC

We've got plenty of archivists and such in the Order, and plenty of characters with other reasons to know answers. We've also got plenty of people who know canon, are willing to research, and know Wookieepedia. Lots of options. I love this, [member="Kian Karr"].

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Kian Karr"]

I like this!

I can create the subforum and if Kian would like, he and the rest of the archivists are more than welcomed to aide in it's crafting.

What do you say Kian? [member="Hal Terrano"] [member="Avalore Eden"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Kian Karr"]

We could hammer out an example research request thread, I think. 3-5 posts, locked when it's done, something fairly specific so infodump's not required.

Oh, and the how-to should probably include 'please don't copy-paste huge swaths of Wookieepedia, and cite your sources.'

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kian Karr"], if you're adapting your proposal to a how-to guide, might want to include a feature for people whose IC knowledge doesn't match their OOC knowledge - '"Hey look what I found," said Padawan Biff, blinking in surprise. "This looks like what you were looking for, right, Master Bob?"' That kind of thing.
[member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Ilias Nytrau"]

Ok, I'm working on the Info Post....IC of course....and so far I have Ilias Nytrau and myself as Archivists, do we have anyone else willing to be a part of this or anyone we should reach out to? I can always edit the post when I'm done and add their names to the list.
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]

If you had to pick areas you think your character would be an expert in, let me know as I'm going to post areas of focus eventually.

For example, as a Jedi Shadow, Kian's IC expertise would be in the Sith, Darkside Cults, Darkside Relics, Jedi Master Plo Koon, Force Sensitive Groups (e.g., Baran Do - as a former member).

It doesn't have to be exhaustive, but if we get enough Archivists, it would be nice to have this list so that people can know who to direct their posts to!

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