Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jacen Law

Mugiwara no Luffy

Name: Jacen Law (Born: Jresti'ovasha'aosko)
Faction: Unaffiliated
Rank: N/A
Species: Chiss
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Height: 5’07 (170 cm)
Weight: 154 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Dark Blue
Skin: Pale blue(almost gray), fair complexion
Force Sensitive: Yes
Languages Known: Galactic Basic Standard, Binary and Jawaese.
  1. Tinkerer: He has a talent for fixing up old machines and droids as long as he can find the right parts and pieces.
  2. Gunslinger: Jacen's father trained him to use blasters from a young age. While he's no marksman, he's skilled nontheless.
  1. Traumatic Experience: After watching his family get murdered and his home destroyed by evil, Jacen now suffers from PTSD. He is afraid of making new friends/family as part of his trauma, fearing that he wont be able to save them from danger. In intense situations such as combat, Jacen doubts himself and loses confidence.
  2. Terrible Liar: Jacen has never been good at lying and can never talk his way out of trouble. When caught in an interrogation, he freezes up and stumbles over his words.
  3. Inexperienced: Jacen may be Force Sensitive and own a lightsaber but, he's nowhere close to being a skilled wielder of either.
Appearance: Jacen is a slender boy with neatly cut hair and a jagged scar beneath his left eye. He wears his father's old Chiss Defense Force uniform and the outfit shows several signs of being patched up by an unskilled hand. He also wears an Amulet of Many around his neck. He was gifted a strange device from the 12th Confessor, a Nun-Nix Transfer Transformer! The device allows him to wrap his body in armor composed of Nun-Nix Nanomachines.
Biography: Born on Csilla, Jacen was raised in his family homestead alongside his three sisters. Both of his parents were part of the Chiss Defense Force and trained their children to be warriors. Jacen lived a normal life for thirteen years before he discovered his Force Sensitivity. He had always had good reflexes and could sometimes feel other people's emotions, but his parents had always denied his claims and informed him that male Chiss can almost never tap into the Force. However, he proved his parents wrong one day when one of his sisters lost control of her speeder-bike and crashed. Jacen felt a strange flow pass through his body and he caught his sister as she flipped through the air!
His celebration of his newfound ability was short-lived. Villainous scum appeared on Csilla after being alerted to a Force-Wielder being sensed. An Inquisitor led troops to the Jresti home and attacked the family without asking a single question. He watched as his parents were cut down by The Thirteenth Sister and his sisters slaughtered by a hail of blaster bolts... Jacen was all alone and the Inquisitor approached him slowly. That's when a mysterious figure appeared, a cloaked Twi'lek with green skin brandishing a blue lightsaber! The Jedi tossed Jacen a holomap and ordered him to flee as he clashed with the Inquisitor and deflected blaster bolts back at Storm Troopers. Jacen ran.
The holomap led Jacen to a hidden cave, the home of the Twi'lek Jedi. He waited for three days in the hidden cave before he deciding that the Jedi must have been killed by The Thirteenth Sister. He scoured the cave and found gear, weapons and an old Jedi courier starship. Jacen gathered what he could and flew the courier to his home, fortunately finding it abandoned by the Inquisitor. He buried his family and the fallen Jedi before grabbing momentos, clothes and weapons from around his house. Jacen found the fallen Jedi's lighsaber cut in two and the kyber crystal taken. He collected the pieces off the ground and boarded the starship; leaving his home planet just prior to the destruction of his people.
Jacen has spent two years travelling the galaxy, doing odd jobs and struggling to survive. He changed his name to fit in with other Humanoids better and tries not to stay anywhere for too long. He meditates often but is unable to tap into the Force at will. He can still feel his connection to the Force but doesn't know how use it. He blames himself for his family's death. If he had only been able to control the Force, maybe he could have protected his family... He thinks often of the Jedi that saved his life and wonders if there are any more out there, another living Jedi that can help Jacen. For now, he wanders the galaxy in search of a purpose as he battles his past trauma.

His courier starship broke down on Nar Shaddaa and Jacen fortunately met a potential master and ride off of the Smuggler's Moon...
Jacen was taken in as Laphisto's unorthodox Padawan and begins training in the ways of the Jedi.

The Story so Far: The conquests Agenda Landed on Nar Shaddaa via one of the Ships Pre programed Destinations. upon landing, Laphisto encountered a Chiss male by the name of Jacen Law. and upon taking note of his force sensitivity offered to bring him aboard and help teach him a few tricks. upon entering orbit the two had run in with a man calling himself The collector, commanding a Grievous class star destroyer. flying around the moons of Nar shaddaa to try and escape the collector the pair entered into hyperspace. only to pull out and hide in an asteroid belt in the toydaria system following a hunch.

after waiting for a moment the collector jumped into the system and began searching for them. taking the long way to toydaria the pair had decided to find an engineer to find and remove some sort of tracking device that was installed somewhere on the ship. there they ran into a Jedi exile named Rel. after having the tracking chip removed the three went to a local bar, where under favor from rel a local Smuggler had gifted the trio supplies. on their way back to the ship the three found themselves in a fight with five sentinel class war droids, two droidekkas and two sith war droids. and a t3 astromech droid which projected an image of the collector. after the droids were destroyed the collector went mad and began to bombard the landing pad.

after leaving toydaria, the three found themselves on Kashyyyk. where they had hoped to find the Jedi council so that Laphisto could report in and learn what fate held him. while there an add was put up and several people showed up to join the crew of the Agenda. including another force sensitive individual named Kayin and a man Named Grendel joined the crew. whilst their supplies and three Walkers were acquired.

after they had left Kashyyyk rel was possessed by a sith, and upon feeling the ping through the force Laphisto went to investigate which lead to a battle between the two. with there battle concluded Laphisto had ordered for several ccrew members to arrive and take Rel to the brig. but by the time they had arrived Rel managed to flee to an escape pod. launching himself out of the ship during hyperspace, leaving him stranded either in space or on whatever planet they might have been close to at the time.

Upon arriving at commenor Laphsito had left the ship to seek out the Jedi council by himself. where he had met with the grand Master Matsu Ike of the SIlver Jedi concord. after their long discussion, Laphisto was allowed his freedom. no longer bound by the sentence of his Order that has long since been dead he decided, their first course of action would be to find something to make them enough money to pay their new crew. when Kayin suggested a heist of some sorts Laphisto had gathered an idea that the ship's nav computer may hold the locations of old republic installations that they can "recover" old equipment to sell.

At their first destination of Serroco Jacen had a run-in with a Mandalorian calling himself Gon Fol. after the brief encounter, Jacen was injured and fled back to the Agenda. once there he was met by Laphisto and the pair spotted a mysterious Sithpureblood that was standing atop the ship. conversing with the man he had agreed to join their crew, calling himself the confessor. who had taught Jacen how to use Force heal. afterward, Kayin and Jacen ventured off on their own little expedition where Jacen was once again wounded by a group of albino Sterebs. with Laphisto coming to their aid the trio made it out of the cave. once out the three headed back to the Agenda and finished preparing for their Expedition to Camp three.

with their expedition over the Crew of the Agenda leave with several old Republic relics in their name, including three Original Hammerhead Cruisers. though it wasn't easy, the Crew of the Agenda faced a tough battle. when they arrived at the location of the camp they were met with a native settlement of hostile Sterebs. during the ensuing fight, the Confessor had created a fierce whirlwind that drove off the majority of the attackers. with the dust settled and their opponents defeated the crew worked on unearthing the four ships that had remained standing tall in the sands of the desert. when all four ships were opened and retrieved the crew found themselves in possession of a crate of Repeating Blaster rifles, four Manka Walkers, and six Republic Lance walkers. while fixing the ships and salvaging what they can to bring as many of the old girls to life the team was Confronted by Gon Fol. and after a stand-off, with Laphisto the Two Mandalorians decided not to attack one another as their clans were friends in the past. semi Recruiting Gon Fol, Laphisto gave him the last known location of his ship the Tracyn. after repairing three of the ships and bringing them back to life the Agenda's First officer Owen Gisk was given Command of the small fleet and sent off to find an old Republic Repair yard. now with money to pay for their newfound crew, Jacen leads them off to Dantooine. only the force knows what's in store for them next.

Weapons: Jacen carries an A-180 blaster on his left hip. On his right hip, his Prototype Blastersaber hangs from his belt.

Ship: N/A
Kills: N/A
Bounties Collected: N/A
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