Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Iris and Kai's Excellent Adventure

Oh. She went to sleep. Great.

With a sigh, Kai adjusted the blanket, snuggled up for warmth, and went to sleep himself.

By morning the rain had stopped, leaving the trees bathed in droplets of water that sparkled in the sun. Kai winced as he opened his eyes, his body stiff as well as sore from sleeping on rocks.

He checked to see if Iris was awake yet.



Iris was already awake. She didn't sleep long. She never slept for long. The dreams she had- no. The specific dream she had. The shadow that got closer every time she tried to sleep. It happened after Tython. After everything. Her gaze stayed out of the cave, her eyes just tired as she watched the sun rise through the trees. She didn't even notice Kai had woken up. But she hadn't moved away from him.

Mornings were cold.

After a second she looked back, to him, blinking in surprise once she realize he was awake.

".. Oh, good morning."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Kai blinked. Did that mean...?

"But we need to find food and water. So... Guess we're going for a walk."


Kai also crawled out of the cave, clambered to his feet, and stretched. His back popped loudly. <Could use a river to wash up, too,> he noted.

Crouching down, he spread his palm against the rocks and closed his eyes as though listening for vibrations within the earth. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and pointed. <There should be a stream running down from that mountain. It feeds into a river in the valley below.>



"Base of the mountain the- wait what?" Iris blinked, more confused at how he just figured it out by setting his hand on the ground. The colors never said anything about where there was water. How did he even know?

".. Is that a trick or skmething you learned recently or..?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri


Even for Iris, who saw the Force as a spectrum of visible color even with her eyes closed at all times, just asking the Force and it answering in such detail was.. Weird. It probably wasn't how it worked, but all the Padawan could see was Kai having a conversation with the cosmic power of the galaxy over caf. After a second she just laughed. A giggle at the thought of Kai and the Force talking like one of those soap operas she used to watch back in the apartment with Bri.

She followed along, smiling. Even after how awkward things were last night, at least they could still smile, right?

"Okay good, okay fine."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Though he wasn’t quite sure why she was laughing, Kai smiled and nodded along with her assessment, leading the way down the rocky slope. The sounds of rushing water soon reached their ears.

<Here.> Kai pointed straight ahead to a clear running stream. <There it is.>

He followed the stream down to the river, his boots growing muddy along the way. But it was worth it for the sight of the white rapids and the sound of it thundering across the rocks.

<Beautiful,> he remarked, crouching down to put his hand in the water. It ran clear as crystal over his skin.



Clean water.

Iris was immediately by the scream, where there wasn't much of the rapids anyway. So she could sit there and at least start to wash some of herself. Around her arm, somewhat. It was going to be a long time here, right? She winced a little as she cleaned, her eyes narrowed some as she tried to ignore the pain it brought.

".. Well, there's water. And the cave kinda works as shelter. Just need to find food now."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Seeing her wash her wounds, Kai remembered his own plans and pointed further downstream. <I’m gonna go over there where you can’t see me, so don’t follow.>

A beat passed and he had already started walking before he paused and looked back at her to at least offer an explanation. <To wash.>

And then he was gone, or at least out of sight.




Iris blinked. But waved shortly after. Right, washing. She should probably do the same, now that she thought about it? A frown took over as she worked on getting undressed to take her own bath. In a freezing river. She sighed, frowning as she settled in.

This was going to suck, however long they were stuck here.

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Immediately upon plunging into the cold river, Kai’s entire nervous system screamed. He was awake, he was alive, and he was freezing.

Laughing, he dunked his head into the water, submerging himself completely.

Once he was finished scrubbing the soot and dirt and blood from his body, he stepped back onto the riverbank… and came face to face with a three-eyed bear.

The bear stared at him. Kai stared back.



It was a quick bath. Had to be. Cold was just.. Cold, y'know? She hopped out of the water, used the Force to dry herself before slipping on some clothing. Looking around briefly. Come to think of it, she hadn't exactly told Kai she was doing the same. He wasn't sneaking around, right? No, his colors were in the distance and- Wait what the other color?

"Hey uh, Kai!? You okay!?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
As Kai and the bear continued their staring contest, Iris' voice came from downstream.

<I'm fine!> Kai squeaked. <Everything is fine! Just give me a sec!>

The last thing he needed was for Iris to come down and see him like this.

The bear growled. Not daring to take his eyes off the creature, Kai reached toward his lightsaber with the Force. The hilt flew into his hand and activated. He tried to use it to get the bear to back off.



He said he was fine.

Colors didn't. Iris squinted. Debating on whether she should run over or not. Then, well. The snap of a lightsaber in the distance chose for her. She wasted no time mad sprinting to where Kai was. Only to find him wielding a lightsaber against a three eyed bear.

She didn't even factor in the first part. Instead she just reached out towards the colors around the beast. Calming, soothing. It wasn't the first time she'd connected with an animal. Pulled away their fears, their hostilities. The bear lowered after a second, turning to face her. Then turned away to walk off into the woods.

Iris lowered her hand, letting out a sigh.

".. Okay. Not fine."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Despite assuring her he was fine, Iris came barreling onto the riverbank to confront whatever was bothering Kai.

A still very much naked Kai.

<Iris!> Kai hissed.

But at least she was focused on the bear rather than him. While she chased it off, Kai grabbed his clothes and hurriedly began to get dressed.

<You didn't have to do that. I had it under control.>


Location: Some Planet

She knew something was off.

While Valery gave her Padawans a lot of freedom, she did want to roughly know where they were going to be, and when she could expect them to return to her or one of many Jedi Temples around the Galaxy. So she had been expecting Iris to arrive and when no transport showed up, her worries were quickly confirmed by what she felt through the Force. The unique bond with her husband wasn't the only one she formed — she had a strong one with all of her Padawans and with Iris being her very first in post-stasis times, she always knew if something was wrong with her.

The pain and injuries echoed across the light years, awakening the motherly nature of the Jedi Master, who had instantly arranged a shuttle and set out to find her Padawan. Whether Iris knew if she was coming or not, Valery didn't know, but she felt confident that her Padawans all knew she'd never give up on them.

But even with her following her senses to her Padawan, it still took a lot of time to get there. Luckily Iris had been trained to survive in tough environments, and she likely wasn't alone, but Valery still worried and did whatever she could to cut corners and reach the planet as quickly as possible.

Eventually, the shuttle did come down through the atmosphere, and after a quick landing close to the crash site, Valery followed her senses and moved through the woods, where a three-eyed bear walked to meet her. She felt how calm it was, and knew exactly what it meant — Iris was close.

With a smile tugging on her lips, she moved into a sprint and carefully dodged trees, bushes, and obstacles until she stepped through the treeline and saw the river, where her eyes slowly shifted to a familiar face, "Iris..." she let out a sigh of relief and walked over, clearly happy to see her, "I'm so glad you're both okay," she continued as she nodded to Kai as well.

<I just…> Kai began, only to trail off in defeat. <I panicked, is all.>

He at least managed to get his underwear on by the time Valery arrived. Upon hearing her voice, he froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. When she turned to him, he could only gaze at her sheepishly.

<Hi, Master Noble,> he greeted awkwardly. <... I promise it's not what it looks like.>

At least they wouldn't be stranded here any longer.


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